Fairy Tail 442
Vinland Saga 1
It doesn't exactly look bad thereJeez it's been so long. The art has gotten way better.
It doesn't exactly look bad there
This why I like the manga, haha. It is just a shonen power fantasy. I was kind of off put by the scouters and power levels, but then realized I'm reading this for cool looking action scenes and over the top fights. This a manga that is strictly style over substance.Imagine a bunch of kindergartners playing superheroes
One uses his super mega weapon to summon 2,000 swords and plunge them into the other kid but he goes NUH-UH I AM IMMORTAL SO IT DOESN'T HURT
so just imagine all the shonen cliches everyone hates thrown into one series, i havent read fairy tail but this is what i imagined that was
There's nothing to ramp up too since even jobbers can summon huge tornadoes and they always cause merely a scratch but when they are punched because of friendship they lose. Also note this is the first 70 chapters and it's already more off putting then dbz when it comes to power levels
This why I like the manga, haha. It is just a shonen power fantasy. I was kind of off put by the scouters and power levels, but then realized I'm reading this for cool looking action scenes and over the top fights. This a manga that is strictly style over substance.
They randomly luck on interesting plot lines (Ban/Ellen intro story), which is nice when it happens.
If you dig consistently nice art and off the hook actions scenes with straight stupid in-between, this is the manga for you!
*Everything MetroidPrimeRib said is 100% accurate.
I just realized I've not been keeping up on the manga I've been following since E3 week (and DMC4SE afterwards). Fucking got some catching up to do.
[No title?] by Ray-Kbys
From the artist of Love at First Sight, a series of pictures with text that stars a somewhat shy yandere girl. It's rather straightforward (and tame) as far as story goes, but since it's not all that bloody, it's a pleasantly cute and sweet read. The art in particular is very nice, and depicts the tone and expressions pretty well. Hope there'll be more of it in the future.
I've been calling Seven Deadly Sins trash since say one. People calling it the next One Piece when it's nothing but another Fairy Tail.
I agree as well. They're not smart/intellectual battles, just flashy.I didn't really like the action scenes much, but I don't think they are particularly great in a lot of shonen manga. JoJo, One Punch Man and HxH have good fights imo, they flow well.
seven deadly sins was fun for a while but man that battle with Hendrickson (i think that's who it was) that dragged on forever really killed my interest in the series
didn't help that i peeked into one of the later chapters and the dialogue was about literal power levels sooooo yeah i'm kinda done with it
at least it had some ballin' artwork tho
Its really bizarre to me that Hiro Mashima can draw so many pages per year without actually having anything happen in his series
Found it. It's amazing what typing an author's name into google will get you.I just got something for you:
Now try to find it~
I've been calling Seven Deadly Sins trash since say one. People calling it the next One Piece when it's nothing but another Fairy Tail.
And I started reading two new things as well~
Found it. It's amazing what typing an author's name into google will get you.
Too bad I'm still shit at reading moonrunes. Can only assume the guy that she's after understands her clearly and is not fucking things up.
Anything is better than Nisekoi at this point.Jitsu wa Watashi wa 84
The status quo will always be the same, but dammit if it doesn't still keep things interesting
(Unlike NISEKOI)
Anything is better than Nisekoi at this point.
Except Fuuka.
Tsugumomo 71
This has actually gotten kinda compelling lately.
I've pretty much always treated this as that dumb shounen series with cool action, good art, and often borders on porn. But I'm actually pretty interested to see where the story goes and I appreciate a protagonist that's swiftly willing to move forward even after his mom basically killed* his two closest companions.
*even tho they're totally coming back somehow eventually
oh yeah his artwork is great. definitely one of the better ones in recent memory.its a really great manga for various reasons.
those reasons are lewd.
but also interesting premise of spirit objects and japanese lore.
but also cause the author takes great care in attention to detail, and even better care in portraying human anatomy. both the lewd and non-lewd.
you should check out his pixiv.
caution, it's extra lewd.