i havent seen this posted already. So I didi it.
Spinal looks awesome!
i havent seen this posted already. So I didi it.
Ah, thanks. Yeah, I was so psyched to play the game I kind of glossed over some of the intro messages...You have to buy at least a character before you can earn achievements. It talks about it in the big message when you first launch the game
there should be a separate code for shadow Jago.
not day one console, day one xbl gold (just in case)
You have to buy at least a character before you can earn achievements. It talks about it in the big message when you first launch the game
Ok PM's it is.
Can I get that PM as well?
man, i suck. whats a good follow up to a blocked special with jago? cant seem to punish when opportunities are there
Ok PM's it is.
Man I'm having a tough time reading whether a combo is L M or H. I'm pretty rubbish at fighting games but I'm really enjoying this. Not unlocked anything yet, but will buy another character just to get some achievements out of it....or I might buy all of it because I imagine this game will be on my Xbone for a fair number of years.
Man I'm having a tough time reading whether a combo is L M or H. I'm pretty rubbish at fighting games but I'm really enjoying this. Not unlocked anything yet, but will buy another character just to get some achievements out of it....or I might buy all of it because I imagine this game will be on my Xbone for a fair number of years.
So what's everyone's preferences on analog vs dpad for movement?
Some moves I can pull off much better with the analog stick and others seem much easier with the dpad. My problem seems to be mostly with reliably hitting the diagonals on the dpad.
So what's everyone's preferences on analog vs dpad for movement?
Some moves I can pull off much better with the analog stick and others seem much easier with the dpad. My problem seems to be mostly with reliably hitting the diagonals on the dpad.
So what's everyone's preferences on analog vs dpad for movement?
Some moves I can pull off much better with the analog stick and others seem much easier with the dpad. My problem seems to be mostly with reliably hitting the diagonals on the dpad.
Can I get a PM of Thunder classic as well?
The only reason I want an XBone at this stage is for KI.
The only reason I want an XBone at this stage is for KI.
I have held off though since I cannot use my arcade stick. To hell with buying another.
Dopey was banned? Why?
probably cause of this
he didn't start the fire but he could/should've ignored it.
That was it? Fucking mods man.
well that was ultra light in comparison to other stuff that constantly goes on here, you could say ULTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LIGHT.
I really think Sabrewulf is topest tire. I haven't had the displeasure of getting owned by him yet, but watching my bro play ranked and this guy does some disgusting set-ups...
Shadow Jago vs The Glacius Army
The thunder design is listed as retro but it definitely does not look like his KI 1. Are we just assuming it's his classic alt?