Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Well, obviously the character of the Doctor changed quite a bit through the years. He's mostly useless so far. :lol
Hearing the TARDIS for the "first" time was a cool little moment, and clearly this whiny male teacher is why the Doctor has an affinity for female companions. Good job, you bitch-made science teacher. You fucked it up for the rest of males throughout history.
"Fear makes companions of all of us." Nice...set up.
I don't know if this was on accident or on purpose, but it was a nice touch for the first Doctor to take place in year 0 of human history.
Still waiting to find out what the deal is about Susan.
Hearing the TARDIS for the "first" time was a cool little moment, and clearly this whiny male teacher is why the Doctor has an affinity for female companions. Good job, you bitch-made science teacher. You fucked it up for the rest of males throughout history.
"Fear makes companions of all of us." Nice...set up.
I don't know if this was on accident or on purpose, but it was a nice touch for the first Doctor to take place in year 0 of human history.
Still waiting to find out what the deal is about Susan.