fucking awesome...is that from Ace of Cakes?
Yup was posted up on their twitter.
fucking awesome...is that from Ace of Cakes?
Yup was posted up on their twitter.
Well Curt, I know that this wont mean much to you and the team because I am just one person out of millions, but I decided to purchase the game afterall. I was really disapointed to hear about the LOD/Pop In issues of the PC version and how the Devs said that it cant be fixed at this time..even cancellled my pre-order because of this.
But as a long time gamer (I am only a few years younger than you), I reward companies that produce great games, even with some issues. Moreso, the enthusiasm and the dedication you and some of the others from your team posting here and on your forums have shown is something very rare in this industry and it should be rewarded. While my puny $60.00 is just a drop in a massive bucket to you guys, it is still my small way of supporting a dev team that seems to do things like I would if I had the oppurtunity to do so.
Like you, I plan to go PC, 360 controller for my game and am looking forward to Tuesday like many others here.
Watching this thing explode in the last month thanks to the tremendous PR push has been fascinating. This literally had no buzz even on this site for months.
You guys have certainly done your job getting this thing out there, take a break this weekend
Can't wait for Tuesday.
Still can't decide on what I want to play, enjoyed Greatsword, but I also liked the Bow + Longsword combo with traps.
On the topic of the cake, severe lack of Brownie brownies.
The demo has been an insane help. Ive got several friends on board for buying this next week thanks to the demo, despite them never having heard of the game previouslyYea, it's nuts to see the attention it's getting. I expected it to be good but go under the radar mostly, but it seems to be a popular discussion right now on sites. Refreshing for a change since new IP's seem to be extremely risky and get overshadowed by shooters that are on their 20th games in the series.
Nice job in advertising the game in America but here in the UK no one I know that's not super into games like me has even heard of Reckoning. I tell all my friends at work about this game I'm looking forward to and they just say they have never heard of it.
Are you ex cranky gamer host Mideon?
Still my number 1 podcast,I never miss a show
Although I doubt anyone is up I'll be streaming for an hour or two again. Without my friends and most importantly, in silky smooth hd.
Not sure there are more meaningful posts from gamers who bought, then cancelled, and now are buying again.
This happens one player at a time, believe it or not just like voting
Very cool of you to even take time to call it out, and appreciated.
Boggart cake? How bad ass is that? We were at the Baltimore studio launch party, well deserved, and I saw this bad boy, just awesome.
The IGN score, is awesome, given the sheer volume of folks that clearly go there and wait on a game review for their purchase decision. It never dawned on me until today just how enormous of an impact these have, not on companies, but on actual individual peoples lives.
9, very cool, and leaves room to push ourselves as we go forward![]()
Although I doubt anyone is up I'll be streaming for an hour or two again. Without my friends and most importantly, in silky smooth hd.
So what difficulty is everyone going to start out on? I am still deciding what to do...I want a good challenge, but have not heard from anyone how hard is hard?
Also, since I went with Steam, is there any way to get any of the DLC now or in the near future? Steam is not giving away anything other than Team Fortress stuff which I dont even play.
In the full game, can I change difficulty-level on the fly? Ex. if I start the game on normal, but after a while find it too easy, can I change it to hard-difficulty without starting new game?
In the full game, can I change difficulty-level on the fly? Ex. if I start the game on normal, but after a while find it too easy, can I change it to hard-difficulty without starting new game?
You can yes.
Darksiders/God of war?
thanks.Character action game style battle system (god of war, DMC, etc etc) but the world and questing is very similar to Skyrim or WoW.
Still can't decide on what I want to play, enjoyed Greatsword, but I also liked the Bow + Longsword combo with traps.
On the topic of the cake, severe lack of Brownie brownies.
Saw on ps3trophies that there's no trophies tied to the day-1 DLC, fwiw. At least, he didn't see any new trophies when adding the online pass.
So what difficulty is everyone going to start out on? I am still deciding what to do...I want a good challenge, but have not heard from anyone how hard is hard?
BTW...Since you are playing on PC, check out a post on your forums about getting the most out of the game on the PC. A few of us have posted some tweaks you can make via the driver and or using other programs to get even more image quality out of the game. Very informative post!
So excited for thisshame to see a lack of hype in the UK but hopefully that will change next week.
Build wise thinking of this 96/0/27
BTW...Since you are playing on PC, check out a post on your forums about getting the most out of the game on the PC. A few of us have posted some tweaks you can make via the driver and or using other programs to get even more image quality out of the game. Very informative post!
Is the stream (ign) recorded anywhere? Youtube?
Edit: Curious about some things and wondering if someone knows the answers yet: Do Scepters and/or Chakrams count as ranged weapons for the various "+ranged damage" destinies? If you can find some way to get back into stealth, can you get the stealth bonus on a mark of flame detonation?
One thing I hadn't noticed before is that if your shield is up and an enemy gets behind you and hits you, it counts as a block. I'm not a fan of that.
There's been reports that Chakrams don't even count with Envenomed Edge, though I haven't tried it myself. If that's the case, a lot of my builds will be so, so different ... :|
I'll try to check both of those out later. Shouldn't be too hard to do so.