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I've read some more comix (Red Son, Killing Joke, Year One)

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Still tearing through all of the books I've been getting. Hobby is quickly turning into addiction.

Picked up Superman: Red Son, as I had remembered nomoment had spoken highly about it, and some reviews had agreed with his point of view. It's definitely an interesting take on the IP, and it works pretty well. Obviously, Superman represents truth, justice, and the American way so it was pretty jarring to see him as a dirty commie. Personally, I thought it was a fantastic read and well worth checking out for those that are fans of Supes. However I did not like the ending. As Matlock had put it in the chat, it was like Superman being trapped in an episode of the Twilight Zone, and it just did not jive with me.
It just seemed a bit contrived to me, especially with this whole issue of time travel. Why not just build a vessel big enough for the entire civilization and send them back in time on a totally uninhabited planet? But yeah, I mean I can kinda see how it would be for the better as history would ultimately repeat infinitely. The ultimate cat and mouse game between Lex and Supes, I guess.
The appearances of Hal Jordan, commie Batman, and Oliver Queen were pretty cool. Pretty well worth a read for comics fans.

Batman: The Killing Joke..... I am pretty mixed on this one. On the one hand it's a fantastic examination of the psychology between and behind the two arch-rivals. On the other hand that ending was just so off, in my opinion. Here we have the Joker in his most evil of roles and how does the book end?
Batman and Joker laughing in the rain, and shortly thereafter the Joker is taken away in a police cruiser.
Granted, the book does illustrate that there is a fine line between Batman's 'insanity' and Joker's insanity, it also shows how Joker got to that point and how he tried to turn Gordon to that point... but then that ending... I was somewhat hoping that
Batman would kill him
. :( It's definitely a great Batman story, but I can't say I hold it in as high a regard as say, Dark Knight Returns or...

...Batman: Year One was fucking amazing. I just love Miller's style with Batman. I had already read DKR, and one of the points I really enjoyed in it was how Miller made sure to keep Batman firmly grounded in his humanity. He'd think to himself about how much pain he's in, or how he barely got out of whatever situation. It's a stark change from what I was used to from the animated series and other books. Year One has the same style of narration, but I can much more easily relate to this Batman than the older one. I don't even know what to say other than read this book.

I guess my next few purchases are going to be Arkham Asylum, The Long Halloween, Dark Victory, and Knightfall.


Hollywood Square
I personally think that the ending to Red Son is one of the best things it has going for it. Shame you didn't like it.

I really like The Killing Joke. Some people are jarred by the ending, but I think it's a great example of these two characters. At the end of the day, Batman respects Joker. It might be kind of sick, but it's true.

Year One is good, but I don't think it's nearly as great as some person likes to think. Glad you dug it for Miller, though.

I warn you to read The Long Halloween last of our your next four purchases, since it's so superior to the others that they might disappoint you. Well, all except Dark Victory, that is, as it's connected to The Long Halloween.

The Long Halloween is probably the second-best Batman story, in my opinion.


I loved the ending to Killing Joke.

Year One does, indeed, rock. Year Two... not so much.

Arkham Asylum is a fucking trip. Insanely good art, bordering on pretentious and gimmicky, but after you give a few run throughs it's impressive how the narrative seems so wacked because of the perspective of the characters.


Glad you liked Red Son and Year One. As I mentioned in the previous thread, I too, believe Year One is superior to the Killing Joke. The humanity in Miller's Batman is incredibly believable, and I still don't think any Bat-Arist (except for maybe Neal Adams) can draw a better Batman than David Mazzuchelli.

As for your next purchase, Federman is right -- The Long Halloween is WAY ahead of the pack. In fact, I wouldn't even bother to pick up Knightfall or Dark Victory. Dark Victory is rather average, and Knightfall (as a whole) is somewhere between bad and average. Buyer beware on those two. As for Arkham Asylum, I'm not sure how you'll feel about it if you didn't enjoy The Killing Joke. Arkham Asylum is a total head-trip, and a lot of people dislike the title because it lacks the linearity of say, DKR and Year One.

Have you heard about Superman For All Seasons? Best Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale collaboration ever (you heard me, Federman!), and it really blows Red Son out of the water, if we're talking Superman stories.


Hollywood Square
nomoment said:
Have you heard about Superman For All Seasons? Best Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale collaboration ever (you heard me, Federman!), and it really blows Red Son out of the water, if we're talking Superman stories.



Willco said:
Superman For All Seasons > Spider-Man: Blue > Batman: The Long Halloween > Daredevil: Yellow > Batman: Dark Victory > Hulk: Gray

Batman: TLK ranks THIRD. Yes, THIRD, amongst recent Loeb/Sale collaborations. :)


Hollywood Square
nomoment said:
Superman For All Seasons > Spider-Man: Blue > Batman: The Long Halloween > Daredevil: Yellow > Batman: Dark Victory > Hulk: Gray

Batman: TLK ranks THIRD. Yes, THIRD, amongst recent Loeb/Sale collaborations. :)



I also really liked all the books for No Man's Land. There's only a few stories in it that are a bit on the blah side, but the vast majority was pretty awesome in my opinion.




Batman and Joker SHARING A LAUGH (even though the joke wasn't all that funny, but whatever).
Killing Joke's ending rocks, only because we'll probably never see that happen in a Batman story ever again.


Hmm, I wanna do the DF deal (Buy any TPB and get both Sleeper trades for free), but I only want to buy one trade (money reasons :(). So which Loeb/Sale collab is it, Spider-Man: Blue or Batman: The Long Halloween?


i have been doing alot of dc reading lately mostly bat-related and hoave come to the the conclusion batman has the best crossovers lately...i mean the cataclysm was great, im loving no mans land and officer down was tight as wel.

im also in the mid 40's of nightwing and I love the book.
Wellington said:
Picked up Superman: Red Son, as I had remembered nomoment had spoken highly about it, and some reviews had agreed with his point of view. It's definitely an interesting take on the IP, and it works pretty well. Obviously, Superman represents truth, justice, and the American way so it was pretty jarring to see him as a dirty commie. Personally, I thought it was a fantastic read and well worth checking out for those that are fans of Supes. However I did not like the ending. As Matlock had put it in the chat, it was like Superman being trapped in an episode of the Twilight Zone, and it just did not jive with me.
It just seemed a bit contrived to me, especially with this whole issue of time travel. Why not just build a vessel big enough for the entire civilization and send them back in time on a totally uninhabited planet? But yeah, I mean I can kinda see how it would be for the better as history would ultimately repeat infinitely. The ultimate cat and mouse game between Lex and Supes, I guess.
The appearances of Hal Jordan, commie Batman, and Oliver Queen were pretty cool. Pretty well worth a read for comics fans.

Batman wasn't really a commie though... :(

I'm with you on the ending. I didn't care for it at all. It was pretty strong up to that point.

The most interesting thing about Red Sun is that when nomoment first posted a few preview panels, I thought it looked so corny. This whole, "It doesn't matter if I'm a soviet, I serve mankind" was rolleyes material. Of course, the preview only shows one side so I was actually pretty happy to see how it turned out.


Spider-Man Blue eh? Alright I will check that out I guess.

What's the word on Knightfall? I was kinda interested in it, but if nomo says it's not that great. :/

For now though, I want to get all the Batman books I can. That fucker rox.


Yeah, Spider-Man: Blue rocks. It's probably my favorite Spider-Man story from the past five years.

And regarding Batman: The Long Halloween - it was LONG alright. Thematically, I understand the need to start on, and end on Halloween, but I wish DC would've dumped this idea and compressed the story to 8 issues, instead. It's still all good though!
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