Pie and Beans
Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Interesting post. What role does Atsushi Asada have at Nintendo?
So if it's true what you are saying, then yeah Iwata's role is a lot smaller in DS and Wii than I thought. Hmm.
From N-Sider: http://www.n-sider.com/personnelview.php?personnelid=398
"With dwindling sales of GameCube, Asada and president Satoru Iwata began having discussions about the large consumer base being ignored due to the industry trend of only developing sequels or new titles that were more complicated versions of games already released. These discussions molded a vision that required the creation of new video games and intellectual properties that would spark appeal and interest of new gamers. The Nintendo DS and Wii are an extension of those goals. Games such as Brain Age, Nintendogs, and Animal Crossing are the results."
If Iwata started the discussion, then his role is big as I thought. So what is it?!
On Asada:
Someone asked if I could provide some more information on one of Nintendo's most mysterious executives, Atsushi Asada.
Mr. Asada is most famous for being at the helm of Nintendo when Mr. Yamauchi decided to retire. Asada was the head of a 6 person "Executive Committee" that ran the Company for a few years while Yamauchi carefully oversaw how everything ran without him.
Without any further ado, this is the information I have on him:
Atsushi Asada
March 1933 - Born in Osaka
April 1955 - Joined Sharp (then Hayakawa Electric Company Co., Ltd.)
1960s - Head development on Electronic Calculators by designing logic circuits
June 1977 - Appointed to Sharp's Board of Directors, Deputy General Manager of Industrial Equipment Division
1980s - Worked on early PC development
Picture - Atsushi Asada in 1983:
April 1988 - Appointed as Sharp's Corporate Senior Executive Vice President
1996-1997 - President of Japan Business Machines and Information System Industries Association
December 1999 - Resigned from Sharp
December 1999 - Joined Nintendo Co., Ltd. as a Senior Advisor
June 2000 - Appointed Executive Vice President of Nintendo Co., Ltd.
September 2001 - Purchased Wii technology from Tom Quinn after Microsoft and Sony laughed at it...it's thanks to Mr. Asada that Nintendo was able to develop the Wii and revive its fortunes
2001-2002 - Made many public announcements / appearances at trade shows about the GameCube
Video - Atsushi Asada announcing the price of the GameCube of Japan (Clip 3 of 7)
Picture - Atsushi Asada at Nintendo:
May 2002 - Appointed Chairman of the Board of Nintendo Co., Ltd....Company is run by Executive Committee of Satoru Iwata, Atsushi Asada, Shigeru Miyamoto, Shinji Hatano, Genyo Takeda, and Yoshihiro Mori with Hiroshi Yamauchi overseeing and Atsushi Asada having the final word
2004 - Suggested that Nintendo develop games for radically new audiences like seniors, led to the development of games like Brain Age
November 2004 - Launched the Nintendo DS
June 2005 - Resigned (along with Hiroshi Yamauchi) from Nintendo...serves as an Executive Advisor who Iwata could approach if he wants guidance....Iwata takes full control of the company
February 2007 - Gave a lecture at Osaka Securities Exchange
May 2008 - Gave a lecture at a seminar about the history of digital consumer electronics
March 2009 - Advisor to a new startup company "Eye and On," which provides corporate education and training through a variety of hands-on and multimedia methods
2013 - Still alive as far as I'm aware (I haven't found any record of an obituary or his death)
So despite laying the groundwork for the Wii entirely, he remains Nintendo's probably biggest unsung hero and slunk out to resign without anyone really knowing.
DS you can attribute more to Iwata I feel, but even then Asada's hand steering the idea of a focus on older players is a pretty key one.
This tale just helps to reinforce that consoles are in the making for a lot longer than imagined, and throwing Wii and DS solely at Iwata's feet is a mistake. Yamauchi still had a lot to do with DS for instance. 3DS and WiiU however would certainly be an all Iwata show and they somehow seem to lack the forethought of their predecessors.