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microsoft: next-gen war is between microsoft and sony

Well, yeah. They want the media to associate them with the market leader, not with another company being left in the wake. It's the same stuff they've been saying with the current consoles, and the PR has worked...most western media sources play it up as a two-horse race, just as Microsoft wants them to.


It's the most obvious route, but to totally dismiss Nintendo's console is stupid.

I hope Nintendo proves him wrong personally.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Again, MS is ignoring Nintendo, except for the fact where they say that they're #2 worldwide. (Hey, if they were ignoring Nintendo in that aspect, they'd be saying they were last, wordwide. Not a very pleasant stat, is that? ;) )

Edit: Madden, I agree with you. I think it's really stupid and arrogant of MS AND Sony to be ignoring Nintendo, in all PR matters. the Western media is eating it up, too.
Can't disagree with him about one thing. I don't see Nintendo being interested in hooking up with PCs and other things around the house. I can see them still making some of the best ever games though.


He's right. Next gen is about Sony VS Microsoft. Let's face it, Nintendo is losing steam each generation, and it would be a huge surprise to see the wind turn next generation.


Lets see, Microsoft has basically usurped Nintendo's console design philosophies for next generation and they say they are ignoring them?

That's a laugh


works for Gamestop (lol)
Don't worry, Xbox has this man



There is no way that the next MS or Nintendo console will outsell the PS3. Their best hope is to cut the already insane gap that the PS2 has created this generation and then hope to overtake Sony in the next generation after that. This is the reality. Anything different than that is just delusional.

Kon Tiki

radioheadrule83 said:
Can't disagree with him about one thing. I don't see Nintendo being interested in hooking up with PCs and other things around the house. I can see them still making some of the best ever games though.

Revolution will already hook up to PC monitors. That much we do know.


Eh? They said the same this gen. Till they got ahead of the Gamecube, then it was a big deal.
Nintendo is still number two, MS hasn't passed them.

As far as them dismissing Nintendo's next console, this is one Revolution that will be televised! Suck it down, MS.

Kon Tiki

TheDiave said:
Nintendo is still number two, MS hasn't passed them.

As far as them dismissing Nintendo's next console, this is one Revolution that will be televised! Suck it down, MS.

I think you misunderstood. The only time MS acknowledged Nintendo was when they issues press releases every time MS got ahead, where it was US, Europe or the world.


TheDiave said:
Nintendo is still number two, MS hasn't passed them.

As far as them dismissing Nintendo's next console, this is one Revolution that will be televised! Suck it down, MS.

Nintendo is still #2... but as far as the console race goes, the Gamecube is in third.


think its pretty certain Nintendo will never lead ever again unless some drastic changes happen.

frankly Nintendo dont have the finances to take on Microsoft let alone Sony.


I can't believe Nintendo got beat by Microsoft in their first-ever console outing. It seemed impossible back in 2001.


You never know.

Teddman said:
I can't believe Nintendo got beat by Microsoft in their first-ever console outing. I'd never have predicted it back in 2001.

They probably wont by the time this gen ends :p Although MS were expected to do very well. Fact is both Nintendo and MS underperformed consoles sales wise. MS also underperformed investment wise.


It's funny that even with this talk, Nintendo is making a hell of alot of cash from both their console and handheld business. I don't see them going away.


Deg said:
They probably wont by the time this gen ends :p Although MS were expected to do very well. Fact is both Nintendo and MS underperformed consoles sales wise. MS also underperformed investment wise.
Let it go. The gap between Xbox and Gamecube is only going to get greater, most likely... And the trend will probably continue into next generation.


And then again it might not, Teddman. Either way I'm interested in seeing Nintendo's next system, and I can't wait to see what new ideas it brings to the console side, much in the same way the NDS's features are changing the portable side.
Teddman said:
Let it go. The gap between Xbox and Gamecube is only going to get greater, most likely.
I agree. After all is said and done, Nintendo will have sold more Gamecubes than MS has sold Xboxes.


I can't believe Nintendo got beat by Microsoft in their first-ever console outing. It seemed impossible back in 2001.

Especially when I think Nintendo did so many things right.

But I think some people here are missing the point. Madden, GaimeGuy, I wouldn't take it as MS ignoring Nintendo, but realizing that Nintendo is going after a different user, than both MS and Sony.

This is one of the reasons why the Xbox is #2, IMO. The market for the PS2/Xbox-ish gamer is larger than the one for the GC type gamer. Sports games are a fundamental part of their software library. A lot of the games are dealing with more mature-themes, and they feature extra capabilities beyond playing videogames.

If the GC featured DVD playback, a larger array of mature games, and a larger array of sports games, I'm sure MS and Sony would consider them competition.

As it stands, Nintendo will provide competition, but not direct competition.


Teddman said:
Let it go. The gap between Xbox and Gamecube is only going to get greater, most likely... And the trend will probably continue into next generation.

Well the GC still MAY catch up and overtake, if Xenon launches next year. MS will probably stop Xbox production so everyone can jump on Xenon (if the system is like GC and is profitable). Why continue to market a system which will continue to lose you money into the next gen?

While it's incredibly doubtful Nintendo will ever be on top ever again, I say they have one last, small chance to compete with the big dogs with Revolution. Stranger things have happened in the industry before, after all.

I have a feeling though, that Nintendo's next system, will be their Saturn.


True enough, Kobun. After Microsoft cuts the albatros like XboX from it's neck next year and is still attempting to pull together some kind of profit, Nintendo will have it's GCN on the market, and history shows us that Nintendo systems tend to move significant numbers in the tail end of their lifetimes.
Its easy to sell a lot of gamecubes when they're so freaking cheap. People buy shit on deals for the sake of getting a deal. Its no mystery.

I think XBox has done leagues for online console gaming, and has offered up a very solid line-up of original games for MS' first outting.

I recognize Nintendos handheld dominance, and the 'gems' on the gamecube, but that only goes so far.



^^^^ Agreed.

If the Xbox wasn't released...if MS didn't enter the console arena...this generation would have been quite blah.


Thanks for the new wallpaper!



That's part of it, MAF. Even to a casual who only 'recognizes the ocasional gem', a 99 dollar price point is low enough to justify the investment in a GCN.
The dreamcast sold really well at the end of its lifecycle too, and had its share of gems! Doesnt mean my dreams of a follow up console came true.

Nintendo should just change its company name to Gameboy since its saved their ass so many times.


The western focus of the games on that N64 poster reminds me more of the XboX than the GCN actually.

Replace Goldeneye with Halo for the funny:)


The argument that GameCube sales will overtake Xbox sales eventually because of the early launch of the Xenon (Xbox Next, whatever you want to call it) can be reassuring for Nintendo fans...

Until you consider that it gives MS's console a head start on Nintendo's next generation consoles sales.



Ofcourse that brings us to the fundemental difference between Nintendo and Sega once again, MAF. Nintendo knows how to make money. Sega doesn't (or didn't) :)


Teddman said:
The argument that GameCube sales will overtake Xbox sales eventually because of the early launch of the Xenon (Xbox Next, whatever you want to call it) can be reassuring for Nintendo fans...

Until you consider that it gives MS's console a head start on Nintendo's next generation consoles sales.


Headstart or not, they're both going to get thrashed by the PS3, and at least Nintendo has the fanbase to survive such a thrashing every generation.



MrAngryFace said:
The dreamcast sold really well at the end of its lifecycle too, and had its share of gems! Doesnt mean my dreams of a follow up console came true.

Nintendo should just change its company name to Gameboy since its saved their ass so many times.

Actually, Nintendo should consider bringing back their old console names. Call the next system Something Famicom, or the new NES in America.

I think the DS should be Game Boy DS with its redesigned look. Just sounds like Nintendo 64 instead of UNES again.


MrAngryFace said:
No, Gameboy knows how to make money. Nintendo knows how to waste my time. Gameboy = Skynet.

Nope, the GCN has also been quite profitable. Jokes are supposed to make me laugh, BTW :)


Fight for Freeform said:
The market for the PS2/Xbox-ish gamer is larger than the one for the GC type gamer.

Thats the whole point of not mentioning Nintendo in their press releases. They dont want people to see them as being far away from PS2. Its just a way of fooling people into thinking that they are solid competiton for Sony. Nevermind the fact they got whooped by Nintendo and cant turn a profit despite suppossedly being a PS2 'competitor' which they clearly arent. Whether they like it or not they and Nintendo are lumped together as far away from PS2 niether can be lumped with Sony interm of home hardware.


Just like. This dance is getting boring, though. We all know in the end Nintendo ends up selling some massive ammount of software and laughs all the way to the bank (and process repeats again) :)

(admit it...you and Doug stay up late nights just thinking this stuff up, don't you :D)


Teddman said:
The argument that GameCube sales will overtake Xbox sales eventually because of the early launch of the Xenon (Xbox Next, whatever you want to call it) can be reassuring for Nintendo fans...

Until you consider that it gives MS's console a head start on Nintendo's next generation consoles sales.


Yeah, I wonder how Xenon will turn out. MS will have to cut off Xbox shipments, Xenon most likely wont be BC at this point. It may not have a huge launch title to propel sales (Perfect Dark Zero's what I see which will do them good- but, knowing Rare... :\), and by the time Revolution and PS3 (especially PS3) come out, it may be the weakest system on the market.

Not to mention it will piss off Xbox owners who just bought a $150, $130, or $100 system less than a year before the new system comes out (though that never stopped the Game Boy).

On the other hand, if the Xenon can grab Madden, make Xenon Live available out of the box, and easy to transfer subscriptions from XBL, they could gain a huge following in a short amount of time. Knowing MS, it'll have a huge ad campaign, and it's bad to doubt them as we've learned this gen.

Time will tell, but 2005 and 2006 will be very messy.
No, I actually give very little thought to Nintendo. Its just easy to keep a thread like this going by just blowing random generalized statements about Nintendo out of my ass.


MrAngryFace said:
No, I actually give very little thought to Nintendo. Its just easy to keep a thread like this going by just blowing random generalized statements about Nintendo out of my ass.

At least you admit to it :)
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