Wasn't that, according to a lot of people, the "peak" of FFXIII? At least story wise?
Err, personally I think it might be. It's the one time in the game when I was actually invested in the characters and their plight. Sazh, if he wasn't already at that point, became the true star of FFXIII in my eyes, and I felt for Vanille.
Of course, it's also awkward. Yay, a date! A teenage girl and a man who I surmise to be in his late-30s to 40. Even if it isn't actually treated as such, it's down to that one line from Sazh. And it's also daft at places. There was no need for the soldiers to bring a coffin along to stuff him in. No head trauma. No sign of fatal injury. Jihl flat out says that she has use for the pair of them. Gee, it's almost as if he's not actually dead. Also, it makes little story sense why only Sazh's Eidolon pops up and Vanille's doesn't until much later on in a much more minor little situation in comparison. For goodness sake, she was willing to be shot. Did her Eidolon never think to come out, intervene and say "hold the fuck on, you can't just give up and decide for death like this!".
Peak of the whole trilogy story-wise is probably the Noel/Caius/Yeul in the Dying World stuff. I'm sure this is generally popular opinion, because no other plot thread in FFXIII-2 matches it. I do love the stylistic look they went with the Dying World before Serah snaps Noel out of it. Haunting reds and overly-contrasted blacks. And for some reason, Mog being able to kill everyone at the press of a button.