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Microsoft Business Update Podcast | OT | SEGABOX |


I dont work in tech or gaming, but something is up with the industry whether it's overbudget, corporate culture, or milking games to the bone.

Youre typical soft drink or juice company does fine year over year. They introduce new flavours here and there, get it shipped to stores fine (and physically too, not easy peasy digital download access), and how often do you hear about weird corporate culture shenanigans or social media loudmouths or leakers at Pepsi or Coke despite having 100,000+ employees?

Games are not fruit juice. Phil would probably do fine running a Fruit Juice company. Just source cheaper fruits, improve the logistics, pay farmers less, whatever. Standard MBA stuff. You can create a "platform" like game pass in the same way you ship juice.

You cannot make games this way. They are art. A truly great game requires a level of commitment from individual human beings (at least a handful) far beyond what is being asked from anyone who works at a fruit juice company.

edit: I realize I didn't totally answer your question. The parasocial relationship you have with Phil is also manufactured in a similar way to Juice. So they give it to you instead of games. A corporation like Microsoft does have the capacity to generate media attention. It does not have the capacity to make good games.
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Iced Arcade

besides being absolutely nothing.... still weird absolutely nothing has been said or mentioned about Activision games on gamepass yet.
besides being absolutely nothing.... still weird absolutely nothing has been said or mentioned about Activision games on gamepass yet.

They said diablo is coming. Now the question is why are they only dropping 1 game at a time? With Bethesda they added them all in one go and very quickly after completing the acquisition. They're not doing that with Activision for some reason.
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Gold Member
The entire past two weeks has been nothing but threads proclaiming MS was exiting the console business and going third party and publishing EVERYTHING on the PS5.

https://www.neogaf.com/threads/phil-spencer-announcement-this-week.1666826/ <- 90 page thread with people dancing on Xbox's gave based on fake insider bullshit

the lack of online literacy is astonishing

1. Rumors/leaks/Evidence of Hi-fi going to PS5/Switch/Epic


2.More rumors now about SoT.


3. More games are considered like Gears, Halo (even with some precedence) including Starfield and Indy.

Note: None of the leakers, insiders suggested or declared xbox was exiting the console business; going full third-party.

Why these rumors blew up?
why the discourse around xbox went nuclear even from Xbox fanboys themselves?

Because its plausible.

so, people (even hardcore xbox fanboys) could see the "math" in front of them. All the threads, reactions and commentary online was just an equation of rumors/leaks + the state of xbox in the market = the implications of these rumors.

Edit: The irony of rumors blowing up is that made the actual Update "Not as bad".
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To the ones who think Starfield & other games aren't coming to PS/Switch in the future:


How some of you gullible mofos keep falling for this shit ever since stuff like the TFLOPs debacle is beyond me but believe what you want I guess, the end result's gonna be that much more funnier when it ends up happening lol.


Gold Member
Now more than ever after actually listening through this mind numbing corpo retard speak, I really need MS to be independently audited because I'm convinced they're cooking the books in a major way. Not like SEC Madoff audited, but like real stakes triple redundant audited by non Goldman Sacks Blackrock affiliates audited. I'm sure some real magic accounting is happening because this ship seems out of control.


Four Xbox games going to PlayStation happened. Possibly more to come as well. Recommitment to hardware also happened. Diablo 4 to GP announcement happened. Guess you'll have to defend what "it" you are talking about.
One thing that they have mentioned on the podcast is that through their acquisitions they have now many more (than 4 games) on competing platforms. You add to this things like Ori, Minecraft etc. and that list of now MS owned IPs/games on other platforms is quite long. If you buy/spend money on dlc, in game items etc. In games like dishonored, doom, quake, wolfenstein. Diablo, ori, minecraft, Skyrim, CoD, crash, Spyro etc. the money goes to MS.

as I have said multiple times before, for biggest chance of success, any new GaaS game should be on all platforms day 1 (regardless if it is published by Sony or MS, or any other publisher) - that’s what logic dictates. Even more important for F2P gaas games. Same applies to smaller, almost experimental games - these should also try to leverage gamepass or/and playstation plus and/or epic game store exclusive to try get in front biggest audience possible and get some money upfront from platform holders. If that smaller game is great it will gain following and there is a chance for a sequel, if it bombs (because of the lack of exposure and therefore not sell well/not generating enough engagement) there will be no sequel, and as a industry we need more of these unique games, experiments like pentiment, hifi rush etc.or we will end up all playing open or semi-open world TPP cinematic experience games - as this what sales.

I want more new FPSes with interesting new concepts, I want more RTSes in epic universes, proper platformers 2d and 3d, something that hasn’t be done in long time and things that are completely new. That’s how we push gaming forward. That’s what Phil was saying about empowering creators - Sony would never greenlight project like pentiment.

one more observation, over the years, the narratives change in funny way; xbox has no games, when the games started releasing on pc, it changed to Xbox has no real exclusives, and now (After Sony started to release games on pc) it is Xbox have no console exclusives (which is no true), but it is about narrative.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I want more new FPSes with interesting new concepts, I want more RTSes in epic universes, proper platformers 2d and 3d, something that hasn’t be done in long time and things that are completely new. That’s how we push gaming forward. That’s what Phil was saying about empowering creators - Sony would never greenlight

Ummm what?

Sony just dropped Helldivers 2 doing exactly that
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Not only that but, they can continue to do so, for the next ten decades. It's killing some posters that MS isn't Sega. Sega had to go 3rd party they had no choice. (Here the sticky part) MS can choose to go 3rd party if they wish. (Here's the part that hurts) Nothing said on this board or any other can change this.
Most people don't give a fuck about Xbox and are having fun with the shitshow.

Because it's truly baffling that a corporation like MS has managed to completely misread the market ever since they announced the XBO.

And now we're at a point where they're forced to release their games on "competing" platforms.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
To the ones who think Starfield & other games aren't coming to PS/Switch in the future:


How some of you gullible mofos keep falling for this shit ever since stuff like the TFLOPs debacle is beyond me but believe what you want I guess, the end result's gonna be that much more funnier when it ends up happening lol.


To be fair, this is ultimately Xbox's fault. They were in a no win situation. I do NOT think yesterdays meeting helped them. They allowed this stuff to fester for far too long, when they should have said 4 games are coming in a blog post immediately.

You may be right to an extent but that still doesn't mean it's ok or should be allowed for every single Xbox game topic to be devolved into the same points every time.
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Gold Member
the lack of online literacy is astonishing

1. Rumors/leaks/Evidence of Hi-fi going to PS5/Switch/Epic


2.More rumors now about SoT.


3. More games are considered like Gears, Halo (even with some precedence) including Starfield and Indy.

Note: None of the leakers, insiders suggested or declared xbox was exiting the console business; going full third-party.

Why these rumors blew up?
why the discourse around xbox went nuclear even from Xbox fanboys themselves?

Because its plausible.

so, people (even hardcore xbox fanboys) could see the "math" in front of them. All the threads, reactions and commentary online was just an equation of rumors/leaks + the state of xbox in the market = the implications of these rumors.

Edit: The irony of rumors blowing up is that made the actual Update "Not as bad".
Funny thing is, the post 22min PR video interviews (where the real meat and potatoes are) revealed that every game mentioned by "insiders" was considered at one time and the door is not closed on them... so, it just confirmed the rumbles or noises that was heard at one time or another.

Even Phil in a post PR interview said it would be unwise to close that door completely on this.

Sounds oh so familiar.


Ummm what?

Sony just dropped Helldivers 2 doing exactly that

Are you serious? What was that risky, innovative with helldivers 2 (firstly it is a sequel that changed view perspective vs first game), it’s a TPP GaaS shooter, one of the most popular game categories nowadays. On this topic, Capcom should revive Lost Planet as pure GaaS game, they would make a killing on it.

The rumors were about 2 games (Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush) coming to PS and Nintendo.

Phil confirmed that they are actually bringing 4 games.

Gullible fans: "Hell yeah, rumors debunked. Xbox won!" 🤣
The predictions here on gaf were of Xbox going full third party, day 1, exiting hardware business.
phil confirmed it is is only 4 games, older and smaller and GaaS titles, and it is not meaning that floodgates will open.

Gullible sonyponies: "it’s not the end. It was all double speak, you cannot believe Phil, it was all PR etc.” (Interestingly sonyponies sound almost disappointed that they will not get to play some of the games)

doing it right?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
the lack of online literacy is astonishing

1. Rumors/leaks/Evidence of Hi-fi going to PS5/Switch/Epic


2.More rumors now about SoT.


3. More games are considered like Gears, Halo (even with some precedence) including Starfield and Indy.

Note: None of the leakers, insiders suggested or declared xbox was exiting the console business; going full third-party.

Why these rumors blew up?
why the discourse around xbox went nuclear even from Xbox fanboys themselves?

Because its plausible.

so, people (even hardcore xbox fanboys) could see the "math" in front of them. All the threads, reactions and commentary online was just an equation of rumors/leaks + the state of xbox in the market = the implications of these rumors.

Edit: The irony of rumors blowing up is that made the actual Update "Not as bad".
It does feel like a damage control attempt, but as others said I cannot believe this podcast was something they believe anybody beyond their core evangelist would believe in. It was parading their biggest executives saying everything and its opposite, making a mockery of the “when everybody plays we all win” by them treating it as a marketing slogan on air, and still leaving the door very open to more stuff coming through (which the post podcast interviews widened even more).
Add to that whining about HellDivers 2 not coming to Xbox after swooping in and cancelling well on their ways version of multiplatform titles…


Are you serious? What was that risky, innovative with helldivers 2 (firstly it is a sequel that changed view perspective vs first game), it’s a TPP GaaS shooter, one of the most popular game categories nowadays. On this topic, Capcom should revive Lost Planet as pure GaaS game, they would make a killing on it.

The predictions here on gaf were of Xbox going full third party, day 1, exiting hardware business.
phil confirmed it is is only 4 games, older and smaller and GaaS titles, and it is not meaning that floodgates will open.

Gullible sonyponies: "it’s not the end. It was all double speak, you cannot believe Phil, it was all PR etc.” (Interestingly sonyponies sound almost disappointed that they will not get to play some of the games)

doing it right?
You realize that 4 little games is probably just the beginning?
Like when they started putting Xbox games on PC and said they exact same thing.

Even 1 little game (like SoT, true 1st party) is enough to start the word of mouth rumour that Xbox games are coming to Playstation and start setting the mentality of "I'll wait for it to come to Playsation, no reason to buy a Xbox", sinking Xbox hardware sales even more, giving MS even more motivation to release further games on Playstation to make up for the cost of making games, making Xbox hardware progressively more irrelevant.

It's a snowball effect, and the snowball has just started rolling, give it time before shouting it is a nothingburger.


Are you serious? What was that risky, innovative with helldivers 2 (firstly it is a sequel that changed view perspective vs first game), it’s a TPP GaaS shooter, one of the most popular game categories nowadays. On this topic, Capcom should revive Lost Planet as pure GaaS game, they would make a killing on it.

The predictions here on gaf were of Xbox going full third party, day 1, exiting hardware business.
phil confirmed it is is only 4 games, older and smaller and GaaS titles, and it is not meaning that floodgates will open.

Gullible sonyponies: "it’s not the end. It was all double speak, you cannot believe Phil, it was all PR etc.” (Interestingly sonyponies sound almost disappointed that they will not get to play some of the games)

doing it right?
Phil Spencer did pretty much say that all Xbox games will be possibly going multiplatform after at least a year going forward.
That's why he emphasized "these are over a year old" at the start of the interview, as well as making clear that they will look at each game and what makes most sense.

A combination of a small installbase and GamePass resulting in low game sales makes it very easy to see that basically all games will go multiplatform after a certain period of time.
Because quite frankly, it makes sense for MS.

Hence why they were talking about how "times changed" and we need to look past hardware.
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Even 1 little game (like SoT, true 1st party) is enough to start the word of mouth rumour that Xbox games are coming to Playstation and start setting the mentality of "I'll wait for it to come to Playsation, no reason to buy a Xbox", sinking Xbox hardware sales even more, giving MS even more motivation to release further games on Playstation to make up for the cost of making games, making Xbox hardware progressively more irrelevant.
Errr it's been I'll just play MS stuff on my PC and sony stuff on my ps5 it covers everything. Are there really ps people who don't have a pc here to play MS stuff cause that's not how many discussions have gone around here for ages.


Funny, especially when you think that Sony just published its first day 1 game on PC and sort of announced going harder as multiplatform publisher during their latest quarterly results. By the end of this generation PC will (actually already is) the best place to play all games.
Maybe Sony had foreseen Xbox dying and their installbase spreading across Playstation and PC.🤯


Errr it's been I'll just play MS stuff on my PC and sony stuff on my ps5 it covers everything. Are there really ps people who don't have a pc here to play MS stuff cause that's not how many discussions have gone around here for ages.
I don't have a PC (unless you count a raspberry pi-like thing running Linux for printing). I prefer the commodity of consoles, i never cared for Pc gaming, too much tinkering involved.
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Funny, especially when you think that Sony just published its first day 1 game on PC and sort of announced going harder as multiplatform publisher during their latest quarterly results. By the end of this generation PC will (actually already is) the best place to play all games.
As always with Xbox fans, hang onto the coattails of another platform when things aren't looking good for xbox 🥴

It's either Nintendo or PC that you latch onto.
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You realize that 4 little games is probably just the beginning?
Like when they started putting Xbox games on PC and said they exact same thing.

Even 1 little game (like SoT, true 1st party) is enough to start the word of mouth rumour that Xbox games are coming to Playstation and start setting the mentality of "I'll wait for it to come to Playsation, no reason to buy a Xbox", sinking Xbox hardware sales even more, giving MS even more motivation to release further games on Playstation to make up for the cost of making games, making Xbox hardware progressively more irrelevant.

It's a snowball effect, and the snowball has just started rolling, give it time before shouting it is a nothingburger.

Phil Spencer did pretty much say that all Xbox games will be possibly going multiplatform after at least a year going forward.
That's why he emphasized "these are over a year old" at the start of the interview, as well as making clear that they will look at each game and what makes most sense.

A combination of a small installbase and GamePass resulting in low game sales makes it very easy to see that basically all games will go multiplatform after a certain period of time.

Hence why they were talking about how "times changed" and we need to look past hardware.
he never said all, he said something opposite

I don’t think we should as an industry ever rule out a game going to any other platform. We’re focused on these four games and learning from the experience.
But I don’t want to create a false expectation on those other platforms that this is somehow the first four to get over the dam and then the dam’s going to open and that everything else is coming, that’s not the plan today. I also don’t want to mislead customers on those other platforms. We’re launching these four games, and we’re excited about it. We’re excited about the announce and everything else, but we’ll see what happens for our business.

lots of hopeium in interpretation of what he said

what is also interesting he said

We’re obviously one of the biggest publishers on PlayStation and Nintendo today, when you think about the Activision Blizzard and Bethesda lineup of games. So we know what it means to ship games on Steam, PlayStation, Nintendo, and Xbox.
These are games that originally launched on Xbox. They were Xbox-branded games and we want to see what happens, because going and doing the development work to bring them to new platforms is real work. We want to make sure that the return makes sense. We want to make sure the audience that’s there has an appetite — maybe they don’t.
We’ll also watch what happens on Xbox as well. Our goal would be that the communities of those games grow, they grow and they thrive, but we’ll see. We’ll see what happens when we take games that launched originally on Xbox and PC and bring them over to other consoles, other closed platforms. We don’t know.

Funny thing is that based on neogaf playstation fans opinion about MS published games, they will not sell at all, and that this experiment of MS will end with no copies sold, negative ROI


he never said all, he said something opposite

lots of hopeium in interpretation of what he said

what is also interesting he said

Funny thing is that based on neogaf playstation fans opinion about MS published games, they will not sell at all, and that this experiment of MS will end with no copies sold, negative ROI
Remind me again of what he said when Xbox games started releasing on PC?...

MS games will probably get more sales on Playstation than on Xbox, because Playstation gamers actually buy games, they don't rent them.
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"not the plan today"

It's all in the details. One big convoluted message, tiny details spread all over the place, so they're technically correct while clearly communicating the change in strategy and future of Xbox.

These guys are masters at PR. Or maybe it less that and more their core fanbase (and people scared of not being looked at as 'neutral') being gullible.

And selling to 1% on PS is already twice as much as selling to 1% on Xbox.
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Games are not fruit juice. Phil would probably do fine running a Fruit Juice company. Just source cheaper fruits, improve the logistics, pay farmers less, whatever. Standard MBA stuff. You can create a "platform" like game pass in the same way you ship juice.

You cannot make games this way. They are art. A truly great game requires a level of commitment from individual human beings (at least a handful) far beyond what is being asked from anyone who works at a fruit juice company.

edit: I realize I didn't totally answer your question. The parasocial relationship you have with Phil is also manufactured in a similar way to Juice. So they give it to you instead of games. A corporation like Microsoft does have the capacity to generate media attention. It does not have the capacity to make good games.
That's quite the blanket statement, are you suggesting that MS have no teams capable of creating good games or that those teams are being hampered by the corporate side of MS?


lots of hopeium in interpretation of what he said

what is also interesting he said

Funny thing is that based on neogaf playstation fans opinion about MS published games, they will not sell at all, and that this experiment of MS will end with no copies sold, negative ROI

ali GIF by The Bachelorette Australia

Man just brought Activision and is going on like it's all him.

Actual games published by MS on playstation?

4 is it, minecraft, deathloop and ghostwire Tokyo (all contractually oblidged) and a skyrim patch.

Have Activision actually released any games since being sold?

CoD the month after I guess, but I'll give you that but its a bit of a stretch claiming that one.
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As always with Xbox fans, hang onto the coattails of another platform when things aren't looking good for xbox 🥴

It's either Nintendo or PC that you latch onto.
It is not „as always” - never before sony did day 1 drop on PC, always changed with 1st Sony published game to land day 1 on pc and ps5, and this happened 2 weeks ago, Sony talking about going harder multiplatform happened last week (and steam numbers for helldivers 2 will probably encourage more of this). Based on this, and MS existing policies for day 1 on PC = PC will become the place to play by the end of this gen - you will get day 1 from MS and PS on PC probably for lower price, and if you have got proper gaming PC you will enjoy these games in better quality.

Btw. I owned (still keep some) all PlayStation consoles for exclusives only, until PS5 release, ps4 was disappointment for me (I play multiplatform games on pc/xbox for years now - love cross saves etc.) as most Sony games followed very similar blueprint. Controversially I would rate PS2 gen as my favourite but 2nd on the podium would be PS3 (loved motorstorm, heavenly sword, resistance, killzone, uncharted, old god of war trilogy etc.). I loved my PSPs and PSVita. PS5 without native wipeout (probably my favourite Sony game ever) game is not proper Sony console.

btw2. I currently have and play on gaming pc (oled screen), Xbox series x (4K projector), og steamdeck (more I play on it more I like it, but I also miss native gamepass app and cross device saves syncing), switch oled, ps vita (still playing quite a lot on it), GameCube (Mario, pikmin, Zelda, f-zero etc.), Xbox360 (mainly PGR4 machine), my Dreamcast, GameBoyAdvance and ps2 and ps3 are packed in storage. Recently started to use xcloud a bit more as well, it is hit and miss based my location. I am not even PC-windows fan, as for most of my work I use MacBooks - it is my daily machine I do work, browsing etc. I am deep in Apple ecosystem (phone, tablet, watch, earbuds, headphones, laptop). I never go anywhere without my iPad as well (I love Apple Arcade) and do play on mobile fair share.


They said diablo is coming. Now the question is why are they only dropping 1 game at a time? With Bethesda they added them all in one go and very quickly after completing the acquisition. They're not doing that with Activision for some reason.
D4 is coming because the game has low player population (at least on PC).


Xbox civil war is getting nasty.

Avengers dissemble!!

Let them fight amongst themselvers.

He's right about the cult around Phil Spencer.

Being critical of Spencer and Xbox's direction doesn't mean you're a traitor to Xbox, that's stupid. On the contrary, if you love something then you can be its harshest critic, because you see where it's going wrong and want it to succeed.

It's like if you had a child who used to excel at school (think Xbox 360) but then started going off the rails (Xbox One and especially Series), being lazy and their grades suffered. You wouldn't get angry at the teachers for the poor grades, you'd get angry at your kid who wasn't applying themselves. You'd get angry not because you hate your kid but because you love them.
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The entire past two weeks has been nothing but threads proclaiming MS was exiting the console business and going third party and publishing EVERYTHING on the PS5.

https://www.neogaf.com/threads/phil-spencer-announcement-this-week.1666826/ <- 90 page thread with people dancing on Xbox's gave based on fake insider bullshit

laugh jordan GIF
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They said diablo is coming. Now the question is why are they only dropping 1 game at a time? With Bethesda they added them all in one go and very quickly after completing the acquisition. They're not doing that with Activision for some reason.
The reason being revenue of course. Putting Activision recent catalog on Gamepass cut the money flow so they bring Diablo which is a prestigious title but on decline from seasons mediocre reception and generating money from MTX anyway. There's also Battle.net.


It's very embarrassing that we're having discussions about people going too far with rumors that Microsoft themselves didn't bother to deny or even react to properly for 2 weeks-2 months (depending on when you think it got serious), rumors that were fueled by the fucking CEO of Microsoft himself, they didn't issue corrections to any outlet (meaning all the software porting rumors are %100 truth), they didn't deny anything except for the "going out of hardware" thing which no leaker even claimed! A company that aggressively exerts control over the message just abandoned the steering wheel entirely to the detriment of their brand equity and confidence, and we're supposed to not talk about it?

These threads and the neverending bickering are very strange. The situation is simple.

Microsoft and all other large western companies are rapidly losing or have already lost the ability to make games. The reasons you can figure out on your own easily enough. But they can't do it anymore. Starfield is one of the worst games ever made in its budget class. It's certainly the worst I have ever played.

It is still possible to brute-force stuff money into programmers' pockets and get them to build shit like streaming services, cross-play, resurrect old games from the dead, whatever. But you can't pay your way to good new games. You need to create the right culture and it's simply impossible for these companies now. It's not even Phil's fault. The guy is just a suit. The company runs him, not the other way around. He is going to be pressured to grow Xbox and he is going to try anything and everything he can EXCEPT actually creating good games, because Microsoft does not have the wherewithal to actually accomplish that. I am quite sure that if he could do it, he would.

That there are even any "xbox fans" left to cry about this is completely ludicrous. Move on, you manchildren. It's over.
It's the endless amount of sequels and remakes that we're getting that's fueling the rise in cost, especially sequels.

When you make an Arkham or Uncharted or Spiderman game and it pops off, it becomes a "franchise" and execs will want sequels to capitalize on them, those sequels now have to be bigger and better in every way (scope, graphics etc etc), this leads to scope creep, which leads to hiring more people, which leads to more costs.

Remakes can be even worse because you are essentially competing with nostalgia for your past products, just look at the Silent Hill 2 remake trailer drama. So everything has to be as perfect as can be.

Add on top of that the endless pursuit for pointless graphical fidelity and you get what's happening in the scene.


Exactly, what people said was that porting games to rival platforms WILL devalue the brand and the console sales will collapse for Series S/X in 2024

They might say they are making consoles 5 years from now

I don't believe it
Look I completely believe HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 , he's been a reliable source with no drama. When he said they're planning new hardware I completely believed him even before Microsoft came out and said what they said.

My big question has been whether that's a good business idea given that they are basically capitulating on any real reason for anyone to invest into the Xbox brand at this point (exclusives). Depending on pricing etc I could see them take a loss on it yet again, or maybe it works for them, who knows?

But there will come a point where someone somewhere in Microsoft will have to click the ORDER button on a few dozen millions of hardware units, maybe it's this year, maybe it's next year. But someone is gonna have to take the responsibility for it.


Look I completely believe HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 , he's been a reliable source with no drama. When he said they're planning new hardware I completely believed him even before Microsoft came out and said what they said.

My big question has been whether that's a good business idea given that they are basically capitulating on any real reason for anyone to invest into the Xbox brand at this point (exclusives). Depending on pricing etc I could see them take a loss on it yet again, or maybe it works for them, who knows?

But there will come a point where someone somewhere in Microsoft will have to click the ORDER button on a few dozen millions of hardware units, maybe it's this year, maybe it's next year. But someone is gonna have to take the responsibility for it.
This was actually the gist of the entire Xbox hardware discussion. There might have been some end of Xbox side-tracking in the heat of the arguments but the main point was that with Xbox games going multiplatform, continuing hardware will be rather pointless if they want to remain a competitor in the console-space.

Certain Gaffers claiming that a lot of people were expecting the announcement of the end of Xbox are moving goalposts to have some sort of win there.
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Are you serious? What was that risky, innovative with helldivers 2 (firstly it is a sequel that changed view perspective vs first game), it’s a TPP GaaS shooter, one of the most popular game categories nowadays. On this topic, Capcom should revive Lost Planet as pure GaaS game, they would make a killing on it.

The predictions here on gaf were of Xbox going full third party, day 1, exiting hardware business.
phil confirmed it is is only 4 games, older and smaller and GaaS titles, and it is not meaning that floodgates will open.

Gullible sonyponies: "it’s not the end. It was all double speak, you cannot believe Phil, it was all PR etc.” (Interestingly sonyponies sound almost disappointed that they will not get to play some of the games)

doing it right?

Why you even bother posting in this thread. Most of your posts are toxic trolling, just attempting to aggravate other users.


As always with Xbox fans, hang onto the coattails of another platform when things aren't looking good for xbox 🥴

It's either Nintendo or PC that you latch onto.
It is interesting how many green rats are suddenly pcmr all of a sudden.
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