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New DS Hardware shot- HOTTTTT!!!!!


Ok, now this thing is looking SEXY! MINE!



Oh God yeah. That makes me feel even better about getting $156 trade in credit at Gamestop for Steel Battalion and leaving it on a DS pre order. Suckers!


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Now if only there were some games to get excited over. I hate the feeling of loving the hardware more than the games it's designed to play.
Looks pretty sleek. However, could they have possibly moved the controls out of the early 80's? I know they've got the touch screen, but damn, those controls suck!
BarneyBP said:
Oh God yeah. That makes me feel even better about getting $156 trade in credit at Gamestop for Steel Battalion and leaving it on a DS pre order. Suckers!

I've put out $350 for Steel Battalion and I never fucking beat it...

sorry, back to the DS


SantaCruZer said:
finally the DS has all those buttons the GBA lacks.

I find it interesting that we haven't seen a peep about ports of fighters and what not. You would think Capcom and SNK would be all over this.
DaCocoBrova said:
Now if only there were some games to get excited over. I hate the feeling of loving the hardware more than the games it's designed to play.

IAWTP...where's the games? This thing has Virtual Boy written all over it.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DJ Demon J said:
IAWTP...where's the games? This thing has Virtual Boy written all over it.
There's at least two threads on the first page of this forum right now, highlighting a couple of the games.
How can you guys preorder something we have no idea what will launch with? I mean, I'm excited for the DS, but please!

Weren't the commercials supposed to start running around early september?


DJ Demon J said:
IAWTP...where's the games? This thing has Virtual Boy written all over it.

What are you looking for, exactly? There are already a couple of Famitsu threads on the board covering DS games--it's not like nothing is being made.
ge-man said:
What are you looking for, exactly? There are already a couple of Famitsu threads on the board covering DS games--it's not like nothing is being made.

I hadn't seen any threads on DS games, nor much coverage anywhere to be frank, for a system that's launching in November. Just reminded me of Virtual Boy, jeez, people are really touchy. Whoever banned me needs to get off Nintendo's jock.

Thanks in advance to anyone who posts links to DS games, I'll be sure to check them out.


Anyone naming Virtual Boy and DS on the same sentence really doesn't have a clue of what he/she is talking about.

There are already more and better games announced for DS than there where for GBA's launch.

I must say tough, that Ive heard from a few people it wount launch this year, but not because it couldn't but because of GBAs incredible performance at retail. Nintendo is thinking of going head on with PSP next year. They think DS has what it takes.

I guess we'll see.
CrisKre said:
Anyone naming Virtual Boy and DS on the same sentence really doesn't have a clue of what he/she is talking about.

Oh really? So if Nintendo themselves referred to DS as a third pillar, wouldn't that be similar to Virtual Boy back at that point in time in Nintendo's stable of products? Console, handheld, and something...else. I love how you immediately write me off just because I don't kiss Nintendo's ass. Jesus Christ.

DS brings a new gameplay element (two screens, touchpad). Virtual Boy also brought a new gameplay element (quasi-holographic, quasi-virtual reality). The latter failed due to lack of games. Having not seen much coverage of DS games yet in any online or offline media (I concede it may be out there, but I haven't heard a big buzz about it and for a hardware launch that's surprising to me), I likened its chances to Virtual Boy. And that's banworthy? Come on, grow up.


Dude, don't even try. You where making the DS-VirtualBoy analogy implying that the products may end up having a similar outcome. Both products are by nintendo, both try to be innovative. End of similarities. VB was uncomfortable, strange looking, technologically challenged product with no support from the get go. DS at this point is more than VB ever dreamed to be as far as potential success, in my opinion to a great extent due to the GBA backward compatibility and to an incredible ammount of support from 3rd parties that just keeps growing and growing. This thing is more user friendly.


Tag of Excellence
HouseAtreides said:
The latter failed due to lack of games.
Hah, that was the last on the list of problems with the VirtualBoy. Number one was either (A)melting your eyes or (B)it wasn't a portable!


Gold Member
I'd love to go to the Megaton optimism, like

"there is something strategic info Nintendo wants to hold back, this will be voice-over-IP realtime multiplayer online stuff, Blackberry for the masses, Star Road World Smash omg."

but the gut feeling from my past fondness with Nintendo says it'll just launch with Super Mario 64x4, Metroid and a few other games, with gimmicky features at best and that online capabilities will not be utilized by Nintendo. Pen will be fun for a while but after that it'll be just an overpriced Game&Watch.
Chittagong said:
I'd love to go to the Megaton optimism, like

"there is something strategic info Nintendo wants to hold back, this will be voice-over-IP realtime multiplayer online stuff, Blackberry for the masses, Star Road World Smash omg."

but the gut feeling from my past fondness with Nintendo says it'll just launch with Super Mario 64x4, Metroid and a few other games, with gimmicky features at best and that online capabilities will not be utilized by Nintendo. Pen will be fun for a while but after that it'll be just an overpriced Game&Watch.

You really need some kind of "N-Gage Fanboy" tag, your posts would make so much more sense with one...

Deku Tree

If that power button doesn't have some kind of a security feature so that I don't press it by accident I'm going to be angry.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It doesn't seem like the sort of thing I'd hit accidentally anyway, so it doens't much bother me, but there's been speculation that you'll have to hold it down for a couple of seconds to turn off.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
HouseAtreides said:
I hadn't seen any threads on DS games, nor much coverage anywhere to be frank, for a system that's launching in November. Just reminded me of Virtual Boy, jeez, people are really touchy. Whoever banned me needs to get off Nintendo's jock.
You were banned because you troll nintendo threads on a regular basis. If you honestly can't see that then there's no help for you.
HouseAtreides said:
Oh really? So if Nintendo themselves referred to DS as a third pillar, wouldn't that be similar to Virtual Boy back at that point in time in Nintendo's stable of products? Console, handheld, and something...else.

But does the failure of Virtual Boy imply the failure of every "something else"?

DS brings a new gameplay element (two screens, touchpad). Virtual Boy also brought a new gameplay element (quasi-holographic, quasi-virtual reality). The latter failed due to lack of games.
Also the way it separated one from one's surroundings, probably the red/black color scheme, and several other things... but yes, in part due to games. However, there've already been several times the DS games announced than there ever were VB games.


Gold Member
SpoonyBard said:
You really need some kind of "N-Gage Fanboy" tag, your posts would make so much more sense with one...

Cut me some slack, I was working with Club Nintendo when Virtual Boy was going to be the future of gaming. Then Ultra 64... N64. I need to protect myself from another disappoinment.

And, I'm happy with GBA as well. I love Mario vs. DK, Metroid Zero Mission and all. Good straight forward games, long battery life, a simple concept - only thing I'd want to add is online gaming. I have my doubts with DS and PSP, most of them voiced here. GBA2 will be another story than DS, as it will be much more clear of its positioning. However, I fear Nintendo may lose the puck in between.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
dammit, now I dont know what tyo get, this or PSP. I love mario and all, but PES4 on a handheld is too hard to resist

Kon Tiki

psycho_snake said:
dammit, now I dont know what tyo get, this or PSP. I love mario and all, but PES4 on a handheld is too hard to resist
WE series is also on DS. Do not see why it wont be localized.
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