Alphahawk said:So being American I just watched the Big Bang, kinda felt let down, it was an intresting concept but didn't really seem like finale material. ..
Dunno what you're smoking bro
/edit but yeah, opinions, whatevs
Alphahawk said:So being American I just watched the Big Bang, kinda felt let down, it was an intresting concept but didn't really seem like finale material. ..
Alphahawk said:So being American I just watched the Big Bang, kinda felt let down, it was an intresting concept but didn't really seem like finale material. ..
Mr. Sam said:This glass, it's half full.
Mr. Sam said:I'm calling you negative without being rude. No way was the finale worse than Victory of the Daleks.
Found this posted by someone on Facebook just now:
"Yay, we are going to see a new Doctor after the next series!"
Coming from a guy who won't be happy unless he regenerates into David Tennant. A quick Google search makes me think it's baseless though.
Mr. Sam said:I'm calling you negative without being rude. No way was the finale worse than Victory of the Daleks.
Found this posted by someone on Facebook just now:
"Yay, we are going to see a new Doctor after the next series!"
Coming from a guy who won't be happy unless he regenerates into David Tennant. A quick Google search makes me think it's baseless though.
Furret said:I had not realised that an aversion to Bill & Ted style time travel paradoxes, RTD-esque deus ex machina endings, and an almost complete lack of any antagonists made me "negative"..
Jintor said:Timey-wimey + contracting universe, everything that happened in it was foreshadowed continually throughout the season, isn't it exciting to know that not all drama has to be based on an antagonist
Alright man, calm down.Furret said:I feel so grateful you spared my feelings, after I had the effrontery of not liking something you did.
Furret said:No, it was boring.
And all the stuff that was foreshadowed throughout the season implied something considerably more interesting than what actually happened.
It was also disappointing that while the rest of the season had kept just on the right side of the fantasy line the finale gave up any pretence of being science fiction and just started making up nonsense to explain everything away with a hand wave.
Reno7728 said:What 'nonsense' was this?
steven_moffat: @UPictures The Weeping Angels stood ready to conquer all dominions of space and time throughout the multiverse. But a moth saw them.
Spotless Mind said:I can understand Furret's disappointment. The giant deus ex machina payoff would have bugged me if the script weren't so damn entertaining. The time travel gags (the fez!) and the mind-bending structure of it was so brilliant, that it kind of made up for what could have been a disappointing conclusion. In say RTD's hands i think the same story would have been awful. Moffat's humour and storytelling sensibilities make the silliness click for me a lot more. The season had been foreshadowing a semi-reset of sorts as well, so that's why it didn't bother me too much either.
The escape from the Pandorica is also kind of a big copout and a nonsensical paradox, but i can handwave it because of how entertaining i found the rest, plus there was that badass Amy reveal. I understand it wouldn't be the same for everyone.
I'm listening to the proms right now. The music for this season was so good. Need the soundtrack NOW!!
WanderingWind said:This will get overrun by the Prom posts, but I'm on Amy's Choice, finally.
WanderingWind said:This will get overrun by the Prom posts, but I'm on Amy's Choice, finally.
Bow ties used for evil? Say it ain't so!
Alphahawk said:All the paradoxes in the final make sense, when you relize thatthe universe is dying and that time is weaker than it's ever been
I loved that shot, easily my favorite of the season.WanderingWind said:The frozen star is really fucking cool. The shots with the frozen TARDIS are simply too good for television.
The two parter you're about to watch is about as alien as the rest of the series gets, though alien is perhaps not the right word at all. Regardless, they're widely considered to be the weakest of the series by far but they're followed by one of, if not the best episode.WanderingWind said:I don't know. This series hasn't had a weak episode yet. The overall quality of season 5 is so above and beyond the other seasons that it almost feels like a different show. But, the narratives so far haven't been spectacular. Too many episodes grounded in the relationships, IMO. I want more aliens and weird worlds and what not.
Alphahawk said:Also I loved the whole Fez thing "I wear a Fez now Fez's are cool" :lol
Reno7728 said:It's like Doctor who without the sonic screwdriver!
Alphahawk said:was that last part stupid? maybe, but unlike the season 3 finale it totally made sense..Amy was able to bring back the doctor back because she slept next to pure time energy for 18 years which temporarly gave her god-like powers to repair the universe
infiniteloop said:It's like Colin Baker?
Furret said:It made no sense whatsoever.
It was the very definition of a deus ex machina ending.
Really, just read the Wikipedia entry - it's not very long and it basically describes exactly the finale of series 5 (happy ending can only be brought about by direct intervention of the gods, as they wave logic away and cut to the credits).
StoOgE said:Sure, but that's been a part of Dr. Who forever.
And I would argue this isn't Deus Ex... Deus Ex is when something is brought up at the very absolute end of a story as a cheap way out that was not mentioned at any point up until then.
"words" having the power to make the Dr. whole again so he could kill the master? Deus Ex.
Rose being able to look into the heart of the Tardis and bring people back to life? Deus Ex
Dr. Who regenerating into the hand, creating the Dr Donna and a human Dr clone? Deus Ex
The entirety of the End of Time including the Master being turned into some weird guy that eats people? Deus Ex
Amy having a subconcious power to remember people on the other side of the vortex and bring them back might be a bit silly, but we've already seen her do it. The Dalek's and company scanned her memory and made a Rory so real he still loved her. She was able to bring her parents back, etc.
I can get not liking it and thinking it a bit silly, but it was set up decently well and I would argue isn't Deus Ex at all.
Davis liked to "foreshadow" things that had nothing to do with anything. Rose being Badwolf, the drum beats in the Masters head, the Ood singing and shit. But the foreshadowing had nothing to do with the story and was basically a clever way of him saying "see, I knew I was going to make this shit up at the end of the day all along". I think Moffat did a much better job here, and while it was goofy, he explained the "rules" of the end of the series before he got there and stuck to his guns pretty well. Or at the very least, playing it up as light hearted instead of melodrama made it easier to swallow for me at least.
Furret said:The guy's post I was quoting literally referred to "godlike powers". Something I don't recall Amy exhibiting up until the last episode.
Really, just read the Wikipedia link, it really would have made no less sense if Heracles or Zeus (or the White Guardian) had jumped in at the end and sorted everything out.
Alphahawk said:I highly doubt America was the last country to see the finale...
Alphahawk said:we probably should still be spoilering stuff, I highly doubt America was the last country to see the finale...
Diablos54 said:Yea, where'd the spoiler tags go? Poor WW, let's hope he doesn't read any of that!