neojubei said:what why???
The 'Crack in Time' seems to act like a reset button if Amy doesn't remember the Daleks and London doesn't remember the giant Cyberman.
neojubei said:what why???
OMG Aero said:Speaking of which, do you guys thinkRiver killing the Doctor is going to happen this series or do you think we won't see that until another one?
Bricfa said:2. Moving Angels Totally took away from the scary awesome factor when you actually saw them move. But I guess this kind of thing allowed Moffat to use the angels in some new ways.
OMG Aero said:Speaking of which, do you guys thinkRiver killing the Doctor is going to happen this series or do you think we won't see that until another one?
Green Scar said:This will never happen again. I'd bet good money on that. The only reason the Angels moved slowly like that is because they were unsure as to whether they were able to do so... I think. No way will anyone write a similar scenario, whereby someone is temporarily blind like Amy was, again.
OMG Aero said:River killing the Doctor is going to happen this series or do you think we won't see that until another one?
I definitely believe that Moffat is not done with the Weeping Angels. He still hasn't explained how they are created.Blader5489 said:Haven't the Angels been wiped from existence now? So it definitely won't happen again. :lol
I'm assuming it was just those specific Angels which were wiped, so there could possibly be others about somewhere.Blader5489 said:Haven't the Angels been wiped from existence now? So it definitely won't happen again. :lol
RedShift said:There is a major major difference between an RTD style Deus Ex Machina and a Moffat "Deus Ex Machina".
Liquid Helium said:Isn't matt smith booked for another series? so surely river doesn't kill him.
Diablos54 said:Just because he's going to be around for a while, doesn't mean River can't get him in the end!
The next Moffat episode is the first part of the two part finale.APZonerunner said:It's just a shame the show is being pushed around the schedules as it is. Missing Julie Gardner there. Anyway - we don't have another Moffat episode until the finale now, do we? Not sure.
I actually thought it was very Moffat-like (he did write Coupling after all), as well as being very, very funny. The sexualisation of Amy hasn't exactly been subtle - her kissogram profession, the skimpy outfits, her obvious satisfaction in watching The Doctor strip etc. It's her wedding night and she's acting out after this strange guy whisked her away on some unbelievable adventures. The forward nature of her behaviour was refreshing to me in comparison to the pining, melodramatic pap of Rose and Martha. It's a nice little glimpse into her psyche. It is also surprising considering the audience for this show. :lolGreen Scar said:Loved last night's episode. The ending was bizarre, that's the kind of thing I'd expect from RTD, not Moffat.
That's the obvious conclusion but with Moffat... the story can go either way.border said:I think I've read most of the replies but it seems strange that nobody else has said it yet --?didn't it occur to anyone that the "good man" River killed was The Doctor?
border said:I think I've read most of the replies but it seems strange that nobody else has said it yet --?didn't it occur to anyone that the "good man" River killed was The Doctor?
I thought he just meant that she was just aforgeforsaken said:To me one of the interesting questions about River from the latest episodewas that the Bishop always used the term "who and what you are." To me that what is important as most relationship status would be cover with the "who."
Lard said:She killsRory
Ehhh, maybe I missed some of the immediate reactions, but it seems like others have mostly been speculating that her victim was someone else.Blader5489 said:Everybody has been saying that. :lol
border said:I think I've read most of the replies but it seems strange that nobody else has said it yet --?didn't it occur to anyone that the "good man" River killed was The Doctor?
It'll be crazy if Moffat can somehow pick up the ball RTD dropped with that setupforgeforsaken said:To me one of the interesting questions about River from the latest episodewas that the Bishop always used the term "who and what you are." To me that what is important as most relationship status would be cover with the "who."
Dr Zhivago said:Chekov's Gun : Wasn't this spoofed in an episode of Babylon 5, where they had Walter Koenig draw a lot of attention to his gun which he then never used?
Dr Zhivago said:RTD : Foolishly, before the start of this series I thought 'at least the RTD haters will be quiet now'. Seriously, the guy's gone now, can you please get over it? Whenever I see someone start whining about Davies, I stop reading.
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:RTD is a ball of shit.
I'm really interested in - although also *extremely* nervous about - how Simon Nye's and Richard Curtis's episodes pan out; they're unconventional writers for this sort of thing. Admittedly, I'm not sure they'll be that good a benchmark, given that it's down to them as writers as much as it is Moffat as showrunner, but if both of them are good, I'll be very pleased indeed for the future of the show.APZonerunner said:Yeah, thought as much. It'll be interesting, as while we all know all-too well that Moffat is a fantastic writer all these episodes written by other people in a row are going to be the real test of how he performs as a show runner. I'm sure he's going to do great, though. Excited.
wind_steaker said:Remember that even after Matt finishes as the doctor River can still pop up in any episode required due to the whole timey wimey thing! So whoever she has killed could come up at any time and if it isThe Doctor then I imagine it'd be when he regenerates, but who knows, that could be too obvious for Moffat
turk128 said:It'll be crazy if Moffat can somehow pick up the ball RTD dropped with that setup. I can't think of a plausible way of doing it without coming off very revisionist history but then again,for the Master coming back as a female.time can be rewritten
Eteric Rice said:I think the most interesting thing would be that the Doctor with the different coat is an alternate Doctor from another universe.
Hell, seeing alternate Doctors would be pretty interesting. Maybe an evil one?![]()
"As soon as you turned away, I broke Rose's neck and drank her blood."Raydeen said:I'm fully expecting Tennant's 'earth' Doctor to return as an evil doppleganger bastard in the future.
Mr. Sam said:"As soon as you turned away, I broke Rose's neck and drank her blood."
"FFS. Really?"
dgenx said:whats so hot about Amy?? :/
I should be doing hw said:Matt Smith is terrible..