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Michael Patcher: SW Outlaws tanking is a "rare incel victory"


Gold Member

Indiana Jones Reaction GIF


The nicest person on this forum
Your games are being infested with woke ideology, politics and culture war nonsense, if you're ok with that then I suggest getting your gaming info from Kotaku, PC Gamer etc.
Or ummm I don’t know….Gematsu! That’s where I get 99% of my gaming news.


So this is the new meta now, mediocre "diverse" property fails, blame it on the incels. They did this with Acolyte too.
Yep, instead of blaming it on shite media you're being gaslit into thinking its you're fault.

The thing is us normies are waking up to this nonsense and we are no longer willing to invest or participate in these games.
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Why does this have to be the narrative that people go so quickly to these days? Especially around Star Wars. The Acolyte cancellation also had a lot of claims like this. Who knew incels were so powerful?
Part of it is just petty, but I'm sure part of it is a toxic workforce/ mob mentality lol I doubt you can work freely at certain companies if they don't think you toe the line ideologically anymore...
The prequels were hated by a few but not the majority. I thought they were great and way better than the last 3 by Disney. I am in my 40s grew up on the first films, even seen empire and Jedi in theaters when they released. No Disney pushed feminism, and wanted men gone or sidelined. They got their wish. I felt disgust and sadness seeing the force awakens. Left the Theatre sad. Then seen the people gushing about whiz bang effects like that's not all star wars is about. It's the complete picture and it's been shit since Disney.
And rise of the Sith sold worse and even worse turnout each following time, the truth is the Force isn't female but rather composed of the old fans they pushed away, and the new audience they gained is tiny and can't sustain them.

This is why I've said that your Progressive sequels may succeed, you're coasting off the success of what made you fans in the first place, but Rise proved that there is a limit.
In fact we went from a few incel trolls on basements.. to a huge incel force capable of canceling a huge franchise game.
It's almost as if these so called "incels" are the actual average audience whom is sick and tired of this entitled bullshit! We are now voting with our dollars...
I Dont Think So Sacha Baron Cohen GIF by Amazon Prime Video

So sorry Pacter, this Incel doesn't support this slop ;)
Not in the "we need a black gay lesbian in a wheelchair" way. But the uglification of the MC can be seen as wokeness depending on who you ask. Plus this is very much a "force is female" Star Wars product.

I’ve always seen the force is for dorks. Unisex. Ha! Ugly female lead in a game making something woke is a pretty low bar imo. But the west devs making all females ugly is definitely an agenda. They can’t even have an ass or big tits in Dragon Age.


The nicest person on this forum
It’s as good as any other pro woke site so sure, go for it.
There is no culture war crap on the site, it just gives you straight news about Japanese games, thats it.

Everything is about woke or not woke with guys.
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ידע זה כוח
It's remarkable how you can live in a bubble. All his friends think that, everyone woke in the industry thinks that, and they will continue to make games with their underlining agenda and convince themselves there's an audience for that.

Companies need to start catering back to the people who paid for where they are now.
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Gold Member
The guy should go figure why most of us didn't have a problem with Baldur's Gate 3.

These Ubi games are shoddy and outdated gameplay-wise, yet it appears there are plenty of resources available to stuff them with unnecessary patronizing shit.

And btw, I'm left on the political spectrum..


Gold Member
It's remarkable how you can live in a bubble. All his friends think that, everyone woke in the industry thinks that, and they will continue to make games with their underlining agenda and convince themselves there's an audience for that.

Companies need to start catering back to the people who paid for where they are now.
Well Ubisoft certainly got the memo. Whether that leads to noticeable changes remains to be seen.

I don’t think EA is too concerned about the performance of Veilguard since they have MTX from their sports games to carry the load. If it bombs it’s possible they just shitcan BioWare. I’d hate to see that happen but times are changing.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I feel this but there are a lot of tectonic plates rumbling right now. This is sadly the current topic in gaming - titles are bombing before our eyes with reactions ranging from backpedaling to blaming clients. Success of Wukong and Stellar Blade makes the failure even more incendiary and the defense force is just imploding with copium. Even with Japanese games, you have DQ getting dragged into it and talking about it. In other words, gaf is simply talking about gaming, as sad as that sounds.

We're in a pendulum swing, it was just inevitable. I don't think it's over. I'm patting myself on the back for only letting myself get into a pissing contest with one guy. It's a good time to lean on playing games instead of talking about them, because the climate is exhausting.
For sure. I miss the days when all this stupid wokeness bullshit was not even a part of the conversation. But the reality is that activists, DEI departments, and a vocal minority of whiners have forced this crap into every form of entertainment and it’s impossible to talk about that entertainment without mentioning it.

Hell, last year many of the biggest gaming publications refused to even mention the biggest game of the year (Hogwarts)

Sorry, I’m not going to just ignore it and hope it goes away. The only way we’ll get back to normal is by calling out shit when we see it, and by voting with our wallets. Thankfully that seems to finally be happening on a large scale.


How about it just is not a good game. The anti woke crowd went at TLOU2 and the Horizon series and they still did well because like them or not their creators cared. Ubisoft does not.


People trying to blame a game's failure on "incels" or "bigots" are always missing one important fact: the people whose asses it WAS trying to kiss didn't buy the game either! Why don't they get any of the blame? I'd think the deserve it the most. After all, they were the target audience. The game was made specifically for them. So why didn't they buy it?

Because the "modern audience" doesn't exist.


Writes a lot, says very little
Dragon Quest 3 was butchered because of this crap.
Dragon Quest 3's remake did not even release and your claim that it's butchered because of this is a overreaction
Dragon Age Veilguard is what it is because of this crap.
The new dragon age game likely is not going to do as well but I need you to consider almost every game bioware recently has not been doing well, Anthem did not have any of this involved with it and still did very poorly it is very likely the next dragon age is not going to fare that well simply because of the downward decline of the studio, the biggest problem I'm fucking having with a lot of this is you're trying to Force every fucking game that does not do well to some victory based on your beliefs instead of any other actual thing going on around the game..

Dragon age inquisition literally is the best selling dragon age and it's chock full of gay sex with orks and Bulls and all sorts of shit so trying to fucking pretend that this is something that is so negative it's going to make a game fail doesn't make sense when the most successful in that series has all of the shit this new game has.

Star Wars Outlaws bombed because of this crap.
This IP has been up and down this has never been a property that has always been a massive big seller 100% of the time, so don't let Electronic Arts success somehow tell you that was always the norm they literally are the publisher with the most successful Star Wars games in history, Prior to them getting the license that's not even fucking the case it's not as if before that occurred those games are always moving ridiculous millions of units because even forced unleashed did not move as much units As Electronic Arts Battlefront reboot Or Respawns Star Wars series.

So this idea that it as "because of this crap" makes little sense cause every Star Wars game has not moved record units, but just like every Harry Potter game did not move record units, Hogwarts Legacy right now is the best selling Harry Potter game, but to act as if was EXPECTED to sell that makes zero fucking sense when the last several did not move those units...
Assassin's Creed Shadows got punted out of 2024 because of this crap.
you don't even know if it has anything at all to do with this because technically far cry 5 got delayed and that had nothing to do with the controversy surrounding it no matter how many petitions you guys made

It was merely to ensure the quality of the game because the game literally still released with all of the junk you guys were crying over

So to try to attribute its delay because of something you're talking about is where this just becomes too nonsensical

To then you believe that any reaction by the company at all is based on you specifically are some weird shit like this as if a game has never been delayed or a game has never done poorly lol

Yet have no answer for Far Cry 5, Battelfront 1 and 2 breaking records, any Call Of Duty folks cried over, shit even Valhalla, how come that moved records units or BG3?

Maybe those games are moving units based on the quality of the game and doing poorly is merely based on the quality being perceived as lower.

Your games are being infested with woke ideology, politics and culture war nonsense, if you're ok with that then I suggest getting your gaming info from Kotaku
? Woke to many on here is merely a fucking woman or a black person being in a game.... Anyone of us being ok with that, doesn't automatically mean we MUST get our gaming info from Kotaku

It merely means we don't care as much by it either way, its just a game to us.

Stop trying to force this either or, us vs them, woke vs anti-woke shit in here.

Its feasible for someone to not care about any of that and merely just want to play games sir.

The extreme right or left just aren't significant enough to play a role in how well a game does. It's an absurd thought. The mass casual audience in this case just didn't feel interested, and review scores reflect that. Hell you could even have burnout from Ubi games in general or Star Wars fatigue.

Some people think it's a lack of lightsabers that also hurt it, but as someone who thought Boba Fett and Han Solo were the best characters as a kid (and now a much older adult), there's such potential for game play outside that. A well done Mando game would fucking rock.

Kind of related imo is that we're really close to a point of just having too many games out to chose from if not already there. Prices rising right along backlogs means some games are just going to be left by wayside to maybe get picked up. Problem is that maybe doesn't always happen. 70-80 rated games are far from bad, but nowadays that just might be low enough to not even bother with so much other good things releasing


Its why they seem to not have much of an answer for why BG3 did well if either side magically controlled if a game would do well or not. This reminds me of when that Call Of Duty game got a record number of downvotes only for it to released an move millions of units lol


I’m personally getting sick and tired of these industry pundits —whether it be in gaming or TV/movies — using this crap as a shield against criticism.

“It flopped because of bigots”
“It flopped because incels”

It’s a bunch of absolute nonsense designed to avoid taking accountability for a mediocre product.

As a related aside: I fucking loathe the term “incel”. A bunch of maladjusted men who can’t interact with women (or who feel threatened by them) doesn’t make them “involuntarily celibate”.
The worst part is that women use this term so frequently now to any man they don't like. It's basically the new current gen term for desperate loser. I've been called an incel on social media just because a woman didn't like my post, or I was debating something with a female. It's wild how woman use it with no context to the situation.


man, what the heck happened to Patcher. I used to watch him on Game Trailers way back in the day. Always came off as a pretty cool and decent guy. I do remember reading he had a very bad case of TDS. It probably broke him.
It's funny how they try to have things both ways. Before a game comes out, the criticism is from a "small vocal minority who are just bigots and incels, and don't matter." After the game comes out and bombs, or greatly underperforms, those same bigots and incels have all of a sudden become a massive army. Sounds more like they are in the minority and the vast majority are starting to get tired of this woke DEI infection that is poorly affecting what is put on the screen and what is happening behind the scenes.

Also, first victory? Pachter must had his head in the sand cause there's been a late of woke failures in the past couple of years. In all media. People are just getting sick of it.


Writes a lot, says very little
It's funny how they try to have things both ways. Before a game comes out, the criticism is from a "small vocal minority who are just bigots and incels, and don't matter." After the game comes out and bombs, or greatly underperforms, those same bigots and incels have all of a sudden become a massive army.

Lol I agree, but that is also why I disagree with your next statement.

People are just getting sick of it.
Sure, but I don't think that is why this game failed cause i don't think it was some "massive army" of people "sick of it" i think it was combination of a lot of things, from the character not being a Jedi, no light sabers etc If the person doesn't have powers, you don't have much to show in some hype trailer of them doing force things to people or something.

Lots of things had this game flop, but I agree with you that I don't think its that "incels have all of a sudden become a massive army"

So I don't think it has anything do with anyone being sick of this or that.

They weren't "sick of" BG3 lol

man, what the heck happened to Patcher. I used to watch him on Game Trailers way back in the day. Always came off as a pretty cool and decent guy. I do remember reading he had a very bad case of TDS. It probably broke him.

That man has always been crazy in regards to his claims or reaches lol
They weren't "sick of" BG3 lol
While I have have only seen vids of that game, my understanding is that it is a an RPG through and through, and a lot of that is optional. It also probably helps that it was made pretty competently. Most importantly, they didn't decide to wokify their female characters into all being overweight or ugly cave trolls or both. So not the best example of a "woke" victory.


Any time that someone says that X piece of media/entertainment failed because of incels/ists/phobes is , for me, a confirmation that this particular piece of entertainment was made with ideology/social views in mind ...

What amazes me is that the film industry went trough this whole process way before the gaming did... so the blue print for failing at trying to push woke/progressive agendas is pretty much out there now... and even worst is that the gaming industry has a much more restricted target audience than the film/series one.

You are basically 4 years late to heavily push woke/feminist agendas and are pushing in a time of very mainstream awareness to the subject and to a target audience much much more restricted.

Gaming dev/media are coming out of the woke bunker dumbfounded by the current reality change.


Gold Member
Ubisoft make a bland by the numbers open world game, probably their 7th such title in the last 5 years, using an IP that is currently on the rocks following years of Disney mismanagement, headlining none of the iconic music or characters and starring an ugly main character who doesn’t use a lightsaber - no one wants to pay £70 for this, because incels?
Fucking nailed it.


Gold Member
I thoroughly enjoy the laughs big business failures have done lately in gaming and tv/movies. It's truly a feat to screw it up when any company has big budgets, time, branding and past success. Sometimes a company can just leach off past success into another winner (like the millionth FIFA or COD game). So when things fuck up, it's almost like you got to purposely fuck it up instead of just riding the coattails.

Even better when it involves politics and weird people getting nailed by customers who vote with their wallets. It shows (again) those weird people are rejected. They were rejected when they were young. And now rejected as adults with product failures. They cant succeed no matter how hard they try even though the solution is right in their face. lol


People just wildly overestimating the power of a few onliners, same as they did with Acolyte. I bought and I like what I've played of it (I got sidetracked by NFL and Warhammer) but Star Wars isn't a guaranteed unit mover anymore.
It never was. The game has to look good. Outlaws looks like uninspired trash. If you told me it came out ten years ago I’d believe you and STILL think the combat was C tier.
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