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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Better middleware🤔yeah right. You bring up BF I don't remember anyone thinking it looked better I just remember the black crush issues tht ppl thought looked better but was deceiving and actually hot corrected later on. Even so you me tion one fame out of many against.

point is they will be very similar in terms of graphics. the ssd is another issue.
there is literally only an 8% increase in power between 12 tflops and 13 tflops. besides MS has higher CU count it seems and better middleware software to utilize that power. nothing to worry about. remember when BF4 came out? and people thought the xbox version looked better same thing will happen here, no worries. now the SSD is worrisome and only 16gb of ram..im thinking dev kits have 32 so they think 16 will be in the final build but in xbox own soc reveal video we saw they had atleast 20.
Xbox fans think Microsoft has something up their sleeves, Sony fans think Sony has something up their sleeves. Depends who you ask. When it's all said and done looks like many were rught Playstation will be slightly more powerful. Doesn't mean Xbox cabt have some good games and do well.

This literally defeats the purpose of Microsoft Touting "worlds most powerful console." When PS5 releases with 8%-10% better specs, what will Microsoft do? Up the RAM last minute like how Sony did with PS4? Or make last minute changes in general? Dont developers receive alpha, beta and eventual final development kits over a series of months so they have something to work with? Didnt Killzone launch title only utilize less then 4GB of RAM because of early development kits?


This literally defeats the purpose of Microsoft Touting "worlds most powerful console." When PS5 releases with 8%-10% better specs, what will Microsoft do? Up the RAM last minute like how Sony did with PS4? Or make last minute changes in general? Dont developers receive alpha, beta and eventual final development kits over a series of months so they have something to work with? Didnt Killzone launch title only utilize less then 4GB of RAM because of early development kits?

to be fair they said most powerful xbox and were kinda ambiguous in their wording. matt booty is the only one that flat out said xbox will be the most powerful in an interview. systems will be similar and being most powerful is more of a bragging right than anything else and yes its great to have for marketing purposes. still if MS delivers 12 teraflops of RDNA 2.0 + RT im not gonna complain that is a shitload of power.


I'm just glad I voted ~12TF.
The real question is: Is it Navi equivalent of 12TF GCN or is it actually 12 Navi TF?
Because if it's 12TF of Navi then it's way pass 12TF of GCN.
Edit: Because XBox One X is 6TF GCN and if it's 2x XBox One X then its comparing to GCN. Then it's below 12TF but equivalent.
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This literally defeats the purpose of Microsoft Touting "worlds most powerful console." When PS5 releases with 8%-10% better specs, what will Microsoft do? Up the RAM last minute like how Sony did with PS4? Or make last minute changes in general? Dont developers receive alpha, beta and eventual final development kits over a series of months so they have something to work with? Didnt Killzone launch title only utilize less then 4GB of RAM because of early development kits?

They didn't tout worlds most powerful console, in tht statement it said most powerful Xbox console. This has been repeated a billion times and shown. And other companies don't care what the others say tht doesn't make it a fact. Phil nor anyone at Microsoft are the ceos of Sony so thy can't tout such thing if or until specs are released.
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there is literally only an 8% increase in power between 12 tflops and 13 tflops. besides MS has higher CU count it seems and better middleware software to utilize that power. nothing to worry about. remember when BF4 came out? and people thought the xbox version looked better same thing will happen here, no worries. now the SSD is worrisome and only 16gb of ram..im thinking dev kits have 32 so they think 16 will be in the final build but in xbox own soc reveal video we saw they had atleast 20.

Actually the reveal video didn't show 20GB worth of RAM; I've only speculated it's probably 24GB because from what we see in the video there are two banks of three chips on adjacent sides of the APU. So I'm assuming the other two sides have three chips each, totaling twelve. And that they are going with straight 2GB chips instead of the 2GB/1GB mix in the reveal video itself (otherwise a straight mix would be 18GB).

That also assumes they are using a 384-bit bus, which seems logical since the X already has a 384-bit bus. For all we know it could have a 224-bit bus with 12 chips in clamshell mode, but that'd be kinda idiotic.


to be fair they said most powerful xbox and were kinda ambiguous in their wording. matt booty is the only one that flat out said xbox will be the most powerful in an interview. systems will be similar and being most powerful is more of a bragging right than anything else and yes its great to have for marketing purposes. still if MS delivers 12 teraflops of RDNA 2.0 + RT im not gonna complain that is a shitload of power.
Right? That still blows my mind


Gold Member
So not vetted yet on Klee


Actually the reveal video didn't show 20GB worth of RAM; I've only speculated it's probably 24GB because from what we see in the video there are two banks of three chips on adjacent sides of the APU. So I'm assuming the other two sides have three chips each, totaling twelve. And that they are going with straight 2GB chips instead of the 2GB/1GB mix in the reveal video itself (otherwise a straight mix would be 18GB).

That also assumes they are using a 384-bit bus, which seems logical since the X already has a 384-bit bus. For all we know it could have a 224-bit bus with 12 chips in clamshell mode, but that'd be kinda idiotic.

320-bit is being touted. and yes we figured out the amount in a previous thread.
point is they will be very similar in terms of graphics. the ssd is another issue.

Not if they are implementing Optane DC Persistent Memory as a cache between GDDR6 and the SSD. Granted, Sony could be doing similar ( hope they both are tbh), but it could be different capacities for both.

If MS is willing to go with a much slower raw SSD read/write bandwidth speed, maybe they're putting more emphasis on a PCM memory cache solution? They do have a close business partnership with Intel and Intel's the only one producing PCM-style memory at mass quantities and capacities now (Micron left that sector sometime last year). We heard Sony has some investments in ReRAM but if they had made any breakthroughs on it there'd of been news of it by now so safe to say they haven't made any. But that doesn't mean they can't go for a PCM-style cache solution too nested between main RAM and SSD/cold storage.

Honestly that, memory capacity totals and memory bandwidth are more at the top of my anticipated stack for tech reveals regading these systems than raw TFLOPs and CPU info (though that'll be neat to read up on too).

320-bit is being touted. and yes we figured out the amount in a previous thread.

320-bit bus with no clamshell mode would mean 6x 2GB and 4x 1GB chips to reach 16GB. But that doesn't make sense logistically; cooling wouldn't be the reason, and they would get better deals on the 2GB chips across the board by just buying straight 2GB chips rather than a mix of 2GB and 1GB chips.

320-bit bus is probably what PS5 might use, I don't see why XSEX won't continue a 384-bit bus implementation like the X did.
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If what Tommy Fischer says is true, then it seems that PS5 has the advantage over Xbox series except for CPU and noise? That doesn't make Xbox series the most powerful console. Why do I get the feeling that the most recent announcement from Microsoft *IS* Lockhart and the best is yet to come?

I am also speculating the following:
-Their recent announcement is to drive some excitement for gamers, generate anticipation and discussion so that word can be spread out. Trying to take some limelight away from anticipation for PS5.
-Developers complaining about anemic RAM of lockhart could be the 13GB of GDDR6.
-The series name got removed and now is just Xbox? I think Microsoft has something else up their sleeve.
They didn't tout worlds most powerful console, in tht statement it said most powerful Xbox console. This has been repeated a billion times and shown. And other companies don't care what the others say tht doesn't maje it a fact. Phil nor anyone at Microsoft are the ceos of Sony so thy can't tout such thing if ir until specs are released.

Actually, Phil says it's the most powerful xbox they've created during TGA. MS Marketing says its the most powerful console.
I know gamers are going to get powerful consoles due to fundamental changes in the microarchitecture, efficiencies (hardware and software). With that being said, the 8%-10% difference is enough to ignite finding disparities in every micropixel for the same game for each console. In an ideal paradise world a 5% difference would be enough for people to shut up and enjoy the game on the console of their choice without feeling insecure and spew biased fanboy garbage.
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I know gamers are going to get powerful consoles due to fundamental changes in the microarchitecture, efficiencies (hardware and software). With that being said, the 8%-10% difference is enough to ignite finding disparities in every micropixel for the same game for each console. In an ideal paradise world a 5% difference would be enough for people to shut up and enjoy the game on the console of their choice without feeling insecure and spew biased fanboy garbage.

It’s amazing how people react over (a supposed) <10% power difference. How can a 3rd party dev exploit it?


It almost reminds me of people that constantly tell people how smart they are and how high their IQ is, which usually means they aren't. They keep saying it's the most powerful, but I have a feeling it won't be...

MS has something to prove, they took a lot of shit for being so much weaker than ps4 so they really need to compensate and I give them credit for it. This was their attitude going into this gen, their arrogance knew no boundries.



I have Xbox Series X and PS5 cpu. Any questions ?

3.2GHZ 1V 5W peak per 1c/2T

50w whole package when rendering

3.2ghz 1690 points in CB R15

PS4 260 points
PS4 PRO 343 points
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