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Metal Gear Online Official Thread -- NeoGAF clan now up!


MiamiWesker said:
My god the new maps are incredible!!

:lol at Jonny's fart gas attack. I love how he has no sop.
So many awesome touches.

So worth it, get the expansion.

How the hell do you do it? I saw it once!!!


In a heated fight against Noz and his buddy last night, I killed Noz and Akiba proceeded to ..er.. relieve himself.

In the middle of battle. ¬__¬

Granted, she didn't realize what was taking place and I was fortunate enough to take care of her next, but still :lol

Bajan32 said:
still no go.....fucking bullshit
wtf :/


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Guled said:
ya, sorry about that. Also, if anyone who bought the codec pack could you tell me if its worth it?
Worth it if you frequently use the Codec system to communicate, not worth it if you use a headset or don't communicate while playing.

This is what you get with the codec pack, bold ones are the ones I use the most and should have been included with the game for free:

Laughter 1 <LAUGH> <LA>
Laughter 2 <LAUGH2> <LA2>
I'll cover you. <ITCOVERS> <IC>
Somebody, come quick! <COMEHERE> <CH>
I'm on the attack! <ONSLAUGHT> <OST>
Engaging the enemy! <TAKEFIRE> <TF>
Requesting reinforcements! <REINFORCEMENT> <RI>
Enemy eliminated! <DESTROYEDENEMY> <DE>
Clear! <CLEAR> <CLR>
Good soldiers make graves. <LAMENT> <LAM>
You brought this upon yourself! <LAMENT2> <LAM2>
Hm? What was that sound? <NOISE> <NO>
Don't see anybody. <NOBODY> <NB>
Hostile sighted! <ENEMYFIND> <EF>
Goal! <GOAL> <GA>
Run! <RUN> <RU>
One! Two! Three! Go! <COUNTDOWN> <CD>
Game on! <START> <ST>
Game over! <END> <ED>
Hey. <WELL> <WL>
Seeya around. <SEEYOU> <SY>
My stomach... <TOILET> <TOI>
That's gotta be a record. <RECORD> <RE>
I'm back. <IMHOME> <IH>
Welcome back. <WELCOMEBACK> <WB>
Sorry, gotta go. <QUIT> <QT>
Thank you. <THANKS> <THX>
Leave it to me. <BUYIN> <BI>
Connecting. <LINK> <LIN>
Reload! <RELOAD> <REL>
Excellent! <GRATS> <GRA>


Killthee said:
Worth it if you frequently use the Codec system to communicate, not worth it if you use a headset or don't communicate while playing.

This is what you get with the codec pack, bold ones are the ones I use the most and should have been included with the game for free:

tempting, but I don't think its worth the cash. Thanks for the list
KTallguy said:
How the hell do you do it? I saw it once!!!

I have no idea, I killed someone (probably Nozdeuce :p ) then all of a sudden he freezed up on me and crapped his pants. Then a fart cloud would come out of his ass, a teamate was next to me and he was the first to get knockedout. Right then I realized I was a moving fart cloud of death so I ran around looking for enemies. :lol


MiamiWesker said:
I have no idea, I killed someone (probably Nozdeuce :p ) then all of a sudden he freezed up on me and crapped his pants. Then a fart cloud would come out of his ass, a teamate was next to me and he was the first to get knockedout. Right then I realized I was a moving fart cloud of death so I ran around looking for enemies. :lol

It's official.

Killing Nozdeuce makes you crap yourself. :lol
Guled said:
I like TT, so many easy kills. Not only that, you could swim. I'd like to see anyone try that in the other maps :D

I love all the maps, TT has so many places to set up and ambush, its beautiful. I love just laying in the water, people run right by, bam.

The jungle level, it turns into a massive sniper fight, its amazing. I have never seen two teams straight up have a 5 on 5 sniper battle like that before, it was awesome.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
MiamiWesker said:
I love all the maps, TT has so many places to set up and ambush, its beautiful. I love just laying in the water, people run right by, bam.

The jungle level, it turns into a massive sniper fight, its amazing. I have never seen two teams straight up have a 5 on 5 sniper battle like that before, it was awesome.
Yeah there's nothing unfun about that
Nozdeuce said:
Big waste of awesome, you could just roll the entire team if you went balls out :(

Not as fun IMO. I enjoy being artisitc with my kills. Like hiding in a box literally on your guys spawn point and killing you guys as you run past me oblivious. That enjoyment can only come from MGO. I love it.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
davepoobond said:
how much is the expansion?
11.99 USD
Nozdeuce said:
Gene Expansion Pack $11.99 USD: Includes three new maps, two special characters (Meryl Silverburgh and Johnny Akiba), a survival mode and a customisable female character

Gene Expansion Plus $14.99 USD: Includes the above as well as an additional character slot.


Nozdeuce said:

Did you ever manage to buy the expansion?

Hells yeah. This morning I did. Tried out the new maps. Sewers is a little too dark so it's kinda hard to navigate your corners. But so nice. Will just take some time getting used to.


you can't put a price on sparks
CcrooK said:
Why? 3 maps for other games are $10 so...

eh, i dont buy DLC typically. I hadn't heard anything about the pricing for the expansion pack so i thought it was gonna be like 7 or 8 since that's about how much i think that content is worth from my own approximation.

by the way, after a couple of matches, i heard some weird song being sung by a lady and what seemed like a longer-than-usual post-game invicibility battle. Does anyone know what that is or why it happens?
davepoobond said:
eh, i dont buy DLC typically. I hadn't heard anything about the pricing for the expansion pack so i thought it was gonna be like 7 or 8 since that's about how much i think that content is worth from my own approximation.

by the way, after a couple of matches, i heard some weird song being sung by a lady and what seemed like a longer-than-usual post-game invicibility battle. Does anyone know what that is or why it happens?

Type <song> (I believe) into the chat when the match is over. Then a song will play.
.. spoke too soon. Ok, I bought the Gene Expansion PLUS, which comes with the extra slot. BUT.. I never received the extra slot. Upon logging back in. I was directed immediately straight to the character creation screen, I figured it was for my new slot so I proceeded. Turns out it was my previous character's slot. MemoryCell has been deleted.. and replaced with my new character.

Pissed? eh.. yeah. I just send an email to customer support. Hopefully I'll get my extra slot with no problems. I'll assume that MemoryCell is gone for good (Unrecoverable..) so I see this as the MGO equivalent of Presitge mode from COD4 and just deal with it.

Konami must really dislike its consumers.

Oh hey, Nozdeuce. I'm going to re-apply with my new character to VanillaGaf if that's no problem? Character ID: MemoryMedica


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Assembly Required said:
.. spoke too soon. Ok, I bought the Gene Expansion PLUS, which comes with the extra slot. BUT.. I never received the extra slot. Upon logging back in. I was directed immediately straight to the character creation screen, I figured it was for my new slot so I proceeded. Turns out it was my previous character's slot. MemoryCell has been deleted.. and replaced with my new character.

Pissed? eh.. yeah. I just send an email to customer support. Hopefully I'll get my extra slot with no problems. I'll assume that MemoryCell is gone for good (Unrecoverable..) so I see this as the MGO equivalent of Presitge mode from COD4 and just deal with it.

Konami must really dislike its consumers.

Oh hey, Nozdeuce. I'm going to re-apply with my new character to VanillaGaf if that's no problem? Character ID: MemoryMedica
Bummer. Sure thing, thanks for letting me know here what the deal was.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Assembly Required said:
.. spoke too soon. Ok, I bought the Gene Expansion PLUS, which comes with the extra slot. BUT.. I never received the extra slot. Upon logging back in. I was directed immediately straight to the character creation screen, I figured it was for my new slot so I proceeded. Turns out it was my previous character's slot. MemoryCell has been deleted.. and replaced with my new character.

Pissed? eh.. yeah. I just send an email to customer support. Hopefully I'll get my extra slot with no problems. I'll assume that MemoryCell is gone for good (Unrecoverable..) so I see this as the MGO equivalent of Presitge mode from COD4 and just deal with it.

Konami must really dislike its consumers.

Oh hey, Nozdeuce. I'm going to re-apply with my new character to VanillaGaf if that's no problem? Character ID: MemoryMedica
Holy crap I thought Medica was just a crazy stalker ^_^;

Sucks to hear what happened to Cell :\

If you need a dummy body for skill grinding, I'm here to help.


Assembly Required said:
.. spoke too soon. Ok, I bought the Gene Expansion PLUS, which comes with the extra slot. BUT.. I never received the extra slot. Upon logging back in. I was directed immediately straight to the character creation screen, I figured it was for my new slot so I proceeded. Turns out it was my previous character's slot. MemoryCell has been deleted.. and replaced with my new character.

Pissed? eh.. yeah. I just send an email to customer support. Hopefully I'll get my extra slot with no problems. I'll assume that MemoryCell is gone for good (Unrecoverable..) so I see this as the MGO equivalent of Presitge mode from COD4 and just deal with it.

Konami must really dislike its consumers.

Oh hey, Nozdeuce. I'm going to re-apply with my new character to VanillaGaf if that's no problem? Character ID: MemoryMedica

That.. SUCKS. Although I knew who you were upon joining the game, why not go with.. MemoryCellica?

Fake Edit: Stupid question, I know :lol


you can't put a price on sparks
is it just me or do you have to have a skill for the roll to do any damage?

everytime i roll against someone, it does nothing.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
davepoobond said:
is it just me or do you have to have a skill for the roll to do any damage?

everytime i roll against someone, it does nothing.
I guess you need to have cqc on? That's never really been discussed before, usually people just awe at being able to CQC slam someone with CQC3 + 1 roll to knock someone out


you can't put a price on sparks
Nozdeuce said:
I guess you need to have cqc on? That's never really been discussed before, usually people just awe at being able to CQC slam someone with CQC3 + 1 roll to knock someone out

hm, i guess i'll try equipping that then.

but it seems like everyone else is able to roll against me -- does that mean they all have CQC+ equipped??


If you roll against somebody who is crouching you knock them over and do about a third of a bar of stamina damage.

If you roll against someone who is standing you do around a quarter of a bar of stamina damage but you wont knock them down, they will simply be stunned for about half a second. This will mess up their aim.

You dont have to have cqc equipped for that.


you can't put a price on sparks
Indeed said:
If you roll against somebody who is crouching you knock them over and do about a third of a bar of stamina damage.

If you roll against someone who is standing you do around a quarter of a bar of stamina damage but you wont knock them down, they will simply be stunned for about half a second. This will mess up their aim.

You dont have to have cqc equipped for that.

well, i'm not even talking about fully knocking them down, it just appears to do nothing to them at all when i roll against them. Like, i expect them to at least stumble, but they just stay there. I don't even notice a hit to the stamina.

it seems like i only hit people who are on my team.


davepoobond said:
well, i'm not even talking about fully knocking them down, it just appears to do nothing to them at all when i roll against them. Like, i expect them to at least stumble, but they just stay there. I don't even notice a hit to the stamina.

it seems like i only hit people who are on my team.

Well they SHOULD at least stumble if you roll into them. Maybe lag? Im 99% sure that rolling has nothing to do with the cqc skill so that shouldnt be the problem.


If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Game up on S.Mantis, password: believe

If anyone else wants to host be my guest


Indeed said:
Well they SHOULD at least stumble if you roll into them. Maybe lag? Im 99% sure that rolling has nothing to do with the cqc skill so that shouldnt be the problem.

This is correct, lag is probably the problem people should stop downloading the dirties while playing
case in point: Indeed


Ilparazzo said:
This is correct, lag is probably the problem people should stop downloading the dirties while playing
case in point: Indeed



bish gets all the credit :)
did they completely neuter the stun knife with the latest update? it's stun range is drastically reduced.
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