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New ‘Dragon Age: The Veilguard’ Characters Rejected By Players, Reveal Trailer Mass Downvoted


Does it look blocky and cartoony like Fortnite? Does it have a bright and upbeat color palette? Is the world architecture from a children's fantasy book with Cinderella like towers?


i thought it looked good (gameplay, ya know, the thing that matters). But yes, the reveal trailer was crap.

Is it a bit too cartooney looking for me? a bit , yea, but i think it has potential.
It has potential for memes and to be mentioned like hellblade2 in sales thread where they point out notable releases and its nowhere to be found in top10, like there:

I would laugh with all the others normally, but unfortunately for myself, i care deeply about this series and would hate bioware to get closed, which atm after that awful gameplay trailer(fk reveal cgi trailer, it looked like they promoting fortnite or overwatch competitor but its cgi so doesnt matter in the end) becomes more and more real :(


EA/Bioware is completely out of touch with their own user base. Pc game was in complete disarray and CRPG was basically dead when they hit the jack pot with Origins, now when you have a CRPG resurgence in last decade, BioWare had 7+years of development and they are going with one of the most lame ass game possible.

Fuck the combat, the art looks straight out the cheapest fantasy Gaas game they could get.

And they did even had Baldurs Gate 3 (a franchise that they invented) to show then how it's done.
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It’s the same exact people that said “Final Fantasy 16 isn’t Final Fantasy”. Don’t let it bother you, people who dislike change are far more likely to be loud about it. That said, as a fan of DA, this looks like complete ass to me. Not because of the gameplay changes, but because it just doesn’t look appealing to me at all. It’s still DA, just like FF is still FF regardless of the changes.
Yeah! I agree.. last weak I said the same thing... me and my brother turned up the tv to watch a F1 race but now it was in fact done it with bicycles... I said AWESOME and he kept saying this is not F1 ... hate people that dont accept change and keep complaining, just shut the fuck up and accept.


The art style is really not a problem for me, Dragon Age 2 had a similar massive departure in art style and I could easily deal with that. Some of the newer characters, such as the Necromancer and fan favourite Harding look interesting as well. The major disappointment was the combat, regenerating arrows, maximum of three abilities, and not being able to control your party members are frankly all terrible ideas. The game being mission based raises red flags as well. I guess we will see, but I'm rather meh about the whole thing.
It seems like a MP game slapped into a SP game with those mechanics, and going by development rumors this could be the case, since DA4 was envisioned originally as a GaaS type game if I remember correctly
To be frank, the gameplay trailer is not as atrocious as the reveal trailer and I had my fixed feelings as a dragon age fan.

1. The graphics are very solid. The video uses Playstation button prompts, if this is running on PS5, that is very impressive. The art style is less repugnant than the reveal trailer, but certainly don't feel like this is a dark fantasy saga.

2. Huge let down of the combat system change. The action combat feels more floaty and shallow even than Witcher 3. And the RPG elements are missing a hell, what's the point of rolling a rogue if you can't even go stealth in combat? (I'm sure it's probably there in the skill tree but stealth has always been a default skill). Without a proper tank-healer-dps system, the combat gonna lack depth, and so far feels very generic.

3. The butchered the OG trilogy's combat fabric by not letting player control companions anymore. One of a in-depth aspects of DA is that there are so many specializations you simply can't have on the main character, playing companions with various specs added a lot of fun but now it's completely gone.

4. My biggest worrying is the writing, but so far I don't hate it. The problem is that those characters are so disconnected from what they were in the previous games. Varric is the master of humor and sarcasm, even if the sky was ripped off a big hole he wouldn't stop kidding. But look at him in the prologue, he becomes that concerned and sentimental guy.
Solas is even worse, in trespasser he was set up to be one of the most dope antagonists. He's ripping the veil because he felt like it was him failed his own people and caused their decimation and he had to fix that. You can clearly sense his inner conflict in the dialogues. But now Solas is just another generic mad villain that wants the world to end. A huge downgrading from the previous setup.

I guess I still hold a sliver of hope the game will turn out decent. Dragon Age is such a good series that doesn't deserve to die.

There's no way this is turning out decent
Yeah! I agree.. last weak I said the same thing... me and my brother turned up the tv to watch a F1 race but now it was in fact done it with bicycles... I said AWESOME and he kept saying this is not F1 ... hate people that dont accept change and keep complaining, just shut the fuck up and accept.
Interesting comparison, but point taken 😂


3. The butchered the OG trilogy's combat fabric by not letting player control companions anymore. One of a in-depth aspects of DA is that there are so many specializations you simply can't have on the main character, playing companions with various specs added a lot of fun but now it's completely gone.

Has that been confirmed - that you can't control your companions in battle? If so, that's a huge downgrade.


Was sweet baby involved in this?

I don't think so, but look into who the game director is, and your alarm bells should start going off.

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I like the more stylized look. It's still more subtle than something like Fortnite. We have plenty of grimdark games, and I'm always down for art direction beyond photorealist styles.
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It looks like Fortnite because when they started developing this game way back, Fortnite was the latest hot stuff. This is what happens when you take this long to develop a game. By the time you're done, the fad you're chasing is long over.


It looks like Fortnite because when they started developing this game way back, Fortnite was the latest hot stuff. This is what happens when you take this long to develop a game. By the time you're done, the fad you're chasing is long over.
Its not even this, any person with 2 braincells can understand that western rpg genre cant look like some online/coop shooter settings wise, be it in 5 or 10 years, audience is simply too different, yet those diseasters of high-ups somehow cant and on top they get paid handsomely for many years for it, in the end players are blamed for bad sales and studio gets closed while fucks responsible for it only keep on profiting ;/
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EA/Bioware is completely out of touch with their own user base. Pc game was in complete disarray and CRPG was basically dead, now when you have a CRPG resurgence in last decade, BioWare had 7+years of development and they are going with one of the most lame ass game possible.

Fuck the combat, the art looks straight out the cheapest fantasy Gaas game they could get.

And they did even had Baldurs Gate 3 (a franchise that they invented) to show then how it's done.
If this new Dragon Age was a faithful sequel to DA:O it would be GOTY with ease. Especially with that budget. They overthought it and let complete idiots direct it
Yep, it’s going to crater and probably take BioWare with it or at least we would be looking at some serious layoffs.
That's my thing. How much devastation must be wrought for this? Imagine if this stuff takes out BioWare, Rocksteady, Firestorm, etc.

How many dominoes must fall and how many people must be put out to the unemployment pasture before someone realizes that this isn't working, it's having the opposite effect and continuing to do it is having dire consequences?


That's my thing. How much devastation must be wrought for this? Imagine if this stuff takes out BioWare, Rocksteady, Firestorm, etc.

How many dominoes must fall and how many people must be put out to the unemployment pasture before someone realizes that this isn't working, it's having the opposite effect and continuing to do it is having dire consequences?
It’s going to continue for the foreseeable future. Just don’t see this shit changing unfortunately.

Edit: “The beatings will continue until morale improves. “
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> everyone:

Meanwhile, mobile game trailers these days:

DA trailer reminds me of that particular scene from the Hobbit movie, where the dwarves were rolling down the river... Everything just seems kind of silly.
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