Just watched Bret Hart's last match. Well, last real match, I guess. I believe he has a "match" with Vince McMahon later, right? Anyway, Bret carried Nash to a solid match. He was wearing jean shorts, an nWo shirt, and tennis shoes, which was unfortunate. Still, I didn't see many signs of a career-ending injury. Pretty sad that this was the end. From a fan's perspective, it comes out of nowhere. And dude was still better than most guys. Just sucks. It's funny to me when people can't understand the man's bitterness. The guy suffered through a lot. I wouldn't blame the crotchety ol' bastard if he never wanted to watch wrestling again, but the guy seems to still love it in his own way and want to help the new generation however he can.
Just sayin'. It seems like I see more criticism of Bret than praise, and that's unfortunate. Truly one of the best ever.