DoctorWho said:Spoiler above... so tempting.
Dr Zhivago said:Unless you're watching the show in the same order as River Song, you're safe :lol
Green Scar said:^^^^^ And if you can't have that ready in time, just throw on a hoodie and bleach your hair. Tadah, you're the Master :lol
Mr. Sam said:The ability of flight might be difficult, but I can eat an entire turkey in under ten seconds.
Doctor Who News said:The Daily Mail has provoked a comment on the new series from an organisation with a long track record of expressing concerns about the classic series, Mediawatch-UK.
Mediawatch is the successor to the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association, the organisation founded by Mary Whitehouse in 1965. Whitehouse was extremely critical of Doctor Who during the period produced by Philip Hinchcliffe between 1975 and 1977. She made complaints about several of the serials during this era, particularly The Ark in Space, Genesis of the Daleks, The Brain of Morbius, The Seeds of Doom and The Deadly Assassin.
The latest comment comes in a Daily Mail article which claims 'dozens' of fans are upset with the BBC, accusing the production team of trying to 'sex up' the programme to attract more adult viewers. The main focus of the complaint is the final scene in Flesh and Stone, a scene which the Daily Mail was convinced would worry viewers when it previewed the episode last Saturday. In the article, Vivienne Pattison, of Mediawatch UK, is quoted as saying "I have to say the scene was slightly out of place in a children's programme. I thought it sailed pretty close to the wind."
The BBC is also quoted in the article, confirming that it had received 43 complaints about Saturdays episode. A spokesman said "Millions of Doctor Who fans watched and enjoyed last Saturday's episode, including the lighthearted and humorous scene in which Amy kissed the Doctor."
ninj4junpei said:People were getting their necks snapped and erased from time, and they still think it's a children's program?
Steven Moffat said:Is Doctor Who a childrens show?
Calling Doctor Who a childrens show isnt a definition of the audience, its a definition of the show. In style, pace, tone, sensibility, Doctor Who stories are childrens stories. Like Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Hobbit, Narnia, Toy Story, The Incredibles, and all gorgeous magical stuff. Does that mean its not for adults? Dont be daft, adults love childrens stories just look at that list. Some of the most famous creations in human history! People who grow out of childrens stories are people who never understood them in the first place.
Regulus Tera said:Uh, it is a children's show. The show is made with the mentality "what would make an eight-year old's imagination go wild?" Moffat has agreed with that in multiple Doctor Who magazines. The difference is that Doctor Who does not look down to its audience and assume they are a bunch of retards who cannot handle toned down violence.
Well, most of the time. Okay some of the time.
EDIT: Love this Moffat quote:
Regulus Tera said:
forgeforsaken said:Did anyone catch the weirdness with the clock at the end of Flesh and Stone? I need to watch it again but it looks like it goes from 11:59AM 6/25 to 12:00PM 6/26.
DieNgamers said:Doctor isn't a children's show!!!
Regulus Tera said:So, two episodes in, Planet of the Spiders is the most boring regeneration story so far.
Also, The Three Doctors sucked.
DoctorWho said:Yeah, wasn't too thrilled with Spiders. I absolutely love War Games though!
Regulus Tera said:The War Games started to lose steam around episode six. The Time Lords should have been introduced way sooner.
Gonna be honest, Logopolis is crap too.
EDIT: In fact, the only regeneration story I can call objectively good is Caves of Androzani.
Dr Zhivago said:The old series had a pace you just have to get used to. War Games did drag a bit, but its worth it for the penultimate episode.
DoctorWho said:Caves of Adrozani is the best reg-en episode of the old series IMO. Loved the ending.
Well, I guess by that definition Pond on the bed is a wild success.Regulus Tera said:Uh, it is a children's show. The show is made with the mentality "what would make an eight-year old's imagination go wild?
Corum said:That was a convenient little switch.
Meh, CGI was adequate but it's definitely better than some of the stuff they've had in the past.gerg said:Fishpeople from space? I would have prefered if they were vampires.
That, too.
Bad CGI is bad.