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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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It is just annoying (generally) when bunch of people with almost zero knowledge try to give out their theories or "analyzes", while they barely even know what gpu/cpu are.

And then when somebody tries to explain why they are wrong, they dont get it because they dont understand the basics.

Then because of that, more morons without knowledge start to believe the "I have a theory"-moron because they cant understand what real tech smart people are saying, so in their eyes the one that cuts corners and talks in more simple terms is more believable.

One sign of intelligence is to know what you dont know, and then not trying to talk about things you dont know anything.

Console wars are kind of fight of retards whom dont listen to their teachers because they talk different language.

And then comes some "youtuber/leaker/insider" whom talks shit but tards think it is true and start to repeat it as a truth

In their defense theres been alot of arm chair analysts tht supposedly know tech tht have been completely wrong about shit. No one here knows more than another except maybe verified ppl and a few under the radar insiders.
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Maybe I'm a complete idiot & don't know what I'm talking about, but surely the TFLOP number actually impacts the way a game... plays? Isn't that like the entire point of upgrading hardware to begin with? Framerate, image quality & a whole bunch of hardware related elements on screen (including enemy numbers/detail) are directly dependent on the hardware. So from my seat here as a mere consumer (not a professional or whatnot), I want the best console hardware possible so the games I play (whether multiplats or exclusives) run smoothly, look better & play better. It's why playing Resident Evil 2 (one example among countless) on one of the upgraded consoles is a far better gaming experience than on the base 2013 machines (consistent framerate, better image quality).

The only platform that will look the best and play the best is the PC. That's why it's getting more exclusives. I think they will be close enough in hardware that PS5/XSX will play more or less the same.

The bolded is highly debateble. He's the one who insinuated Rockstar was treating its devs like cattle in a long hit-piece before Red Dead 2 released. He's known for certain clickbaiting/hyperbole/agenda driven exagerations. Not what I'd call 'credible'.

One thing that this guy said I can confirm is true. Very few people know specifics about the next-gen hardware. I'm hearing that on the Sony side.


Report me if I continue to console war
At this point discussion is pretty pointless, on forums and other places on the Internet it's just people moulding info to suit what they want, it's pretty pointless, not really any objective discussions being had, because they have already been had, there nothing more to really say.

Fuck I need a break from this shit.
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Gold Member
In their defense theres been alot of arm chair analysts tht supposedly know tech tht have been completely wrong about shit. No one here knows more than another except maybe verified ppl.

You don't have to be verified to know stuff some are simply not willing to go that extra mile to get verified.

Some have talked to Mod of War: Remastered Mod of War: Remastered and sort of proved certain things but still drew a line as to what they would provide.

Is my guess anyhow :)


So what make you believe history will not repeat itself on PS5 / XSX? I can imagine games build with ultra fast SDD streaming in mind should make a big difference in texture quality, and Ryzen 2 should also push graphics quality to a new level. Current gen games run over 100fps on ryzen2, so developers will have a lot of unused HW resources if they will aim just at 30fps.

You'll quickly run into a GPU limited scenario the more content you add to a scene. That's just unarguable and fact. You are not considering that.

Man I really dont like attacking people, and especially if someone like you is respectful towards people. However I cant blindly believe you just because you are vetted as proffesional. If XSX or PS5 games will look better compared to these games from your list people will consider you untrustworthy, because they will see your your opinions were totally wrong.

Your problem is defining better looking. If you believe that PS5 exlusives have better talent and will deliver better experiences 100% of the time, then take comfort in knowing this fact that I *do* know for certain. Some of those exclusives will be on the PC and they will have more features than the PS5. All of the XSX games will look better on PC too as you already know.


No, I'm not thinking of any secret sauce, I just thought this gen should have been able to do 4k60. Mark Cerny said 8tflops are required to do 4k properly, and the new Ryzen CPUs I would have thought could have got most games to 60fps. RDR2 looked pretty damm nice on the X, and I would have thought doubling the power should have been enough to add the extra effects from PC and the CPU increase should have been able to give the extra 30 frames.
Now, I'm no programmer, so this is coming from a place of ignorance.
How much would they have to increase the bandwidth by to get all game playing at 4k60?

Not the hardware that's in the PS5/XSX without making concessions. Real life isn't as linear as you think it is. Even the 2080Ti can't hold 4k/60 on thos games.
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Mod of War: Remastered

Staff Member
I don't care what his contacts are. My point still stands. If any other guy like Timcloud or CamefromtheFuture talked like Osiris talks, they would've gotten warning bells from Mod of War: Remastered Mod of War: Remastered . Osiris doesn't, which to me means he's either verified, or someone who gets a pass for such behavior (posting his opinion/hopes as 'facts'). The former makes Osiris a God to Sony fans. The latter makes Mod of War: Remastered Mod of War: Remastered a hypocrite.

He was verified years ago before my time here, and nothing has changed in that regard that I am aware of.

Now with that said, verification doesn’t always mean what information anyone has is gospel. They are still treated as rumor and speculation, especially if their information comes from other sources and not directly with “hands on” themselves.

I have not been around since last evening due to the New Year, so I am catching up on everything myself.

Now, do you want to walk it back on your bias led spat you seem to be going off on, especially trying to elude that I’m a hypocrite?

I will say this, there is someone on here who I refuse to verify, mutually, to protect their very privy source to both machines. He has been posting, but in a way of “their guess/prediction” and not as an “insider” mantle, but I won’t say who it is. We will all find out official specs when they are both announced, and see how close this person was.


He certainly knows what he's talking about but is too biased to take anything he says seriously unfortunately. His posts on b3d clearly show where he's invested. He hides it better now but when he first appeared it was blatant.

I am only bias in that I favor the more powerful rig. There is nothing wrong with that.

If saying the PC is the superior platform and getting trolled for it as being "too biased", then I guess I'll have to deal with it. Fact is fact. My sources can only tell me facts. They have jobs that require them to utilize the hardware they are working on. They don't just work at these companies because of the platform they develop on is their favorite.


Almost is not the best settings...…..Worse reflections, reduced lighting and shadows.....

This video explains it.....and remember, I have specified the RX 580 which runs Forza games better than the 1060.....X is using AMD hardware and the 1060 on the masher PRO still came on top, farless if the Masher PRO was decked with an RX 580....


Almost everything is set to ultra as you can see according to Digital Foundry analysis.


Here you can see results from PC version. Both RX 580 and GTX 1060 can run this game at 4K 30fps, but if you want locked 60fps then you need 1080ti

Even if you will set everything to "high" RX 580 is still not fast enough to run this game at 4K 60fps (47fps average)

When it comes to Forza 7 here's GTX 1060 running ultra settings at 4K


34fps dips, so I dont think game can run at ultra settings on 1060 (at least not at 4K). What's more even at high settings game still dips below to 60fps (to around 52fps)

To sum it up people need a decent PC just to match xbox x settings and high end PC to play these games with maxed out settings at 4K 60fps. If xbox x can already run many games at 4K native then I'm not worried about next gen consoles. XSX should offer around 3-4 better framerate in the same game compared to xbox x. 12TF Navi is comparable to 15 GCN Vega, and VRS can boost performance up to 75% (according to 3dmark results). PS5 even at 9TF also should run many games at 4K 60fps.... although I still hope PS5 will end up with 12TF GPU as well :p (for now I trust insiders like Osiris or Klee).
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Report me if I continue to console war
I think the reason Sony exclusive may look the best to some people is because of there art style, the realistic environments of uncharted 4 and the fantasy norse world of god of war have a more pleasing art style to some, technically these games are no better then gears 5, but ppl just prefer particular art styles.

And that is just related to Fanboyism too, you can be sure when horizon zero dawn 2 visuals get shown youll have ppl be like "OMG its the best looking game ever!!"
But in reality, no it probably will be inferior to hellblade 2 visuals" but ppl will say this because it shows more interesting stuff.

For example you could make some UE4 weather storm simulation on X1X level hardware, like this

And most people will think it looks better then a fully ray traced racing game made using a 2080ti, because certain things just look better visually even though they are using inferior hardware and visual effects.

Another example of this would be there's probably quite a few people out there that think uncharted 4 looks better then control maxed out on a 2080ti.


Something about your info seems off, PS5=1080 vs Series X=1080ti...…..The differneces here suggest you are agreeing with Leadbetter, Penello et al. Just say that you agree with the 9.2TF to 12TF info...…..Yet there are so many holes in that info, that I don't understand how anybody who has been in this industry can concur...….Like 9.2TF RDNA 1 vs 12TF RDNA 2.0, guys use your'll heads, this makes no sense, it's not logical......Why would Sony be on RDNA 1 and XBOX on RDNA 2 when they are launching at the same time in 2020...….Are you telling me RDNA 2 was only ready for MS...When in fact it was Sony who has invested lots of money and have been in the lab with AMD co-engineering their chip from the earliest leaks....working from the road plan.....If you are still miffed. PRO had Vega features before Vega launched, MS launched later and didn't...….Sony had 64 rops on PRO in 2016, MS came a year later with 32.....All Sony needed to do was feed those rops the bandwidth it needed and they would have had a much faster console than what it took MS a whole year to do.....

You misunderstood my comment. I said I only gave info for the PS5 and it as a rough range. Someone insisted that that performance range be applied to both consoles. So what I did was say that if that's the range and you are hearing 9-12 TFLOPS then map that range to the 1080 - 1080Ti range to make them feel better. I don't know if that's the range because I don't know about the XSX specs.


[QUOTE = "VFXVeteran, post: 256388698, member: 769840"]
Вы неправильно поняли мой комментарий. Я сказал, что дал только информацию для PS5, и это как грубый диапазон. Кто-то настоял, чтобы этот диапазон производительности был применен к обеим консолям. Поэтому я сказал, что если это диапазон, а вы слышите 9-12 TFLOPS, сопоставьте этот диапазон с диапазоном 1080 - 1080Ti, чтобы они чувствовали себя лучше. Я не знаю, является ли это диапазоном, потому что я не знаю о спецификациях XSX.
Hey, rough range. Where is Horizon on PC ?
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He was verified years ago before my time here, and nothing has changed in that regard that I am aware of.

Now with that said, verification doesn’t always mean what information anyone has is gospel. They are still treated as rumor and speculation, especially if their information comes from other sources and not directly with “hands on” themselves.

I have not been around since last evening due to the New Year, so I am catching up on everything myself.

Now, do you want to walk it back on your bias led spat you seem to be going off on, especially trying to elude that I’m a hypocrite?

I will say this, there is someone on here who I refuse to verify, mutually, to protect their very privy source to both machines. He has been posting, but in a way of “their guess/prediction” and not as an “insider” mantle, but I won’t say who it is. We will all find out official specs when they are both announced, and see how close this person was.

Respect it completely. We cannot jeapordize anybodys livelihood just bcus we want answers.
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Neo Member
I will say this, there is someone on here who I refuse to “verify” mutually, to protect their very privy source to both machines. He has been posting, but in a way of “their guess/prediction” and not as an “insider” mantle, but I won’t say who it is. We will all find out official specs when they are both announced and see how close this person is.

🤔 Mod of War the assumptions he made was that the two machines were very close or that we were in scenario 9 vs 12 TF ?


Explain to me about this person VFXVeteran ?
At least one of his predictions was true, or should we trust him just because he has this confirmation badge that he never confirmed ?


He was verified years ago before my time here, and nothing has changed in that regard that I am aware of.

Now with that said, verification doesn’t always mean what information anyone has is gospel. They are still treated as rumor and speculation, especially if their information comes from other sources and not directly with “hands on” themselves.

I have not been around since last evening due to the New Year, so I am catching up on everything myself.

Now, do you want to walk it back on your bias led spat you seem to be going off on, especially trying to elude that I’m a hypocrite?

I will say this, there is someone on here who I refuse to verify, mutually, to protect their very privy source to both machines. He has been posting, but in a way of “their guess/prediction” and not as an “insider” mantle, but I won’t say who it is. We will all find out official specs when they are both announced and see how close this person is.
No. This reply pretty much seals it. Just wanted to make sure because I missed the part where Osiris was proven to be verified.

We're good.
Why is Osiris more trustworthy than DF?
DF also stated that they verified the 9.2 TF figure with their own sources.

Very simple, I rely on the past and DF in 2013 at the time of Xbox One and PS4 did not succeed at all. And the same applies to Timdog, Warren, Penello, MisterXmedia, Statham, Arthur Gies, etc.
None of them were right. and I'm not going to follow the game to people who have proved wrong in the past.


Very simple, I rely on the past and DF in 2013 at the time of Xbox One and PS4 did not succeed at all. And the same applies to Timdog, Warren, Penello, MisterXmedia, Statham, Arthur Gies, etc.
None of them were right. and I'm not going to follow the game to people who have proved wrong in the past.

And the world is mended


He was verified years ago before my time here, and nothing has changed in that regard that I am aware of.

Now with that said, verification doesn’t always mean what information anyone has is gospel. They are still treated as rumor and speculation, especially if their information comes from other sources and not directly with “hands on” themselves.

I have not been around since last evening due to the New Year, so I am catching up on everything myself.

Now, do you want to walk it back on your bias led spat you seem to be going off on, especially trying to elude that I’m a hypocrite?

I will say this, there is someone on here who I refuse to verify, mutually, to protect their very privy source to both machines. He has been posting, but in a way of “their guess/prediction” and not as an “insider” mantle, but I won’t say who it is. We will all find out official specs when they are both announced, and see how close this person was.

What were some of his guesses / predictions?



Almost everything is set to ultra as you can see according to Digital Foundry analysis.


Here you can see results from PC version. Both RX 580 and GTX 1060 can run this game at 4K 30fps, but if you want locked 60fps then you need 1080ti

Even if you will set everything to "high" RX 580 is still not fast enough to run this game at 4K 60fps (47fps average)

When it comes to Forza 7 here's GTX 1060 running ultra settings at 4K


34fps dips, so I dont think game can run at ultra settings on 1060 (at least not at 4K). What's more even at high settings game still dips below to 60fps (to around 52fps)

To sum it up people need a decent PC just to match xbox x settings and high end PC to play these games with maxed out settings at 4K 60fps. If xbox x can already run many games at 4K native then I'm not worried about next gen consoles. XSX should offer around 3-4 better framerate in the same game compared to xbox x. 12TF Navi is comparable to 15 GCN Vega, and VRS can boost performance up to 75% (according to 3dmark results). PS5 even at 9TF also should run many games at 4K 60fps.... although I still hope PS5 will end up with 12TF GPU as well :p (for now I trust insiders like Osiris or Klee).
Your pics are helping him... all ultra is in 30fps.
60fps is High with reflections in mix low to high.

That is probably similar to what RX 580 runs the game on PC if you choose these mix reflections settings.
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He was verified years ago before my time here, and nothing has changed in that regard that I am aware of.

Now with that said, verification doesn’t always mean what information anyone has is gospel. They are still treated as rumor and speculation, especially if their information comes from other sources and not directly with “hands on” themselves.

I have not been around since last evening due to the New Year, so I am catching up on everything myself.

Now, do you want to walk it back on your bias led spat you seem to be going off on, especially trying to elude that I’m a hypocrite?

I will say this, there is someone on here who I refuse to verify, mutually, to protect their very privy source to both machines. He has been posting, but in a way of “their guess/prediction” and not as an “insider” mantle, but I won’t say who it is. We will all find out official specs when they are both announced, and see how close this person was.
Begins searching topic for someone's guess or prediction. Remember someone posting legit information and saying it was their prediction a few pages back......
Actually the last number I heard and posted was 2.1 which has changed as months have come and gone. Old early information.

Well you don't have to buy it as i'm not selling it. When I said what I did about the XSeX very few people had that information. Certain information is very easy to tie to specific people. Saying yea one is 11.6 and another is 12.4 is pretty specific. Saying one has a better ray tracing solution and the others is closer to the implementation found on the 1080 ti is also pretty specific and I have already stated that. Specifics are what get people in trouble, I fucked up when I even mentioned the Box being out in the wild. People took that as tales from the old arse and hey look MS showed the damn thing. Who said that before I did? Even more specifically I stated that Phil didnt have a dev kit he had the actual machine. So far I'm liking my sources track record so I will protect their identity.

I may be wrong about my level of English but here I understand that Osiris says that one is 12.4 and another 11.6, and has already said that PS5 is slightly more powerful and has better ray tracing. I have misunderstood it anyway ...

Mod of War: Remastered

Staff Member
🤔 Mod of War the assumptions he made was that the two machines were very close or that we were in scenario 9 vs 12 TF ?

What were some of his guesses / predictions?


No. This reply pretty much seals it. Just wanted to make sure because I missed the part where Osiris was proven to be verified.

We're good.

Just remember, verified doesn’t mean gospel. For anyone, and never has. It just means you were able to provide sources of how you claim you came about your information.

People could also be fed correct or wrong information depending on how adept their source is or was at understanding what they experienced or were fed themselves.


Gold Member
I have a question that I am curious of what the general thought is. How important is it to you for the console to be super quiet.

What if both consoles are very close in power but PS5 uses air cooling to target $399 but the NextBox uses vapor chamber runs super quiet but comes in at $499?
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I have a question that I am curious of what the general thought is. How important is it to you for the console to be super quiet.

What if both consoles are very close in power but PS5 uses air cooling to target $399 but the NextBox uses vapor chamber runs super quiet but comes in at $499?

For me idc I'm not sensitive to tht. I'm the type of person if I'm alone I put the TV on at night just hear voices 😂😂😂seriously though. When I play fps I use headphones too. Thts never been a selling point to me..
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I have a question that I am curious of what the general thought is. How important is it to you for the console to be super quiet.

What if both consoles are very close in power but PS5 uses air cooling to target $399 but the NextBox uses vapor chamber runs super quiet but comes in at $499?

If you're playing a game but notice the noise coming from your console the game isn't immersive enough
I'm more concerned with how everything works. If the systems are close to equal in power but PS5 $399, advantage PS5. Things still wouldn't be as bad as last gen, better to be close and more expensive than noticeably weaker and more expensive, but still that is going to sting. (speaking general market, I admittedly have an Xbox preference and would get that first).

Obviously, I prefer less noise if given the choice, I've always appreciated the reletave quiet of the OG Xbone and X1X in comparison to the PS4 counterparts.


Speaking to PC Games Hardware, Microsoft's Head of Gaming said:

Thanks to their speed, developers can now use the SSD practically as virtual RAM. The SSD access times come close to the memory access times of the current console generation. Of course, the OS must allow developers access that goes beyond that of a pure storage medium. Then we will see how the address space will increase immensely - comparable to the change from Win16 to Win32 or in some cases Win64.

Of course, the SSD will still be slower than the GDDR6 RAM that sits directly on top of the die. But the ability to directly supply data to the CPU and GPU via the SSD will enable game worlds to be created that will not only be richer, but also more seamless. Not only in terms of pure loading times, but also in terrain mapping. A graphic designer no longer has to worry about when GDDR6 ends and when the SSD starts. I like that Mark Cerny and his team at Sony are also investing in an SSD for the PlayStation 5, the engines and tools can implement corresponding functions. Together we will ensure a larger installed base - and developers will do everything possible to master and support the programming of these hardware capabilities. I don't have a PS5 development kit, I don't even think our Minecraft team does. But it will be exciting to see how the industry will benefit from the comprehensive use of such solutions.



If you're playing a game but notice the noise coming from your console the game isn't immersive enough

I can Def see this for some. I mean I don't even notice frame pacing in Bloodborne but some ppl go crazy over it. I can see the same with the noise level for some.


Speaking to PC Games Hardware, Microsoft's Head of Gaming said:

Thanks to their speed, developers can now use the SSD practically as virtual RAM. The SSD access times come close to the memory access times of the current console generation. Of course, the OS must allow developers access that goes beyond that of a pure storage medium. Then we will see how the address space will increase immensely - comparable to the change from Win16 to Win32 or in some cases Win64.

Of course, the SSD will still be slower than the GDDR6 RAM that sits directly on top of the die. But the ability to directly supply data to the CPU and GPU via the SSD will enable game worlds to be created that will not only be richer, but also more seamless. Not only in terms of pure loading times, but also in terrain mapping. A graphic designer no longer has to worry about when GDDR6 ends and when the SSD starts. I like that Mark Cerny and his team at Sony are also investing in an SSD for the PlayStation 5, the engines and tools can implement corresponding functions. Together we will ensure a larger installed base - and developers will do everything possible to master and support the programming of these hardware capabilities. I don't have a PS5 development kit, I don't even think our Minecraft team does. But it will be exciting to see how the industry will benefit from the comprehensive use of such solutions.

Good find.


Just remember, verified doesn’t mean gospel. For anyone, and never has. It just means you were able to provide sources of how you claim you came about your information.

Completely agree. As far as I see it, verified means 'not talking out of his ass', which is as good as it can get for me.

And just to clear, I am not biased at all - just wanted to make sure that you were not as well.


I am only bias in that I favor the more powerful rig. There is nothing wrong with that.

If saying the PC is the superior platform and getting trolled for it as being "too biased", then I guess I'll have to deal with it. Fact is fact. My sources can only tell me facts. They have jobs that require them to utilize the hardware they are working on. They don't just work at these companies because of the platform they develop on is their favorite.
I'm totally pcmr at present too, this doesn't mean I don't prefer Sony consoles though.

You don't need to look far to see evidence you don't like Sony platforms. Not two weeks ago I asked you to confirm if you saw any ray tracing in godfall. Your answer no when it blatantly has as confirmed by multiple sources.

Having a preference is ok, we all have them but you use your knowledge to talk down anything you can running on a certain brand knowing not many will really have the knowledge to argue against you.

This is why when you imply Xbox is at ti level and ps5 is a vanilla 1080 contrary to all other comments attributes to Devs (eg both extremely close/ps5 slight advantage) it really does bring I to question what you are saying.

Just seems like you are playing to the crowd that are currently making the most noise to me

Mod of War: Remastered

Staff Member
Completely agree. As far as I see it, verified means 'not talking out of his ass', which is as good as it can get for me.

And just to clear, I am not biased at all - just wanted to make sure that you were not as well.

I like to think I have been moderating this thread pretty fairly. If anyone feels I have done something questionable or the like, please do PM me, or call me out constructively and give me feedback.

Always stay learning.
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