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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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You mean the piece where Rockstar rebutted by having an online corporate 'interview' where the employee was asked if he was happy to work at Rockstar under the watchful eye of his boss? That one?

The one where Schreier used a couple of "anonymous" sources & quotes to paint the entire company as a villainous nigh slave organization. That one, i.e. because the agenda against "crunching" (aka people getting paid to work long hours to finish the job) became an obsession in certain media circles in recent years.
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The one where Schreier used a couple of "anonymous" sources & quotes to paint the entire company as a villainous nigh slave organization. That one, i.e. because the agenda against "crunching" (aka people getting paid to work long hours to finish the job) became an obsession in certain media circles in recent years.
I remember just before Death Stranding's launch Kojima went on public saying his team is crunching and nobody said anything lol.


The one where Schreier used a couple of "anonymous" sources & quotes to paint the entire company as a villainous nigh slave organization. That one, i.e. because the agenda against "crunching" (aka people getting paid to work long hours to finish the job) became an obsession in certain media circles in recent years.
As well it should. It's far from a myth. And applies to almost all countries. I can also cite examples from the company I work for, but I'm pretty sure you won't bother with my personal anecdotes.


DF if they're doing their jobs HAVE to report on that kind of news. Straight from AMD about both possible next gen consoles? Not reporting it would be malpractice for what they specialize in. Let it be wrong, that's fine, they don't get crap just for reporting what everybody interested in the next gen consoles is buzzing about, but it's a legitimate news worthy item. That said, I'd love to see a more powerful ps5 than what is currently rumored. I'll have a PS5, but I wouldn't want a 9.2 teraflop PS5, even though I'd still buy the damn thing. I don't believe it will beat the new xbox in the power or RT department, but we will find out where both systems sit in due time.

Exciting times and happy new year all!

Are we still allowed to bet games? I'll bet you a game that DF is wrong with that 9.2TF.


What about me? Do you "buy" my protected sources? I've given what I was told in the broad sense. I would never ask for specific numbers, but equating a next-gen console to have between 1080 and 1080Ti performance should be good enough. If you want to see what a game with next-gen visuals will look like, then compare it to the PC games that have come out:

Modern Warfare
Detroit: Become Human
Gears 5
Plague: A tale of innocence
SW: Jedi Fallen
Red Dead Redemption

All of those games run on the PC at the highest settings and even a 2080Ti can't lock them to 4k/60FPS. If you took a 1080Ti and ran those games at 4k, well.... a lot of features will be subtracted and/or lowered resolution w/upscale and/or 30FPS lock.
Based on your experience in the industry you should know what you are talking about, however your arguments are hard to accept, because reality proves otherwise.

I can believe XSX or PS5 will not run games from your list maxed out with better results than your PC with 2080ti, however it doesn't mean developers cant make much better looking games on XSX / PS5.

When PS4 launched I had GTX 680 and games like crysis 2 or AC Black Flag already pushed my GPU to the max. Next gen consoles were slower compared to my old GTX 680 and 3570, yet still next gen games like Uncharted 4, Rise Of The Tomb Raider or AC Odyssey looked clearly better.

So what make you believe history will not repeat itself on PS5 / XSX? I can imagine games build with ultra fast SDD streaming in mind should make a big difference in texture quality, and Ryzen 2 should also push graphics quality to a new level. Current gen games run over 100fps on ryzen2, so developers will have a lot of unused HW resources if they will aim just at 30fps.

Man I really dont like attacking people, and especially if someone like you is respectful towards people. However I cant blindly believe you just because you are vetted as proffesional. If XSX or PS5 games will look better compared to these games from your list people will consider you untrustworthy, because they will see your your opinions were totally wrong.
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Because it simply doesn't have the bandwidth. You mentioned Forza -- not a very fillrate-limited game.

The only game on the Xbox 1X that was astounding to see was RDR2 and the PC version has better everything and still can't give 4k/60FPS.

If you try the "secret sauce" rebuttal, I'll just say that 12TF is 12TF. The development of any game on Xbox is going to run like a PC would. And the XSX just doesn't have enough power to run those games like a 2080Ti PC.
No, I'm not thinking of any secret sauce, I just thought this gen should have been able to do 4k60. Mark Cerny said 8tflops are required to do 4k properly, and the new Ryzen CPUs I would have thought could have got most games to 60fps. RDR2 looked pretty damm nice on the X, and I would have thought doubling the power should have been enough to add the extra effects from PC and the CPU increase should have been able to give the extra 30 frames.
Now, I'm no programmer, so this is coming from a place of ignorance.
How much would they have to increase the bandwidth by to get all game playing at 4k60?
He says both are over 10TF and PS5 has the slight edge, but go ahead and think the leak is correct if you want the XSeX to be sub 9TF.
The leak was correct about the 2.0ghz, and so you are happy to accept that. He didn't give the CU count, but the leaks which confirmed the clock speed did, 36cus. So why wont you accept that?
The xbox 12tflops has been confirmed every which way, even DF.said they confirmed it was 12.tflops of RDNA. The leaks showed a 56cu for Xbox, which falls in line for getting 12 tflops. The facts will come out, and even if Sony dont confirm the specs someone will x-ray the APU if they have to to get the specs.
So how many of these insiders have come out and said the 36cu count is wrong?
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As well it should. It's far from a myth. And applies to almost all countries. I can also cite examples from the company I work for, but I'm pretty sure you won't bother with my personal anecdotes.

Of course I won't. Why would I? News at Ten: hard work = results. Whoop-de-doo, but nope, Kotaku just needed to cherry-pick one company which happened to be on the brink of releasing their highly popular (& thus talked about) title & push an anti-work ethic agenda (filled with wailings about mental disorders due to hard work based on zero hard evidence). The issue here pertains to Jason Schreier's less-than-stellar reputation being ignored because certain people are desperate to believe his somewhat entirely vague comments last year pertaining to the power of the ps5.

You can read here another example of Schreier's lack of ethics: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/jaso...rds-and-drama-appears.1462300/#post-253255195


NaughtyDog Defense Force
The leak was correct about the 2.0ghz, and so you are happy to accept that. He didn't give the CU count, but the leaks which confirmed the clock speed did, 36cus. So why wont you accept that?
The xbox 12tflops has been confirmed every which way, even DF.said they confirmed it was 12.tflops of RDNA. The leaks showed a 56cu for Xbox, which falls in line for getting 12 tflops. The facts will come out, and even if Sony dont confirm the specs someone will x-ray the APU if they have to to get the specs.
So how many of these insiders have come out and said the 36cu count is wrong?
You don't seem to understand that specs change and he gave his around 2018.


If you want to see what a game with next-gen visuals will look like, then compare it to the PC games that have come out:

Modern Warfare
Detroit: Become Human
Gears 5
Plague: A tale of innocence
SW: Jedi Fallen
Red Dead Redemption
Best looking games last gen look significantly worse than your average game this gen, unless you mean that next gen will be disappointing from visual perspective.


The leak was correct about the 2.0ghz, and so you are happy to accept that. He didn't give the CU count, but the leaks which confirmed the clock speed did, 36cus. So why wont you accept that?
The xbox 12tflops has been confirmed every which way, even DF.said they confirmed it was 12.tflops of RDNA. The leaks showed a 56cu for Xbox, which falls in line for getting 12 tflops. The facts will come out, and even if Sony dont confirm the specs someone will x-ray the APU if they have to to get the specs.
So how many of these insiders have come out and said the 36cu count is wrong?

56cu for Lockhart 4TF? Sure thing there bud.

Edit : I'm not doubting the tests for Oberon, what I'm doubting is the TIMELINE. That shit is most likely for 2019 or only for the BC.
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The leak was correct about the 2.0ghz, and so you are happy to accept that. He didn't give the CU count, but the leaks which confirmed the clock speed did, 36cus. So why wont you accept that?
The 12tflops has been confirmed every which way, even DF.said they confirmed it was 12.tflops of RDNA. The leaks showed a 56cu for Xbox, which falls in line for getting 12 tflops. The facts will come out, and even if Sony dont confirm the specs someone will x-ray the APU if they have to to get the specs.
So how many of these insiders have come out and said the 36cu count is wrong?

Not an insider.

Hitting even 9Tflops with 36CUs requires such a high clockspeed that it seems totally implausible in a console tdp limit.

A 2.1GHz 5700XT uses 260Watts of power and needs liquid cooling to keep it cool.

Without massive architecture changes to enable higher clocks it is simply not happening in a console.

That leak could simply have been a test for PS4 and PS4 pro BC with a burn test to stress the cooling solution. It could also be made up by AMD/Sony to mislead.
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I leave a little, open gaf and see the thread jumped 4 pages! Ooh new info? Nope. Timdog's clownass showed up and his circus show commenced, as usual. How deflating.

Wonder why DF never did a story on blue pill red pill fiasco? Oh, maybe because it was bullshit and no one took it seriously other than the ones that are desperately seeking a power advantage. Kinda like now
Ive know xbox ppl since 2014, relationship still going. If my account was toxic id be banned. Dont be jealous brother. You put your faith in ppl that make up stuff because you want ps5 to be more powerful. Says alot about you.
Just because you are a Sony fanboy you dont like what I say because well it was a 12 tflop navi xbox. So you cant point to me making things up and bringing up Dee as if thats me. Says alot. Gonna politely mute you now
Sure lol . Why at that time were saying xbox was 10. ??? We knew because we knew just like Jez did. Maybe thats why Dealer is @ 60,000 subs and growing. Anyway take care now. Gonna politely ignore you
Soon we'll all be on your ignore list. You enjoy hearing yourself. Makes sense.

Stop calling people fanboys you hypocrite. You're one to talk. Like fiddy said:

"You shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house
And if you got a glass jaw, you should watch your mouth"

How come you hold him accountable for things he got wrong in the past, but no one can do the same thing for you or members of your podcast?
Because he's a hypocrite.

Directly at Timdog, with your sources high up in MS you should have known that several people had the box in their homes and it was completed correct? You should know about the new Fighting game they are set to reveal ,Ill wait. How about the exclusivity of several big name third party games.... right. The same reason I specifically name dropped Ghosts of Tsushima and the Same reason I blatantly stated the actual box was already in peoples homes is exactly how I know what I do. But let me guess those were really good exact guesses? Let me guess Battletoads is another really good guess right?
Watch out, he'll "politely" mute you!

I recommend we all put him on ignore.


You are saying i said what Dee said. Again, i never made things up, you are putting faith in someone who made things up. Dealers video was out before jez article, obviously we know things. I told this very forum wait. I also submitted info to Mod Of War , so please. Just because you are a Sony fanboy you dont like what I say because well it was a 12 tflop navi xbox. So you cant point to me making things up and bringing up Dee as if thats me. Says alot. Gonna politely mute you now

Imagine calling someone on being a fanboy when you're the biggest Xbox fanboy in the entire world. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Think of it this way: PS5 closer to 1080, XSX closer to 1080Ti. Is that good enough?

Good enough!
For MS!

Someone pick up this insider leak! DF, wcftech, SA!

Sad to see Jim Ryan drop the ball, going with the build for $399 market. Mark Sony should have pushed him further.

Besides losing the bragging rights to Spencer...
I mean, my 1080ti is 3 years old in 2020. Lol at next gen.


Yes that is the one also reading what you replied to others in this thread I don't care who has a power advantage but I will definitely take that bet. I think a year with the other persons avatar should do it.

Edited to add: I was vetted then Gaf went through its.... restructuring that's on Gaf not me. Secondly, I don't have a dog in this fight. I know what I have been told and what I have seen simply put laugh now cry later. I wouldn't make an avatar bet or an account bet if I weren't 100% certain of my source.

Directly at Timdog, with your sources high up in MS you should have known that several people had the box in their homes and it was completed correct? You should know about the new Fighting game they are set to reveal ,Ill wait. How about the exclusivity of several big name third party games.... right. The same reason I specifically name dropped Ghosts of Tsushima and the Same reason I blatantly stated the actual box was already in peoples homes is exactly how I know what I do. But let me guess those were really good exact guesses? Let me guess Battletoads is another really good guess right?
Timed exclusives I hope - not that it will matter I guess as they will be available on PC.
I don't care what his contacts are. My point still stands. If any other guy like Timcloud or CamefromtheFuture talked like Osiris talks, they would've gotten warning bells from @Mod of War. Osiris doesn't, which to me means he's either verified, or someone who gets a pass for such behavior (posting his opinion/hopes as 'facts'). The former makes Osiris a God to Sony fans. The latter makes @Mod of War a hypocrite.
You had plenty of time to read his reply before posting this after. Emboldened the part you missed....
Will this be the Series X start up music?

Woaaa! I did not know that one! I'm still amused on how far the music industry has gone. From Tony Mitchell's Blue to this... It's so bad. Prince was so right about this industry. They have killed contracts for the melodists for those horrible dj"s & co. What a result! Video games has a media, even Nintendo i love to bitch about for their low efforts this gen, is sooooo much better. Video games are actually still a very good form of entertainment. 😂🤭😏


You had plenty of time to read his reply before posting this after. Emboldened the part you missed....

Like I said a couple posts back, I'm now on the 'benefit of the doubt' camp for Osiris. Though truth be told, the part about a new fighting game and third party exclusives made me think he was talking about the X1. :p

So Killer Instinct 2 is coming? Would be nice to see, although if HS has bought the rights to Bloody Roar ... man, I'd hit the roof.


I doubt your 1080TI will match up against next gen consoles in the long run, I mean we all saw how 680 as 7850 fared against PS4.
I actually I take that back, 680 is still kicking ass. 7850 (PS4 equivalent GPU according to DF) on the other hand is really struggling today.


Do you remember ?



Specs change sure, but 36cus was onboard in June last year.

June 2019 or 2018?

The point is we do not know what that chip relates to. It could be an ES for the final PS5 SoC or it could be a piece of test silicon to make sure that running PS4 and PS4 Pro games on RDNA works the same as it does on GCN. So you have 3 tests. Running it in PS4 mode, PS4 Pro mode and a high speed test to see what happens if you have significantly more performance than PS4 Pro. That is something that Sony will want to know early on so they can build the software required to make it compatibile.


People are cat fighting and bitch slapping each other saying one is more powerful than the other. When the specs are revealed and if they turn out to be basically the same, they will continue the fights by saying one's approach to RT/VRS/whatever is much better and basically makes that console "x" tflops more powerful.
I can't blame MS/Sony for not revealing the specs and I hope they delay the reveal as much as possible.
You all deserve the suffering.


I actually I take that back, 680 is still kicking ass. 7850 (PS4 equivalent GPU according to DF) on the other hand is really struggling today.

Ps4 is like an imaginary 7860. The problem with older gpu is 2gb vram, causing the struggles.

My dedicated 11gb 1080ti laugh at 16gb next gen! Besides overclocked, it has 540+gbs of dedicated graphics bandwidth! :D
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It looks like fake pci DIDs have been planted in the drivers. I wonder when that started and if it is directly console related?

Looking back to Orbis and Durango (leaving aside SuperDaE) and every source of info at the time and in hindsight has now been plugged it seems.

I think we really are going to have to wait and be surprised or shocked at the reveals (good or bad). Kinda exciting actually.....

Edit: I totally forgot......Happy New Year all. Hope you aren't too hung over.
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Ps4 is like an imaginary 7860. The problem with older gpu is 2gb vram, causing the struggles.

My dedicated 11gb 1080ti laugh at 16gb next gen! Besides overclocked, it has 540+gbs of dedicated graphics bandwidth! :D
Plus I guess you can always lower your resolution to keep up with more demanding games. But then there's always ray tracing depending on how much you really care about it.


Saying yea one is 11.6 and another is 12.4 is pretty specific. Saying one has a better ray tracing solution and the others is closer to the implementation found on the 1080 ti is also pretty specific
So is one 11.6 and the other 12.4? Seems to specific to be random numbers...

Also 1080ti doesn't really have a specific RT solution and when enabled performance tanks, guess this is why a ps5 game was shown with RT and Xbox wasn't.


Based on your experience in the industry you should know what you are talking about, however your arguments are hard to accept, because reality proves otherwise.

I can believe XSX or PS5 will not run games from your list maxed out with better results than your PC with 2080ti, however it doesn't mean developers cant make much better looking games on XSX / PS5.

When PS4 launched I had GTX 680 and games like crysis 2 or AC Black Flag already pushed my GPU to the max. Next gen consoles were slower compared to my old GTX 680 and 3570, yet still next gen games like Uncharted 4, Rise Of The Tomb Raider or AC Odyssey looked clearly better.

So what make you believe history will not repeat itself on PS5 / XSX? I can imagine games build with ultra fast SDD streaming in mind should make a big difference in texture quality, and Ryzen 2 should also push graphics quality to a new level. Current gen games run over 100fps on ryzen2, so developers will have a lot of unused HW resources if they will aim just at 30fps.

Man I really dont like attacking people, and especially if someone like you is respectful towards people. However I cant blindly believe you just because you are vetted as proffesional. If XSX or PS5 games will look better compared to these games from your list people will consider you untrustworthy, because they will see your your opinions were totally wrong.
He certainly knows what he's talking about but is too biased to take anything he says seriously unfortunately. His posts on b3d clearly show where he's invested. He hides it better now but when he first appeared it was blatant.


If it is 9.2 TF and 399 then Sony obviously don’t think MS much of a threat to them anymore.

They know they have the highest user base waiting to buy the next Playstation.

They know they have the best first party studios developing for the PS5

They know when people see the next GT and GOD OF WAR running on PS5 that the mainstream who make up the majority of people who buy consoles,won’t care if xbox is more powerful.

They know that if the pS5 is 399people will flock to buy it.

MS have a lot of work to do to get people to choose them over Playstation.
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It looks like fake pci DIDs have been planted in the drivers. I wonder when that started and if it is directly console related?

Looking back to Orbis and Durango (leaving aside SuperDaE) and every source of info at the time and in hindsight has now been plugged it seems.

I think we really are going to have to wait and be surprised or shocked at the reveals (good or bad). Kinda exciting actually.....

Edit: I totally forgot......Happy New Year all. Hope you aren't too hung over.

Well, there it is.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: TLZ


But but but....xbox fans keeps saying XSeX will have baked in DX RT!
Just like Leadbetter and MS fans hyped up the DX12 chip on XBONEX and said it was a gamechanger.....
He has no idea what he is talking about lol. Blue pills red pills, diana, and trim the fat lol
These are leaks, things can change, dev kits can be upgraded.....Initially you probably had the devs working on a 5700XT at 2.0 Ghz, that is your 36CU GPU isn't it, then when custom silicon comes in or is finished, you get updated devkits,,,,,,,
Sure lol . Why at that time were saying xbox was 10. ??? We knew because we knew just like Jez did. Maybe thats why Dealer is @ 60,000 subs and growing. Anyway take care now. Gonna politely ignore you
One thing I've realized about XBOX fans, they love to use the ignore list or try to shut down any conversation or thought that does not support their own.....I personally have no issues with X fans wanting their console to be 12TF or powerful, yet it's all speculation here, things can change...…..You can't think that people should take your word as gospel whilst trying to denigrate Osiris by saying his "red pill, blue pill" record is laughable...….Both of you guys get your info from somewhere, you can respect his leaks, without going down "his history" path, because I'm sure he has gotten quite a few things right regardless, and you are not without stain as I'm sure you've gotten things wrong as well...….As I said, things can change or sometimes it 's quite possible to receive bad info or info from leakers who want to skew the conversation a certain way...….It why I've been saying in the Johnathan Blow thread, trust the devs, they will have a million times more accurate info than the leakers, since they are the ones working with the hardware....

So you can't have the attitude where everybody who disagrees with you, that you are so emotionally invested that you politely ignore them....If you believe in your leaks, have the confidence, be humble and stand by it, you know what you know...….If it ends up that you are right, you will feel great and vindicated in the end.....You can't just shut out disagreements, it shows a lack of confidence in what you're selling (not literal of course).....

I don't care what his contacts are. My point still stands. If any other guy like Timcloud or CamefromtheFuture talked like Osiris talks, they would've gotten warning bells from @Mod of War. Osiris doesn't, which to me means he's either verified, or someone who gets a pass for such behavior (posting his opinion/hopes as 'facts'). The former makes Osiris a God to Sony fans. The latter makes @Mod of War a hypocrite.
Osiris has been on these boards for a long time, he has been a vetted member since old Gaf……..I mean there was a time he promised info and never delivered for a while, everybody was asking when he would drop the info, but he's here now......TBF, no leaker will probably give 100% accurate info, it's basically what they're told and if they have connections, what they have seen...…..Not sure about Afro though,,,,,
OK but why bug the mods over someone being verified or not? If I had a spec sheet in front of me, believe me, I wouldn't give that info out.

There are game devs on these boards. They more than likely know the specs, but they aren't going to risk it and I don't blame them.

Think of it this way: PS5 closer to 1080, XSX closer to 1080Ti. Is that good enough?
Something about your info seems off, PS5=1080 vs Series X=1080ti...…..The differneces here suggest you are agreeing with Leadbetter, Penello et al. Just say that you agree with the 9.2TF to 12TF info...…..Yet there are so many holes in that info, that I don't understand how anybody who has been in this industry can concur...….Like 9.2TF RDNA 1 vs 12TF RDNA 2.0, guys use your'll heads, this makes no sense, it's not logical......Why would Sony be on RDNA 1 and XBOX on RDNA 2 when they are launching at the same time in 2020...….Are you telling me RDNA 2 was only ready for MS...When in fact it was Sony who has invested lots of money and have been in the lab with AMD co-engineering their chip from the earliest leaks....working from the road plan.....If you are still miffed. PRO had Vega features before Vega launched, MS launched later and didn't...….Sony had 64 rops on PRO in 2016, MS came a year later with 32.....All Sony needed to do was feed those rops the bandwidth it needed and they would have had a much faster console than what it took MS a whole year to do.....

Also, 36 CU's on a console in 2020? No.....Big Navi will be much faster than that, much more efficient and it will have raytracing in tow......The 36 CU
info looks like early BC tests done on a RDNA 1.0 5700 XT at various clockspeeds to mimic PS4 slim, PRO and full PS5 hardware (5700 XT max clocks = PS5 representative at the time, perhaps to test BC enhanced with 4k et al)…….I think they are working with more updated silicon at this time........So yes, you have to start somewhere to get the process rolling and to test feasibility.....and that's what they did....

The X did alot of games at full 4k, including high level games at both 4k and 60fps (Forza), with a gimped CPU, less RAM, less bandwidth and half the amount of flops on old GCN architecture. Why dont you think this next Xbox won't be able to do full 4k and 60fps for all games?
Actual legit question, I'm wondering what would hold it back.
What other high level games at 4K 60fps? Forza is not close to the most demanding game on PC, it's probably one of the easiest games to run on modest cards, just disable you AV software, let Windows Defender Fort Knox you and lots of it's stutttering issues are gone ......An RX 580 can run it at better settings than the XBONEX version at 4k 60fps.....


Good enough!
For MS!

Someone pick up this insider leak! DF, wcftech, SA!

Sad to see Jim Ryan drop the ball, going with the build for $399 market. Mark Sony should have pushed him further.

Besides losing the bragging rights to Spencer...
I mean, my 1080ti is 3 years old in 2020. Lol at next gen.
1080ti has no HW RT and other new features like VRS (3dmark shows 75% performance boost thanks to VRS tier2), so we cant really directly compare it with turing GPU's and next gen consoles as well. On top of that if developers will build games with SDD in mind, then we can expect huge VRAM requirements increase.

I think even 11GB on 1080ti can be a bottleneck in the near future. "Dealer - gaming" on his YT has compared his m2 SDD results with MS claims, and his SDD was loading the same game 3x slower. Most people on PC platform already have SDD, but not as fast.

According to leaks next gen consoles will have around 16GB RAM. I think 16GB with standard HDD would be not impressive, however thanks to extremely fast streaming developers should be able to use much bigger data structures, maybe even 2x times as big. So what developers will do when they will port their games on PC? They will probably increase load times and RAM requirements as well. It will not surprise me if next gen ports will use over 20GB VRAM on PC.


If it is 9.2 TF and 399 then Sony obviously don’t think MS much of a threat to them anymore.

They know they have the highest user base waiting to buy the next Playstation.

They know they have the best first party studios developing for the PS5

They know when people see the next GT and GOD OF WAR running on PS5 that the mainstream who make up the majority of people who buy consoles,won’t care if xbox is more powerful.

They know that if the pS5 is 399people will flock to buy it.

MS have a lot of work to do to get people to choose them over Playstation.

They are obviously worried about Microsoft else they would price it higher and go for higher spec so their exclusives look better.

You even said it yourself .. this is to encourage as many people to change over as fast as possible .. in order to prevent MS gamepass and future exclusives temping people to change back.


Just like Leadbetter and MS fans hyped up the DX12 chip on XBONEX and said it was a gamechanger.....

These are leaks, things can change, dev kits can be upgraded.....Initially you probably had the devs working on a 5700XT at 2.0 Ghz, that is your 36CU GPU isn't it, then when custom silicon comes in or is finished, you get updated devkits,,,,,,,

One thing I've realized about XBOX fans, they love to use the ignore list or try to shut down any conversation or thought that does not support their own.....I personally have no issues with X fans wanting their console to be 12TF or powerful, yet it's all speculation here, things can change...…..You can't think that people should take your word as gospel whilst trying to denigrate Osiris by saying his "red pill, blue pill" record is laughable...….Both of you guys get your info from somewhere, you can respect his leaks, without going down "his history" path, because I'm sure he has gotten quite a few things right regardless, and you are not without stain as I'm sure you've gotten things wrong as well...….As I said, things can change or sometimes it 's quite possible to receive bad info or info from leakers who want to skew the conversation a certain way...….It why I've been saying in the Johnathan Blow thread, trust the devs, they will have a million times more accurate info than the leakers, since they are the ones working with the hardware....

So you can't have the attitude where everybody who disagrees with you, that you are so emotionally invested that you politely ignore them....If you believe in your leaks, have the confidence, be humble and stand by it, you know what you know...….If it ends up that you are right, you will feel great and vindicated in the end.....You can't just shut out disagreements, it shows a lack of confidence in what you're selling (not literal of course).....

Osiris has been on these boards for a long time, he has been a vetted member since old Gaf……..I mean there was a time he promised info and never delivered for a while, everybody was asking when he would drop the info, but he's here now......TBF, no leaker will probably give 100% accurate info, it's basically what they're told and if they have connections, what they have seen...…..Not sure about Afro though,,,,,

Something about your info seems off, PS5=1080 vs Series X=1080ti...…..The differneces here suggest you are agreeing with Leadbetter, Penello et al. Just say that you agree with the 9.2TF to 12TF info...…..Yet there are so many holes in that info, that I don't understand how anybody who has been in this industry can concur...….Like 9.2TF RDNA 1 vs 12TF RDNA 2.0, guys use your'll heads, this makes no sense, it's not logical......Why would Sony be on RDNA 1 and XBOX on RDNA 2 when they are launching at the same time in 2020...….Are you telling me RDNA 2 was only ready for MS...When in fact it was Sony who has invested lots of money and have been in the lab with AMD co-engineering their chip from the earliest leaks....working from the road plan.....If you are still miffed. PRO had Vega features before Vega launched, MS launched later and didn't...….Sony had 64 rops on PRO in 2016, MS came a year later with 32.....All Sony needed to do was feed those rops the bandwidth it needed and they would have had a much faster console than what it took MS a whole year to do.....

Also, 36 CU's on a console in 2020? No.....Big Navi will be much faster than that, much more efficient and it will have raytracing in tow......The 36 CU
info looks like early BC tests done on a RDNA 1.0 5700 XT at various clockspeeds to mimic PS4 slim, PRO and full PS5 hardware (5700 XT max clocks = PS5 representative at the time, perhaps to test BC enhanced with 4k et al)…….I think they are working with more updated silicon at this time........So yes, you have to start somewhere to get the process rolling and to test feasibility.....and that's what they did....

What other high level games at 4K 60fps? Forza is not close to the most demanding game on PC, it's probably one of the easiest games to run on modest cards, just disable you AV software, let Windows Defender Fort Knox you and lots of it's stutttering issues are gone ......An RX 580 can run it at better settings than the XBONEX version at 4k 60fps.....

Forza not a high level game? Its better than the classic legendary Gran Turismo in every way. Comparing it to how it runs on PC ( which used to be awful but is now awesome)... just proves that all Playstation 4 games are gimped by the limited hardware. Its no feat of Sony hardware that makes their exclusives look good .. its the software ... and God of War, Horizon and the Last of us would all run super fast on PC.

If u want to talk about high level games how about bf5, or cod, ... any console game that runs at 60 fps on normal consoles runs at 4k 60 on xbox one x ... it doses exactly what was advertised ( unlike the ps5 pro).

Its no shock that rdr2 isnt 60 fps as you need a 2080 to run that at 4K 60 ... sorry i mean a 2080ti ;) ( the pc master race is < 1% of PC players)
Last edited:


Just like Leadbetter and MS fans hyped up the DX12 chip on XBONEX and said it was a gamechanger.....

These are leaks, things can change, dev kits can be upgraded.....Initially you probably had the devs working on a 5700XT at 2.0 Ghz, that is your 36CU GPU isn't it, then when custom silicon comes in or is finished, you get updated devkits,,,,,,,

One thing I've realized about XBOX fans, they love to use the ignore list or try to shut down any conversation or thought that does not support their own.....I personally have no issues with X fans wanting their console to be 12TF or powerful, yet it's all speculation here, things can change...…..You can't think that people should take your word as gospel whilst trying to denigrate Osiris by saying his "red pill, blue pill" record is laughable...….Both of you guys get your info from somewhere, you can respect his leaks, without going down "his history" path, because I'm sure he has gotten quite a few things right regardless, and you are not without stain as I'm sure you've gotten things wrong as well...….As I said, things can change or sometimes it 's quite possible to receive bad info or info from leakers who want to skew the conversation a certain way...….It why I've been saying in the Johnathan Blow thread, trust the devs, they will have a million times more accurate info than the leakers, since they are the ones working with the hardware....

So you can't have the attitude where everybody who disagrees with you, that you are so emotionally invested that you politely ignore them....If you believe in your leaks, have the confidence, be humble and stand by it, you know what you know...….If it ends up that you are right, you will feel great and vindicated in the end.....You can't just shut out disagreements, it shows a lack of confidence in what you're selling (not literal of course).....

Osiris has been on these boards for a long time, he has been a vetted member since old Gaf……..I mean there was a time he promised info and never delivered for a while, everybody was asking when he would drop the info, but he's here now......TBF, no leaker will probably give 100% accurate info, it's basically what they're told and if they have connections, what they have seen...…..Not sure about Afro though,,,,,

Something about your info seems off, PS5=1080 vs Series X=1080ti...…..The differneces here suggest you are agreeing with Leadbetter, Penello et al. Just say that you agree with the 9.2TF to 12TF info...…..Yet there are so many holes in that info, that I don't understand how anybody who has been in this industry can concur...….Like 9.2TF RDNA 1 vs 12TF RDNA 2.0, guys use your'll heads, this makes no sense, it's not logical......Why would Sony be on RDNA 1 and XBOX on RDNA 2 when they are launching at the same time in 2020...….Are you telling me RDNA 2 was only ready for MS...When in fact it was Sony who has invested lots of money and have been in the lab with AMD co-engineering their chip from the earliest leaks....working from the road plan.....If you are still miffed. PRO had Vega features before Vega launched, MS launched later and didn't...….Sony had 64 rops on PRO in 2016, MS came a year later with 32.....All Sony needed to do was feed those rops the bandwidth it needed and they would have had a much faster console than what it took MS a whole year to do.....

Also, 36 CU's on a console in 2020? No.....Big Navi will be much faster than that, much more efficient and it will have raytracing in tow......The 36 CU
info looks like early BC tests done on a RDNA 1.0 5700 XT at various clockspeeds to mimic PS4 slim, PRO and full PS5 hardware (5700 XT max clocks = PS5 representative at the time, perhaps to test BC enhanced with 4k et al)…….I think they are working with more updated silicon at this time........So yes, you have to start somewhere to get the process rolling and to test feasibility.....and that's what they did....

What other high level games at 4K 60fps? Forza is not close to the most demanding game on PC, it's probably one of the easiest games to run on modest cards, just disable you AV software, let Windows Defender Fort Knox you and lots of it's stutttering issues are gone ......An RX 580 can run it at better settings than the XBONEX version at 4k 60fps.....
I feel MS has custimized xbox x GPU with much better results. Xbox x has only 40% FLOPS more, yet can render 2x as much pixels compared to PS4P. When it comes to RX 580, according to benchmark I'm looking at (gamegpu) it can run forza horizon 4 with 50-60fps but at 1440p, and only 34-42fps at 4K.


Forza not a high level game? Its better than the classic legendary Gran Turismo in every way. Comparing it to how it runs on PC ( which used to be awful but is now awesome)... just proves that all Playstation 4 games are gimped by the limited hardware. Its no feat of Sony hardware that makes their exclusives look good .. its the software ... and God of War, Horizon and the Last of us would all run super fast on PC.

If u want to talk about high level games how about bf5, or cod, ... any console game that runs at 60 fps on normal consoles runs at 4k 60 on xbox one x ... it doses exactly what was advertised ( unlike the ps5 pro).

Its no shock that rdr2 isnt 60 fps as you need a 2080 to run that at 4K 60 ... sorry i mean a 2080ti ;) ( the pc master race is < 1% of PC players)
Why are you always trying so hard to misrepresent what is said, you know everybody here can read right? I never said Forza was not high level, I said it's not a very demanding game......
I feel MS has custimized xbox x GPU with much better results. Xbox x has only 40% FLOPS more, yet can render 2x as much pixels compared to PS4P. When it comes to RX 580, according to benchmark I'm looking at (gamegpu) it can run forza horizon 4 with 50-60fps but at 1440p, and only 34-42fps at 4K.
RX 580 runs Forza Horizon 4 better too, but I'm talking Forza 7 here...….

You are talking the best settings for the RX 580 in Horizon and I'm talking the best settings in Forza 7 remember that......Does the XBONEX run Forza Horizon at the best settings? At it's reduced settings, does it run Horizon better than 4k 30fps?
Just like Leadbetter and MS fans hyped up the DX12 chip on XBONEX and said it was a gamechanger.....

These are leaks, things can change, dev kits can be upgraded.....Initially you probably had the devs working on a 5700XT at 2.0 Ghz, that is your 36CU GPU isn't it, then when custom silicon comes in or is finished, you get updated devkits,,,,,,,

One thing I've realized about XBOX fans, they love to use the ignore list or try to shut down any conversation or thought that does not support their own.....I personally have no issues with X fans wanting their console to be 12TF or powerful, yet it's all speculation here, things can change...…..You can't think that people should take your word as gospel whilst trying to denigrate Osiris by saying his "red pill, blue pill" record is laughable...….Both of you guys get your info from somewhere, you can respect his leaks, without going down "his history" path, because I'm sure he has gotten quite a few things right regardless, and you are not without stain as I'm sure you've gotten things wrong as well...….As I said, things can change or sometimes it 's quite possible to receive bad info or info from leakers who want to skew the conversation a certain way...….It why I've been saying in the Johnathan Blow thread, trust the devs, they will have a million times more accurate info than the leakers, since they are the ones working with the hardware....

So you can't have the attitude where everybody who disagrees with you, that you are so emotionally invested that you politely ignore them....If you believe in your leaks, have the confidence, be humble and stand by it, you know what you know...….If it ends up that you are right, you will feel great and vindicated in the end.....You can't just shut out disagreements, it shows a lack of confidence in what you're selling (not literal of course).....

Osiris has been on these boards for a long time, he has been a vetted member since old Gaf……..I mean there was a time he promised info and never delivered for a while, everybody was asking when he would drop the info, but he's here now......TBF, no leaker will probably give 100% accurate info, it's basically what they're told and if they have connections, what they have seen...…..Not sure about Afro though,,,,,

Something about your info seems off, PS5=1080 vs Series X=1080ti...…..The differneces here suggest you are agreeing with Leadbetter, Penello et al. Just say that you agree with the 9.2TF to 12TF info...…..Yet there are so many holes in that info, that I don't understand how anybody who has been in this industry can concur...….Like 9.2TF RDNA 1 vs 12TF RDNA 2.0, guys use your'll heads, this makes no sense, it's not logical......Why would Sony be on RDNA 1 and XBOX on RDNA 2 when they are launching at the same time in 2020...….Are you telling me RDNA 2 was only ready for MS...When in fact it was Sony who has invested lots of money and have been in the lab with AMD co-engineering their chip from the earliest leaks....working from the road plan.....If you are still miffed. PRO had Vega features before Vega launched, MS launched later and didn't...….Sony had 64 rops on PRO in 2016, MS came a year later with 32.....All Sony needed to do was feed those rops the bandwidth it needed and they would have had a much faster console than what it took MS a whole year to do.....

Also, 36 CU's on a console in 2020? No.....Big Navi will be much faster than that, much more efficient and it will have raytracing in tow......The 36 CU
info looks like early BC tests done on a RDNA 1.0 5700 XT at various clockspeeds to mimic PS4 slim, PRO and full PS5 hardware (5700 XT max clocks = PS5 representative at the time, perhaps to test BC enhanced with 4k et al)…….I think they are working with more updated silicon at this time........So yes, you have to start somewhere to get the process rolling and to test feasibility.....and that's what they did....

What other high level games at 4K 60fps? Forza is not close to the most demanding game on PC, it's probably one of the easiest games to run on modest cards, just disable you AV software, let Windows Defender Fort Knox you and lots of it's stutttering issues are gone ......An RX 580 can run it at better settings than the XBONEX version at 4k 60fps.....
If that is something you needed to take task with that's majorly lame.
Call of duty Infinate Warfare is 4k60
Killer Instinct 4k60
But if its a passing match you want, show me anything on PS4 Pro thats native 4k60.
Anything remotely as good looking.
Microsoft releasing the X really shook your world didn't it?
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