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Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread (U.S.)


Welp zelda wont be here till monday lmao. Where can i buy it and then return it later? Also cant see gamestop shipping status f my console yet D:


Neo Member
Amazon finally shipped.

I live in NYC and it's coming from MD and going UPS ground. No info on UPS other than "Order Processed: Ready for UPS" at 6:34PM.

Says scheduled for tomorrow but I'm still feeling paranoid :(


Just messed around and updated the system, changed settings in regards to the UI, everything is nice and snappy like a UI should be. The Joy-cons are a blast to use 1 in each hand while navigating. I will upload some pics with the red joy-cons when I get some time, right now my system is charging. And for headphones users, they work fine while docked in case you care about that sort of thing, and I have a 3.5mm extention cable on the way so I don't have to be super close to the system to enjoy headphones :)


I'm in Medford, have a Switch preordered to ship but I was thinking about dropping by the Everett BB for a Pro Controller. How is the line at Braintree?

Not there yet haha. I figure I'd be safe going around 10. Someone in a thread said only about 10 pro controllers for their best buy so it maybe harder to get one of those than a switch.
Copied from my post in the camp thread.

Local Walmart in Utah. My switch is coming via amazom but I stopped to say hello. Some cool people! I chatted them up and I bought them a bag of recees eggs.

Launch HYPE!



Grey console from GameStop online shipped and is due for delivery tomorrow. Standard Zelda, neon joy cons, AC adapter, Hori tough case and Hori premium screen protector all shipped from Amazon and are due for delivery tomorrow. Only item still waiting to be shipped from Amazon is the guide for Zelda. So hyped for tomorrow!!


Neon console and Master Edition shipped from Amazon. Pro controller from BB shipped as well. I kind of want a screen protector.. maybe I'll swing by gamestop in the morning and see what they have there
What time are people planning on going to midnight launches? Going to my Best Buy but don't feel like waiting with the non-preorders...


so my Pro Con is showing that it is gonna ship today, with 2day shipping, but still del on Tuesday... Hrm.. Can't wait to see if the Amazon system updates delivery date as I should get it no later than Sunday, and if they didn't ship it with Sunday Delivery Imma gonna get some skin back on the deal....

Everything else should be delivered around midday tomorrow, so I got no worries.

Looking forward to a fun weekend.


How bad's the line?

Not there yet, I have a switch coming from Amazon going to go around 10 just for fun and see if I can get blue joy cons or zelda special edition. Oh and you know there is a Gamestop right next to that Best Buy doing a midnight launch so two places to try to score stuff.


Quick question. My Switch pre order just shipped but I haven't bought Zelda yet. Having not owned the last 2 generations of nintendo consoles. How does the eShop work, can I purchase the game from the eShop digitally and be good to go?


For anyone thinking of swapping retail copies with an SE or ME this won't work because the copies inside apparently don't have a UPC.


Neo Member
Zelda Master Edition finally shipped from Amazon! Grey Switch still in "Preparing for Shipment" phase. Wish they were coming together but I'm reassured Zelda survived the Amazon massacre. Hope the console comes before the game....
If I don't wake up to a shipped console I am jumping off a 1 story building. If you don't hear from me ever again, it's because I twisted an ankle.

Big Brett

The fact that my Amazon shipment still hasn't ship has me wondering if I should just get BotW on Wii U I dunno if I can wait! lol


got my final receipt. cancelled Bomberman.. i feel bad. i might get Skylanders? is it good? 🤔
No. It's a money sink. There's no replayability. The puzzles are designing for toddlers. You're forced to repeat the mind numbing puzzles every time. Repeating these levels is the only way to level new figures. The combat is...Fine. Overall not worth it.
8:21PM here

Arriving tomorrow by 8pm
Preparing for Shipment

this is my Switch Hardware

not sure wassup with Amazon. Everything else shipped 6 hours ago


What is the reason your friends decided on a switch? Do they like the portability option? Did they own 3ds? I skipped Wii U but have bought like 4 3ds systems over the lifetime lol.

I never really figured it out, tbh. I think the "the WiiU has no games/is a flop" thing just became ingrained in people, and none of them ever bought one (/used mine lol), and then once the NX rumors and hype started to go up for the last year and a half or so, it just became "well I'll buy that when it comes out I guess"

They all have 3DSes


Amazon says tomorrow by 8 pm (God old UPS)

UPS says Monday... don't do this to me UPS ya bastards. Why would you hold the package when its in my city now, til monday? why?

I'm sure it will be here tomorrow and UPS just shit to update, but its fun to get worried for a console release, part of the hype.

But if they end up UPSing me over, Imma be mad.


My first holy shit moment is starting Zelda and seeing how pretty it is, then attaching the joycons to the Switch and taking it with me to another room and that same pretty game comes with me. This is amazing.


>preparing for shipment since last night


Saaaame here. I swear to god if they use that shitty ass Dynamex service that just drops packages outside of my door while I'm at work right as the high schoolers in my apartment complex get home, I'm gonna lose my shit.


Paid off my switch and charging grip at GameStop. On a whim (thinking I had more credit than I did), I also ordered Bomberman. Hope it doesn't suck!
My first holy shit moment is starting Zelda and seeing how pretty it is, then attaching the joycons to the Switch and taking it with me to another room and that same pretty game comes with me. This is amazing.

Hey, do you remember how much charge was on the Switch when you got it? I have Zelda and Bomberman coming tomorrow, but would love to play some Shovel Knight tonight before charging for 3 hours.
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