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Official 2008 Olympics Thread - 1936, the Remix

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Parallel bars has to be a retarded event. To do an event where there is actual physical contact like that....meh wtf.

I love high bar.


Even though I can't stand pop/hip hop music typically and have never even heard the song... anyone else say "Run It" aloud when Chris Brown (of the Bahamas in this case) was mentioned?


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
mYm|17| said:
So with wariner and merritt, what do you think our chances of winning the 4x400 relay is?
I dunno. If Bolt runs at full speed, he'll probably try to lap everybody first :lol


Branduil said:

Thats one of the most retarded thing i ever saw.

The sports he excluded, happen to be the strongest sports for china, not in this olympics, but on previous and worldwide chanpioships as well. Thats like come in with a concept to remove swiming from the count, where USA dominate, while china sucks.

Give me a break, those judges are professionals and higly respected judges. They are not some highschool judges, that some people happen to think its the only sports events avaible worldwide...


Li Xiaopeng previously has 2 olimpic gold medals and a bronze. Also holds 18 world titles.
Yang Yei has a golden medal plus a silver for individual all-around in silver. He holds a total of 10 world titles.

The men chinese team was the olimpic champion of the 2000 sydney.

For any serious gymnatics whatcher, it should be no surprise the chinese dominance.
Poor Lolo Jones. She and Priscilla Lopes-Schliep are good friends and will be going on vacation together after the Olympics. Lolo was probably expecting to be taking a gold medal with her on that vacation, but Prisicilla's got the bronze locked down instead :D.


Knowledge is power, guard it well


SolidSnakex said:
It's NBC. We get everything tape delayed. We're now watching the beam even though we know who wins.

some of us are watching because we know who wins <3 shawn and nastia

Bolt's 200 m race is tomorrow morning. i'm going to try to stay spoiler free so i can watch in prime time
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