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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Lets say that PS5 does have 24 - 32GB of RAM vs Xbox SX 16GB would it even show much of a noticeable difference ?

Would devs even push the limits of 24GB - 32GB when they know the game needs to be playable on other devices?

But then again once we break away from the limits of this generation they will find ways to burn through them GBs of RAM.
RAM's strength is in it's speed. It's been, and will continue to be, the fastest storage available. You always put data that you want to read, or write fast into RAM. The amount of RAM becomes less significant the more bandwith you have to your storage. Both consoles now will have some kind of SSD tech. inside them that will enable devs to loosen the burden of having enough RAM available, since you can pull any data from the storage device way faster than before. This opens up many possibilities that would not be possible past-gen. Think of it this way: PC = Brute force; "Load everything into RAM, so we can fetch it easily when wanted" (needs lots of RAM, and the time to load it) next-gen consoles: We rly don't need to load all this into RAM, since we can fetch it rly fast when needed anyways)
The way RAM is used will probably be changed this comming gen. Everything will ofc be dependant of the SSD speeds.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm totally open minded. And I try to consider every possibility. But does anyone have any more substantial clues that point toward PS5 being >= XSX? And by clues i mean like realistic info based on at least something like the stuff we get from data mining dudes like apisak, komachi etc. Give me something, I'm truly interested.



Yea no, I'm leaning more towards a single balanced console. That's the Sony way. They are still too conservative for that kinda stuff imo.

i prefer a single console as well but you never know. realistically speaking the lockhart is gonna hold the entire gen back. there is more a gpu does than just resolution. damn ms.


Neo Member

Pro what? PS5? I'm sure it's coming. 2022 maybe. Or is he talking about 2 skus at launch?
Sony themselves talked about Pro lately saying they just can't keep up with the tech anymore. So yea, possible. But how are there no leaks still?
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Neo Member
He needs to feed his mind with his own conspiracy Theory that the gpu with limites 40cus is PS5s one since this reach his dream numbers wich would confirm PS5 being way weaker than his beloved series X
Are you referring to me? "My conspiracy" yea right. As if I'm the one coming up with all the somewhat reliable info we got so far. Are you high or something?


Neo Member
i prefer a single console as well but you never know. realistically speaking the lockhart is gonna hold the entire gen back. there is more a gpu does than just resolution. damn ms.
It's same tech tho, difference is less CUs, lower clocks etc. So it will be a good 1080/60 console i guess.


Well yea, you just solved your own problem. I mean, it can be used to some degree(key word "some degree"). See? Also, if you don't remember there was a leak saying PS5 was planned for 2019, so they probably just couldn't change the apu anymore and decided to settle with RDNA 1. Besides, again there's compatibility question: it's much easier to emulate GCN on RDNA 1 rather than 2.

So you really think building from RDNA1 and converting it to RDNA2 is cheaper than grabbing the already existing RDNA2?


Neo Member
So you really think building from RDNA1 and converting it to RDNA2 is cheaper than grabbing the already existing RDNA2?
Yo, I don't know, I'm just stating my thoughts based on what we know so far. No, I said I think they on rdna 1 with some special feats grabbed from 2, special sauce if you will. That's it. I'm not gonna pretend i know exactly what's going on.


Neo Member
Are you saying that there would only be any weight to this exchange if there were any Windows Central or Verge articles about it?
Not really. But I mean obviously anything truly meaningful would have been shared around much more, eg through those resources. Or maybe it just went under the radar which would be very strange.


Yo, I don't know, I'm just stating my thoughts based on what we know so far. No, I said I think they on rdna 1 with some special feats grabbed from 2, special sauce if you will. That's it. I'm not gonna pretend i know exactly what's going on.

Ray-Tracing requires RDNA2/Next-Gen RDNA.
Only shaders work on RDNA1
As per the below slide. It’s not something that can be stapled on as it impacts all aspects of the hardware.

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Nothing new.. We've known for some time now that's RDNA's implementaiont of RT would be somewhat limited compared to nvidias solution. Let's face it, RT is expencive as fuck (sliicon wise). AMD is just choosing the long road (cloud based) against compromizing hw space on the silicon. (RT's transistor count isn't woth it)
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Hmm so we are getting 50TF consoles?
don't poke (sight) too late ⬇
Maybe. 8K gaming is confirmed.

... man
It should be obvious that Sony will be looking to take PSVR to the next level as opposed to picking random numbers out of the air.

It’ll be whatever takes to accomplish that which I believe is 4K120/240FPS.
oh lord
Is there a summary of what was posted? I don't think I can view that article.

Navi 10 LITE is not 40 CU, that's only Navi 10. The LITE variant is actually supposed to be a very different product. We don't really know a lot about that one...
Lite = APU
5800 lite would be an APU weaker than the 5800/xt
5800 Lite (APU) = next gen consoles (5700xt + RT) +/- 10%.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This right here. Apisak must be lying amirite?
firestrike scores are all over the place. they are not a good barometer for next gen power.

for instance, here is a list of results for the 5700xt paired with a ryzen 7 1700x which according to the flute leak shows how the ps5 cpu is basically equivlanet to a ryzen 1700x.

17,000. gpu is 9.7 tflops.

now here is a list of results for the rtx 2080. once again paired up with that cpu.

17,000. some go even lower.

so apisak saying '20000 up' means nothing really. here are some more results. rtx 2080 paired up with the latest 3700x. again 17,000.

you can find a sub 10 tflops 5700xt pushing 30,000 score. basing your entire prediction on his gonzalo score of 20000 up is bizarre.


firestrike scores are all over the place. they are not a good barometer for next gen power.

for instance, here is a list of results for the 5700xt paired with a ryzen 7 1700x which according to the flute leak shows how the ps5 cpu is basically equivlanet to a ryzen 1700x.

17,000. gpu is 9.7 tflops.

now here is a list of results for the rtx 2080. once again paired up with that cpu.

17,000. some go even lower.

so apisak saying '20000 up' means nothing really. here are some more results. rtx 2080 paired up with the latest 3700x. again 17,000.

you can find a sub 10 tflops 5700xt pushing 30,000 score. basing your entire prediction on his gonzalo score of 20000 up is bizarre.
Why would it be a 1700x when it's using zen 2?woulsnt it out it in the 3700 range
I agree with you that ultimately, PCM-style memories will replace NAND flash. Prices on average per GB may still be 4x-5x more than even SLC NAND, but PCM-style memories have only seen small-scale deployment to consumer PC devices (persistent RAM variants are still only available for server markets). If either console standardized, say, even 64GB's worth of 3D Xpoint, that would do a lot for pushing it as a standard supported on PC motherboards more, and also help with driving cost per GB down.

You're right that it's probably a fanboy dream to imagine either 3D Xpoint or ReRAM in these systems at any capacity that's of DRAM-level performance and flexibility. But if either were to be found in either system even as a slower (but still much faster than NAND) SSD-style storage cache, it would be 3D Xpoint (which Micron produces; I believe Intel now produces their own variant).

Sony being able to bring SSD-style ReRAM storage at 64GB-128GB capacities for PS5 would be great (persistent RAM class level of ReRAM at that capacity would be even better), and would help lower costs over time as well. But the just hasn't been enough developments with the tech to indicate it'd be ready at those capacities and manufacturable at those amounts in time for 2020. It's nice to fantasize about it, and the tech world always has it's surprises, but I'm not not prioritizing ReRAM being a possibly, personally. Not even really postulating 3D Xpoint being a possibility, but it has better chances out of the two.

Google's Stadia has GPU from AMD and CPU from Intel because the persistent memory needed by Google is exclusive Intel CPUs. AMD has better CPUs now but why did Google still went with Intel? Yep, that Optane.

The ReRAM that the Sony engineer presented, and the ReRAM that Sony has been touting has always been an SSD variant. It's connected via NVMe 5.0 and it has bandwidth speeds to 25.6gb/s and 1.4 microseconds latency for the 8-chip configuration. With that speed, a DIMM variant is not necessary specially if it will drive the cost up.

Let me remind you that Intel Optane SSD is $1.2/gb, that is with retail mark-up and Intel profit. The Sony ReRAM that Amigo Tsushui said will be offered as a "second source" is also an SSD variant. That doesn't mean that Sony will not have a DIMM version, but the ReRAM that Sony has presented that they say will release as an alternative to Intel Optane is an SSD variant. Therefore it is insanity to expect Sony ReRAM to cost more than $1.2/gb otherwise there's no point producing them, Optane will eat it for breakfast.

Cerny also said SSD, not server storage class memory. Sony ReRAM is an SSD version and specs are given already: 25.6gb/s and 1.4 microseconds latency.

Do you honestly think that Sony will design the PS5 around Intel Optane technology? Is there even any evidence of this? I'll tell you what though, there is evidence (not proof) that ReRAM will be cheaper than that $1.2/gb Intel Optane.


You can keep parroting that ReRAM will be expensive just because. Of course it's fair to say it will be expensive because it's a new technology. But if you're confronted with an evidence (professional analysis) showing you are wrong, then you cannot operate your claim out of assumption anymore. It's your turn to show evidence that your contention is correct. At least show something that's based on a "professional analysis" because that's what I have been showing all this time. Your words does not weigh heavier than that chart. Hey it's not made by a random internet poster.

It's fair to doubt whether this technology will be ready for the PS5. We only have Amigo Tsushui's words to hold on to that it will be available in 2020. Again, it's fair to doubt that. And it's the burden by those who believe to prove that it will be ready in 2020. I don't have anything more to show as evidence. But it's not like PS5 will release in the next two months of so. So while it's fair to doubt, it's not fair to dismiss it outright.
Although I think a fast 1TB TLC SSD will be performant and there's nothing wrong with that set-up. I still think we're going to see a cache system in the PS5 because of what the Remedy Dev said:
"If games would stay the same in terms of scope and visual quality it’d make loading times be almost unnoticeable and restarting a level could be almost instant [in PS5 games].

However, since more data can be now used there can also be cases where production
might be cheaper and faster when not optimising content, which will lead into having to load much more data, leading back into a situation where you have about the same loading times as today."
"When it comes to the PS5, faster hardware is always appreciated and will make life easier in the short term, but it's the new SSD that really stands out; essentially streaming will become something that we don't really have to worry so much about and it will free up some extra CPU bandwidth in the process," said Remedy's lead programmer Sean Donnelly while speaking to the Official PlayStation Magazine.
Or maybe PS5 has an unbelievable amount of RAM?

But if it's indeed a cache system. Then we only have 3 options (SLC Nand was already stricken out):
a. DDR4
b. Intel Optane
c. Sony ReRAM

I am betting on Sony ReRAM.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Why would it be a 1700x when it's using zen 2?woulsnt it out it in the 3700 range
flute leak showed performance equivalent to a 1700x.

the ps5 is using a 3.2 ghz cut down version of the 3700x. it has somewhere around 1/4 L3 cache. it performs like a 1700x.

regardless, there are firestrike scores for 3700x that are also in the 17000 range for the rtx 2080.


flute leak showed performance equivalent to a 1700x.

the ps5 is using a 3.2 ghz cut down version of the 3700x. it has somewhere around 1/4 L3 cache. it performs like a 1700x.

regardless, there are firestrike scores for 3700x that are also in the 17000 range for the rtx 2080.
I was aiming at the vanilla 3700 not the X but I get what you're saying


But amd has used hbm before. Only reason I'm skeptical.

There was a rumor from early early this year about sony using hbm in the ps5 on bad binned chips but I don't see how
I don't get this binned stuff. Shouldn't this mean they're defective and therefore unusable? Why would someone use them if they don't work?
In a fanboy's wet dream Sony ignores potential profit from ReRAM, and adds the tech to PS5 at cost to give technical superiority .. (I don't believe this)

What do you mean "potential profit"? What's stopping Sony from producing more than the what the PS5 production pipeline needs? The supply will scale according to demand. PS5 will not be the only customer. But it will be the catalyst to have a constant production going. ReRAM will be a commercial product, it's not just a component that will be bolted into the PS5. A Sony engineer already hinted that.

And please can you stop with this fanboy dream narrative.
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I don't get this binned stuff. Shouldn't this mean they're defective and therefore unusable? Why would someone use them if they don't work?

The rumor was these were chips that weren't able to achieve certain performance metrics needed for other companies uses, but they were able to hit the metrics Sony would need in the PS5 so Sony was able to pick them up at a relatively low cost.

Now whether you choose to believe that rumor or not is entirely up to you. I've planted my flag in Team HBM, but not necessarily based on this rumor.


The rumor was these were chips that weren't able to achieve certain performance metrics needed for other companies uses, but they were able to hit the metrics Sony would need in the PS5 so Sony was able to pick them up at a relatively low cost.

Now whether you choose to believe that rumor or not is entirely up to you. I've planted my flag in Team HBM, but not necessarily based on this rumor.
Thanks for the explanation :)
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Report me if I continue to console war
Cerny will make you a believer. Sony isn't harping on about it for no reason, this goes beyond just loading times 😏

Even beyond loading times we will see little difference to what XsX has.
The spiderman demo does not even show a 40x performance increase.
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The rumor was these were chips that weren't able to achieve certain performance metrics needed for other companies uses, but they were able to hit the metrics Sony would need in the PS5 so Sony was able to pick them up at a relatively low cost.

Now whether you choose to believe that rumor or not is entirely up to you. I've planted my flag in Team HBM, but not necessarily based on this rumor.
I want to believe but it's hard to give in to hbm. I wish hbm3 production was in full swing for the prices but if thr whole stacked apu patent leak about the cooling is true than who knows. I'm just prepared for what ever Sony gives me at this point


The annoying thing is that there are revolutionary technologies for PCs which are either brand brand new or coming-next-year new, which make the chances of PS5 and XSX having said technologies relatively slim. What's worse, if they DON'T have those new tech (i.e. HBM), we'll have to wait an entire gen to get them on consoles. If that tech was 1 or 2 years old, chances of PS5 and XSX having them would be much greater.
But amd has used hbm before. Only reason I'm skeptical.

There was a rumor from early early this year about sony using hbm in the ps5 on bad binned chips but I don't see how

The rumor was these were chips that weren't able to achieve certain performance metrics needed for other companies uses, but they were able to hit the metrics Sony would need in the PS5 so Sony was able to pick them up at a relatively low cost.

Now whether you choose to believe that rumor or not is entirely up to you. I've planted my flag in Team HBM, but not necessarily based on this rumor.

According to Semiengineering, price went down heavily recently from $160 for 8GB to $120 for 16GB because someone made a huge order. Price can't go down significantly if someone doesn't make a huge orders, that's my take. Maybe a logical one. Also HBM moduls aren't public or "mainstream". HBM is done by contract.
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Close. It comes with a usb stick doubling perf to 24 flops, downside is you have to sacrifice one of the ports for that. That's how they get RTX cores as well.
Lol so u believe ps5 is a 8tf rdna1 console but xsx is a 12 tf rdna2 with gpu sticks (lol) that turns it into 24 tf ? lol u need to lay down the pipe. Reality will hit hard just like it did in 2013 with the same bs about secret dgpu and power of clouds 😂
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Neo Member
Lol so u believe ps5 is a 8tf rdna1 console but xsx is a 12 tf rdna2 with gpu sticks (lol) that turns it into 24 tf ? lol u need to lay down the pipe. Reality will hit hard just like it did in 2013 with the same bs about secret dgpu and power of clouds 😂
Lmao. A usb GPU stick and PS5 being 8+ tf is the same thing for you. Out of the realm of possibility, huh? I see, you are def not a delusional fanboy.
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Neo Member
After the reveal I will have some fun with you to review ur posts ;) book it
I would be happy to review them too to see whether the most believable/probable info we have on our hands regarding your precious platform comes true. Or if our dear insiders are lying all around.
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