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New ‘Dragon Age: The Veilguard’ Characters Rejected By Players, Reveal Trailer Mass Downvoted


Gold Member
The character trailer has been massively downvoted on YouTube. It currently only has 31,000 likes compared to 144,000 dislikes. The trailer only has 1.1 million views. That means that over 12% of people who watched the trailer disliked it.


Numerous users in the comments roasted the game. The top comment reads, “You either die as Dragon Age or live long enough to see yourself become Fortnite.”

Another questioned

“Is this what Duncan died for?” One user wrote, “This game is gonna sell a lot of copies of Dragon Age: Origins.”

Another questioned,

“I’ve waited 10 years for a cartoon?”


Still another questioned,

“How did we go from dark fantasy to saturday morning cartoons?” One user posted, “the real reason why Youtube removed dislikes.”=

Another compared the game to the financial disaster of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, “Suicide Veilguard : Kill the Dragon Age.” One predicted that EA would be shutting down BioWare following the release of the game, “EA closing Bioware in 3…2…1…”

Another noted, “Oh yes, Baldur’s Gate 3 looks more like Dragon Age than Dragon Age itself.”


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I don't get it. I saw all the comments on here about the reveal trailer, and went in assuming it was going to look horrendous... but it didn't?

The tone is probably a bit "Marvel-ified" for the Dragon Age universe, but other than that I think it looked not half bad, and judging from an introduction trailer the tone of the entire game is likely to be a bit presumptuous.

Edit: I have not seen the gameplay trailer yet, one day I guess. I will admit I'm probably a bit hesitant as if the rumours of the combat being closer to FF16 than inquisition are true, then no thanks.
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Gold Member
To be frank, the gameplay trailer is not as atrocious as the reveal trailer and I had my fixed feelings as a dragon age fan.

1. The graphics are very solid. The video uses Playstation button prompts, if this is running on PS5, that is very impressive. The art style is less repugnant than the reveal trailer, but certainly don't feel like this is a dark fantasy saga.

2. Huge let down of the combat system change. The action combat feels more floaty and shallow even than Witcher 3. And the RPG elements are missing a hell, what's the point of rolling a rogue if you can't even go stealth in combat? (I'm sure it's probably there in the skill tree but stealth has always been a default skill). Without a proper tank-healer-dps system, the combat gonna lack depth, and so far feels very generic.

3. The butchered the OG trilogy's combat fabric by not letting player control companions anymore. One of a in-depth aspects of DA is that there are so many specializations you simply can't have on the main character, playing companions with various specs added a lot of fun but now it's completely gone.

4. My biggest worrying is the writing, but so far I don't hate it. The problem is that those characters are so disconnected from what they were in the previous games. Varric is the master of humor and sarcasm, even if the sky was ripped off a big hole he wouldn't stop kidding. But look at him in the prologue, he becomes that concerned and sentimental guy.
Solas is even worse, in trespasser he was set up to be one of the most dope antagonists. He's ripping the veil because he felt like it was him failed his own people and caused their decimation and he had to fix that. You can clearly sense his inner conflict in the dialogues. But now Solas is just another generic mad villain that wants the world to end. A huge downgrading from the previous setup.

I guess I still hold a sliver of hope the game will turn out decent. Dragon Age is such a good series that doesn't deserve to die.
Yeah, that hack and slash component doesn't really excite me at all.
As of now I feel the same. I need to see other classes and more mid-game or late-game gameplay before fully calling it.

The 3-4 skill loadout reminds me of Mass Effect, but that series had the benefit of being a shooter with enemies who were capable at times of being serious headshot-kill threats.

Right now this new DA game’s footage and gameplay reminds me of the following:


And this latest Dark Alliance game was a fun enough, bite sized, janky, C-grade experience, but I don’t think that’s what Dragon Age fans want after waiting this long.
I don't get it. I saw all the comments on here about the reveal trailer, and went in assuming it was going to look horrendous... but it didn't?

The tone is probably a bit "Marvel-ified" for the Dragon Age universe, but other than that I think it looked not half bad, and judging from an introduction trailer the tone of the entire game is likely to be a bit presumptuous.

Edit: I have not seen the gameplay trailer yet, one day I guess. I will admit I'm probably a bit hesitant as if the rumours of the combat being closer to FF16 than inquisition are true, then no thanks.
It’s the same exact people that said “Final Fantasy 16 isn’t Final Fantasy”. Don’t let it bother you, people who dislike change are far more likely to be loud about it. That said, as a fan of DA, this looks like complete ass to me. Not because of the gameplay changes, but because it just doesn’t look appealing to me at all. It’s still DA, just like FF is still FF regardless of the changes.


ChatGPT 0.1
BioWare did their job, now they’re going to have to let the gamers play it, origins left little margin to error, after Veilguard it’s time to remaster Origins to shut everyone up.
It’s the same exact people that said “Final Fantasy 16 isn’t Final Fantasy”. Don’t let it bother you, people who dislike change are far more likely to be loud about it. That said, as a fan of DA, this looks like complete ass to me. Not because of the gameplay changes, but because it just doesn’t look appealing to me at all. It’s still DA, just like FF is still FF regardless of the changes.
I’ve always been more of a Mass Effect guy but here’s what I have observed:

1) Every DA game seems to play differently, kind of like FF.
2) DA: Origins is the one most people like. There are a few people who like Inquisition, but almost no one likes DA 2.
3) DA fans don’t want DA to play like Mass Effect, even the ones who like both Mass Effect and DA.
4) There’s a possibility this game is taking cues from Mass Effect’s skill loadout system and realtime-combat with pausing.
I’ve always been more of a Mass Effect guy but here’s what I have observed:

1) Every DA game seems to play differently, kind of like FF.
2) DA: Origins is the one most people like. There are a few people who like Inquisition, but almost no one likes DA 2.
3) DA fans don’t want DA to play like Mass Effect, even the ones who like both Mass Effect and DA.
4) There’s a possibility this game is taking cues from Mass Effect’s skill loadout system and realtime-combat with pausing.

I personally dont mind if it plays like Mass Effect as long as I can get challenged and its not just a brain dead button masher.


I wish they returned the series to what was with Origins but this looked good for what Dragon Age has become, looked better than Inquisition and I enjoyed it well enough


A big difference is that Squeenix does it relatively competently and maintains the core themes of their franchises. For the most part.

For the Final Fantasy VII Remake entries:

Pirates Of The Caribbean Agree GIF

For XVI though:

Office Space No GIF

Leveling/upgrading stats barely affected combat, there was zero elemental weaknesses/resistances, no weapon variety, party members had no stats, exploration was pointless as all it gave you was basically pennies or crafting materials you already had far more of than necessary, etc. Becoming an action RPG wasn’t the issue, it was they forgot to give any genuine love to the RPG aspect as opposed to VII Remakes (help they were helmed by the Kingdom Hearts guy who knew how to balance action and RPG), the Tales games, or games like Nier Automata which all do give focus on both action and RPG.
The game will come out and the whiners will play and love it, just like DA:I.
when it comes to series like dragon age & mass effect, i've just never gotten attached to the casts of characters to the degree that others have. it's not that i dislike them, it's just that i don't really find any of them all that, well, endearing? lovable? so, yeah, i did enjoy da:i, & it's as likely as not i'll like this game too. & if i don't, it probably won't be because of the characters...


The game will come out and the whiners will play and love it, just like DA:I.

Nope. I loved Origins. I cleared 2 but hated myself for it. Varric and Isabella (drool) were the only bright spots to me. I played maybe two hours of Inquisition and stopped. Veilguard looks like more of what I don't want out of Dragon Age, in a time where Baldur's Gate 3 established the new, very high bar for Western RPG's.


SHILLnobi on resetera tried to hype up this shit and when people turned out to be lukewarm at best after the gameplay reveal, he attempted to push the narrative that the game is being criticized by "the INCELS who hate the game for its diversity".

The trailer was crappy but the gameplay was actually pretty good in my mind.
The gameplay was the WORST part.
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Real shame they went this direction for the game and art style. Loved origins, flat out skipped 2 cause it looked like that it of the gate but I enjoyed inquisition a lot and did pretty much everything. I don't remember any of the da story much anymore besides some stuff but man they need to put out a very good demo to even get my interested in this new one. Think I'll play origins again since that was a great game


Reseterror Resettler
The environment was poorly lent to actual gameplay arenas from the footage shown, in my humble opinion. It looked like clunky jerky all over the map controls and skills and a mess of particle effects and bright lights. I don't know, the mobile game take really makes sense.


Gold Member
I think of all the things that don't look good about Veilguard, the downgrade from 4 Party members to 3, is the biggest downgrade. Not only does that limit strategy and party comp/build variety, but it limits how much banter players will get to hear. Most players don't constantly swap and rotate out party members. They tend to stick with the ones they like. It was a chimp brained move to downgrade to a Party of 3.


Gameplay reveal was also disappointing, looks just like the hero shooter which the artwork implies. If you masked the title and some terms, and let viewers guess, betcha they wont think of DA

Then there’s the marvel writing, quips and our heroes simply sleepwalking through the dangers

Bioware chose a terrible gameplay segment to show off, wont entice rpg players like me


Tonally it feels very off, but I hope it isn't suggestive of the tone of the actual game. Trailers can, and often do, get it wrong.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
For the Final Fantasy VII Remake entries:

Pirates Of The Caribbean Agree GIF

For XVI though:

Office Space No GIF

Leveling/upgrading stats barely affected combat, there was zero elemental weaknesses/resistances, no weapon variety, party members had no stats, exploration was pointless as all it gave you was basically pennies or crafting materials you already had far more of than necessary, etc. Becoming an action RPG wasn’t the issue, it was they forgot to give any genuine love to the RPG aspect as opposed to VII Remakes (help they were helmed by the Kingdom Hearts guy who knew how to balance action and RPG), the Tales games, or games like Nier Automata which all do give focus on both action and RPG.
Agreed 100%

IMO ff16 should be a "DMC" game spin off of ff franchise .

I guess they want the sales so they slapped on ff16
I get why it wasn't well received but c'mon, we saw worse in that showcase, both from indie (mouse walking sim) and big publishers (South of Midnight).


it's not an RPG.

It's just weird that we live in a world where games like Persona and Baldur's Gate are more popular than ever and EA is turning their premier RPG franchise into a purple hack-and-slash. Of course Square did the same thing.

It's not really weird, just kinda stupid. I'm sure the idea is try to make the game catch the interest of people that weren't fans of the original. The desire to reach "new" fans alienates the old fans with this kinda stuff.

You would think with the success of BG3 and similar, that they would be willing to let the game be, BUT like a lot of people have said the original Bioware is long gone. People there now are probably fans of "parts" of the original...meaning they spent a lot of time writing fan fiction and "shipping" characters.

Dr. Claus

I don't get it. I saw all the comments on here about the reveal trailer, and went in assuming it was going to look horrendous... but it didn't?

The tone is probably a bit "Marvel-ified" for the Dragon Age universe, but other than that I think it looked not half bad, and judging from an introduction trailer the tone of the entire game is likely to be a bit presumptuous.

Edit: I have not seen the gameplay trailer yet, one day I guess. I will admit I'm probably a bit hesitant as if the rumours of the combat being closer to FF16 than inquisition are true, then no thanks.
Imagine going from a serious, engaging, multifaceted rpg made by top tier devs with Origins, having a good, but flawed and rushed sequel, and then turning it more and more into a Disneyfied cartoon.

On its own it would be a generic slacktivist filled mess. As a dragon age game? It looks like an insult to fans of the original game.


The trailer was crappy but the gameplay was actually pretty good in my mind.
Agree with that.

I was very disappointed by the trailer. But the gameplay makes the art style much better. I find it quite nice to look at.

It doesn't erase the fact that it looks more like an action game than a cRPG... but definitely the first trailer was a mistake : the tone in it was really out of the Dragon Age franchise, coupled with the very "Fortnity" artstyle it gave a very bad impression.


The art style is really not a problem for me, Dragon Age 2 had a similar massive departure in art style and I could easily deal with that. Some of the newer characters, such as the Necromancer and fan favourite Harding look interesting as well. The major disappointment was the combat, regenerating arrows, maximum of three abilities, and not being able to control your party members are frankly all terrible ideas. The game being mission based raises red flags as well. I guess we will see, but I'm rather meh about the whole thing.
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