<+)O Robido O(+>
Oh lawd, I definitely noticed that guy in Kingsmen. The random shirtless scene was all kinds of yes. I'll have to check out that show now.
You should... I think it will be right up your alley.

Oh lawd, I definitely noticed that guy in Kingsmen. The random shirtless scene was all kinds of yes. I'll have to check out that show now.
Let me take a moment to prepare.You should... I think it will be right up your alley.
Is it me or Kickass is aging kinda quick?
Ugh someone saying half breed instead of mixed. Let me not make a mess oh lord.
Is it me or Kickass is aging kinda quick?
Probably trying to catch up with his 48 year old wife.
Let me take a moment to prepare.
I finally openly stated that I was LGBT for the first time. It was in a presentation that I was giving.
I feel so much freer now. Even though I know no one cares if I am or not. It just feels good to say it out loud for the first time in public like that. I don't know. Today was a good day. Goodnight.
Who would want to buy a video of a grandma eating popcorn for $8, lol
Who would want to buy a video of a grandma eating popcorn for $8, lol
People buy MANY things for 8$.
People buy MANY things for 8$.
^^ Like this guy...
So did you buy it?
And so wait, grandmas eating popcorn are your fetish? lol
Like your dusty [redacted]?
First dude is adorbs-able.
I finally openly stated that I was LGBT for the first time. It was in a presentation that I was giving.
I feel so much freer now. Even though I know no one cares if I am or not. It just feels good to say it out loud for the first time in public like that. I don't know. Today was a good day. Goodnight.
Like your dusty [redacted]?
check skype.
I give that away for free. Nice try tho.
Better be some nudes.
steam refunds are a fucking blessing. Buyer's remorse who? I just got $8 dollars back
steam refunds are a fucking blessing. Buyer's remorse who? I just got $8 dollars back
Yeah it was like 3 games i bought during the last sale. Saints Row IV and Rogue Legacy refused to run so I got some refunds since I'm short on money. I'd feel terrible if I like beat the games and then got a refund but since I didn't even start them I don't feel bad. Anyway, I still have Dark Souls, Dragonrun, and Fairy Fencer F to play.How much did you pay for it? Is it a full refund? Coz if so Okay Werk
yaasssYou can buy that grandma eating popcorn video now!
Yeah it was like 3 games i bought during the last sale. Saints Row IV and Rogue Legacy refused to run so I got some refunds since I'm short on money. I'd feel terrible if I like beat the games and then got a refund but since I didn't even start them I don't feel bad. Anyway, I still have Dark Souls, Dragonrun, and Fairy Fencer F to play.
Girl the fuck? Return that fairy fencer Who? Bullshit and buy Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky First Chapter followed by Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky Second Chapter
not with that $20 price tag girl
though Xillia has been filling my JRPG need recently and I know for a fact that Compile Heart combat doesn't compare to Tales Of combat tbh... so maybe
Girl the fuck? Return that fairy fencer Who? Bullshit and buy Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky First Chapter followed by Legend of Heroes Trails In The Sky Second Chapter
I really dislike the term "partner" being used when boyfriend or girlfriend is more appropriate.
I was talking to a guy today who was talking about his ex, and he said "partner" and used all gender neutral pronouns like "they".
Like I can imagine why a gay person might talk like that if they didn't want people to know but if straight people do it it is pretty annoying. I like to get a read on stuff like this and having someone use vague terms like partner is not helpful at all.
I really dislike the term "partner" being used when boyfriend or girlfriend is more appropriate.
I was talking to a guy today who was talking about his ex, and he said "partner" and used all gender neutral pronouns like "they".
Like I can imagine why a gay person might talk like that if they didn't want people to know but if straight people do it it is pretty annoying. I like to get a read on stuff like this and having someone use vague terms like partner is not helpful at all.
Tales of Symphonia HD was my first Tales of game. I don't think I unlocked any mystic artes though? I did use Emil's mystic arte from Dawn of the New World though because it was already available.Stan for Milla, Queen Leia, and Rowen
Did you unlock the mystic artes yet? Is this your first tales game?
Could be that they are not actually straight and talk about that secret boyfriend.I really dislike the term "partner" being used when boyfriend or girlfriend is more appropriate.
I was talking to a guy today who was talking about his ex, and he said "partner" and used all gender neutral pronouns like "they".
Like I can imagine why a gay person might talk like that if they didn't want people to know but if straight people do it it is pretty annoying. I like to get a read on stuff like this and having someone use vague terms like partner is not helpful at all.
Are you the same person as barrylocke by any chance?
Oh lawd, reminded of the time I made a similar comment to a girl who'd just been dumped
That's my favorite part of the Bible, other than the time God sent bears to slaughter a bunch of kids.
Tales of Symphonia HD was my first Tales of game. I don't think I unlocked any mystic artes though? I did use Emil's mystic arte from Dawn of the New World though because it was already available.
Started playing Life is Strange. It's reminding of Beyond Two Souls a lot, which I actually enjoyed. And the main character is so cute.
Also, it's turning out to be really cool to practice French vocabulary with. If you wanna learn a new language and change your PS3's settigns to said language, the game's audio stays in English, but all the objects you interact with in the game display their words in said language you changed it to. It becomes almost like an interactive vocabulary book!
This is actually a much appreciated language tip. I'm hoping to get around to playing it eventually, so thanks!
Life is Strange is the actual 2015 GOTY. It's so amazing and I hope there's a season 2Started playing Life is Strange. It's reminding of Beyond Two Souls a lot, which I actually enjoyed. And the main character is so cute.
Also, it's turning out to be really cool to practice French vocabulary with. If you wanna learn a new language and change your PS3's settigns to said language, the game's audio stays in English, but all the objects you interact with in the game display their words in said language you changed it to. It becomes almost like an interactive vocabulary book!
Yeah that usually happens to me with hearthstone, I get into it then get drop it for a few months then come back to it.I've become super into Hearthstone lately. No time for Smite when I have an online CCG to play.
Also Smite made me realize I don't hate MOBAs intrinsically. I just dislike RTS style controls.
I've been on a Phoenix Wright kick, finally finished Dual Destinies (that ending was bullshit tho) and I wanna play more adventure/mystery games like that. Any suggestions? Cheap/free mobile games would be ideal.