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Metro 2033 |OT| Fear the Future


beast786 said:
Um wow, terrible review IMO. Almost completely neglects covering the game's atmosphere, which is arguably its selling point. Half of the review is spent lamenting over the AI engine, which in all honesty is not THAT bad. I've seen way worse. It's not enough of a negative to warrant bringing down the rating to C+.


I personally think C or C+ is about right. The AI is seriously terrible and a lot of the level design is pretty poor. All the NPCs look the same, the story's thin and the shooting isn't fun. Atmosphere is really ALL the game has going for it imho.

leng jai

Why is this game so dark 90% of the time? Its really annoying me now since I have such a hard time seeing enemies and the flash light is rubbish.


Really? That's the take away for everyone? I'm all about the atmosphere, totally makes up for any bugs, it's a game made in the Ukraine for one, it's unique for two and I believe everyone should try it to be truly up to speed on 2010 so far.

I'm putting this in GOTY contention based on atmosphere and ambition alone.


leng jai said:
Why is this game so dark 90% of the time? Its really annoying me now since I have such a hard time seeing enemies and the flash light is rubbish.

I'd imagine it has something to do with underpowered subway tunnels in a post nuclear world.

Also, this is the best FPS I've played in quite some time.


kazinova said:
Really? That's the take away for everyone? I'm all about the atmosphere, totally makes up for any bugs, it's a game made in the Ukraine for one, it's unique for two and I believe everyone should try it to be truly up to speed on 2010 so far.

I'm putting this in GOTY contention based on atmosphere and ambition alone.

Exactly. This game is miles ahead of anything else in terms of atmosphere. While I can understand complaints about the AI, it's not that significant of a flaw. In this type of genre, that is. If it were a tactical shooter, then different story.


Unlimited Capacity
Mr_Brit said:
Just got the game. It looks good. However, the comments about the game beating Crysis' indoor environments or it beating Killzone 2 are laughable. Those 2 games comfortably beat this game in every area especially animation which is pretty rough.

*I'm comparing the PC version to Crysis and the 360 version to Killzone 2.

Ya, you're wrong


Loves Robotech S1
Mr_Brit said:
Just got the game. It looks good. However, the comments about the game beating Crysis' indoor environments or it beating Killzone 2 are laughable. Those 2 games comfortably beat this game in every area especially animation which is pretty rough.

*I'm comparing the PC version to Crysis and the 360 version to Killzone 2.

I'm not laughing.


Stop quoting Mr_Brit..
He already discussed his points all over the previous posts, no need to drag it again...still don't agree with him??, then exchange private messages..but there's no reason to conitnue talking about Killzone 2 or Crysis..on a Metro 2033 thread.

And the same applies to those saying that it looks better than both..so let's not drag this game, which is already getting quite ignored by many; into this. Get the fuck out of here and start spreading the word about this game to your friends, about how great it looks and it's awesome atmosphere...geeze.. :lol

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Amneisac said:
I personally think C or C+ is about right. The AI is seriously terrible and a lot of the level design is pretty poor. All the NPCs look the same, the story's thin and the shooting isn't fun. Atmosphere is really ALL the game has going for it imho.

Pretty much. The only reason I'm still playing this is for the story and the atmosphere.

Anyways, so I'm stuck at
D6 where you have to traverse that corridor with those fucking annoying little blobs
due to the dumb as fucking bricks A.I. How do I get past this part? Am I doing something wrong?

Edit: Turns out I was the dumbfuck. Didn't know you could shoot the spores. heh heh.....


We're genuinely intrigued by the 'headshots don't kill' and general 'bullet sponge' comments.

Any clean headshot on a human is an instant kill. I've never seen it not be fatal after about 150 hours of play time.

Hit the mask, neck guard or helmet and you might dislodge the armour or just ricochet off. But a clean shot = kill.

Point us to a video of this not happening as it should and we'll look at it again, but right now we're struggling to replicate this!

@leng jai - there's a brightness setting (Gamma Correction) in the main game options


Bi50N said:
We're genuinely intrigued by the 'headshots don't kill' and general 'bullet sponge' comments.

Any clean headshot on a human is an instant kill. I've never seen it not be fatal after about 150 hours of play time.

Hit the mask, neck guard or helmet and you might dislodge the armour or just ricochet off. But a clean shot = kill.

Point us to a video of this not happening as it should and we'll look at it again, but right now we're struggling to replicate this!

@leng jai - there's a brightness setting (Gamma Correction) in the main game options

It's cool that you guys are looking into this.

How the enemy reacts when shot has sooooo much to say when it comes to how the guns feel. They can have the best models/animations, sounds and effects ever, but if the enemy never reacts to shots, never bleeds, and takes like six hits before he goes down, the gun feels weak.
Truant said:
It's cool that you guys are looking into this.

How the enemy reacts when shot has sooooo much to say when it comes to how the guns feel. They can have the best models/animations, sounds and effects ever, but if the enemy never reacts to shots, never bleeds, and takes like six hits before he goes down, the gun feels weak.

But that doesn't happen.

The enemy reacts to shots, takes 1 head shot (2 if you have to dislodge his helment first) and is pretty allergic to bullets in general. I agree with Bi50N.

Bi50N: Any chance of the SDK seeing light of day? That'd be sweet.


Yeah, never dealt with 'bullet sponge' enemies. Shooting a human in the head without a helmet = dead. That's it! If I have to shoot off a helmet, well that comes off first.


wormstrangler said:
Bi50N: Any chance of the SDK seeing light of day? That'd be sweet.

Not impossible, but we hadn't planned on it. The studio are currently working on DLC, but we're keeping an eye out on the community for ideas on what to do next.

Although 'take a holiday' is pretty high up on the list right now.


I've had no problems killing enemies..
For humans I always use a gun variant or a knife directly to the head..Big wolf-like enemies...always use a shotgun variant, relatively close..

Glad to hear about DLC...


What about the Librarians...this is where I gave up on the game...on easy,it was taking at least 30 shotgun shells,right in the face before he went down,and since I was lost in there,with just a little green arrow pointing in the general direction of a 3 floor building,the constant respawn of these guy made me quit the game...I don`t have the patience for a ridiculously hard game like this anymore...power to you guys beating this game on hardcore though,I don`t know how you do it hehe...


Gold Member
Truant said:
It's cool that you guys are looking into this.

How the enemy reacts when shot has sooooo much to say when it comes to how the guns feel. They can have the best models/animations, sounds and effects ever, but if the enemy never reacts to shots, never bleeds, and takes like six hits before he goes down, the gun feels weak.

You may not be referring specifically to this game, but I was thinking the same thing earlier, so I had to go test it and was surprised I couldn't complain about it, because it happened. You do get a little blood and you can actually see damage from shooting the enemies with fur missing, skin bloodied slightly.

I just find myself wishing it was a lot more visceral in this game. It'd go a long way to see heads flying and limbs getting separated with geysers of blood at point blank range with the shotgun or grenades. But done so gruesomely, and horrific, not comical. It just seems like it'd fit well, with the atmosphere to see a bit more twisted and horrific things as a result of your weapons, especially when you see those long trails of blood from a person being killed and dragged by the mutants.

I'm still in the 2nd or 3rd chapter, but a point blank shotgun hit doesn't have enough visual impact, or much knock back a lot of the time.


Ricker said:
What about the Librarians...this is where I gave up on the game...on easy,it was taking at least 30 shotgun shells,right in the face before he went down,and since I was lost in there,with just a little green arrow pointing in the general direction of a 3 floor building,the constant respawn of these guy made me quit the game...I don`t have the patience for a ridiculously hard game like this anymore...power to you guys beating this game on hardcore though,I don`t know how you do it hehe...

I only killed a couple then ran past the rest of them. You can abuse their AI when they jump back up then come back down.


Hadn't read/seen anything about the game until yesterday.

Got to play the first hour and half and was blown away with presentation, graphics and atmosphere. Liking the writing too.

It's also quite a tech marvel on x360, with shadows being casted by every flashlight and every weapon firing, smoke filling up rooms for several seconds after large shootouts. I can see where Killzone 2 comparisons came from, although Metro has a smaller scale (so far at least) less PP and is generally a lot less busy (it also has a smoother, more steady framerate though).

Unfortunately shooting is quite poor and level design is very basic so far. I didn't find AI especially bad though. Still, for the little i've played, it felt like a powerful and refreshing overall experience, which shouldn't be judged on gunplay mechanics. That's not fair, and quite unrespectful of the medium.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I like killing nosalis with throwing knifes when they're jumping. Instakill and no bullets lost.
Ricker said:
What about the Librarians...this is where I gave up on the game...on easy,it was taking at least 30 shotgun shells,right in the face before he went down,and since I was lost in there,with just a little green arrow pointing in the general direction of a 3 floor building,the constant respawn of these guy made me quit the game...I don`t have the patience for a ridiculously hard game like this anymore...power to you guys beating this game on hardcore though,I don`t know how you do it hehe...

I hated this section too until I got fed up and decided that they would spawn forever and couldn't take damange. So I just ran past them all. Once you figure out where to go the section is really short and you can move the game along.

Humans can take a while to take down if they are wearing armor. Headshots are the most obvious place to fire helmet or not.
Warm Machine said:
I hated this section too until I got fed up and decided that they would spawn forever and couldn't take damange. So I just ran past them all. Once you figure out where to go the section is really short and you can move the game along.

i noticed you have to do this in the game quite a lot (like cod:mw) since most of the time enemies will just keep spawning...


But they've said it themselves that the enemies don't respawn?

Metro2033 twitter said:
PSA: Rumour has it there are re-spawning enemies in Metro 2033. This rumour is FALSE. There are no re-spawning enemies!


Dear lord the pink mutant dogs popping out of holes are annoying, the FOV and the piss that shoots out of these guns make it even worst.


leng jai said:
Why is this game so dark 90% of the time? Its really annoying me now since I have such a hard time seeing enemies and the flash light is rubbish.

you know you need to charge the light right? i think its pretty bright when you have it all the way up. forgetting to charge it and then being boned when you get attacked is part of the fun

by SDK do people mean like a source engine kind of thing to make completely new games, or to make mods for this? it would be very cool if this got as much support as stalker, although its a very different game so i can see there might not be as much opportunity to.

the AI as it is doesnt seem too bad to me, the monsters behave in a pretty standard way, and the extra semi-scripted stuff they do is pretty cool. i love it when they stand up on top of a car or something.

the human AI seems pretty standard to me, not amazing but i dont think i've seen anything noticeably better either.

not noticed the bullet sponge thing either, i think its possibly just that you can miss fairly easily because the guns arent perfect (presumably by design?).


panda21 said:
you know you need to charge the light right? i think its pretty bright when you have it all the way up. forgetting to charge it and then being boned when you get attacked is part of the fun

That and the stealth component is gone if it's all well lit. Blowing out or shooting lights with a silenced gun as you make your way to stealth kill a bandit or fascist is good fun. Once they warn the others, its a manhunt. Picking off as many as possible before the warning bell sounds is pretty satisfying to me.
Violater said:
Dear lord the pink mutant dogs popping out of holes are annoying, the FOV and the piss that shoots out of these guns make it even worst.

Thats where I thought for sure the enemies were respawns. Those things were driving me crazy.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Warm Machine said:
Thats where I thought for sure the enemies were respawns. Those things were driving me crazy.

I got a couple of achievements for the weapon kills/20 kills of that creature at that area. I was going for one more and then they stopped :lol
I had some doubts going into from the impressions (stealth doesn't work, guns suck etc), but I really haven't found any of the complaints to be accurate. Stealth as powerful as in MGS or SC, but that's because the AI isn't as retarded as in those games (if somebody sees you he'll shout out, and if you stab somebody to death their allies can hear them gurgling) and it works fine as a way to gain an advantage in combat. The shooting is also fine, if I shoot somebody in the body armor it takes 4+ shot for them to go down, but if they aren't wearing armor or if I hit them in the head they go down plenty fast.


Finally reached the overlap from the first level... my AI partner bugged out and got stuck. I ran forward for the hell of it and it saved the checkpoint with him stuck. I can't go forward because I get boundry instant killed, and I can't go backwards.

Can't even load a previous save because it uses a console saving system. I'm at an impasse which makes the whole play through worthless.

Druz said:
Finally reached the overlap from the first level... my AI partner bugged out and got stuck. I ran forward for the hell of it and it saved the checkpoint with him stuck. I can't go forward because I get boundry instant killed, and I can't go backwards.

Can't even load a previous save because it uses a console saving system. I'm at an impasse which makes the whole play through worthless.


You can probably go back. Go to the load menu and choose the chapter you were up to or the previous chapter.

leng jai

Bi50N said:
We're genuinely intrigued by the 'headshots don't kill' and general 'bullet sponge' comments.

Any clean headshot on a human is an instant kill. I've never seen it not be fatal after about 150 hours of play time.

Hit the mask, neck guard or helmet and you might dislodge the armour or just ricochet off. But a clean shot = kill.

Point us to a video of this not happening as it should and we'll look at it again, but right now we're struggling to replicate this!

@leng jai - there's a brightness setting (Gamma Correction) in the main game options

I must be daft since I clearly still can't see where this option is even after you just pointed it out.

About the bullet sponge enemies, are we playing two different games? I've put the game on easy and had numerous occasions where I've pumped 3 shotty rounds into a guy point blank and hes still alive. Using rifles anything other than a headset takes an eternity to kill, and at longer range its hard to see if you're actually hitting them at all. I think the most effective weapons are the revolvers, guys usually fall within 3 shots when I use them.
leng jai said:
About the bullet sponge enemies, are we playing two different games? I've put the game on easy and had numerous occasions where I've pumped 3 shotty rounds into a guy point blank and hes still alive. Using rifles anything other than a headset takes an eternity to kill, and at longer range its hard to see if you're actually hitting them at all. I think the most effective weapons are the revolvers, guys usually fall within 3 shots when I use them.

Here's a video I just made of a couple of runs through Black Station (no spoilers): http://vimeo.com/10400848

You'll see that it takes 5 shots from my VSV to take down one guy:

1st bullet into his arm
2nd bullet hits his gas mask (no damage)
3rd bullet hits his gas mask again (no damage - but knocks it off at least)
4th bullet in the back armour - damage, but not dead.
5th bullet through his sides - no armour, death.

Shotgun is another matter. Any close range shotgun weapon takes them down in 2 hits average for me. Max 3 if you spread it wide slightly/hit a lot of armour. 1 shell for up close and personal or head shots.

So basically, machine guns = target exposed areas. Shotgun = aim in their general direction.



Note you can actually hear when your bullet hits armour or flesh between 00.33 & 00.41

There's a 'ping' when it ricochets of body armour, a 'crunch' when it penetrates for the killing shot...

The point at 00.28 shows just how wide the shotgun spread is, as you managed to shoot out the light with your first volley...!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bi50N said:
Not impossible, but we hadn't planned on it. The studio are currently working on DLC, but we're keeping an eye out on the community for ideas on what to do next.

Although 'take a holiday' is pretty high up on the list right now.
Is there any chance of a patch allowing more customizable graphics settings? I really don't understand why this wasn't included to begin with.

Finding a middle ground between high and very high would be perfect.


dark10x said:
Is there any chance of a patch allowing more customizable graphics settings? I really don't understand why this wasn't included to begin with.

Finding a middle ground between high and very high would be perfect.

Yeah, we've seen this complaint a lot. Again, no promises for now, but we're aware of it.
Bi50N said:
The point at 00.28 shows just how wide the shotgun spread is, as you managed to shoot out the light with your first volley...!

That surprised me too! Just shows you should get as close as possible with the shotty for maximum carnage.

Bi50N said:
Note you can actually hear when your bullet hits armour or flesh between 00.33 & 00.41

There's a 'ping' when it ricochets of body armour, a 'crunch' when it penetrates for the killing shot...!

This is what I listen out for when shooting medium/long range.

I love their insults in their death throes. Especially the 'wanker' one :D!


Cretinously credulous
Half-way through the D6 level and wow! This game is awesome and deserves sales and praise. I am a sucker for atmosphere (probably comes above everything for me) and this game has it in spades. I am quite sure that when I've finished it, a few of its levels will be the some of the best gaming experiences of my life.

Also, I am really happy with an influx of European and erstwhile USSR countries developers, especially on PCs. Not only they are creating different types of games, its heart-warming to see these games selling (STALKER, The Witcher and hopefully Metro 2033). I really hope that these developers will be able to earn profits and will continue making great games.


Just finished up the game last night and I must say it was a blast. There were a couple of frustrating sections but overall it was fantastic. Does anyone know how to get the alternate ending because i'm thinking of doing a second playthrough?


Just got the review copy for the Xbox 360.
I haven't read much or seen more than one single video on purpose.

Right now, I'm at chapter 1 and I am mind-blown by the atmosphere. It's a rarety these experiences translate from PC to the consoles but right now I feel I'm playing a very detailed game.

I'm satisfied with the sounds on my 5.1 setup through a reciever. It's crisp clear talking, though I did hear loud voices a twice while they were further away from me. Graphics speaks for itself, best on the platform so far. Though, I won't have my final judgement until completion.


My copy hasn´t arrived yet (slow UK mail at it again), but I found myself wondering about the "Enemies take hundreds of bullets"->"No, you´re just missing" convos in this thread.

Wouldn´t most games, especially without over the top blood and sparks greatly benefit from tracer rounds or smoke trails showing your bullet spread to give players a better indication of their hit ratio? I love it in Uncharted 2, it´s quite bold in it, but with a bit more sublety it could fit into less cartoony/vibrant looking games.

Metro would even have a good/acceptable in-game explanation with sub-standard ammunition being used. It could easily be said to have small chunks of reacting gunpowder sticking to the traveling round every other shot.

Might hurt a games realism in many cases, but for actual gameplay purposes it seems like a very easy thing for devs to show people their shooting mechanics (e.g. hit detection) aren´t broken and the enemies aren´t sponges.



I haven't been reading every page of the thread, so maybe it has been posted. But has anyone seen the Destructoid Metro 2033 not-review?

I'm not going to review Metro 2033. I haven't made it past the third chapter of the game, and I doubt I'll ever make it any further.

There's a right way to play Metro 2033, presumably, but I honestly have no idea what it is. Other reviewers seem to have found a way to enjoy the game, but I'm at a loss. I want to like Metro 2033, and I want to understand how I'm supposed to play it, but I can't.
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