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Michael Patcher: SW Outlaws tanking is a "rare incel victory"


I don't think Star wars outlaws sales are so bad because of some idiots who always want to press their narrow world view upon games. That might have cut sales a bit, but not that much.

There are much simpler explanations:
- Star wars has an expensive license but is an overrated trademark. Disney makes to much with this and as star wars is all around, why buy the next star wars game?
- Disney also lost many star wars fans because of the newer trilogies (the newest trilogy was so bad, that episode 1-3 don't seem to be that bad)
- it's a mediocre game, not a must have
- Ubisoft games are known these days for quality issues at least since AC unity
- market problems like inflation let people think a second time before purchase


This GIF hurts. Every time I see it I'm reminded of how funny and based he used to be ☹️


I will give u 2 examples:
1st predator with its very diverse cast

and first alien with strong female protagonist

In both there was 0 woke, simply coz u knew no1 pushes any agenda unlike current media.

The cast of the Fast and Furious franchise. Notice how people never say it's woke? The creators understand that you have to write every character on equals. Literally everyone is a badass, they made sure everyone will shine. Another one The Expendables, greatly diverse cast, no mention of it being woke. Sometimes I wish devs/writers/directors would understand. They have all the ingredients,yet they fail so many times to do so 😑
when I read Star Wars, DEI, Ubisoft, and saw the character model’s face, I knew this was going nowhere.

It might be a decent game, but Ubisoft and Disney are shit shows right now. They took a pretty actress and uglied her up for the game. Crazy!!

Plus, I figured it would mostly be Assassin’s Creed in a Star Wars skin.

I don’t buy Ubisoft titles until the ultimate editions are out and at least 60% off.
I'm not a big Star Wars fan but I knew a lot of people who are and all of those people are getting fed up of the constant content coming out and how it's lacking consistency in quality. That's why most folk I know, looked at all the trailers and said, it looks okay, but I'll wait for it to come down in price a bit first.


Chuds and incels now the kingmakers apparently. Better to pretend that internet discourse around stuff like this (which is completely overlooked by most) is causing failures, not the industry's lack of innovation and creativity. Similar arguments swirling around Rings of Power - as though the world's richest man can have his pet projects upended by YouTubers and forum posters.
The physics engine seems horrible, which is a BIG thing in an open game. Effects seems bad and the acting seems so and so. Also, no one is invested in the story or character, so it needs to be GOOD while the protagonist is just bland.

It is just another game, even though it has a star wars coating on it.


I don't think Star wars outlaws sales are so bad because of some idiots who always want to press their narrow world view upon games. That might have cut sales a bit, but not that much.

There are much simpler explanations:
- Star wars has an expensive license but is an overrated trademark. Disney makes to much with this and as star wars is all around, why buy the next star wars game?
- Disney also lost many star wars fans because of the newer trilogies (the newest trilogy was so bad, that episode 1-3 don't seem to be that bad)
- it's a mediocre game, not a must have
- Ubisoft games are known these days for quality issues at least since AC unity
- market problems like inflation let people think a second time before purchase
Fundamentally, it's much easier to blame "teh ch00dz!" than it is to admit the existence of real problems within a particular IP's management.

Not least because blaming "teh ch00dz!" implies there's nothing to be done, an elemental force caused this. If systemic issues were to blame, a discussion would arise regarding course of action and mitigation attempts. And, as it happens, any attempt comes with a chance of failure, meaning blame assignation. Far easier to just throw one's hands in the air and say "eh, can't be helped".
The game looked bad, it had little to do with character models or anything outside of the game itself for me. I'm bored of generic open world shit, especially the Ubisoft kind. I'm also sick of Star Wars, Star Wars was better when they weren't absolutely fucking milking it. Can't stand that or the Marvel franchise now.


Full disclosure, bought the game and enjoyed it enough, probably because of the Star Wars license. The game has a lot of issues from design, bugs, gameplay and mechanics. I enjoyed it, but felt like I endured the game.
I didn't mind Kay, but Nix and BD5 were awesome.

Would I have preferred Dash Rendar, Lando or a female lead like Doctor Aphra? Hell yes. Poor business decisions all around if they wanted profits. I wasn't sure what's happening in france, but after the olympic opening ceremonies I have a better idea now.

I'm confused, am I still an Incel? because the 'modern audience' didn't buy the piece of shit, or it's so small and insignficant it doesn't fucking matter.

I rated the game a 7 out of 10 incels.

At times I think all this shit is some CIA pys-ops to see how much they can influence the human race.
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Was Starfield a rare incel victory?

How about bad games are bad games...... and let's face it, Ubisoft have a track record going back at least 10 years putting out complete crap.
I’m still playing this, and while admittedly I find the whole incel thing to be bizarre and kind of hilarious (seriously, wtf?) I cannot figure out anything that could be deemed offensive to anyone in this game, even incels who seem the most sensitive bunch. It’s not brilliant by any means, but I’m enjoying it, and there is literally nothing controversial in the entire game, whatever position you’re taking socially and politically.


One thing that's certainly become apparent by this is that the industry by and large sees normal customers as malleable sheep who simply take on the opinion given to them by media, reviews, news, influencers, and social media posts.

If the mass market sways one direction, it's because of someone else's dog herding the sheep, and you need to go out and kill it. The implication is that normies never become capable of independent thought, and if they feel a certain way, its another parties' fault.

If the sheep keep running away from you so you can't fleece them anymore, don't attract them back, just find the other dog. Having no respect for customers (and this example is tip of the iceberg) is why despite still playing a variety games, practically any money I part with goes to Nintendo.

Edit: Of course in reality the "other dog" is a puppy near the fence. They would hunt it anyway.
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I don't think Star wars outlaws sales are so bad because of some idiots who always want to press their narrow world view upon games. That might have cut sales a bit, but not that much.

There are much simpler explanations:
- Star wars has an expensive license but is an overrated trademark. Disney makes to much with this and as star wars is all around, why buy the next star wars game?
- Disney also lost many star wars fans because of the newer trilogies (the newest trilogy was so bad, that episode 1-3 don't seem to be that bad)

- it's a mediocre game, not a must have
- Ubisoft games are known these days for quality issues at least since AC unity
- market problems like inflation let people think a second time before purchase

The thing is the failure of Star Wars in general is some idiots who always want to press their narrow world view upon <insert media form here>.

Outlaws would not have been setup to fail in a flogging franchise if said franchise hadn't already become this. It's merely perpetuating the trend. The wider view you take of Star Wars beyond this one game, the more apparent it is that "going woke" killed the IP.


Chuds and incels now the kingmakers apparently. Better to pretend that internet discourse around stuff like this (which is completely overlooked by most) is causing failures, not the industry's lack of innovation and creativity. Similar arguments swirling around Rings of Power - as though the world's richest man can have his pet projects upended by YouTubers and forum posters.



I hope the people investigating Ubisoft's board are smarter than this, because you can be certain this will be the excuse those incompetents roll out.


I’m not sure that insulting anyone who disagrees with something as “incels” is particularly inclusive, acceptable, or remotely accurate. It’s like when they threw that insult at the director of stellar blade, paired “he’s never seen a real woman”….a married guy, whose hot wife, proportioned similarly to the protagonist, and is a concept artist on the game 🤦‍♂️

I’ll really never understand why throwing around one insult to derogatorily describe a large group of people is completely unacceptable and grounds for cancellation, and other insults of equal distaste thrown by those same people are 100% fine and unquestioned acceptable dogma. It’s fucked up, and I’m not surprised that such hypocrisy pisses off those on the right (I’m a dying breed of centrist…so the left think I’m right and the right think I’m left 🤣)


Woulda sold if the game was good and not infested with bugs and glitches. Or if the protagonist wasn't ugly or well written...or just let us play as Dash Rendar again. Or if it's a Han Solo game then let us play as Han Solo.

Dash was a great character.


Playing this theme would of hyped people up for sure.

Game was released during a high of the whole franchise. I don’t think they could replicate that today.


They started developing this thing 4(?) years ago.

The value of the Star Wars brand has fallen significantly since then. Crap movies, crap TV shows, buggy game remasters and ok-ish new games and far too much of "the message" So many old fans just don't care anymore and the mythical "modern audience" doesn't exist.

The franchise simply isn't what it used to be and it probably never will be again.

Ubi gambled and lost because they couldn't see which way the wind was blowing.


For comparision, lets check actual amazing SW game:
Knights of the Old Republic is an outstanding game because it covers every single angle in terms of audience expectations. It's got enough Star Wars to satisfy the fans and enough pure fun to draw in people who normally wouldn't get into role-playing games. You'll see this on several Game of the Year nomination lists if not at the very top soon enough.
Put this up there with Halo, Splinter Cell and any other Xbox game that kept you up way too late or caused you to neglect your loved ones. It grabs you early on by giving your character some cool toys to play with and some familiar Star Wars critters to welcome you back and next thing you know you've got a space ship, a light saber, a wookie and a droid. With Knights of the Old Republic, the galaxy is yours, get out there and get some.

Back from 2003, so golden era :)
here 2023 pov review
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We’re making excuses like that for a game failing to sell as well as the publisher hoped? The mainstream audience didn’t find the game worth buying, that’s all there is to it. Gone are the days when you could slap a Star Wars label on something and expect strong sales.
Especially with the high cost of games these days.


"coordinated effort" , you hear that ? we managed to take down a multi million dollar company , our next target is the government , we can do it , neogaf's secret society cant be stopped
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Those damn incels!!!! I mean girls love it when woke guys are easily offended and whiny lil bitches that need every medium to represent them somehow. Really gets them turned on.


Neo Member
Nothing to do with incels. If this game reviewed well it would have sold great. Tell me the last single player game that reviewed in the mid 70's that sold well? It doesn't happen

Ubisoft makes the most straight forward open world games. They have the lowest opinion of gamers of any publisher. As if any innovation would break the average gamers brain. I hope they are sold off


Gold Member
It’s funny they keep saying it got ‘strong’ reviews: It’s sitting at 76 on Metacritic, which is pretty much exactly what Watch Dogs Legion got…which also didn’t meet expectations.

Neither were bad games and I enjoyed them both, but saying they got ‘strong reviews’? C’mon it was ‘lukewarm’ at best.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
- Disney/Kathleen Kennedy take a giant shit on established Star Wars lore/characters and try to turn it into some feminist/queer “modern audiences” entertainment slop

- Ubisoft becomes synonymous with the janky, buggy open world checklist games that gamers are becoming increasingly weary of

- Star Wars open world Ubisoft game bombs

“Hmm, should we blame ourselves for making stuff that our audience didn’t want? Or maybe we should blame the supposed ‘modern audience’ for not showing up after we tried so hard to pander to them? Nah, let’s insult our actual audience some more and blame them for our failure.”
Ironically, has the game sold well, they would simply say the "incels" are just a minority that wouldn't not have affected the global perception of the game, which is true but then claim the opposite when the sales don't go their way.

I'm amazed shareholders give a shot what he has to say.


Gold Member
Supposedly a patch fixed up some stealth gameplay, but watching a video of how bad the stealth was from some YT guy, it was hilarious to see your character choke hold a guard, but it was still an insta-fail. lol


For comparision, lets check actual amazing SW game:

Back from 2003, so golden era :)
here 2023 pov review

Ding ding ding!

First off I don't think ubisoft is a good stewart for star wars. We know what their games are and it's pretty one dimensional.

2nd like you addressed disney doesn't want to take risks, at all. No blood. No being a bad guy. No grittyness. The games have become super sanitized. Just really boring.

Is andor going to be the exception and not the rule?
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