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Official 2008 Olympics Thread - 1936, the Remix

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OpinionatedCyborg said:
Walter Dix looks like a 90s relic with those glasses and hairstyle...
:lol Yeah, he got a big Oakley endorsement but they're pretty cheesey. I'm curious he'll get rid of the dreads in time.


Dammit, I really thought Walt could get the silver. He just didn't look good after the 100m. Oh well, 1 bronze is still a big accomplishment.
jey_16 said:
precious british bitter tears....doing well at one olympics doesnt make up for getting fucked in the arse by everybody else for 50 years, especially at the sports you invent :lol
The Australians only have room for one thing in their mind and that's sports, don't get all pissy just because we can excel in other fields too. I suppose a lack of intelligence and manners comes with building a country using convicts.


Somebody link me to some results.. I'm dying here. Why isn't wiki updating? Slowest ever. The feed was terrible, did Walt get 4th so with the DQ he'd go to 3rd?


Meier said:
Somebody link me to some results.. I'm dying here. Why isn't wiki updating? Slowest ever. The feed was terrible, did Walt get 4th so with the DQ he'd go to 3rd?
bolt won

SnowWolf said:
Is there any doubt now that Bolt >>> Phelps?
No running 100m accomplishes nothing. SWIMMING is a true sport [/sarcasm]


Ikuu said:

Haha, BBC commentator "Err sorry, not sure who was second or third." :lol
Haha I laughed at that one too.

There was an anime race i watched with a guy running flat out, so much faster than the rest...and his muscles burst out of his body and he kinda travelled through time (he fell over, bursting at the end...think it was Animatrix)...but Bolts run reminded me of that. Insane, inhuman running.

To have seen Johnson and Bolt run against each other at their peak...that wouldve been incredible.


Meier said:
Dammit, I really thought Walt could get the silver. He just didn't look good after the 100m. Oh well, 1 bronze is still a big accomplishment.

Walt might end up getting it anyway. I like the chinese they seem so genuinely happy. Were they singing happy birthday.?


Aliens ate my babysitter
:lol at swedish reporter asking Crawford about him being third

Crawford: What? Man, how did that happen?
reporter: Spearmon got DQ'd
Crawford: That's messed up man

:lol :lol


Haha Johnsons reaction to the race was hilarious. He was kind of gutted...since he was saying he didn't think Bolt was quite ready for the record, but he's so pleased for him. His facial reaction and concentration was so funny. :lol


LMAO at Johnson's BBC reaction as he watched the race.
"....they'll round that up":lol

Sad that his record has gone but Bolt deserves it. Hes as much of a freak as Phelps.


NetMapel said:
Oh shit, disqualified ! :lol

What was even more awkward was watching him celebrate, then realise and try to hide the flag whilst pretending it didn't matter. Ouch. I feel sorry for him.


Disappointed though that Walt didn't even match his time from the trials let alone come anywhere near his PR from last year. The hamstring injury was obviously hard to overcome this year -- he was able to win at the NCAAs but this was a whole different ballgame. Lane 8 starting position certainly didn't help either.

He'll be back in 2012 though -- doubt he can challenge Bolt then either, but if he's healthy then I expect a Silver at least. :lol I gotta eat crow, I thought he'd win coming in but once Bolt just destroyed everyone in the 100m, I knew that was out of the question.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
speedpop said:
They aren't saying "China! China!" at all. They're saying "jia you!" which means "adding fuel" but in a more literal sense it's kind of like saying "give it all you've got!"

uh huh

watch the archery finals

clear as crystal pepsi


Has problems recognising girls
Napoleonthechimp said:
The Australians only have room for one thing in their mind and that's sports, don't get all pissy just because we can excel in other fields too. I suppose a lack of intelligence and manners comes with building a country using convicts.
Who were all British regardless?

But unlike some ignorant posters opinions on this forum, not all Australian's heritage relies upon the convicts shipped over when the British colonised their biggest trade opportunity with Asia in the late 1700s. I know for a fact that my family heritage didn't hit Australia till the very early 1900s, let alone a side of my family being indigenous to the country itself.

So kindly please take your gutter vomit opinion elsewhere.


Ash_69 said:
LMAO at Johnson's BBC reaction as he watched the race.
"....they'll round that up":lol

Sad that his record has gone but Bolt deserves it. Hes as much of a freak as Phelps.
Two former world record holders...with previously impossible records...commentating for BBC. Me likey.


Napoleonthechimp said:
The Australians only have room for one thing in their mind and that's sports, don't get all pissy just because we can excel in other fields too. I suppose a lack of intelligence and manners comes with building a country using convicts.

yes, because England is home to all things great and significant?.....maybe a 100 years ago, the country is going down the tubes


Walker 400m Hurdles champion, she streeted the field too. Jamaica is #1 in terms of golds per capita, surely!

Last two races pulled the US ahead of China in medal count 81-79 (Whoops)


SnowWolf said:
Is there any doubt now that Bolt >>> Phelps?


You have to be kidding me. Bolt has won two gold medals and all of a sudden he's better or has made a bigger impact than the guy that won 8? Give me a break...
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