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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I had a date tonight. I haven't had one for over 9 years. it was nice. :)



tell us more!

I... I don't know how to process it. what's a typical first date scenario? I mean, it started out pretty casual. he asked me if I wanna hang out, smoke and drink at the river and I said "ok".

well, he was smoking those tiny weird cigars and was drinking water. and I thought: I guess we won't get drunk and high on weed tonight. :/

then he started sorta bitching about gay culture and how they're all just looking for a quickie. he needs to like somebody, to feel comfortable with a person to have sex. and I thought: I guess I'm not gonna get laid tonight. :/

finally, when I walked him home he kept mentioning his job and how money isn't important, but he doesn't earn enough to afford his own place. that's why he lives with his mom. that was the moment the screaming in my head started.

...it's still screaming.


So guys I have a question. How do you deal with a friend who is pretty two faced? Like they are nice to your face but are pretty rude and say things behind your back to make other people not talk to you? Do you just break it off and not say anything or do you bring it up with them knowing they will say to your face that nothing is wrong and act like the world is fine aka turning a blind eye to any conflict? Kind of dealing with that and I need some guidance there.
So guys I have a question. How do you deal with a friend who is pretty two faced? Like they are nice to your face but are pretty rude and say things behind your back to make other people not talk to you? Do you just break it off and not say anything or do you bring it up with them knowing they will say to your face that nothing is wrong and act like the world is fine aka turning a blind eye to any conflict? Kind of dealing with that and I need some guidance there.

Do you think your life would be worse off without this friend in it? Depending on how invested you are in the friendship I'd at least give him/her the benefit of explaining. Sometimes its best to swallow your pride and open the line of communication before shutting it all down. I did that once and I regret it to this day. I was completely in the right and nobody would ever expect I'd be the one to reconcile but I was too prideful. You don't have to accept his explanation or apology.

If this friend is worth it I'd at least be sure I did what I could to salvage the friendship.


Do you think your life would be worse off without this friend in it? Depending on how invested you are in the friendship I'd at least give him/her the benefit of explaining. Sometimes its best to swallow your pride and open the line of communication before shutting it all down. I did that once and I regret it to this day. I was completely in the right and nobody would ever expect I'd be the one to reconcile but I was too prideful. You don't have to accept his explanation or apology.

If this friend is worth it I'd at least be sure I did what I could to salvage the friendship.

That's the thing tho. I'm not sure he would actually want to truely talk to me about it. He's pretty "nothing is wrong" and avoids having serious talks about things like that. I almost feel like I will waste my time talking to him.
That's the thing tho. I'm not sure he would actually want to truely talk to me about it. He's pretty "nothing is wrong" and avoids having serious talks about things like that. I almost feel like I will waste my time talking to him.

It all comes down to how much you are invested in this friendship. Until you talk to him you don't know if you could repair the damage. By talking to him you have a very concrete resolution to the whole thing. You don't have anything to lose it seems at this point.


Hunky Nostradamus
I... I don't know how to process it. what's a typical first date scenario? I mean, it started out pretty casual. he asked me if I wanna hang out, smoke and drink at the river and I said "ok".

well, he was smoking those tiny weird cigars and was drinking water. and I thought: I guess we won't get drunk and high on weed tonight. :/

then he started sorta bitching about gay culture and how they're all just looking for a quickie. he needs to like somebody, to feel comfortable with a person to have sex. and I thought: I guess I'm not gonna get laid tonight. :/

finally, when I walked him home he kept mentioning his job and how money isn't important, but he doesn't earn enough to afford his own place. that's why he lives with his mom. that was the moment the screaming in my head started.

...it's still screaming.

So you didn't enjoy it? I thought you said it was nice?

So guys I have a question. How do you deal with a friend who is pretty two faced? Like they are nice to your face but are pretty rude and say things behind your back to make other people not talk to you? Do you just break it off and not say anything or do you bring it up with them knowing they will say to your face that nothing is wrong and act like the world is fine aka turning a blind eye to any conflict? Kind of dealing with that and I need some guidance there.

Ughh when I come into contact with people like that I usually either avoid them or try to keep them at a distance. Is he a good friend? If so, then I would maybe try to talk to him about it. If not, drop ha


It all comes down to how much you are invested in this friendship. Until you talk to him you don't know if you could repair the damage. By talking to him you have a very concrete resolution to the whole thing. You don't have anything to lose it seems at this point.

I guess I will go for it. Doesn't hurt to ask.

So you didn't enjoy it? I thought you said it was nice?

Ughh when I come into contact with people like that I usually either avoid them or try to keep them at a distance. Is he a good friend? If so, then I would maybe try to talk to him about it. If not, drop ha

Nah not a good friend. Just a friend.


So you didn't enjoy it? I thought you said it was nice?

yeah, nice, as in nobody died and he wants to see me again. :D I have a severe social phobia and was shaking throughout the date. because of it I kind of want to go on another date, get comfortable around people again. it might be less awkward the second time around. it's just really exhausting. :/


I... I don't know how to process it. what's a typical first date scenario? I mean, it started out pretty casual. he asked me if I wanna hang out, smoke and drink at the river and I said "ok".

well, he was smoking those tiny weird cigars and was drinking water. and I thought: I guess we won't get drunk and high on weed tonight. :/

then he started sorta bitching about gay culture and how they're all just looking for a quickie. he needs to like somebody, to feel comfortable with a person to have sex. and I thought: I guess I'm not gonna get laid tonight. :/

finally, when I walked him home he kept mentioning his job and how money isn't important, but he doesn't earn enough to afford his own place. that's why he lives with his mom. that was the moment the screaming in my head started.

...it's still screaming.
Sex on the first date is rare. Weed would have been nice though, I agree. Would at least make talking easier.


Hunky Nostradamus
yeah, nice, as in nobody died and he wants to see me again. :D I have a severe social phobia and was shaking throughout the date. because of it I kind of want to go on another date, get comfortable around people again. it might be less awkward the second time around. it's just really exhausting. :/

Well, that's good then! Maybe next time you could offer to bring some beer (or other kind of alcohol) just in case he doesn't have any to bring himself?

Sex on the first date is rare.

is it though (y)


eh, sex relaxes me, makes the date less awkward. :3
I know that sex is a stress reliever. But so is laughing. You could opt to telling jokes and laugh together with your date. Or smoke weed.

I'm just saying that if you don't have the option for sex on the first date that there are always alternatives to make it a better time for you (and him).

is it though (y)
Ratsky unlocking all the pants at first sight, I see.

Ratsky "Casanova" Watsky


what do you work as? im not sure if your statement sounds like sexual tension of not.... might just by my rose wine kicking in :p
This is a retail clothing job I do when I'm not at school. It's not sexual tension on my part for sure. Nobody likes him, but we're decent at hiding it. He's on Grindr according to another coworker of mine, which plays into my reasons for never having made any online dating/hook-up profile.


So, I need advice, this girl I'm 'seeing' - we've known each other for a while and, as you all know, we have now took it to the next level. Thing is, I have something huge I need to tell her about me, but I'm worried it may/will be a deal-breaker. It's nothing bad, per se, but it's something I should've told her at the beginning. How does one go about telling her something like this?
So, I need advice, this girl I'm 'seeing' - we've known each other for a while and, as you all know, we have now took it to the next level. Thing is, I have something huge I need to tell her about me, but I'm worried it may/will be a deal-breaker. It's nothing bad, per se, but it's something I should've told her at the beginning. How does one go about telling her something like this?

Would kind of help to know what it is. Like its a huge difference if it's "I have an STD" or something like "I murdered a dude once".
Yeah, it's just how do I go about it? I've not mentioned it yet for reasons I do not wish to go in to on here, but yeah.

You've known each other awhile but she doesn't know you have a kid? Maybe slip it in a conversation sometime. "I have to drop my daughter off at her friends but maybe you'd like to get some yogurt after."


You've known each other awhile but she doesn't know you have a kid? Maybe slip it in a conversation sometime. "I have to drop my daughter off at her friends but maybe you'd like to get some yogurt after."
This probably seems like the most viable option, though I might leave the yoghurt part out.

Have sex with her and if she calls you "daddy" segue into the topic of you having a daughter.


Urm, I think the fact you have a daughter is way too big of a thing to just slip casually into a conversation, it would likely make her feel like she doesn't know you at all if you are keeping such big things to yourself. You are way past the point of just "casually slipping it into a conversation", that's the kind of thing you'd do on a second date or something.

You're better off just admitting it and telling her and just let her react naturally rather than trying to blindside her with it.

The fact you haven't told her after this long is mystifying to me, as it probably will be to her.
You're better off just admitting it and telling her and just let her react naturally rather than trying to blindside her with it.

Revealing it casually is the opposite of blindsiding her. Confronting her forces a reaction from her and puts everyone in an awkward position. Thats going to make her feel blindsided.


Revealing it casually is the opposite of blindsiding her. Confronting her forces a reaction from her and puts everyone in an awkward position. Thats going to make her feel blindsided.

I'd be a bit offended if someone just slipped something so major into conversation as though it wasn't anything to think about. it's like treating as if it's not even worth mentioning or discussing with your partner and their input


I'd be a bit offended if someone just slipped something so major into conversation as though it wasn't anything to think about. it's like treating as if it's not even worth mentioning or discussing with your partner and their input
Exactly, at least if he confronts her with it they have chance to talk about it.

slipping it in there is most definitely blindsiding her and not giving her chance to react. It's just "oh, I have a daughter" and that's that.

It just comes across as just trying to avoid the problem, which isn't healthy.
I'd be a bit offended if someone just slipped something so major into conversation as though it wasn't anything to think about. it's like treating as if it's not even worth mentioning or discussing with your partner and their input

But he is mentioning it. And if she wants to discuss it then she can open the discussion up. And if she still wants to see him then he can be more comfortable broaching the subject on their next date.


Truth be told, I haven't seen my daughter in over a year. Her mother moved away without telling me and has changed all means of contact. It's no excuse but this is why I didn't mention it to my partner as talking about it kills me.


Then lead with that.

"There's something I need to tell you, I feel like you deserve to know, but talking about it is hard for me which is why I've never brought it up"

Bam, now she feels like you respect her to tell her something like that.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Find a good day. Sit her down and talk to her, mano-a-womano.

Tell her that, sadly, for reasons beyond your control, your daughter is no longer in your life, but because of that, she won't be a factor in your current relationship. And that you feel that your GF deserved to know now before your relationship advances any further.

The important thing is that she begins by sympathizing with you and not feeling like you had something to hide, which is what a casual mention will do to her response.


Truth be told, I haven't seen my daughter in over a year. Her mother moved away without telling me and has changed all means of contact. It's no excuse but this is why I didn't mention it to my partner as talking about it kills me.
Do this:
Then lead with that.

"There's something I need to tell you, I feel like you deserve to know, but talking about it is hard for me which is why I've never brought it up"

Bam, now she feels like you respect her to tell her something like that.


I think I finally got over my crush, it feels so good :')

So today I saw Dinner with Scot and Weekend. I liked both movies for what they were (specially
that sex scene
on weekend lol).


I feel like I'm in a generally good mood most of the time even though people can't tell. I think I'm on the normal side of dark/low energy personality. I'm anxious and not very free-spirited, but I don't think I'm very scary or unusual and I would like some Taco Bell.


what why

let your spirit out of its cage

let it soar
Too nervous. I'm an introvert and talking to people I don't know well is hard. I'm told I hide that well, but I don't enjoy that feeling and being around people I don't know, whether in a class or a fast food line or wherever makes me really anxious. But then again, I also don't have any particularly wild desires to chase after, so the plain ones are plenty of challenge.
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