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New ‘Dragon Age: The Veilguard’ Characters Rejected By Players, Reveal Trailer Mass Downvoted

Imagine going from a serious, engaging, multifaceted rpg made by top tier devs with Origins, having a good, but flawed and rushed sequel, and then turning it more and more into a Disneyfied cartoon.
As a dragon age game? It looks like an insult to fans of the original game.
Nope. I loved Origins. I cleared 2 but hated myself for it. Varric and Isabella (drool) were the only bright spots to me. I played maybe two hours of Inquisition and stopped. Veilguard looks like more of what I don't want out of Dragon Age

I’m genuinely surprised that a series where people mainly claim they’ve only really liked the first entry, managed to survive multiple generations to a 4th installment, and it isn’t a sports game.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I’ve always been more of a Mass Effect guy but here’s what I have observed:

1) Every DA game seems to play differently, kind of like FF.
2) DA: Origins is the one most people like. There are a few people who like Inquisition, but almost no one likes DA 2.
3) DA fans don’t want DA to play like Mass Effect, even the ones who like both Mass Effect and DA.
4) There’s a possibility this game is taking cues from Mass Effect’s skill loadout system and realtime-combat with pausing.

Watch the video again: the skills are not on cooldown like in mass effect where you had 9 skills in total (3 per character) that you juggled.

In this game skills are treated as powerups, you must do x normal attacks to generate a skill charge and you can only bank 2 charges - screenshots from later in the game still show only 2 slots for skill charges.



Well, taking the awful music choice aside, that trailer was quite indicative of the game's darker tone and its story beats. You can hear Grey Wardens oath, see the main enemies (darkspawn), the whole ritual where Wardens go to Deep Roads to spend their remaining life fighting with darkspawn, etc. This ultimately sets up the premise of the faction you're going to be a part of in this game

Veilguard's trailer doesn't gave me similar impression. It doesn't really say anything about the main mission, what titular Veilguard is about and why they even need to form up this goofy fantasy Suicide Squad. Instead you are shoved with a list of characters you're supposed to care about, but lack any context why you even need them. Not to mention that trailer framed this in a way implying people who are looking for others might be so clueless they don't even know who should lead them lol
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The game will come out and the whiners will play and love it, just like DA:I.
Only crowd who will play it is paid streamers/journos but thats coz they are literally paid to do so/its their job, u will see use scores and steam reviews bomb hard, same with sales.
Edit: And i say it as a guy who bought DA:I at launch and loved it, played well over 100h in it.
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It is pretty clear that the developers (and writers) were more interested in sexual relationship with an elderly man than writing a decent story and gameplay.
I don't remember who said but the gameplay looks like scrapped from MMO and the skill circle looks like a vomit on the screen.
Well inquisition alr4wdy looked and played like an MMORPG, so they scrapped the RPG side and made an MMO in single player.... and then mixed it with Fortnite
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I just don`t understand who this product is made for.
The design is definitely for the Fortnite/Disney-Pixar/Marvel crowd as it`s as generic, un-offensive and "inclusive" as it can possibly be. But those poeple do not know what Dragon Age is and are probably not interested in that type of game in general.
And for us old guys who can compare to prior entries this thing is just an abomination....
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I just don`t understand who this product is made for.
The design is definitely for the Fortnite/Disney-Pixar/Marvel crowd, but those do not know what Dragon Age is and are probably not interested in that type of game in general. And for us old guys this thing is just an abomination....
Its for the transformers/alphabet crowd , EA already knows it will bomb hard but thats all according to their plans, gives them excuse to close down bioware, which obviously they will, we already experienced how woke shitfest games are doing sales wise- inflated review score coz brownie points, terrible user score/steam reviews, and close to 0 sales, then standard official comment "sales below expectations" from publisher, and few months after studio clousure "we gotta run business here" :p

My condolences for bottom lvl devs who had/have to watch it all happening i hope u guys land another and better paying job, big fk u to publisher and ppl at the head of the dev studio for letting it happen tho.
I just don`t understand who this product is made for.
The design is definitely for the Fortnite/Disney-Pixar/Marvel crowd as it`s as generic, un-offensive and "inclusive" as it can possibly be. But those poeple do not know what Dragon Age is and are probably not interested in that type of game in general.
And for us old guys who can compare to prior entries this thing is just an abomination....
It is basically like Star Wars and other established IPs - it is made for the people who the most loud online, but they do not represent the normal folks that go and play games / watch movies.

Let's see how Dragon Age performs. It will be compared to BG3 and it won't go nice for DA.


The tone is probably a bit "Marvel-ified" for the Dragon Age universe,
After that trailer I've re-watched that 4min cinematic trailer of Dragon Age Origins and I've got to be honest, apart from the colour palette is was very very similar. Over the top action with unstoppable and invincible heroes and few clever lines. Marvel really comes to mind.

Good thing is that the game was nothing like that trailer back then.

I don't know if there's hope yet for the franchise. I haven't watched any gameplay yet. However, with so many great and acclaimed games out there I don't know why those big companies won't take these as a template and prefer to make anything but what their audience want.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Wait is this what happened to DragonAge DreadWolf?
I thought this was just another offshoot title....its actually DragonAge 4?

What I'll never understand is if their fandom has expressed 2 times already that they want something like DA Origins again, why do they keep not doing that.

They choose to ignore anything and everything related to negativity surrounding their choice of what they wanted to make. Similar to how Concord is doing the same thing, I think I read recently on here.

Fans don't matter and they'll go :eek: when the game flops like SSKTJL.

Then, they'll immediately get angry as we've seen in the movie and game industry and blame the fans, labeling them any number of things.

Because none of *their* decisions are ever wrong, your opinions of them are.
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DA: O is among my top 20 games ever. DA2 was a disaster but we knew that from before release(short development time etc.). DA: I was a bit of an unknown before and at launch but it was a shockingly awful game, hated...no detested it(even though I completed it).

This looks like an absolutely fantastic follow up to DA: I. It embodies everything that lovers of DA: O hate, good luck with your game EA/Bioware!!!!!!
The fact BG3 did so well is horrible news for Dragon Age. BG3 showed that more than just a niche subset of gamers like this big sprawling complex serious RPGs. This is what they expect. The comparison will come… and it’s going to be brutal.

I agree I think it could be really bad for DA. I've enjoyed all the games to varying degrees. DA2 was really bad but the story was actually very good but I've always enjoyed the DA world and the conflict between Mages and Templars. I just think it's a fascinating concept and no other world really had anything like it in gaming. The mages are essentially slaves and treated like second class citizens and at the same time you can kind of understand why.

As long as the story is good I'll be satisfied I think. I'm not judging the gameplay to harshly because I only saw rogue and I had no plan so of picking Rogue. Even in DAI the gameplay varied based on what class you picked. I had to restart because I was finding mage to be way to boring. Reaver though was amazing fun and made the game a lot more fun.


It doesn't have a dark aesthetic at all, it's just at night.

Does it look blocky and cartoony like Fortnite? Does it have a bright and upbeat color palette? Is the world architecture from a children's fantasy book with Cinderella like towers?


I agree I think it could be really bad for DA. I've enjoyed all the games to varying degrees. DA2 was really bad but the story was actually very good but I've always enjoyed the DA world and the conflict between Mages and Templars. I just think it's a fascinating concept and no other world really had anything like it in gaming. The mages are essentially slaves and treated like second class citizens and at the same time you can kind of understand why.

As long as the story is good I'll be satisfied I think. I'm not judging the gameplay to harshly because I only saw rogue and I had no plan so of picking Rogue. Even in DAI the gameplay varied based on what class you picked. I had to restart because I was finding mage to be way to boring. Reaver though was amazing fun and made the game a lot more fun.
This is basically my take as well. If it’s actually a good story… I can forgive almost anything.

Dr. Claus

I’m genuinely surprised that a series where people mainly claim they’ve only really liked the first entry, managed to survive multiple generations to a 4th installment, and it isn’t a sports game.

I literally stated I enjoyed both 1 and 2, just that I recognize the issues of 2. 3 is the only one I don't like... until this was revealed.


i thought it looked good (gameplay, ya know, the thing that matters). But yes, the reveal trailer was crap.

Is it a bit too cartooney looking for me? a bit , yea, but i think it has potential.
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Calling this "woke" is a bit much lol, RPG's have had same sex romance options for years, hell even Fable let you do it back on the 360, it doesn't mean you have to it just means you have the option.

As far as the cast of characters? we'll see how those play out, we've only seen 3 of the potential companions so far in actual gameplay.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Someone just tapped the nail and set it in the coffin of BioWare.

release may just drive it in.


The reveal trailer was awful.
The gameplay reveal wasn't quite as bad, but it looked like any number of recent 6-7/10 RPGs (Atlas Fallen and stuff like thst) except with higher production values.

The story could be the saving grace, but given the people in charge of this I'd be extremely surprised if it's anything but awful

I just don`t understand who this product is made for.
The design is definitely for the Fortnite/Disney-Pixar/Marvel crowd as it`s as generic, un-offensive and "inclusive" as it can possibly be. But those poeple do not know what Dragon Age is and are probably not interested in that type of game in general.
And for us old guys who can compare to prior entries this thing is just an abomination....

It looks and sounds like it's an RPG made for zoomers. But they still want to use the Dragon Age name for the added notoriety, and the fact they can probably still sell at least a few hundred thousand copies on name recognition alone.

What's funny is that back when this was pitched it probably seemed like a safe move. In the meantime the 2 biggest RPGs have been a challenging dark fantasy open world (Elden Ring) and a more classic CRPG with deep customisation and turn based combat (Baldur's Gate 3)
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for my good $ , i rather spend it on Dragon Age Veilguard , i won't buy or play the new Fable even when its free
just my preference that i do not like the character designs in the new Fable


The game looked shit tbh but anyone who takes cgi trailers for video games serious are pretty low iq mongrels, 99% of those trailers are nothing like the game they advertise
But then again usually CGI trailer is used to hype up the game and it should be the one that looks better than the game they advertise , not another way round . For instance , Blizzard's CGI trailer , it makes people wow

You shouldn't release a CGI trailer that make goes like WTF is this shit , it kills the hype straight off and people wouldn't bother to look into additional reveals for the said game . Or maybe this is the kind of marketing trick where it builds negativity and gets people talking about it to generate huge interest , so what do I know 🤷‍♂️
I can’t speak for anyone else but the tone of the game has changed significantly from the original. It stands to reason that this campy, gay new direction isn’t what fans were expecting. The game also no longer respects its own lore and appears to have been beaten within an inch of its life with the DEI stick. It appears that the devs have made the very same mistake others have made in recent times…. they have made a game for an audience that doesn’t exist. Made the game for the audience they would like to have rather than the one they actually have. The problem is that the demographics they are expecting to show up aren’t actually interested and won’t buy the game. Also, changes made to the IP in order to appeal to those demographics end up alienating the fans you actually have… ultimately resulting in a flop. We have seen this time and time again. It’s amazing the chances people are willing to take when it isn’t their money on the line. O’well.
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I’m genuinely surprised that a series where people mainly claim they’ve only really liked the first entry, managed to survive multiple generations to a 4th installment, and it isn’t a sports game.
TBH it's been 10 years since the last installment so it's not like they were rushing to make a new entry (which they would if the game got overwhelming positive reception). I think they just ran out of IPs and nobody nowadays wants to make a new one, so Dragon Age it is.
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To be honest it looks a lot like DA2 gameplay wise. I understand its not the most loved one but its not completely out of what DA was


Character designs are the least of this games problems.....the bloke in charge swans about all day pretending to be a woman,probably goes in womens toilets too and enjoys making them feel uncomfortable,creepy little fucker.....he can stick his game right up his arse,he'd probably love that!
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