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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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irresponsible vagina leak
The new host of Chopped Canada.


This guy?


Or trial by ordeal if you want to go the other way.

I'm sorry :(. Were the responses based on surprise that Straight->Bi->Gay isn't a one-way road?

I also got the "are you sure you really like guys" or "so it is a choice" or "is that gay phase of your life over" or "does this mean you will end up with a wife and kids."

I wasn't shocked to be honest. Where I live being gay or bi is still abnormal and treated semi hostile. So any chance I may end up "normal" was a relief for some people. But, I really do like boys more than girls so.... Suckers.

It doesn't help that I'm not a stereotype and that I'm in a long distance relationship with a boy I intentionally keep away from my family when he is in town because they are annoying and noisy and I'd rather them not to get all in my business. lol


Ya my mom got crazy pissed off at my sister about it. She's pretty accepting about it.

My sister is kinda an ass about it though, never says anything when I have dudes over at family stuff but if it's a girl she whispers and shit.

She sounds like an ass. :/

With 2016 fast approaching, what are you all looking forward to?

Getting back into school, something I planned on since last year actually. It's harder than I thought. >.<

Find a new flat.

Maybe give love another chance and look for someone to share my life and time with.
Funny thing that. You'll get a lot of it in certain LGBT circles. Usually the "everyone is a pan and fluid!" crowd.

Yeah, I have no problem accepting that some people are fluid but it's pretty bigoted to think that everyone is when there are so many people (gay and straight) who will tell you that it's not a choice! I'm completely certain that it wasn't for me.

Sexuality is weird and personal. Everyone is different.
Me, Myself and I, right?
That is a better direction to go. I was going for
. :)


I also got the "are you sure you really like guys" or "so it is a choice" or "is that gay phase of your life over" or "does this mean you will end up with a wife and kids."

I wasn't shocked to be honest. Where I live being gay or bi is still abnormal and treated semi hostile. So any chance I may end up "normal" was a relief for some people. But, I really do like boys more than girls so.... Suckers.

It doesn't help that I'm not a stereotype and that I'm in a long distance relationship with a boy I intentionally keep away from my family when he is in town because they are annoying and noisy and I'd rather them not to get all in my business. lol
Their comments are a bit surprising, I would have expected it to go the 'actually gay' route than 'actually straight'.

Yeah, I have no problem accepting that some people are fluid but it's pretty bigoted to think that everyone is when there are so many people (gay and straight) who will tell you that it's not a choice! I'm completely certain that it wasn't for me.

Sexuality is weird and personal. Everyone is different.
The 'everybody is bi/pan' thing is on lists of what biphobia looks like as well. Here's a criticism of it from the bi side:
The often quoted "Everyone is bisexual really" is utter rubbish! When people say this they hardly ever include themselves for starters. It's a phrase people use to dismiss bisexuality - after all, if we were the majority we needn't kick up a fuss.

When people use it they seem to mean "potentially" and talk about how we're born bisexual. This is either not true, or not useful. We're tired of trying to decide which.

It's about as useful as saying "Everyone's mixed-race really" when talking about ethnicity - it's not accurate in any real sense and doesn't provide any useful answers or usable insight when trying to combat racism or privilege.

Some people are attracted to only one gender. Some people are attracted to more than one gender. These two statements are not incompatible, and don't overlap.

I would add they can include themselves and be doing it for the cred, perhaps not actually identifying as such usually. Or they do and have trouble imagining how people are different.
Lol I was just sent a friend request on fb by some cute bi guy from Berlin who I don't know, who likes the exact same music as me and is interested in meditation and stuff. It's like the internet aggregated all of my interests and then decided to catfish me.


Lol I was just sent a friend request on fb by some cute bi guy from Berlin who I don't know, who likes the exact same music as me and is interested in meditation and stuff. It's like the internet aggregated all of my interests and then decided to catfish me.

Or maybe it's a legit person?


I suppose anything is possible.

Even if it's not an actual person, you should keep an open mind. I've been in a very fulfilling relationship with a spambot for the last 3 years - all they do is repeat what I say and intersperse targeted advertising, which is really all I'm looking for in a partner.
Even if it's not an actual person, you should keep an open mind. I've been in a very fulfilling relationship with a spambot for the last 3 years - all they do is repeat what I say and intersperse targeted advertising, which is really all I'm looking for in a partner.

That sounds kinda nice, I'll keep it in mind.

oh and legit lol, btw.


So guys, whats a good pair of in-ear headphones? Something that'll last long term, great quality etc etc.

I'm not qualified to speak about audio quality, but Sennheisers have consistently been the most reliable of any brand I've used, regardless of model.

I sound gay.

Same here, unsurprisingly. Now all I have to do is curb the overwhelming shame, revulsion and guilt whenever I'm reminded of it.


Gold Member
So guys, whats a good pair of in-ear headphones? Something that'll last long term, great quality etc etc.
I spent a lot of time trying to find something that meets that criteria, but you end up paying $100+ for it. In the end, I went with these. They're the perfect combination of bluetooth support, adequate sound, and a cheap price. There's a lot of ear sizing options too. They get the job done for workouts.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
On this topic of "sounding gay," I'm only familiar with what "gay" sounds like in (American) English. Can anyone here who lives outside the US comment on what "gay" sounds like in your country and/or your country's language?

I apologize if the documentary covers it; I don't have Netflix.


On this topic of "sounding gay," I'm only familiar with what "gay" sounds like in (American) English. Can anyone here who lives outside the US comment on what "gay" sounds like in your country and/or your country's language?

I apologize if the documentary covers it; I don't have Netflix.

This is probably useless because it's between countries which both have English as a majority language, instead of across languages, but despite not being American, I've found that the stereotype of the American "gay voice" pervasive enough to be the most common cultural shorthand. My voice doesn't sound exactly like that stereotype, especially where accents are concerned, but the timbre, pitch and general tone are similar enough to inspire crippling insecurity.


I sound gay.

I don't... &#128532;

I speak the complete opposite. My L's are not clear, my S's are short and very faint, I hardly enunciate, and vowels are short and faint too.

Maybe that's why people barely understand me when I'm talking.

I speak like this for both English and Spanish.

Hmmm... Maybe I should get a lisp for the sake of people understanding me when I'm talking.

Also, it seems like I talk too fast.

On this topic of "sounding gay," I'm only familiar with what "gay" sounds like in (American) English. Can anyone here who lives outside the US comment on what "gay" sounds like in your country and/or your country's language?

I apologize if the documentary covers it; I don't have Netflix.

It's somewhat similar I'd say. At least in Spanish I would say the gay lisp is similar and you can definitely hear some overlaps. Well at least in my opinion gay lisp sounds universal.


I sound gay because I have that singsongy way of speaking that women tend to have and I mostly avoid using "masculine" words such as man, bro, dude and other such stuff, I have a very slight lisp too though hardly noticeable, I'm completely ok with that, I spoke that way before I even labeled myself as gay. My voice pitch is actually pretty low and I go into vocal fry often.


I don't have a lisp but just sound gay sometimes. I dunno. It's noticeable for sure IMO. And watching It a follows alone at night right now. Fuck me. No sleep for days now.


Neo Member
I don't... &#128532;

I speak the complete opposite. My L's are not clear, my S's are short and very faint, I hardly enunciate, and vowels are short and faint too.

Maybe that's why people barely understand me when I'm talking.

I speak like this for both English and Spanish.

It's somewhat similar I'd say. At least in Spanish I would say the gay lisp is similar and you can definitely hear some overlaps. Well at least in my opinion gay lisp sounds universal.

I'm pretty much exactly the same. I have no lisp, I don't 'sound' gay either, and people act surprised when I tell them I'm gay. So pretty much a straight looking and acting guy I guess. Although there was this one guy who commented on one of my videos that asked me if I was gay because of the way I sound like... well now I'm not so sure, haha.

And yeah, the gay lisp is definitely universal, or at least pretty similar in both English and Spanish, which are the languages I have experience in.

Oh, and hey guys! Decided it was time to wish you all guys a happy end of the year. Hope all you guys and gals are doing good. :D
ahh 4chan "it's not the dick on your body that counts, faggot, it's the dick in your heart"

anyone else not like SWars7 i need more allies even tho i went far and away to punch up the summary for the movie
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