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"I need a New PC!" 2013 Part 1. Haswell, Crysis 3, and secret fairy sauce. Read da OP

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So I'm looking for a new pci adapter as my current one loses it's signal all together when someone else uses a lot of bandwidth on another PC. I have tested this with my laptop and my ps3, and it only occurs on my current desktop. I'm starting to think it has to do with my wireless adapter only and not anything else. I built a new PC recently and the only old part I used was my adapter, but the same problem kept arising. This is with updated and old drivers both being tried. Connection times out when someone watches a youtube video or watches a stream, yet my laptop is flawless during the same situation. There's no custom settings to throttle certain devices or anything like that, everything is at default settings.

I'm currently thinking about http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0034CL2ZI/?tag=neogaf0e-20 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ATXJRD4/?tag=neogaf0e-20

I can do GPUs/PSUs/MOBOs etc on my own, but I'm freaking CLUELESS when it comes to pci cards. Just don't really know much of anything about them.


Serious question, in about a months time i might be looking to get into making a "steambox" so to speak, but are there any pending announcements for such a thing? Im mainly concerned because the announcement may entail a very nice case thats upgradeable that would be more ideal than whats on the market today. I have not yet built my own PC, but i have swapped out parts from time to time, so it wont be completely new. Ive seen people purchase square boxes in this thread that look like they may do the trick (to place next to the TV).

Anyway, how long should i be waiting, that is if i can wait. And are there any hot, mega hardware pieces coming soon that will future-proof me for the long term? I dont really intend on opening this box up unless i have to. Treating it like a next-gen console, but i have so many damn steam games its time to start using them.

Also, any good solutions for mouse/keyboard on the couch?
Alright guys, be gentle.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($189.99 @ Microcenter)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.98 @ Outlet PC)
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme6 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($154.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LP 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($116.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Samsung 840 Pro Series 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($129.99 @ Adorama)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($64.98 @ Outlet PC)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670 4GB Video Card ($419.99 @ Newegg)
Case: BitFenix Shinobi XL (Black) ATX Full Tower Case ($144.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic M12II 650W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($89.99 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($134.98 @ Outlet PC)
Monitor: Asus VS238H-P 23.0" Monitor ($149.98 @ Outlet PC)
Monitor: Asus VS238H-P 23.0" Monitor ($149.98 @ Outlet PC)
Total: $1776.83
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-05-19 19:47 EDT-0400)


  • This is very much a first draft. I haven't built a PC for myself completely from scratch since 2005; in most of the intervening time I've scraped by on gaming laptops, refurbing hand-me-downs, etc. I decided it was beyond time to get myself a real brand-new rig and so I used the "enthusiast" build in the OP as a starting point. Probably ordering all this in the next week or so, but wanted to get some broad feedback on all of it before I pull the trigger.
  • General goal is to play current games at solid settings and support PS2/Wii emulation. My hope is for this thing to support PC releases of console games at least a few years into the generation. I'm also likely to use it for work (software development) at some point, so I felt I needed the 16GB ram.
  • I purposely picked a ridiculous case to start. Historically I've had really bad luck with cases -- awkward fits for GPUs and HDDs, cables that don't reach, fans that don't work or aren't easily swappable, buttons that stop working, case doors that snap when you try to open them, etc. I don't actually think I need anything this fancy but I have no fucking idea how to pick a reasonable-priced case that's actually nice.
  • Similarly, I don't really understand how to pick a motherboard. I went with the larger version of the baseline recommendation in the OP because it seemed easy and reasonably accurate, but I'm not sure how to judge the difference in features here.
  • Literally everyone I asked agreed that there was no CPU to even consider besides the 3570K. I didn't see any point in waiting around for Haswell based on what I could glean about it.
  • I bounced back and forth between the 670 and 7970, but ultimately I fell down on the side of the old, familiar nVidia. Gigabyte was recommended in the OP and I had good luck with their mobos and GPUs in the past. Nirolak told me there was absolutely no reason not to get the 4GB here, heh.
  • Didn't see the value in going all the way up to 256 on the SSD or hitting 2TB on the drive. (I can always add another 1TB if I really need the space....)
  • Monitors -- I went over some options, still not sure about these. I want two matching monitors no matter what and don't really want to spend too much on them, but I'd like to get something reasonable for the price I do pay. Considered swapping these out for the equivalent (VS238H?) with speakers. Do I need to be thinking about going 120Hz? Is there anything else I should be thinking hard about with regards to new monitors?


Serious question, in about a months time i might be looking to get into making a "steambox" so to speak, but are there any pending announcements for such a thing? Im mainly concerned because the announcement may entail a very nice case thats upgradeable that would be more ideal than whats on the market today. I have not yet built my own PC, but i have swapped out parts from time to time, so it wont be completely new. Ive seen people purchase square boxes in this thread that look like they may do the trick (to place next to the TV).

Anyway, how long should i be waiting, that is if i can wait. And are there any hot, mega hardware pieces coming soon that will future-proof me for the long term? I dont really intend on opening this box up unless i have to. Treating it like a next-gen console, but i have so many damn steam games its time to start using them.

Also, any good solutions for mouse/keyboard on the couch?

Well to start, I don't think anyone has heard news about the steambox. There may be info at E3, but thats just my speculation. I think most people here would recommend you build your pc, and use the small form factor guid if you want a steambox like pc. As for hardware, you can't really future proof anything, but haswell, the next-gen intel cpu's are coming out in june, and the new nvidia gpu's are suposedly coming out next week so there's that. Just come in here and people will help you with your build.


Guess I'll try this again.

Your Current Specs: No previous desktop.
Budget: $1000-$1500, USA
Main Use: Gaming and Digital Illustration in Photoshop
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080 but I wouldn't mind higher resolutions if I ever got a new monitor.
List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well:photoshop
Looking to reuse any parts?: Nope.
When will you build?: I'll be in the U.S. sometime between July and September for a week or two.

If it's possible, I'd love a smaller desktop for shipping purposes and because my home doesn't have much space for a super large tower anyways. The Alienware X51 thread being bumped recently piqued my interest in it too; is that a viable option for my needs?

Does anyone know any good computer stores in Irvine, CA? I'll be staying in a hotel the entire time so I'm a little iffy on shipping things to it. I've also never built a desktop before so having the option to get it pre-built would be a plus too.


Well to start, I don't think anyone has heard news about the steambox. There may be info at E3, but thats just my speculation. I think most people here would recommend you build your pc, and use the small form factor guid if you want a steambox like pc. As for hardware, you can't really future proof anything, but haswell, the next-gen intel cpu's are coming out in june, and the new nvidia gpu's are suposedly coming out next week so there's that. Just come in here and people will help you with your build.

Yeah was just reading through the OP guides and they are incredibly helpful. June seems to be the sweet bspot here. Actually seems possible to build a high-end system in the 700-800 range.
Looks good imo, have you considered waiting for the new nvidia gpu's?

I was thinking about it but (note I haven't been following any of this super closely) it sounded like the 780's going to clock in at a hefty enough price range that I don't want to jump on it. The final details are supposed to be this week, right? If there's a great bargain in terns of P:p I'd probably change my mind but it sounded to me like these launches were mostly gonna fill out the high end.


I was thinking about it but (note I haven't been following any of this super closely) it sounded like the 780's going to clock in at a hefty enough price range that I don't want to jump on it. The final details are supposed to be this week, right? If there's a great bargain in terns of P:p I'd probably change my mind but it sounded to me like these launches were mostly gonna fill out the high end.
Well the 770 is equivalent to the GTX 680, and the 760Ti would be equivalent to the GTX 670, they are just higher clocked I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


If it plays LoL/Dota2 and can run Photoshop in 1920x1080 it will probably work for me.

Lol i thought you were being sarcastic. All i really did was look through a bunch of the builds in the OP that are coming in around 700 and they will all easily do what you are wanting there. Im more into trying to get something that can do the modern games on high settings at 1080p, or at least 720 p.
Guys... I need help with ram...
8gb is enough or i will be better set with 16gb?

For what, gaming? For gaming, it's probably fine for now. We don't know what the next generation will bring though. For video editing, virtual machines, and 3d rendering you'll want as much ram as you can afford.


relies on auto-aim
Yeah, I'm here asking again but this time it will be with way less budget as I seem to be buying other things too, also I won't save much because I need this desktop before next semester and I have to buy books, ect. Also, I want this to be cool all the time, I hate overheating in these things.

Your Current Specs: N/A
Budget: $US 1200. MXN$15,000
When will you build?: Before early August
Will you be overclocking?: Maybe

Thanks in anticipation
Come back in 2-4 weeks when we have Haswell information.
Then I'll tell you to come back a month before you build :p
Serious question, in about a months time i might be looking to get into making a "steambox" so to speak, but are there any pending announcements for such a thing?

Also, any good solutions for mouse/keyboard on the couch?
No info on Steambox.

M+KB some like a lapdesk and a Logitech Wireless Touch Keyboard
Or just Steam Big Picture and 360 pad.
Alright guys, be gentle.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($189.99 @ Microcenter)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.98 @ Outlet PC)
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme6 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($154.99 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LP 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($116.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Samsung 840 Pro Series 128GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($129.99 @ Adorama)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($64.98 @ Outlet PC)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670 4GB Video Card ($419.99 @ Newegg)
Case: BitFenix Shinobi XL (Black) ATX Full Tower Case ($144.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic M12II 650W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($89.99 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($134.98 @ Outlet PC)
Monitor: Asus VS238H-P 23.0" Monitor ($149.98 @ Outlet PC)
Monitor: Asus VS238H-P 23.0" Monitor ($149.98 @ Outlet PC)
Total: $1776.83
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-05-19 19:47 EDT-0400)


  • This is very much a first draft. I haven't built a PC for myself completely from scratch since 2005; in most of the intervening time I've scraped by on gaming laptops, refurbing hand-me-downs, etc. I decided it was beyond time to get myself a real brand-new rig and so I used the "enthusiast" build in the OP as a starting point. Probably ordering all this in the next week or so, but wanted to get some broad feedback on all of it before I pull the trigger.
    Wait 2 weeks for Haswell and GTX 770/780 information.
  • General goal is to play current games at solid settings and support PS2/Wii emulation. My hope is for this thing to support PC releases of console games at least a few years into the generation.
    Probably worth looking into a 3770K/4770K then. It's a gamble, but a lot of things should be more focused on threading (you can also wait for the Intel 'tick' and upgrade to an i7 then later as well). Haswell might OC a ton better than Ivy which will do wonders for emulation.
  • I purposely picked a ridiculous case to start. Historically I've had really bad luck with cases -- awkward fits for GPUs and HDDs, cables that don't reach, fans that don't work or aren't easily swappable, buttons that stop working, case doors that snap when you try to open them, etc. I don't actually think I need anything this fancy but I have no fucking idea how to pick a reasonable-priced case that's actually nice.
    Any of the cases in the OP, or recent are all very solid. Take a look at the dimensions of the XL and see if you really need it. The regular Shinobi is a great case and smaller.
  • Similarly, I don't really understand how to pick a motherboard. I went with the larger version of the baseline recommendation in the OP because it seemed easy and reasonably accurate, but I'm not sure how to judge the difference in features here.
    Features above the $130 pricepoint are 'sweets'. Extra power regulation for overclocking, more PCI-E lane bandwidth, more USB 3.0 ports, better onboard audio, BIOS reset buttons, pretty colors, etc.
  • Literally everyone I asked agreed that there was no CPU to even consider besides the 3570K. I didn't see any point in waiting around for Haswell based on what I could glean about it.
    3570K is on a dead socket. Haswell is literally 2 weeks away. 5% boost, but main thing is it might OC to the moon and have a better drop in upgrade.
  • I bounced back and forth between the 670 and 7970, but ultimately I fell down on the side of the old, familiar nVidia. Gigabyte was recommended in the OP and I had good luck with their mobos and GPUs in the past. Nirolak told me there was absolutely no reason not to get the 4GB here, heh.
    Again, waiting 2-3 weeks for GTX 770 would be a good idea here
  • Didn't see the value in going all the way up to 256 on the SSD or hitting 2TB on the drive. (I can always add another 1TB if I really need the space....)
  • Monitors -- I went over some options, still not sure about these. I want two matching monitors no matter what and don't really want to spend too much on them, but I'd like to get something reasonable for the price I do pay. Considered swapping these out for the equivalent (VS238H?) with speakers. Do I need to be thinking about going 120Hz? Is there anything else I should be thinking hard about with regards to new monitors?
    BUY THE ASUS 144HZ PANEL!!!! DO IT. You can have your second monitor be a cheap E-IPS or even IPS panel for not that much if you like, but the cheap ASUS isn't bad.


I'm done with all my pc's overheating problems.

Back in 2011 I purchased a Xigmatech Dark Knight, but It doesn't fit very well my AM3 CPU, so it works better than the stock cooler, but my cpu can easily hit 70°C ( or 80°C+ if I haven't cleaned my computer) whenever I play any videogames.

I just had to quit one great AOE2HD match because my CPU was burning, the annoying 85C° mobo beep didn't let me focus

What's the VERY BEST AM3 CPU cooler under 100U$ ?.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Geforce GTX 780 on Amazon

guess it's about dat time (no price of course)

I can already kind of tell I'm not an SLI guy.

My two 4GB 670s that I've had for a week or so are great. Maxing out Crysis and giving me 100 FPS in BF3. But it frustrates me seeing the GPU utilization bouncing between 40-99% as my framerates dip, too.

And then in a game like ARMA3, it's making zero difference versus one card - granted the game is Alpha relies on the CPU, too. But as one card just sits there, I find myself asking "what's the point?"

Maybe I'll grow into it. I think getting a new CPU will help; as I think it's just now my 930 is starting to hold things back - if just ever so slightly.

That said - I'd consider flipping to a single 780... But 3 gigs of VRAM? :( Kinda stupid.


Come back in 2-4 weeks when we have Haswell information.
Then I'll tell you to come back a month before you build :p

No info on Steambox.

M+KB some like a lapdesk and a Logitech Wireless Touch Keyboard
Or just Steam Big Picture and 360 pad.

This a good post. Gives me some insight on how to approach hardware components. Like that extra power regulation for a MB is gonna be key for the haswell stuff for me since i do a lot of emulation. Should be interesting next month.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Picked up a CM Cavalier 3 case and 450W power supply from Craigslist, and ordered an i5-3570K with an Asus P8Z77-V motherboard. Have this GPU, ram, and a hard drive in my Amazon cart, but I'm not in a rush and want to see if anything goes on sale in the next couple weeks or so.

I know nothing about building a PC, and very little about PC gaming in general. I have a laptop that has handled everything I've thrown at it, but I'm tired of playing on lower settings. Bioshock Infinite is the straw that broke the camel's back. I can play it at 30 fps, which I'm fine with, but I have most settings on low, a few on medium, and some stuff turned off completely.

Might sell my 360 to make me feel better about spending all this money. Between my PS3, 3DS, and Vita, I haven't had much use for it since buying Halo 4 and being disappointed. Haven't turned it on in months.

Is the graphics card I've chosen decent? I don't need to play anything on ultra, and I'll have it hooked up to a 1080p monitor.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Might sell my 360 to make me feel better about spending all this money. Between my PS3, 3DS, and Vita, I haven't had much use for it since buying Halo 4 and being disappointed. Haven't turned it on in months.

Do it do it.

Say "no" to console gaming and "yes" to computers.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Do it do it.

Say "no" to console gaming and "yes" to computers.

I like consoles :(

I'll definitely still be getting a PS4. I've been planning on getting it day one (whenever that may be), but I'm hoping this will turn out alright and make it easier to wait for a possible hardware revision. Buying the first run of a console is a huge gamble.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I like consoles :(



I can already kind of tell I'm not an SLI guy.

My two 4GB 670s that I've had for a week or so are great. Maxing out Crysis and giving me 100 FPS in BF3. But it frustrates me seeing the GPU utilization bouncing between 40-99% as my framerates dip, too.

And then in a game like ARMA3, it's making zero difference versus one card - granted the game is Alpha relies on the CPU, too. But as one card just sits there, I find myself asking "what's the point?"

Maybe I'll grow into it. I think getting a new CPU will help; as I think it's just now my 930 is starting to hold things back - if just ever so slightly.

That said - I'd consider flipping to a single 780... But 3 gigs of VRAM? :( Kinda stupid.

Yeah SLI has it's own set of problems. If you want things to "just work" a single GPU is for the best. For some reason I find myself attached to dual GPU setups...maybe it's because I have a window on my case and love seeing the guts of the machine. A single GPU sure would make life easier :p


So my build is almost ready. Just waiting for 4770k and ASUS Sabertooth Z87 to pop up and build is a go.


Here is my build.

Smokey I decided to go with the Titan to commemorate you (and because the GTX 780 based on price reports will be slightly less - might as well go with the Titan when I'm going all out - I need this to last me 4 years at least).

Almost $4000. :(


relies on auto-aim
So my build is almost ready. Just waiting for 4770k and ASUS Sabertooth Z87 to pop up and build is a go.


Here is my build.

Smokey I decided to go with the Titan to commemorate you (and because the GTX 780 based on price reports will be slightly less - might as well go with the Titan when I'm going all out - I need this to last me 4 years at least).

Almost $4000. :(
3k on a rig and it's not even a hexa-core? smh


3k on a rig and it's not even a hexa-core? smh

I'm not going to wait for Q4, just for them. Plus I really don't need a hexa-core. Quad is fine for my needs - games barely use quad cores nowadays as well.

Also I already delayed my build by almost a year, when I found out about the shitty TIM on the 3770K and the garbage OC potential.

And because Intel is a douche by putting a needless GPU on their CPU.


relies on auto-aim
I'm not going to wait for Q4, just for them. Plus I really don't need a hexa-core. Quad is fine for my needs.

Also I already delayed my build by almost a year, when I found out about the shitty TIM on the 3770K and the garbage OC potential.

And because Intel is a douche by putting a needless GPU on their CPU.
If you wait months I'm sure you can buy a 'K' CPU with no GPU on it :p

The number for the rig just seems high and nothing crazy stands out. It's just a lot of good parts.


So my build is almost ready. Just waiting for 4770k and ASUS Sabertooth Z87 to pop up and build is a go.


Here is my build.

Smokey I decided to go with the Titan to commemorate you (and because the GTX 780 based on price reports will be slightly less - might as well go with the Titan when I'm going all out - I need this to last me 4 years at least).

Almost $4000. :(

Dat feel of a fresh, new, high end build

Since you're spending almost $4,000 why not look into the LGA 2011 platform and SB-E? If I was spending that type of money on what is certainly a high end machine, I'd seriously think about equipping it with a a 3930k or at the least a 3820. Ivy-E is coming later this year so you'd have an upgrade path there if you'd like.

Your machine will be very high end either way. Going into the next gen I'm thinking the more cores the merrier, and I don't see Intel releasing a 6+ core CPU on the Haswell socket. Just wondering if you thought about the option I just laid out.

I'm not going to wait for Q4, just for them. Plus I really don't need a hexa-core. Quad is fine for my needs - games barely use quad cores nowadays as well.

Also I already delayed my build by almost a year, when I found out about the shitty TIM on the 3770K and the garbage OC potential.

And because Intel is a douche by putting a needless GPU on their CPU.

To be fair you also don't really need a Titan, but it is nice to have all of that power in a single GPU. Same with the CPU. You want it to last 4+ years and a 6 core I think would pay off down the road once devs start digging into next gen. You don't have to wait for Q4 for it. 2011 is supposed to be compat with Ivy-E, so if you're worried about that you shouldn't be.


If you wait months I'm sure you can buy a 'K' CPU with no GPU on it :p

The number for the rig just seems high and nothing crazy stands out. It's just a lot of good parts.

It's because of that damn Dell monitor. If I didn't need to purchase a new monitor I would be more comfortable, but I expect it to last for a while - at least 5 years for that monitor.

I know nothing really stands out, I'm going for good parts that are reliable and can last long. I rather have that than some super-duper crazy build. I'm sure a hexa-core setup would be great, but I'm not encoding or doing crazy things. I'm already going crazy by getting the 4770K for primarily gaming build.

I'm upgrading from a:

GTX 470

I just wonder how much of a difference that will be.

Dat feel of a fresh, new, high end build

Since you're spending almost $4,000 why not look into the LGA 2011 platform and SB-E? If I was spending that type of money on what is certainly a high end machine, I might think about equipping it with an enthusiast socket/CPU. Ivy-E is coming later this year so you'd have an upgrade path there if you'd like.

Your machine will be very high end either way. Going into the next gen I'm thinking the more cores the merrier, and I don't see Intel releasing a 6+ core CPU on the Haswell socket. Just wondering if you thought about the option I just laid out.

I have looked into the Ivy-E. The potential I will use from such a setup is non-existent for me. I will never even use it to the fullest - and it seems like a needless wait (which I already have been ever since the lackluster 3770K launch). Plus I will have the capability of upgrading to Broadwell - which doesn't sound too shabby.

Not to mention I will be extremely busy in later this year with school/work, I just wouldn't have time to buy it - then I might as well wait for Broadwell. I will never find a good time to upgrade. I'll be stuck in what I call a time warp, always waiting never buying.

Also reason for getting a new monitor/keyboard/mouse - I will be passing this computer to my father, who has some garbage computer from the ice-age (Pentium 4 3.0ghz).

There's a quad core on LGA 2011 that is cheaper than the 3770K. 3820 is the best bang for the buck in the processor world. 5.0GHz overclock? Why not.

I was looking at that, but I might as well get the Haswell right? Plus I really love to tinker with OCing. And Haswell potential based on leaks, is scary good.


There's a quad core on LGA 2011 that is cheaper than the 3770K. 3820 is the best bang for the buck in the processor world. 5.0GHz overclock? Why not.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
There's a quad core on LGA 2011 that is cheaper than the 3770K. 3820 is the best bang for the buck in the processor world. 5.0GHz overclock? Why not.

Hey, was just wondering if you could tell me what power supply you used for Mr. Pockets build. I am finally buying some parts.


hide your water-based mammals
There's a quad core on LGA 2011 that is cheaper than the 3770K. 3820 is the best bang for the buck in the processor world. 5.0GHz overclock? Why not.

Preach it. 3820 gets you into the 2011 socket door. Only can go up from there with other SB-E or Ivy-E CPU's.


I was looking at that, but I might as well get the Haswell right? Plus I really love to tinker with OCing. And Haswell potential based on leaks, is scary good.

3820 is really overclockable and will be cheaper than the 4770k as Mkenyon mentioned. If I'm not mistaken SB-E also has more of the tinkering you're talking about than the standard mainstream boards.

Either way you machine is going to be high as fuck end and it's your choice. We're just here to vet and make sure you've thought of all of your options! Also...way to be a bro and go with that 2560x1440 panel. Eat it MK


Thanks. Do you think I should wait for the 770 gpu for that build? 2-3 weeks isn't so bad.

Isn't the GTX 770 slated for May 29th - which is next week? Might as well, but be warned it's a rebranded GTX 680.

3820 is really overclockable and will be cheaper than the 4770k as Mkenyon mentioned. If I'm not mistaken SB-E also has more of the tinkering you're talking about than the standard mainstream boards.

Either way you machine is going to be high as fuck end and it's your choice. We're just here to vet and make sure you've thought of all of your options!

Oh for sure, thank you for all the information guys I really appreciate. I'm reading specs right now, and going more into it. I've skimmed it previously, but now you got me thinking. :p

Also if I'm going to go 2011, I would go for the hexa-core CPU rather than quad. Going 2011 to stay quad seems off, if that makes sense.


So I've always had a dusty computer and then a couple of people mentioned that by tweaking your fans you can stop this happening. Anyone have any advice or know of a good guide for doing this?

Also, I'm looking to upgrade my 6950 1gb at some point, at the moment I'm planning to wait til around the end of the year for all the new shit to settle and so on, is this a good idea?


Oh for sure, thank you for all the information guys I really appreciate. I'm reading specs right now, and going more into it. I've skimmed it previously, but now you got me thinking. :p

Also if I'm going to go 2011, I would go for the hexa-core CPU rather than quad. Going 2011 to stay quad seems off, if that makes sense.

I know what you're saying. The 3820 gets overlooked often because of what you just said. In this case it happens to be on 2011, is cheaper than the 3770k/4770k, and is really OCable. The Titan is great but if you dropped it down to a 680/780 that would free up some funds for the 3930k. Whether you think you'd use a hex core to it's full potential or not, when you reach 4k on a PC practicality has already been thrown out of the window. You would have a bit more of a balanced high end machine if you went that route and lowered the GPU option to "only" a 680/780. If you ever felt the need to upgrade, GPUs are easy to resale. I sold my 580s earlier this week.

Only reason I'm banging on this is because everything else in your machine is top end stuff. Even down to the Das keyboard. The CPU deal is really the only thing that jumps out at me.
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