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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Also drop an individual human on an island and compare that to an island where you drop 10 people working as a cohesive unit and see which one functions better.

Spoiler alert: Humans evolved as a social species because it was overwhelmingly better for us and our ancestors.

Soooooooo what? At what point did I say "society is an unnatural institution"? You're telling me people survived by crushing all forms of deviance? No! They survived by cooperating, which is what tolerance is all about.

Oh so you're changing your story. Before it was "society is dumb, its just all fear and stupidity man. Everyone should stop being sheeple and think for themselves."

And now suddenly you see the value of society, so long as it is a society based around cooperation. Cooperation is a lot easier, psychology speaking, in a more homogeneous society.


Oh so you're changing your story. Before it was "society is dumb, its just all fear and stupidity man. Everyone should stop being sheeple and think for themselves."

And now suddenly you see the value of society, so long as it is a society based around cooperation. Cooperation is a lot easier, psychology speaking, in a more homogeneous society.

Right, and because it's easier that's what we should be doing. Fuck that. Co-operation is also much easier when we can accept others with greater readiness, considering deviance is always going to happen. And also, sure. I'm not so inflexible in my beliefs that i don't think society could change to become one in which tolerance is widespread. But in its current iteration? Sure, it's full of idiots.
Right, and because it's easier that's what we should be doing. Fuck that. And also, sure. I'm not so inflexible in my beliefs that i don't think society could change to become one in which tolerance is widespread. But in its current iteration? Sure, it's full of idiots.

Disagreed. Society is presently pretty bomb-fucking-diggity. Especially American society in 2015. Perfect? No. But its fucking ace.

And people are more educated than ever, and I don't think there's any serious study out there that points to a downtrend in intelligence.


Disagreed. Society is presently pretty bomb-fucking-diggity. Especially American society in 2015. Perfect? No. But its fucking ace.

And people are more educated than ever, and I don't think there's any serious study out there that points to a downtrend in intelligence.

Believe what you want, friend.


You're welcome to go back to 1950 or whatever decade you seem to believe is better.

Why does the fact that it's better than it's ever been make me unable to believe things should still be better than they are?

But I guess because I was a big meany head before, everyone can say whatever stupid shit they like.


The whole choice element isn't really the most disagreeable assertion in the world. Even if it is a choice (people have no real control over their sexuality, the choice is whether to accept all facets of it) for some people, so what? The idea that taking that choice is inherently evil is the part we should really take issue with. The argument shouldn't be "well I can't help it so yeah." The argument should be "what the fuck is wrong with it in the first place?"
This is a common argument, but I see a lot of value in making it clear that it's not a choice not only because it's a scientifically sound assertion, but because it makes homophobes look as awful as they truly are. They don't think they're blindly hating on people, they think they're hating on a choice. A "life style".
Why does the fact that it's better than it's ever been make me unable to believe things should still be better than they are?

But I guess because I was a big meany head before, everyone can say whatever stupid shit they like.

I said things weren't perfect.

But if you believe that society is better than ever but still is "terrible" because people (except you of course) are "dumb" then you are just generally a negative person. Misanthropes aren't worth talking to.


This is a common argument, but I see a lot of value in making it clear that it's not a choice not only because it's a scientifically sound assertion, but because it makes homophobes look as awful as they truly are. They don't think they're blindly hating on people, they think they're hating on a choice. A "life style".

Yeah i guess hatred due to somebody's nature is a lot easier to discredit. Especially if they delude themselves to think otherwise.

I said things weren't perfect.

But if you believe that society is better than ever but still is "terrible" because people (except you of course) are "dumb" then you are just generally a negative person. Misanthropes aren't worth talking to.

You really got me pegged bud. How could I hate humanity when this thread provides so many fine specimens?



Kid, relax for a bit. Remember back when I was talking so much, I said that I too was an angsty teen once? So like I get it, but you are not doing yourself any favours by riling the regulars around here. Try to cut down on the posting for a bit before you say something incredibly stupid and get yourself banned.

Also I'm not sure Corn has ever had a thought he has not formulated in the most abrasive way possible, it's just something you've got to roll with.
Also I'm not sure Corn has ever had a thought he has not formulated in the most abrasive way possible, it's just something you've got to roll with.

Apologies for that btw. I simply cannot help it. Compensation for basically being as non-confrontational as possible in real life settings I suppose.


Apologies for that btw. I simply cannot help it. Compensation for basically being as non-confrontational as possible in real life settings I suppose.

Don't apologise, it's refreshingly direct and leads to interesting conversation.

Also these baboons are amazing. Much better than Natlia Whatsherface.


I'm actually watching all of the original baboon videos from getty and I'm crying now. They're so genius.
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