Just finished the game after picking it up for $5 during the holiday sale. I got to say it was a lot better than I expected.
Graphics, art design, world building, were all awesome. Characters were likeable and acted well. I'd also say I thought the story was good, obviously they forgot to put the third act into the game, but what they had in it is pretty solid. And then gameplay, which I thought was okay to solid, it's the thing that probably needs the most work, I'll put it this way, it wasn't good enough to be as repetitive as it was. I also did't really like how you move in the game and quick time events are just dull, hard to make fun.
I went into the game knowing a lot, I knew it was short and that the story ended in weird spot, so if I went in blind I know doubt would have been more upset with how it played out. But now I'm bummed it's most likely not getting a sequel, it's really too bad it didn't sell well, as I feel a sequel taking all the criticism into account could be really great.