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Manga News/Discussion |OTX| Attack on Titles

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No Scrubs
Nothing happened to him or something minor. Kishi doesn't make up a technique and not show it.

He'll probably use it as he's dying or some shit.


Big One

Just caught up with Narutu after weeks of not reading.

- Sai's powers are still cool imo, even though he's bland.
- Gaara still showing he can put up a good fight.
- Umm wtf is up with Madara? It's almost like Kishimoto is making up random powers as he goes along...oh wait, he's done that since chapter 1.
- Madara's will?!! What the hell?!? What is this, a JRPG?
- Madara is seriously the lamest final boss of all time. Doesn't look intimidating, made-up powers on the spot, and looks like another bland generic Naruto NPC without any clothes on. People complain about Boo, but at least Boo had some continuity with his abilities even though they were random and had a unique looking design.
- May I ask, does anyone really give a shit about Madara? I mean what has Madara done for anyone to really feel emotion? Madara has a major role in the series in the backstory, but we've never seen him do anything atrocious or have a reason why Naruto would want to fight him. At least with Obito we've seen him in action doing stuff and moving the plot along. Madara's story is primarily backstory material, which was still very minor in the picture of thingts. I realize Naruto is doing this to save the world, which is fine, but if you think of this as a bigger story, Madara is a flop of a villain. There's just no real emotion to the climax of the series. At least if Naruto and Sasuke were the final battle, there would be emotion cause the two have a long and deep-rooted history. Madara's deep rooted history? We only know about 10% of it and that's being generous.
- Hopefully Sasuke is dead. For good.
Just caught up with Narutu after weeks of not reading.

- Sai's powers are still cool imo, even though he's bland.
- Gaara still showing he can put up a good fight.
- Umm wtf is up with Madara? It's almost like Kishimoto is making up random powers as he goes along...oh wait, he's done that since chapter 1.
- Madara's will?!! What the hell?!? What is this, a JRPG?
- Madara is seriously the lamest final boss of all time. Doesn't look intimidating, made-up powers on the spot, and looks like another bland generic Naruto NPC without any clothes on. People complain about Boo, but at least Boo had some continuity with his abilities even though they were random and had a unique looking design.
- May I ask, does anyone really give a shit about Madara? I mean what has Madara done for anyone to really feel emotion? Madara has a major role in the series in the backstory, but we've never seen him do anything atrocious or have a reason why Naruto would want to fight him. At least with Obito we've seen him in action doing stuff and moving the plot along. Madara's story is primarily backstory material, which was still very minor in the picture of thingts. I realize Naruto is doing this to save the world, which is fine, but if you think of this as a bigger story, Madara is a flop of a villain. There's just no real emotion to the climax of the series. At least if Naruto and Sasuke were the final battle, there would be emotion cause the two have a long and deep-rooted history. Madara's deep rooted history? We only know about 10% of it and that's being generous.
- Hopefully Sasuke is dead. For good.

pfft, Madara is the villain this manga deserves but not the one it htbzsfhedwrgerg

ahem anyway, Madara is a breath of fresh air after those weak willed crying bastards Obito and Nagato. Finally a guy who just gets shit done and doesn't whine and lament his own existence, he truly revels in his assholeness.

yes I know Kishi is going to force him to convert eventually, shut up.
Madara is pretty awesome tbh. Especially in the Anime, dude just isn't with the bullshit. He played with the Kages for a few chapters and then proceded to put the entire alliance on their heels.

So Naruto is half dead. Sasuke looks dead. This year of Naruto might be better than I expected. DTL might not like this though lol.

Tobirama showing why he was such a badass but getting pwned because Madara is broken. Also WTF was up with Sasuke being stuck in the air? Gravity release?

Whatever, give me my Color page Bleach and another OP chapter.
Take a week or 2 break and then come back. It sucks but thats life. People get sick and injured all the time. Hope he recovers and that World Trigger doesn't suffer a loss in rankings.
This is not a week or two type of injury. Not even the sheer will and spirit of a mangaka can return so easily. He may have to learn to draw with his opposite hand like Howard Porter or force his assistants to draw like him. This is serious news.


This is not a week or two type of injury. Not even the sheer will and spirit of a mangaka can return so easily. He may have to learn to draw with his opposite hand like Howard Porter or force his assistants to draw like him. This is serious news.
It's not manga though it is a webcomic, and as it was cutting rather than breaking recovery's probably different, but Rich Burlew of Order of the Stick was out of commission for months due to slicing up his thumb really badly after breaking a glass canister he was cleaning, and that probably wasn't quite as demanding on him as working on a manga under a major publisher so yeah, I can see this being really bad.
This is not a week or two type of injury. Not even the sheer will and spirit of a mangaka can return so easily. He may have to learn to draw with his opposite hand like Howard Porter or force his assistants to draw like him. This is serious news.

Are you 100% sure about this? I though he might have hurt his hand by breaking a finger or something. But if it got crushed or completely broken then man I really feel bad for him. :(

I didn't want to come off as uncaring or cold but I simply thought it was a minor injury.

Hope World Trigger at least gets an ending if he decides to retire.
Are you 100% sure about this? I though he might have hurt his hand by breaking a finger or something. But if it got crushed or completely broken then man I really feel bad for him. :(

I didn't want to come off as uncaring or cold but I simply thought it was a minor injury.

Hope World Trigger at least gets an ending if he decides to retire.
I don't know the severity or location of his injury, but even if je broke a finger that is definitely an injury that would require several weeks or months. Hopefully Jump editors have some leeway with gim if the interest is not there when he comes back...

I doubt Sasuke is even hurt. That has genjutsu written all over it or he allowed himself to be stabbed to create an opening for whatever jutsu the First gave him.
Start the year with a set-up chapter seems good. Next week a lot of stuff should happen. Dofla thinks that he's got things figured out, but what he doesn't know is that Usoland has his minions that are about to kick ass in this factory.


There is no way The Sauce is dead. If he really is, Dresden can give me a week ban. I would happily accept a ban if The Sauce dies for Kishi's sins.
Anyone read Ikigami? Just got the film, not seen before. I wanted to read it for a long time
Me! Me! Read the manga! I don't know which country you live in, but I hope all the volumes are released there. I picked up volume 8 the other week, so I'll hurry up and finish the series when I go on break from uni. It does the whole unrelated case by case with overarching plot and character development quite well!

Actually, I was just thinking of picking up the first volume of Mase's new series, Demokratia, when I saw it in the bookstore today. I wonder how it is!


Wagatsuma-san 60-65
Oh, so they're actually going out now, good on you Aoshima, that kick from Sylvia was great though.

Either Sasuke's going to turn into a flock of Hawks, a bunch of Snakes, or he's going to use Izanagi.

One Piece
I have no idea what's going on half the time, so Cavendish has a different personality while sleeping and Doflamingo doesn't realise that his plans are about to fall apart.


Me! Me! Read the manga! I don't know which country you live in, but I hope all the volumes are released there. I picked up volume 8 the other week, so I'll hurry up and finish the series when I go on break from uni. It does the whole unrelated case by case with overarching plot and character development quite well!

I ordered the first volume from play.com for something like £3.80 so will try it out properly.. Not really a fan of reading manga online, but was so cheap it's worth a go

Chapter was probably one of the worst in ages Naruto on near death status and worst Sasuke being visually bamboozled embarasses me as a true Sasuke apologist. Kishimoto ought to know to treat Sasuke better. Oh well he can visibly redeem things next chapter if he brings us back to the old days with our wood stump substition jutsu.


One Piece

I wonder what Doffy meant when he said luffy *sabo* won't come out of the tournament as a human. Are they all going to be turned into toys?

Chapter was probably one of the worst in ages Naruto on near death status and worst Sasuke being visually bamboozled embarasses me as a true Sasuke apologist. Kishimoto ought to know to treat Sasuke better. Oh well he can visibly redeem things next chapter if he brings us back to the old days with our wood stump substition jutsu.

DTL your posts are always the best lol.

One Piece

Eww the fighting was so messy. One thing I dislike in OP. But other then that, the chapter was good. Violet at the end of the chapter was a nice throwback. Kinda surprised to remember that half the crew is gone to the next island. How will they get there with no Nami?

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Ore Monogatari?


Lead Character.


THANK YOU for this. I grinned ear to ear the whole time I read this. I can' t believe this exist in this world, I mean a romantic *SHOUJO* manga about a lead like this? Unbelievable. I thought hell would frozen over before something like this exist. Holy.... thank you so much for this.
With this being naruto got to wait and see if this just not some jutsu at play here .

One Piece
Cavendish with a split personality is lol , going to be interesting to see where things go from here .



Goddamn that is a much better design suits Renji better. Was not expecting rukia colour page but nicely drawn.

Also looks like all Royal Guard are powerful because they know real names of the zan they have so can access its full power.

Looks like One Piece picking up again time to re start it after dropping it during fisherman arc


It's clear that the RG - knowing the true names are far more powerful than first thought.

Heck this means that they have counter-measures for our favorite tea drinking buddy.

Renji's Bankai looks far better now and much much more useful.

This definitely means that Rukia has Bankai now at full power - maybe do a swerve and have her fight Bazz-B instead of As Nodt as some people would wish - Fire and Ice Round 2. At the very least it'd serve to tick of Hitsu fans further xD

One Piece

Even Doflamingo fears Sogeking.

Of course. Don't you?
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