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Metro 2033 |OT| Fear the Future

Game is awesome. Very beautiful areas in every level so far. Sound is great through my headphones. I am playing on Hardcore and only died once in the first major area with human enemies. Only died because I didn't realize the enemy could see me. I seem to have lots of ammo and weapons, but that is probably because I like to explore. I found a pneumatic weapon, used the ammo, then accidentally dropped it for my shotgun, with the intent to switch back, but it disappeared because it had no ammo. Shit sucks. Surely the gun is still worth something. Oh yeah, 360 version here. Game is visually impressive to me.


Dammit I can't seem to take off my gas mask even though I'm underground. Apparently you can only take off the mask if you have a filter. It wouldn't be so bad if the mask was in good shape, unfortunately its' got several cracks and I can't see shit. My god the breathing is incredibly annoying with the gas mask on as well. I had to mute the audio from time to time to stop myself from going insane.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
What's the deal with mutants running up to you and attacking by doing some sort of leap/bite and then end up behind you? Seriously, it only confuses things and makes for worse combat.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
SoulClap said:
Dammit I can't seem to take off my gas mask even though I'm underground. Apparently you can only take off the mask if you have a filter. It wouldn't be so bad if the mask was in good shape, unfortunately its' got several cracks and I can't see shit. My god the breathing is incredibly annoying with the gas mask on as well. I had to mute the audio from time to time to stop myself from going insane.

Err, you can take it off anytime. And you SHOULD take it off being underground or you'll be short of filters when you need them.
Volcynika said:
Just beat it. Really loved it most of the way through. Though near the end of the game...


Not a fan of those sections!

Beat it on hardcore or whatever by the way.

God yes, I had five shots in my pistol to survive the stupid escort amobea mission. I must have spent two hours on it, trying different ways to survive by mixing granades, knife and the four shots. Pure luck I made it throug
Vinterbird said:
God yes, I had five shots in my pistol to survive the stupid escort amobea mission. I must have spent two hours on it, trying different ways to survive by mixing granades, knife and the four shots. Pure luck I made it throug

Hates those as well but for anyone having issues there
you need to look to your right at the start. On the back of the little trolley tram vehicle there is a ammo cache and a weapon that helped a ton on those little slimy shits.

Also loved my experience with the game. I was a tad dissapointed in the ending but the journey to it was a blast. Totally worth the price.
itsinmyveins said:
What's the deal with mutants running up to you and attacking by doing some sort of leap/bite and then end up behind you? Seriously, it only confuses things and makes for worse combat.

If you know their pattern, then it should be easy to kill them...


Yesterday I played the game for about an hour and I have to say that the game looks amazing, didn't have any problems with the controls and the overall atmosphere was depressing and at the same time so compelling.

When I played the game I noticed some slight tearing here and there in the first hour of the game (playing at 1080p via HDMI) but then I got back to the dashboard and I installed the game to see if there is any improvement in the performance and I have to say that there is less tearing and drops after the install besides the obvious faster loading times...so be sure to install before starting the game.

Can't wait to continue my journey to the metro system of Moscow. :D


Pretty demanding graphically on the PC side. Although I have everything jacked up on a 4.0GHz i7 w/Radeon 5850. I'll give it a go tonight with my overclocked settings (900/1225) to see if it stabilizes the framerate a bit.
I REALLY want to buy this, but I'm really concerned about the replay value. No multiplayer, no open-world design...should I wait for a Steam deal or something?

Does the engine support mods? I'd snatch it up in a heartbeat if there was a chance of community.


An blind dancing ho
just finished the game...

+ best looking FPS on systems ( imo ) indoor and outdoor environments look great.
+ very great atmosphere.
+ nice pacing.

- super bullet sponge enemies , all of them ( weapons feel like shit because of that , even shotguns )
- revolver > Uboyneg ( that the 6 bullets shotguns ) :/
- gunplay is not in FPS standard , really weak and the iron sights is bad.
- nothing new you do the same thing all the time.
- sometime enemies hit you even behind covers/shields.
- walk for 2mins , narrative voice , open door ,narrative voice , meet with dude , narrative voice , jerk off , narrative voice ..seriously the fuck is this.

the bullet sponge enemies is what caused my to shake my head the most , but also the waste of potential here , this can be great corridor shooter but the devs decided to put the fight section as liner as fuck in tunnels , and when I am fighting mutants is just in lil bigger rooms so I can Dodge, strife, and shoot devs should have used some level better , it's all tunnels shooter or closed section with mutants and nothing more than that , also I don't know if this faithful to the book since I still waiting for my Book.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Enemies are not sponges at all. It takes 2 revolver shots to kill an enemy who is not wearing armor. Shotguns kills just fine but must be very close range. Again, go back and try using military grade ammo and see how quickly you can kill someone. Keep in mind that cheap ammo is very inaccurate so you're most likely not hitting them if you're spraying.

But the game is visually very awesome. Finding this to be one of my favorite single-player FPS this gen.

1440x900, 4xMSAA, Very High, DX10, 45-60 fps.



I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Just cleared the level with Khan and I must say that this game might be too unforgiving for console crowd. When you game on consoles you start thinking in a certain way and expect certain things like aggressive (and therefore easy to hit) enemies, easy to handle weapons, frequent checkpoints, almost unlimited ammo and so on. I don't think that people want to play this kind of survival shooter on a couch. It's not relaxing, you won't feel badass, it's not fun in a usual way. It's all about "shit I don't know how I made it through it but I'm glad to be alive" - this kind of STALKER experience.

And yes, the game has at least two walkthroughs in it - stealth one and gun-blazing one. Buy certain weapons to go stealthy. And even if you go gun-blazing you shouldn't be too agressive. Because enemies prefer skulking in shadows behind some cover instead and shoot you when you don't expect them to. Also traps are everywhere.

I hope THQ consider Metro 2033 as success, I need more games like this one.


subversus said:
Err, you can take it off anytime. And you SHOULD take it off being underground or you'll be short of filters when you need them.

I've tried holding down on the d-pad and nothing happens. From what I've read of people having the same problem as me if you don't have any filters the mask will not come off.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
SoulClap said:
I've tried holding down on the d-pad and nothing happens. From what I've read of people having the same problem as me if you don't have any filters the mask will not come off.
Well, that's bad. I hope it'll be patched soon.


Yeah I ran into this problem when I was playing couple days ago, in that level that starts you off in a ventilation shaft and with your gasmask on. So I proceeded to restart the level (load my last checkpoint) and voila, it worked. Funny thing is when I die and start that level again, the glitch returns but as soon as I load my last checkpoint, it's ok. Seems to happen with every alternate reload :/

On a more positive note, managed to get that Ranger achievement...and in my first run through that city! I think the gorgeous graphics has pushed me to meticulously look through every nook and cranny so I could gawk at a every visual detail, and in the process run into dead bodies with ammo :D

Another bit about the graphics that stood out for me are the Dead City creatures, specifically the fur shader on their backs. Unlike the fur effects in other games, you don't see individual polygonal planes and each hair strand looks solid and not translucent (iirc).

But damn....Dead City!!! There was a section in it where I saw few of these creatures growling away on top of some vehicles, seemingly unaware of my presence. So I sloooooowly crept my way past them, hugging walls and shit and made past that area undetected. Goddamnit didn't know an outdoor daytime setting would be so horrifyingly intense!!

Have barely got past the bandits section in my last session...managed to sneak past all of them (well save for one dude who I steatlh-killed with a throwing knife :p) but it wasn't without several retries. I recall one superfunny moment where I was spying on some dude behind a bunch of stacked barrels that all came tumbling down when I nudged further in front. Thought they were fuckin static objects; didn't know I could push them over!! :lol gotten too used to the mechanics of other shooters hahahah


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
adelante said:
But damn....Dead City!!! There was a section in it where I saw few of these creatures growling away on top of some vehicles, seemingly unaware of my presence. So I sloooooowly crept my way past them, hugging walls and shit and made past that area undetected. Goddamnit didn't know an outdoor daytime setting would be so horrifyingly intense!!

Yeah, I did the same. That was very intense, especially when the creature started turning around standing atop the car as if it was sniffing me out.

Have barely got past the bandits section in my last session...managed to sneak past all of them (well save for one dude who I steatlh-killed with a throwing knife :p) but it wasn't without several retries. I recall one superfunny moment where I was spying on some dude behind a bunch of stacked barrels that all came tumbling down when I nudged further in front. Though they were fuckin static objects; didn't know I could push them over!! :lol gotten too used to the mechanics of other shooters hahahah

And I killed them all! :D I tried stealth approach several times, but failed and decided to take them all out. That was HARD. No checkpoints until the hideout door. I was moving very slowly and have been killng all lights along the way. The problem was that I haven't bought night vision and was not able to turn on the light because it gave my presence away. Most of the bandits also turned off their lights, and I had to play hide-and-seek for about 40 minutes.
Just finished
escorting the child back to his mother.
Best part in the game so far has been the
bridge gunbattle crossing over the front lines.

I really hate fighting the monsters though. I really do. Their AI is awful and the way they move seems random, and I swear they just monster spawn to no end. The animations for them don't line up either so they pop like crazy.

Visually I'm still in awe. The detail in the game is crazy. I want to know how they managed the lighting. As soon as you throw out lightmaps you get so much texture space back for assets, it is incredible.


chespace said:
Enemies are not sponges at all. It takes 2 revolver shots to kill an enemy who is not wearing armor. Shotguns kills just fine but must be very close range. Again, go back and try using military grade ammo and see how quickly you can kill someone. Keep in mind that cheap ammo is very inaccurate so you're most likely not hitting them if you're spraying.[/img]

Yep, I agree with Che. Here's a tip to take down humans fast, shoot them in the neck or mouth if you have a scope. Removes the need for popping a helmet off first.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I tried playing with mouse and it is SO much better. Headshots are much easier and they are crucial in this game. I think I'll buy Fragntein to combine analogue movement with mouse precision and then finish the game.


Just got the game. It looks good. However, the comments about the game beating Crysis' indoor environments or it beating Killzone 2 are laughable. Those 2 games comfortably beat this game in every area especially animation which is pretty rough.

*I'm comparing the PC version to Crysis and the 360 version to Killzone 2.
Just finished the game (Xbox 360). Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. One of the most memorable console games for me this gen (along with Fallout 3 and Demon's Souls).

The atmosphere was amazing. It's like someone took all the scary indoor environments from Stalker and strung them out into a linear FPS. Not sure what everyone is talking about regarding the graphics. The visuals were incredible. Same goes for gun play. It did pay off to stop and explore, I found a ton of ammo and equipment that way. The story was pretty meh for the most part. They didn't play out a lot of the supernatural stuff the way I thought they would. I should probably blame the author of the book for that.

I only hit one bug. There was a stage where you were riding in an armored train past a bunch of enemies. For some reason, the train was only moving at 2mph! When the guy would say "Duck!!", I had like 30 seconds to get ready :lol The stage probably should have taken less than 5 minutes, but it took me almost 20 to get past it because we were moving so slow...

I thought the length was just right - it had me on edge the whole time and to be honest, I was pretty drained after each sitting. Kinda glad it's over :) I doubt i'll play it again, but it's one of those titles that I'm gonna loan to friends and insist they play it.

Overall a terrific game. I hope it sells well cause it deserves it.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Mr_Brit said:
Just got the game. It looks good. However, the comments about the game beating Crysis' indoor environments or it beating Killzone 2 are laughable. Those 2 games comfortably beat this game in every area especially animation which is pretty rough.

Well, Crysis indoors is pretty bland comparing to this game.

Rat Salad

Mr_Brit said:
Just got the game. It looks good. However, the comments about the game beating Crysis' indoor environments or it beating Killzone 2 are laughable. Those 2 games comfortably beat this game in every area especially animation which is pretty rough.

*I'm comparing the PC version to Crysis and the 360 version to Killzone 2.

Laughable? I guess all the lighting and texture detail on faces,environments,and enemies is just a lie? And that Killzone 2 laughably beats it? Everything also seems to have its own light source. There is detail everywhere in the game and from what I'm seeing it sets the bar for console shooters now,surpassing others shooters including Killzone 2.

Lots of endless detail in Metro 2033 here. Again, the lighting engine in the game alone is amazing and far above whats out there on consoles. Walking up to a dead solder,shoot out his mining light,its not static,each light in the game is its own source. hell shoot out all the lights in the game for stealth to see what I mean,its crazy. I mean the game is doing so much both in texturing and lighting,not to mention the frame rate is pretty smooth for all the enemies on screen.


Rat Salad said:
Laughable? I guess all the lighting and texture detail on faces,environments,and enemies is just a lie? And that Killzone 2 laughably beats it? Everything also seems to have its own light source. There is detail everywhere in the game and from what I'm seeing it sets the bar for console shooters now,surpassing others shooters including Killzone 2.

Lots of endless detail in Metro 2033 here. Again, the lighting engine in the game alone is amazing and far above whats out there on consoles. Walking up to a dead solder,shoot out his mining light,its not static,each light in the game is its own source. hell shoot out all the lights in the game for stealth to see what I mean,its crazy. I mean the game is doing so much both in texturing and lighting,not to mention the frame rate is pretty smooth for all the enemies on screen.

Crysis comfortably beats this game, no two ways about that. As an overall package Killzone 2 smacks the 360 version on a technical level and WOW factor level, show someone both games and artistic preferences aside pretty much anyone would side with Killzone as the more impressive game.
Mr_Brit said:
Crysis comfortably beats this game, no two ways about that. As an overall package Killzone 2 smacks the 360 version on a technical level and WOW factor level, show someone both games and artistic preferences aside pretty much anyone would side with Killzone as the more impressive game.

Absolutely. Metro 2033 looks great, the textures (indoors) and lighting are both incredible, but Killzone 2 is exponentially more impressive in the grand scheme of things both artistically and technically.

Rat Salad

Mr_Brit said:
Crysis comfortably beats this game, no two ways about that. As an overall package Killzone 2 smacks the 360 version on a technical level and WOW factor level, show someone both games and artistic preferences aside pretty much anyone would side with Killzone as the more impressive game.

(shakes head) I 'm not talking Crysis though. I'm speaking technically between consoles,Killzone and Metro 2033. Texturing,lighting,that stuff. I don't care to compare "wow factors' between both because theyre really doing very different things gameplay wise. One is constant gun action while the other breaks up its gunplay with some elements of survival horror atmosphere along with some nice exploration between its shooting. You really need to reword your post because saying it smacks it around is pretty much slandering the game. Killzone 2 has faults which you do not speak of. KZ2 has this incredibly annoying filter over its ingame textures,which Metro doesn't seem to have at all.


Rat Salad said:
(shakes head) I 'm not talking Crysis though. I'm speaking technically between consoles,Killzone and Metro 2033. Texturing,lighting,that stuff. I don't care to compare "wow factors' between both because theyre really doing very different things gameplay wise. One is constant gun action while the other breaks up its gunplay with some elements of survival horror atmosphere along with some nice exploration between its shooting. You really need to reword your post because saying it smacks it around is pretty much slandering the game. Killzone 2 has faults which you do not speak of. KZ2 has this incredibly annoying filter over its ingame textures,which Metro doesn't seem to have at all.

It's just that I was annoyed by the amount of hyperbole surrounding this game. From initial impressions I was expecting a Killzone 2/ Crysis sense of amazement, instead I got a nice looking game which has some rough edges and needs some more polish for things such as animation. I'll agree this game does have some nice parts but several things bring the package down, as complete packages Killzone and Crysis smack this game.
Mr_Brit said:
It's just that I was annoyed by the amount of hyperbole surrounding this game. From initial impressions I was expecting a Killzone 2/ Crysis sense of amazement, instead I got a nice looking game which has some rough edges and needs some more polish for things such as animation. I'll agree this game does have some nice parts but several things bring the package down, as complete packages Killzone and Crysis smack this game.

Poly for poly, texture for texture, light for light, particle for particle, shadow for shadow, Metro is a better looking game than Killzone 2. I prefer the art direction of Killzone over this as well as its scope it conveys but this game does look better.


Warm Machine said:
Poly for poly, texture for texture, light for light, particle for particle, shadow for shadow, Metro is a better looking game than Killzone 2. I prefer the art direction of Killzone over this as well as its scope it conveys but this game does look better.

on console....... eh no


Warm Machine said:
Poly for poly, texture for texture, light for light, particle for particle, shadow for shadow, Metro is a better looking game than Killzone 2. I prefer the art direction of Killzone over this as well as its scope it conveys but this game does look better.
This is about as much bullshit as the other person. Did either of you count the 30 million polygons. Anyway I am about to drive to bestbuy to get this game.

leng jai

The audio in this game is fine by game standards and certainly not the "worst ever" as described by some people in this thread. The shooting mechanic itself is also solid - the problem is that enemies take too long to kill.


i got lost and accidentally
found this semi-automatic shotgun that shoots the throwing knives
. its quite nasty.

i love this game!
wizword said:
This is about as much bullshit as the other person. Did either of you count the 30 million polygons. I wish this thread didn't turn into a clusterfuck xbox 360 versus ps3 topic again. But somehow it did.

I'm not saying anything against the PS3 at all, so just take it out of the equation. The cylindrical tunnels with the cylindrical ribbing and modelled piping and wirework, with the bent up train tracks and wooden cross beams are nuts. They took the most difficult and poly heavy environment to build and made it more so.


Warm Machine said:
Poly for poly, texture for texture, light for light, particle for particle, shadow for shadow, Metro is a better looking game than Killzone 2. I prefer the art direction of Killzone over this as well as its scope it conveys but this game does look better.

Yeah........... It really isn't and I doubt you'd find many people agreeing with you there.
this makes the 2nd game i've played this month that I can't finish due to a glitch/bug

I am so fucking tired of this generation.

"Miller! Miller! Can you please move forward on chapter 7! No?"

"Really Miller, Really!? "

"NO! "

"Miller, comrade.... seriously! snap out of your lousy Eastern Dev'ed A/I and WALK FORWARD, i LITERALLY cannot move forward because of the INSTAKILL enemy that comes out of FUCKING NOWHERE and we will both die in an endless loop!"

"But Quinntendopower, I'm busy putting SIX shotgun blasts to this creatures face before it goes down and there are so many, you should probably just return this game to blockbuster while I wait here for an update since companies are not capable of releasing finished games anymore comrade!"

"You know Miller, you are completely, 100% right. fuck you and fuck your shit game!"
Having beaten KZ2 and now playing through Metro 2033, I'd say it's a tough call between the two. KZ2's animation is better, and its "look" is more cinematic with an emphasis on heavy post processing (with motion blur, painfully absent in the console version of Metro.)

However, to my eyes Metro is pushing the deferred lighting much harder, and it's world is much higher detailed with better textures and more enemies & characters on screen interacting. KZ2's dynamic lighting never had any actual gameplay ramifications, while Metro's is intrinsic to it's design and play. That Reds vs. Nazis "front" level alone has better lighting and lighting design than anything in KZ2. And Metro's performance seems much smoother than KZ2's, especially when things get hectic.

Either way, they're both pretty fucking amazing looking games - the absolute top tier right now for fps on consoles.


An blind dancing ho
I think it's really look way way better than any console FPS available now , really great looking game , hope more games use this engine in the future.

leng jai said:
The audio in this game is fine by game standards and certainly not the "worst ever" as described by some people in this thread. The shooting mechanic itself is also solid - the problem is that enemies take too long to kill.

yeah , I even tried it on Easy and the are enemies are still bullet sponge , even used scoped kalashnikov and in many times head shot don't mean instate death for human soldiers , that was way of , hope they fix it with patch or something , I really really want to replay it again after I read the book.


All I know..is that Mero 2033 (on Xbox 360)..looks darn amazing, has great atmosphere, is tense, is creepy..scary sometimes. Great game overall. No problems with bugs, glitches, sponge-enemies...


Totobeni said:
yeah , I even tried it on Easy and the are enemies are still bullet sponge , even used scoped kalashnikov and in many times head shot don't mean instate death for human soldiers , that was way of , hope they fix it with patch or something , I really really want to replay it again after I read the book.

Well most soldiers in the game do wear armor and protective padding. It makes sense that it takes more than 3 shots to take them down (though I didn't really have much of a problem with it).
I'd love an SDK for Metro. Even just for personal use, there's a couple of specific but small changes that I think could make the game more enjoyable.

- Add in leaning
- Remove complete health regen for the player - only regen 20% or something like that
- Reduce health of mutants

That'd do me for a start, but I'm sure once I start, I wouldn't stop!

I've also been thinking about possible mutliplayer options. There could be some good stealth gameplay going on between the Reds and Nazis. It wouldn't ever be popular, but it could be intense. The faintest bit of light you give off would be the end of you.

I replayed the frontlines mission several times last night (on normal) and can defintely confirm that a close up double shotgun blast kills them 9 times out of ten.

Shooting them in the back of the helment knocks it off and then you got a clean headshot open for the second barrel. Or you can pump two rounds into their chest, which will normally kill them as well. I also used the 'special ammo' for the first time ever, it rocks. Definitely more accurate and more powerful. Towards the end of my proper game, I had over 500 rounds, so you can definitely use the special rounds more than I did.

The clothing and armour detail is amazing. I shot at a dude and hit a pouch of ammo/magazine on his body. It knocked it off and he survived!


Mr_Brit said:
It's just that I was annoyed by the amount of hyperbole surrounding this game. From initial impressions I was expecting a Killzone 2/ Crysis sense of amazement, instead I got a nice looking game which has some rough edges and needs some more polish for things such as animation. I'll agree this game does have some nice parts but several things bring the package down, as complete packages Killzone and Crysis smack this game.
I think that all the hype surrounding Killzone's graphics are justified and that the game really delivers on a spectacle front. You know GuerillaGames was aiming for a cg/film-like quality hence their priorities are a little different here so there's little to compare, apart from each title lacking features from the other. There's a level of beauty that you can appreciate in Metro2033 that you just can't find in Killzone. For instance, when you enter a wrecked train car in one of the levels, you can see your NPC's torchlight casting specular highlights on EVERY single metallic surface and they all animate pretty realistically as he steps out of the train car. It's the kind of atmospheric detail that reminded of scenes in movies where a character shines his torch into a dark room, glistening objects all around that are not being directly-lit. And when the 4A devs said you need that much more light sources to properly lit up an indoor setting, it really does show in the game.


Mr_Brit said:
Just got the game. It looks good. However, the comments about the game beating Crysis' indoor environments or it beating Killzone 2 are laughable. Those 2 games comfortably beat this game in every area especially animation which is pretty rough.

*I'm comparing the PC version to Crysis and the 360 version to Killzone 2.

Laughable? Crysis' indoor environments are incredibly bland. I have played both extensively and Metro 2033 takes indoor environments to a new level on PC. See these screens I've taken:


I feel CryEngine 2 COULD do much more with indoor environments but Crysis does not show it. The indoor sections felt like an afterthought compared to the rest of the game.
blazinglazers said:
Having beaten KZ2 and now playing through Metro 2033, I'd say it's a tough call between the two. KZ2's animation is better, and its "look" is more cinematic with an emphasis on heavy post processing (with motion blur, painfully absent in the console version of Metro.)

However, to my eyes Metro is pushing the deferred lighting much harder, and it's world is much higher detailed with better textures and more enemies & characters on screen interacting. KZ2's dynamic lighting never had any actual gameplay ramifications, while Metro's is intrinsic to it's design and play. That Reds vs. Nazis "front" level alone has better lighting and lighting design than anything in KZ2. And Metro's performance seems much smoother than KZ2's, especially when things get hectic.
about right I think/
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