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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I remember the same month i was thinking it would be cool if I was bisexual was the month I spontaneously found another boy in my year attractive during PE. I was quite pensive for the rest of the day


yeah, might as well, right?

sorry for the quality, don't know why my iphone went potato on me.

edit: don't remember how you hide the link anymore. but whatevs, yolo and shit!

Nice fuzz beard! ;3
Has anyone else here had their sexuality actually change during their life so far? Not just coming to terms with who you are, but actually change?

Looking, back, I was definitely straight at 16. There was no denial, or fear. I was only aroused by women at the time. But I know that by the time I was ~22, I was bisexual, though with a preference toward women. Since then (I'm 30 now), things haven't changed. I'm still bisexual to the same extent that I was at 22.

Anyone else experienced anything like that?

I discovered that I also liked men when I was 16. I was straight prior to that.


gal who's the one being patronizing? when you're a junior new to the thread and reply rudely to someone who went out of their way to make an interesting reply, of course people are gonna clap back. your age doesn't help either. don't be rude and take several seats

i applaud their effort at least

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the responses. I like reading and thinking about the different experiences others in this community have had with things like this.

Mine has changed a lot, and still changes. I went from straight to bi with a preference towards women to bi with a preference towards men to gay. And then out of nowhere I met this amazing girl and then I was bi again. And then a year ago I started having feelings for a M to F trans girl. I am continually surprised how my sexuality evolves. It's the strangest thing. But I guess at this point I've accepted that it just entirely depends on the person. I could have an attraction/infatuation/love for anyone that I vibe with.


Mine has changed a lot, and still changes. I went from straight to bi with a preference towards women to bi with a preference towards men to gay. And then out of nowhere I met this amazing girl and then I was bi again. And then a year ago I started having feelings for a M to F trans girl. I am continually surprised how my sexuality evolves. It's the strangest thing. But I guess at this point I've accepted that it just entirely depends on the person. I could have an attraction/infatuation/love for anyone that I vibe with.

Thanks for sharing :) That sounds like a wild ride of changes. It's great that you've accepted it for yourself. I hope if mine ever did up changing or evolving again I can be so positive.
Thanks for sharing :) That sounds like a wild ride of changes. It's great that you've accepted it for yourself. I hope if mine ever did up changing or evolving again I can be so positive.

It's actually kinda scary in some ways. Every time I thought I knew who I was something would change. And now I'm at the point where I've accepted that I will ALWAYS be discovering who I am, and that there are infinite possibilities. The feelings I had for the transgendered person came after I was sure my sexuality had stabilized, there hadn't been much change in the last 5+ years. And as much as I empathized with the trans community, I didn't think that I could ever make that kind of connection with one. I was wrong, even though it ultimately did not end up working out with this person. But yeah, I guess years of doing yoga and meditation have really helped center me and helped me love myself for who I am, so it's made the changes easier to deal with.


It's actually kinda scary in some ways. Every time I thought I knew who I was something would change. And now I'm at the point where I've accepted that I will ALWAYS be discovering who I am, and that there are infinite possibilities. The feelings I had for the transgendered person came after I was sure my sexuality had stabilized, there hadn't been much change in the last 5+ years. And as much as I empathized with the trans community, I didn't think that I could ever make that kind of connection with one. I was wrong, even though it ultimately did not end up working out with this person. But yeah, I guess years of doing yoga and meditation have really helped center me and helped me love myself for who I am, so it's made the changes easier to deal with.

It makes me wonder how so many people can go through life thinking of gender and sexuality as rigid binaries when it can vary even by the day for other people. I guess the lack of communication on the subject leads to a generalised assumption that what many people feel applies to everyone.
God, Chris Pratt is such a hunk. And I'm talking about fully clothed Pratt, and "before steroids to quickly get in shape" Pratt. Of course the fit Pratt is great too.

On an unrelated note, I need to go clothes shopping. I've worn nothing but plain solid color (dark blues, greys, browns) t-shirts and blue jeans for like... 4 years. Having high school uniforms meant never having to think or care about that stuff.

The struggle is finding shit that fits me as a 5'5 dude that's barely 115 lbs.

Any fashion advice guys (I know this isn't the fashion thread)?
It makes me wonder how so many people can go through life thinking of gender and sexuality as rigid binaries when it can vary even by the day for other people. I guess the lack of communication on the subject leads to a generalised assumption that what many people feel applies to everyone.

Of course, for some perhaps it is something that doesn't change or changes very little even if one is open to change. But I think it's more that the biggest limitations are ones that are self imposed. People do this all the time in all areas of their life, including sexuality. Since sexuality energy is such a strong force in human life, people are therefore likely to have very strong opinions on it. And for many, I think once they've defined their beliefs about themselves in that regard they are unlikely to allow them to waver, burying any unwanted feelings that may arise deep into some corner of their consciousness.


Don't know if it "changed", but my first instance of being interested in guys was 13. After years of confusion and finally letting go, I feel more comfortable thinking both sexes are attractive and do so way more often now.
God, Chris Pratt is such a hunk. And I'm talking about fully clothed Pratt, and "before steroids to quickly get in shape" Pratt. Of course the fit Pratt is great too.

On an unrelated note, I need to go clothes shopping. I've worn nothing but plain solid color (dark blues, greys, browns) t-shirts and blue jeans for like... 4 years. Having high school uniforms meant never having to think or care about that stuff.

The struggle is finding shit that fits me as a 5'5 dude that's barely 115 lbs.

Any fashion advice guys (I know this isn't the fashion thread)?

I'm not a fashion guru but a couple years ago my ex bf, who happens to also be my best friend now forced me to go to a thrift store for some new (well, for me) clothes. It was the best decision I ever made. I found about 20 articles of clothing for about 125 bucks. It is a great way to experiment with new looks without breaking the bank. And if you end up not liking something, it's not like you've wasted a lot of money.

Edit: I should mention I'm simlar proportions to you, 5'6 135, and I had no trouble finding a crapload of stuff :).


Of course, for some perhaps it is something that doesn't change or changes very little even if one is open to change. But I think it's more that the biggest limitations are ones that are self imposed. People do this all the time in all areas of their life, including sexuality. Since sexuality energy is such a strong force in human life, people are therefore likely to have very strong opinions on it. And for many, I think once they've defined their beliefs about themselves in that regard they are unlikely to allow them to waver, burying any unwanted feelings that may arise deep into some corner of their consciousness.

There is a lot of needless self restraint going on, and I think that has a lot to do with the puritanical nature of a lot of societies around the world.There's also the fact that we leave very little room for ambiguity in our daily lives, and always desire the ability to put things into tangible categories, so they go for the most advantageous one.


My first crush was when I was 14. It was on a guy in my English class. His name was Gavin. God, I feel so stupid thinking back how much of a crush I had on him. He was a typical 'bad boy' student but, fuck, he was hot. I also had a crush on a girl who would constantly tease me by rubbing extremely close to my crotch and shouting out loud I had a boner.

I hated school.
There is a lot of needless self restraint going on, and I think that has a lot to do with the puritanical nature of a lot of societies around the world.There's also the fact that we leave very little room for ambiguity in our daily lives, and always desire the ability to put things into tangible categories, so they go for the most advantageous one.

True that. Many people seem to only want to use the analytical/logical part of their brains. It's very limiting, and not a good way to live a balanced life, but such is the current human condition.
Of course, for some perhaps it is something that doesn't change or changes very little even if one is open to change. But I think it's more that the biggest limitations are ones that are self imposed. People do this all the time in all areas of their life, including sexuality. Since sexuality energy is such a strong force in human life, people are therefore likely to have very strong opinions on it. And for many, I think once they've defined their beliefs about themselves in that regard they are unlikely to allow them to waver, burying any unwanted feelings that may arise deep into some corner of their consciousness.

There's a certain irony that LGBT individuals (mostly the B it seems) are sounding more and more like hardcore religious nuts with the belief that sexuality is a conscious decision and people could simply choose to be [straight/pansexual] if they really put their mind to it.


There's a certain irony that LGBT individuals (mostly the B it seems) are sounding more and more like hardcore religious nuts with the belief that sexuality is a conscious decision and people could simply choose to be [straight/pansexual] if they really put their mind to it.

The whole choice element isn't really the most disagreeable assertion in the world. Even if it is a choice (people have no real control over their sexuality, the choice is whether to accept all facets of it) for some people, so what? The idea that taking that choice is inherently evil is the part we should really take issue with. The argument shouldn't be "well I can't help it so yeah." The argument should be "what the fuck is wrong with it in the first place?"
There's a certain irony that LGBT individuals (mostly the B it seems) are sounding more and more like hardcore religious nuts with the belief that sexuality is a conscious decision and people could simply choose to be [straight/pansexual] if they really put their mind to it.

No one is perfect. As someone that for most of his life has identified as being on various places along the vast bisexual spectrum, I've felt persecuted and hurt by the LG subset, as many of them often have their own preconceptions about bisexuals. You would think that as people who have been hated and discriminated against for a large part of history, they would be a little less presumptuous and judgemental. But yes, it would be silly to suggest that you could make a conscious decision to choose their sexual orientation. You DO choose your actions though, regardless of thoughts/feelings though. But it's also true that any action that causes no harm to others is not a wrong action, which is where arguments against non straight sexual orientation fail.


My first crush ever was Grade 5 on this hot Serbian girl. Eventually dated her for a while. First male crush was Grade 7 on my best friend. Liked him from Grades 7-11.


I don't remember my first crushes but my iPod Touch web history was filthy in 2007.

My history was always empty for some strange reason. That screen was amazing by 2008 standards.

Edit: First crush when I was 15. I knew I was gay, but that really cemented it.
The whole choice element isn't really the most disagreeable assertion in the world. Even if it is a choice (people have no real control over their sexuality, the choice is whether to accept all facets of it) for some people, so what? The idea that taking that choice is inherently evil is the part we should really take issue with. The argument shouldn't be "well I can't help it so yeah." The argument should be "what the fuck is wrong with it in the first place?"

If people can choose to be pansexual (and thus choose to be attracted to the opposite gender) then homosexuality is a deviant sexuality that I don't think people need to tolerate. It would certainly be nice to have a more tolerant society, but depending on how you view individual freedom vs. social cohesion, its arguably is wrong for a a minority group to demand society bend to and accommodate their personal choices.


How I met your Mother is utter trash, even 2 and a half men is more watchable.
Now, I agree that HIMYM as it went on went down-hill fast but the first few seasons were fantastic

and these two were always likable. The cute "perfect" couple.

Blurry gym selfie. Only been going a few weeks. Not a very clear shot of my face mind, I hate myself in pictures.
Blurry yeah, but nice form! Looking fine!


Oh, we are still taking early crushes and dating stuff.

I can't tell years because I have a bad memory but I had my first few unconventional dates (like, meeting and then escaping from a party together and making out in the bushes) were with girls. Later then, as I went more and more in the bigger cities I found more guys to share kisses (and more!) with.

That's why I am glad I got to a bigger city. Everyone's more open here, less backwards.


If people can choose to be pansexual (and thus choose to be attracted to the opposite gender) then homosexuality is a deviant sexuality that I don't think people need to tolerate. It would certainly be nice to have a more tolerant society, but depending on how you view individual freedom vs. social cohesion, its arguably is wrong for a a minority group to demand society bend to and accommodate their personal choices.

It continually amazes me how much society is glorified, since it basically runs on fear and stupidity and would collapse if everyone thought for themselves. Enforced homogeneity is inexcusable under any circumstances. Tolerance should be a prerequisite towards all "deviance" that causes no harm to others.
It continually amazes me how much society is glorified, since it basically runs on fear and stupidity and would collapse if everyone thought for themselves. Enforced homogeneity is inexcusable under any circumstances. Tolerance should be a prerequisite towards all "deviance" that causes no harm to others.

lol. Take a psychology class or biology class and skip on the Ayn Rand.

Humans are social creatures. We've been organizing ourselves into different social groupings since we have existed. Before then even, since our evolutionary ancestors did the same.


lol. Take a psychology class or biology class and skip on the Ayn Rand.

Humans are social creatures. We've been organizing ourselves into different social groupings since we have existed. Before then even, since our evolutionary ancestors did the same.

Soooooooo what? At what point did I say "society is an unnatural institution"? You're telling me people survived by crushing all forms of deviance? No! They survived by cooperating, which is what tolerance is all about.
Also drop an individual human on an island and compare that to an island where you drop 10 people working as a cohesive unit and see which one functions better.

Spoiler alert: Humans evolved as a social species because it was overwhelmingly better for us and our ancestors.
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