has calmed down a bit.
Is apple having sever issues? I can't restore my wife's iPad from an icloud backup.
Is apple having sever issues? I can't restore my wife's iPad from an icloud backup.
Thanks for the advice. I shouldn't have too much of a problem if I can keep the current and previous issue on the device. Though I have to ask how 100-200mb games like Device 6 and Year Walk end up taking up almost a gig of space. I've been looking up sizes of apps I'd download to calculate how quickly my iPad would fill up, but I completely forgot about the extra data they store. That picture is making me think that I may go for a 32gb Mini Retina.
It's not a matter of extra data. What you see on the AppStore is the compressed size of the app that gets downloaded. Once installed, most apps tend to occupy a lot more space after decompression. For instance, The World Ends With You balloons from 600mb to 2.4GB when installed.
If you want to know the installed size of apps, check out the OP of the neogaf iOS gaming thread. If you don't find the app you're looking for, search for its corresponding thread at the touch arcade forums.
I just got my Ipad air and have trouble with "do not track" in setting -> safari.
It suppose to turn safari color to black after turn on.
I would like to change safari to its original color by turn off the "do not tack" .
But it do not work safari still have the same black tone.
Can someone help me?
Also have to learn how to transfer stuff like my comics and epubs because with android its just drag and drop but I think its more of a dance on apple devices.
We just bought a 32 GB Air this evening and while browsing Gaf, Safari has crashed three times
I saw there was an update to 7.4 (I believe off the cuff that's what it was) so I just updated and erased all the history, cookies, and cache. Has anything like this happened to anyone else?
Does make me wonder if waiting on the next model is more ideal though, it sounds like this may be the time Apple messed up most by erring with lower RAM. Well, other than the iPod Touch iterations I thought, should've kept those an exact match with iPhones spec-wise rather than constantly skimping, even if it meant a small price hike.I don't use Safari much (been using Dolphin lately), but I've had a few crashes here and there.
You updated to 7.0.4 (not 7.4). I hope the next 7.1 update solves many of the occasional crashes I have on the iPad Air and the iPhone 5S. I guess they must be related to the 64-bit OS more than anything, so they should be ironed out in the coming weeks/months.
For those on 7.1 beta, did they fix the bullshit 3x3 folders for the iPad? Inexcusable with all the wasted space, especially with iOS 6 having larger folder
I am coming from Nook HD+ and miss the rubberized grip of the back. The ipad is too slippery and I don't want a case that adds bulk (defeating the purpose it the slimness imo) so I opted for a gel shell like my phone has. Hopefully it gives me more grip, otherwise I will end up dropping this puppy.
Now I just need to find some great games and apps and some good app sales since some that I want are just a bit too high (square).
I got the 16GB iPad Air, I love it. It's super fast and responsive!
However, it seems after the OS you only get 12GB of usable space? Is that correct? I think I'm going to trade this one in for a 32GB model in that case. What do you guys think? Is that something Apple has a problem with?
Only got it a few days ago.
Pretty much any device is going to have somewhat less space than advertised, Apple's far from the worst offender in this field. That said, I definitely recommend 32GB as the minimum unless all you're going to do with it is browse the web and watch Netflix.
Not blaming Apple, but I was shocked that the OS took up so much space! It seems to take up more space than Mac OS X which is ridiculous. I figure $100 extra is an ok price to pay if it means I'll have to spend less time managing my data.
Does make me wonder if waiting on the next model is more ideal though, it sounds like this may be the time Apple messed up most by erring with lower RAM. Well, other than the iPod Touch iterations I thought, should've kept those an exact match with iPhones spec-wise rather than constantly skimping, even if it meant a small price hike.
safari never crashed this much on my old ipad 3 though. Hopefully it can be fixed with an ios update. it is at the point now where if I'm replying to a gaf thread and I need to check something, I'll have to copy/paste what I've posted because half the time it'll refresh the damn tab when I get back.
From what I've seen of mine, it will work, but she will need to have the Apple TV connected to the internet at least once to log in with the iTunes account that she'll be using on the iPad.
I have not used Itunes in quite awhile, but in the newest version I cant seem to figure out how to manage my new ipad air. I know my pc recognizes it because its listed under devices and drives in windows 8.1, but itunes doesnt give me any indication that it is there. It used to pop up on a panel to the left when I plugged in an ios device, it isnt there in this version. Any ideas?
Anyone having a problem with the tap'n'hold context menu in Safari? I used to hold a URL and 'open in new tab' would appear, but now I have to hold the URL for ages for it to work, if it even works.
In iTunes 11 the device list should be in the right upper corner, next to the "Store" button.
Just wanted to say thanks, that was almost too easy.Dropbox
So is it safe to assume this is the fastest iPad?
Does the ipad sync with google contacts? Some days ago after i got my sony phone back from repair i had to readd all my phone numbers. So i added them with google contacts or whatever its called. Yesterday i went in my ipad contacts and somehow now they are there, too. Ans i did not want to have them there.
Alright cool. Thanks. I'm gonna buy one soon so I just wanted reassurance. Can't wait.Yes. The latest chip Apple has on the market, and tests show that it runs up to a slightly higher clock + it maintains that clock much more consistently than the iPad Mini or iPhone 5S (which have the same hardware otherwise)
I have the same problem. It seems to be a result of the touch-rejection mechanism that Apple has added to the sides of the screen by the thin bezel (similar to the one found in the iPad mini.) It's mostly apparent when trying to quote someone in a new tab using mobile-GAF.
This Safari crashing is a really big problem. The only thing I have open is neogaf. Is this something that can be fixed with an update or is it my ipad?
Is apple having sever issues? I can't restore my wife's iPad from an icloud backup.
I don't see it. On the ipad in General-Itunes Wifi sync, it says connect ipad to itunes with usb. I have done that and restarted my pc, itunes, and my ipad and it doesn't show up as connected.
It's not unique to you. It's either lack of RAM and/or an OS issue. If it's the first one it obviously can't be fixed.
What case does everyone use?