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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII |OT| Toriyama's Bizarre Adventure


My time at the Wildlands continue

Just got there myself ;)


Also, beat
Snow in one try he was waaay easier than Noel




Also, this pimp motherfucker with the hat is my favorite (don't ask me why)



FFVIII had a great , heart warming ending with some truly memorable CGI moments.

Incomparable to LR.

Well, for what it is, I think LR is great. I wonder if they could merge all three games somehow... or have some sort of FFXIII redux with all that they've learned in a decade or so, haha.


Well, for what it is, I think LR is great. I wonder if they could merge all three games somehow... or have some sort of FFXIII redux with all that they've learned in a decade or so, haha.

I know right? If you combined the good elements of all three games you would probably have a great Final Fantasy, aside from the story which I didn't really have a problem with anyway.


Well, for what it is, I think LR is great. I wonder if they could merge all three games somehow... or have some sort of FFXIII redux with all that they've learned in a decade or so, haha.

I'd love that, but even if they don't, taking all 3 games together, it feels like a very complete journey. The story covers 2,000 years, a whole bunch of characters, and even wildly different gameplay types and story styles.

I have a hard time putting it into words, but each game has made me feel even better about the ones that came before it, which is a great thing for a sequel to do.

I'm positive I will get shit for this, but taking all 3 games together as one FF journey, it's my favorite one in the series. Easily.

Looking back at Vanille and Fang in part 1, Serah Noel and Caius in 2, and how likable and funny Lightning is in 3, there's just a whole lot to latch onto. I feel like seeing those CG battles between Caius and Lightning in XIII-2's intro now would have a lot more meaning than it did the first time. Same goes for most of XIII.


Because he's the director of
Light's flame dance!

This was one of my favorite parts in the game. I also felt a little giddy because it was like a throwback to the opera scene in FF VI, and also FF IX.

even straight down to Lightning's terribly delivered line when she was demonstrating her ability to act in front of the woman who was originally supposed to be in the play. It reminded me of when Celes was practicing her lines.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Shadow Hunter x Lightning had a cool dialog.


What was the explanation?

I forget that, can you explain?

Now tell me which makes the most sense.

Differences between both versions of the cutscene before the final battle (JAPANESE IS ITALICIZED RIGHT AFTER // ; using translations by the lovely tensai-shoujo )

I think it’s important I post the whole scene so you can grasp the feeling of differences:


Lightning: Bhunivelze, god of light. What is a human’s strength, when measured against your power? It would be madness to fight you. But… I am more than a human now. Because I have been remade by gods. I will lead the dead, and drag you down into the Chaos. You’re finished. // The Radiant God, Bhunivelze… I don’t believe any mere human could defeat you. But I will soon lose my humanity. As a being remolded by the hands of god, I will guide the souls to salvation and drop Bhunivelze into the Chaos… This is goodbye.

Hope: He had a dream of eternity. It was always his desire that this world would last forever. He battled against all the forces that would bring about its end. But his dream was shattered. The world faced its death, and he couldn’t stop it. Goddess Etro was destroyed, and the nurturing flow of life no longer seeded the world. Entropy advanced. But that’s when he saw it. The swirling, invisible forces that breathed life into the universe, that gave form to raw matter. // He dreamt of eternity. He wished for this world to continue forever. He fought with one who would bring destruction to the world. However, contrary to his dream, the world fell to the brink of death. With the ruin of Etro, the Goddess of Death, the “power” sustaining the world’s order crumbled and everything became unhinged. He soon realized the existence of an unseen power responsible for supporting the world.

Lightning: The life force that exists in all of us. The goddess took the souls of the dead and made them be reborn. She breathed life into each new generation. // That “power” comes from the soul, heart, and life of every person. Etro accepted the hearts of the dead, and sent strength to the living.

Hope: Yes. But when she was destroyed, that cycle was broken. After that, the world was doomed. So, God decided to do it over. // But with the death of the goddess, the cycle has severed. Because this world is beyond saving, he decided to start anew.

Lightning: Right. Build a whole new world. It would be a simple matter for the mighty Bhunivelze… He has the power to shape matter and create any material thing. // The creation of a new world. The almighty Bhunivelze has the power to freely create anything with a physical form.

Hope: But what’s in our heart and souls, has no form. Great though his powers are, he cannot create souls, nor he can mold them. So he needed someone to help. A fisher of souls. A savior who would cast her net into the ocean of life… And gather those who were worthy of being born in the new world. She was god’s servant. // However, he does not have the ability to create or gather unseen entities, such as the “soul”. And so, he had no choice but to leave the task to another. He sought for servants who withstood the test of eternity. The Savior – a gatherer of souls, an obedient follower of god’s divine direction.

Lightning: But not just that. // Was that really my only task?

Hope: … // …

Lightning: God has bigger plans for me, doesn’t he? Being the savior was just the first step. If I could complete my task in the short time I had, then he would know. That I could carry out the real mission. And replace the lost goddess. // I don’t believe my work ends there. Bhunivelze is trying to remold me. Along with the task of choosing souls to save, he secretly gave me a greater mission… He wants me to substitute for the dead goddess.

Hope: *laughs* Etro is gone, and she will never return. The new world needs a new goddess, one who can restore the cycle of death and rebirth. You must become the ruler of Chaos… The goddess who takes the souls of the dead, and places them in the hearts of the newly born. // *laughs* The cycle of life and death supports this world. With the death of Etro, a new goddess must be chosen for the new world. Reign in the realm of Chaos, send strength to the living, and become the next goddess.

Lightning: *slightly chuckles* I’ll become a goddess of death, all right. But not the one you want. I’ll be the goddess who kills you! // Of course, I’ll become one. But I won’t be the goddess you were hoping for… I will become the reaper (goddess of death) who defeats you!

Hope: *laughs and disappears* // *laughs and disappears*


[anger intensifies]


Hope: Behold. The grandeur of a new world before your very eyes. Millions of human souls, yearning for life, ready to be reborn. And yet…the moment of new life, recedes. My glorious new world must be destroyed. // Behold, the birth of a new planet and the countless souls waiting to be reborn. However, the sacred hour has receded. That new world must be destroyed.

Lightning: After you went to all that trouble. // I can’t believe you’re already going to destroy it.

Hope: It is your doing. You stopped the sacred one from singing the Soulsong. The souls are poisoned, prisoners of their pasts and of their fates. What God has created, he can destroy. I shall burn it in an ocean of flame. // You are to blame! Because you rejected the ceremony, the souls are still trapped within an evil fate. The new world, the souls of man – they will burn in the flames of purification.

Lightning: Then you’ll do it all over. Rebuild the world, the sky, even the people. But with no memories or feelings…and no past. // And then you plan to create another world and remold humans to your own liking. You will rob them of all memories, bonds, and pasts.

Hope: The perfect people, for my perfect world. Free. Knowing only joy. Unfettered by grief and grudges. // That is the true and worthy form of humanity in a new world. Despair and pain will be forgotten, and only pure bliss will remain.

Lightning: What you’re describing isn’t human. They’ll be puppets that look like people. Bhunivelze. You’re a god, but you can never see into our hearts. They will no longer be human, only mindless dolls. Bhunivelze, for being so almighty, you still can’t comprehend humans.

[Bhunivelze appears] // [Bhunivelze appears with Hope’s distorted voice]

Bhunivelze: Yes, your souls are opaque to me. But that is precisely why they must be redone. What value can they have…If your souls are not known to God? Your flesh shall be returned to clay! Remade! Remolded! Made perfect! Purified, you shall become a vessel for God himself, transcendent and supreme! Rejoice in the light of God’s love! I shall descend and inhabit your frail bodies, to read your heart, and bring you joy. I shall be a god amongst you, almighty and all-knowing. // Indeed, souls are invisible to god. But because I acknowledge this, I chose this lowly human to be my vessel. I returned this body to its innocent form, transcribed it, remolded it, trained it… From this unclean body of flesh and blood, I have created a vessel worthy of harboring a god. Consider my love an honor. As a way to comprehend and sympathize with humans, I have descended to this pitiful state. I have become a merciful god for your kind.

Lightning: Tell me this. You took that body, but what did you do to his soul? // Answer me one question. That body… Where is Hope’s soul?

Bhunivelze: I do not know. Your souls are invisible to me. // Have you forgotten already? Souls are invisible to god.

Lightning: I wasn’t sure. Not until now. I thought that if you were really trying to save humanity… maybe I should help you, instead of fighting you. But I’m sure now! // Bhunivelze… I was a little hesitant at first. If you truly were a god of salvation, I didn’t know if it was right to defeat you… But now I have no reason to hold back!

Bhunivelze: You think you can slay God? // You dare challenge a god?

Lightning: The goddess of death can. You’ve made me strong enough. // A goddess of death can easily destroy you! And remember, you made me this way.

Bhunivelze: Yes, savior! You were to be my new goddess, and so I prepared you with many trials. Show me your new powers, and let this be your final trial! Great and mighty Pulse! From far-flung reaches come to me! Radiant and shining Lindzei! From distant depths come forth to me! Goddess-to-be-born. Bow thy head and open your heart to the benediction of God’s light! Drink in the light and cleanse your soul. Surrender to the radiance… Divine love eternal! // Very well, Savior. I bestowed upon you many trials, to forge you into the new goddess. Now, unleash your power and confront the final trial. Brilliant Pulse, come ye from the isolated beyond. Radiant Lindzei, come ye from the abstruse midst. Let us bless the new goddess with the brilliant light of god. As we sing praises to you with all our might, allow me to discipline you and forever adore you.

Link about certain other changes- http://genesisarclite.deviantart.com/journal/LR-Caius-in-English-vs-Japanese-434576040


I think this was asked before, but how are y'all pulling screenshots off Outerworld?

The service is so...nebulous. I submit a screenshot and I don't even know where to go to view it. >_>

Literally my favorite dialog in the trilogy so far. Lightning was genuinely intimidating. I loved it.

It got me so pumped for the battle. You expect Noel to be the crazy one and Lightning to talk him out of it, but the whole scene subverts your expectations in the most badass way.


so in my limited time yesterday i was finally able to reach Day 2! and only with 3 additional reloads!

spoilertags = Day-1&2-Spoiler (till 09:00am)

I was a bit short on money, since I've bought everything in the first town, but thanks to a 3-Star Quest, where you have to
kill a kind-of-big monster
I got some nice cash and a very good new
shield for my defence role

I then head towards
dead dunes to aquire the debuff clothes and I was also able to aquire 4 or 5 chests with debuff skills and activate 3 kaktuar statues
till 5:51 on Day1

On Day 2 I followed the main quest
in the wildlands
. Right now I'm looking for
medicine to heal the white chocobo, have 3/? so far.


I feel so hollow.

As someone who cared I am really sad about the way SE carelessly chose to end the series.

I was a dedicated fan to the XIII series and gave them the benefit of the doubt for the final entry.

why why why did they do this ?

We have to wait on such a bitter note for so many years till XV comes.


I feel so hollow.

As someone who cared I am really sad about the way SE carelessly chose to end the series.

I was a dedicated fan to the XIII series and gave them the benefit of the doubt for the final entry.

why why why did they do this ?

We have to wait on such a bitter note for so many years till XV comes.

That ending was anything but bitter imo. o_o


I think this was asked before, but how are y'all pulling screenshots off Outerworld?

The service is so...nebulous. I submit a screenshot and I don't even know where to go to view it. >_>
Facebook or twitter, you need to turn it on in the options
I feel so hollow.

As someone who cared I am really sad about the way SE carelessly chose to end the series.

I was a dedicated fan to the XIII series and gave them the benefit of the doubt for the final entry.

why why why did they do this ?

We have to wait on such a bitter note for so many years till XV comes.

You are making me quite nervous about the ending :/


You are making me quite nervous about the ending :/

The ending was like : here have some nice looking CG kids.Because you can't think or analyze anything.

Its such a patronizing ending.It doesn't respect the viewer and covers itself up in awesome CG and music it doesn't deserve.


I feel so hollow.

As someone who cared I am really sad about the way SE carelessly chose to end the series.

I was a dedicated fan to the XIII series and gave them the benefit of the doubt for the final entry.

why why why did they do this ?

We have to wait on such a bitter note for so many years till XV comes.

They have to wrap it up somehow. It has a very, very neat boss. And then
things basically progress how you would expect a happy ending to progress after that.

XIII had a pretty strong ending. And the best ending in the whole FF series was XIII-2. LR goes for
a more safe, happy ending. I find those more boring, but it wraps it up safely.
I think it's fine, and I haven't seen it in English yet so I haven't formed my final opinion on it.


It's the last day and I still haven't managed to open the extra dungeon. I have something like 48 side quests completed. Guess I'll have to try again in NG+.


You were close I read you need around 50-55 quest to unlock it.

Less if you have more 3-star quests. The total is based on point values assigned to each quest, I guess? So you can do like 30 3-star quests and get it, but 40 1-stars will not unlock it for you.


If I connect the game to my twitter or FB am I going to get shit posted on my account? If so, is there any way to make uploads always come out as only visible by me?


that puzzling face
Didn't you work on LR? Someone here said that.

Self-quoting because I'm a lazy bum.

Essentially other than Crimson Blitz which was done last year, I was at every recording session related to Masashi Hamauzu's music and then his personal mix engineer for Lightning Returns, as I'm attached to the Video Game Orchestra. Even the electronic-heavy stuff like Luxerion's mid-day and midnight music ended up on my hard disks for a mix pass. Some things are still NDA territory but feel free to ask me stuff about the process.

I'm not a Square Enix employee though and I'm not gonna disguise my views on the game, for better or for worse. :3

I work with the Video Game Orchestra. I'm not going to deny that even prior to this gig I was quite the die hard XIII fanatic but I am not directly affiliated with Square Enix, and we have recorded for quite a few other games as well, like God Eater 2, Ace Combat 3D (Bandai Namco) and some NDA'd stuff for Basiscape, etc. VGO and SQEX have a very good working relationship, of course.

I should probably reiterate my opinion that all work bias aside I found LRFF13 to be an enjoyable, albeit undercooked experience. Perhaps that's the part of me who already got spoiled on the story 6 months prior and knew to not take things too seriously, but I'd both recommend this game to friends, and yet totally understand if they were waiting for a price drop.


FFVIII had a great , heart warming ending with some truly memorable CGI moments.

Incomparable to LR.

Madness. I only beat VIII for the first time this past year but the ending was poor in terms of its impact on me.

On-topic: Going through another time now to get some trophies. May platinum. Seems easy enough.


If I connect the game to my twitter or FB am I going to get shit posted on my account? If so, is there any way to make uploads always come out as only visible by me?

Just connect it to Facebook, I have an account just for gaming so I don't mind, but yes you can hide them or delete all or make them 'spam' which I assume would delete them on sight.
This scene was fucking AWESOME :p

here's a fullrez (though jpeged) screen.

I made it a fact to main this costume for the remainder of the game lol. Looks amazing in the cut-scenes.

and as a bonus, Lightning sits cross-legged on the chocob :p

I was gonna get this eventually to complete my collection, but... RESOLVE....WEAK..ENING.....


Can I get some impressions on Lightning Returns? Thinking about buying it tomorrow.

Here's the deal, I was planning on waiting to get this till the price drop. But I picked it up because I had to support the waifu, and I'm glad I did. I've been playing for awhile and its fun, plain and simple.
the story has always been eh, but I'm having fun sharing screen shots ( a feature more games need to use, but I guess that don't really matter on ps4 hmm).
Anyways the battle system is okay, I seem to always run outta ATB but I only started a few days ago.

TLDR; way more fun than I thought it would be. worth $60 (to me)
Can I get some impressions on Lightning Returns? Thinking about buying it tomorrow.

Do you only care about the battle system? Give it a twirl.

Do you want a good plot with good characters and an open world where you aren't rushed from one place to another and heavily limits exploration because of time limit constraints? Probably not for you.


Well, it's worth it for sure after a price drop which is probably inevitable in the next 3 months. :p

But I got the CE so... :/
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