I'm going with this:
Sutil Chandhok FI-bitches FI-bitches Total
Fuel - Starting with that since it seems a no-brainer. Earns as many points any any chassis or engine or driver you can think of, and that's with shitty RBR reliability. RBR seems better this weekend already. If it rains, both Webbo and Vettel go well in the wet. Sutil is usually good in the wet, and Liuzzi has been as consistent this season as he was before. Can't do too bad. Renault has Kubica who's good in conditions and doing well in the dry as well. Petrov is trash. His awfulness dictated pretty much all my decisions.
Chassis/Engine - Force India Bitches! Been pimpin' them since the beginning (just overestimated the importance of drivers in round1), and will continue doing so. STR and Renault seem close, but the extra cost of going with one or two Renaults in the chassis/engine department sacrifices too much money for too many points different. Short of Force India sucking hard this weekend, Renault is not worth the extra cost. Put that money into drivers.
Drivers - Sutil is a faster driver than Liuzzi, but I've stuck with Liuzzi thus far because he was in my price range, and Sutil is prone to inconsistent finishes. He's quick, but flakey. But this weekend, he's been consistently ahead of Liuzzi, and he is also experienced here. That and he must be feeling some pressure to do well. Add rain into the equation, and I tip Sutil of the two FI drivers. It helps that Liuzzi is just out of my price range with my chassis and fuel selections. I went with Chandhok for two reasons. One, he's the only one I can afford after the rest of my choices, and IMO, he's better than Senna. Ayrton is rolling in his grave hearing that, but it's the fucking truth. Senna is garbage.
Now there was also the option of going with Renaults for chassis/engine and hoping Petrov and Kubica can both point. But I'm skeptical of Petrov, which means that FI's tandem stands a better chance of finishing higher and closer. They may score fewer points than Renault, but I wager only 20 or so. The money saved will get you Total fuel, who are gonna be the defacto choice, especially once RBR gets reliable. Seriously, for $20M, you can't get that level of point production from any other category. They'll need to balance this out eventually. FI/Ren/RBR are just too strong a trio. Fuel should have been split up ala engine and chassis, but I like that it makes my selections easier all the same.
Going Ren for chass/eng leaves you only the HRT drivers (assuming you aren't too poor). That's a tough gamble, unless there's tons of attrition. Going with Ren/FI for chass/eng is a nice way to hedge bets, but if you want to win in these fantasy leagues, you need to take a chance. I'm doubling down on FI for the second week in a row. I bet the points differential I get from a miraculous Sutil performance will vault me to the top of the GAF league. That or kill me horribly. But I'm betting Sutil and Chandhok scores better than my original pick of Kovalainen and Trulli. Lotus is just so fucking slow they bleed points in qualies, and the duo would be lucky to tally 150 points together. OTOH, I'm hoping Sutil qualies and finishes in the Top10. If it rains, it's almost a certainty. I'm gonna win this fucking league or fall flat on my face.