I... Uh... Well... Fuck.
Glad I didn't watch this game... NO GIFS FOR YOU FUCKERS.

I... Uh... Well... Fuck.
Glad I didn't watch this game... NO GIFS FOR YOU FUCKERS.
I... Uh... Well... Fuck.
Glad I didn't watch this game... NO GIFS FOR YOU FUCKERS.
not as good as the behind the net cam view but it'll do.
Avalanche have twice the goals as the stars.
They also have allowed almost 3 times as many goals in one less game.
Burns was a fucking maniac out there tonight too. Watching that guy play is so much fun.
I actually think this is our biggest test yet, we usually don't match up well against the Stars.
Fuck that fucking commercial.
The white supremacist shit I can get past. Fucking dudes in the ass will always be a death sentence though.
OT is having a melt down, check that HIV thread out
Fucking scumbag.
...I was hoping Zedge would hear my callout in the furry thread too.![]()
... Is that... sarcasm? please?
I saw that :lol
Im assuming it is, but since the guy plays a lot of Halo I naturally assumed he was homophobic.
This thread is actually quite weird: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=696352
OT has too many wedding/engagement/sex/friendzone/relationship threads lately =/
Seems like a safe assumption.
Edit: yeah, that one was odd. Then a few others came in and made it even more weird.
OT has too many wedding/engagement/sex/friendzone/relationship threads lately =/
I'm glad NHL-gaf is in the OTC
Im getting a weird vibe from it. Something doesn't seem right...
GAF graveyard. OTC.
wsox wtf is going on in that thread
I am speechless, I have no speech
9 years on GAF and it's finally happened
That thread led me to a documentary called The Gift. I now know about bug chasers and gift giving. I don't know where to go from here...
That thread led me to a documentary called The Gift. I now know about bug chasers and gift giving. I don't know where to go from here...
Which one
That thread led me to a documentary called The Gift. I now know about bug chasers and gift giving. I don't know where to go from here...
which thread/post? lol
the hiv
I was actually sick to my stomach after I read a forum about bug chasing.
The one wsox posted the seinfeld .gif in response to
Dat junior post.
There's a movie I saw called the gift. Katie Holmes showed her tits. 8/10 would watch again
id like to thank NHL GAF for being a normal group of dudes. jesus christ.
You're welcome.
I'll also stop cyber bullying you, TabrisUSR.
Okay, there's a father/son tandem on this forum and the dad has an av from a porn scene. That's enough for now. I'm out.
horse detective birthday thread
if you keep pushing me ill commit Sudoku