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Opinion: The Order 1886 deserves* a sequel

I got this game around Christmas for around £12. I am probably 3-4 hours in
(The airship has been evacuated)

I am reasonably impressed by what I have seen so far. The Arthurian knight thing is a bit 'silly' and the way they randomly squeeze in a lot of historical characters feels very contrived, nevertheless there is a lot that is impressive about the game (visuals,script, story/setting).

I think a lot of the criticism related to its value as a full price game. If it had been released as a mid price game, perception might have been the other way round "look at the amazing visuals on this mid/low priced game". I imagine they would have made more money, as there was a lot of interest in the game due to the graphics, and with a lower price more people would have bought it just as a graphical showcase.


I think everyone here knows that the IP has a tremendous potential even if the game had a ton of flaws. I still liked it, but it's not a game I replay very often.

I still believe sony knows this and it's going to develop a sequel when the right developer is available.


He touched the black heart of a mod
If Knack gets sequel Order deserves one too.
I haven't played neither

Knack 2 is surely much cheaper to produce. Especially when it doesn't look particularly evolved from the first game where graphics are concerned. And with it being a launch title and bundled with most systems, I'm inclined to believe that Knack was much more successful in the sales department.

Plus Cerny was involved with Knack, and he has access to sensitive information, including the blueprints to the PS4 core. If they don't give him what he wants, he can deliver to Phil Spencer a detailed plan that would lead to the complete annihilation of the The PlayStation® 4 home video game console from the face of the Earth.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I agree, the story was rather enjoyable for all the reasons listed in the OP.

That cliffhanger ending... Order 1887 when?


He touched the black heart of a mod
Although I thought the game was a decent experience, I was kind of irritated by Galahad's extremely loud breathing. Like whenever he's trying to remain undetected and a guard or someone comes by, he starts picking up his breathing like he's got super werewolf asthma or something.

That reminds me, in some sections of the game with NPCs and the like having conversations, I noticed that the NPCs had carefully done mouth animations to match their words perfectly. You wouldn't notice unless you really stopped and stared, and most games don't go beyond the mouth moving in a semi-convincing pattern. While part of me respects the attention to detail, I'm guessing it's extra focus on stuff like that that led to the expensive and somewhat barebones final product that we ended up getting.
Definitely would love a sequel, all they need to do is add more actual gameplay to what is already a very solid base.

The engine runs great, which is very surprising when the graphics can give most PC games a run for their money, even now it's still one of the best looking games, on any platform.

They could drop the pointless walking sections, or add more interaction with environments and characters, if they kept those parts. Then just add more of the Gears style shooting levels and add more variety to the boss fights and that would already be a massive improvement.


He touched the black heart of a mod
If a sequel does come about, I hope they tighten up the gameplay and make it feel a little more organic. I found the game to be a little overly contextual. Run here, walk there, aim your gun here, don't aim there, climb this short fence, don't climb that short fence, climb on these bird-poo stained ledges, but definitely not that ledge without the bird poo. Push this cart irritatingly slowly without any talking or anything worthwhile to fill the time spent. Open this cupboard, shuffle these papers, knock those books over. Use this sniper rifle. Put that thing away. Oh, and lets have another QTE, eh?

It made for a very uncomfortable experience. Also, there really needed to be a quick 180 command. Had a lot of moments where I couldn't melee a guy or otherwise respond because Gally ol' boy needed to do a leisurely wide turn in order to face the right direction.


I get that this is an old thread now but the sheer hostility and shitposting in this thread's first few pages is certainly something to see.
I think everyone here knows that the IP has a tremendous potential even if the game had a ton of flaws. I still liked it, but it's not a game I replay very often.

I still believe sony knows this and it's going to develop a sequel when the right developer is available.

Completely agree. I still agree with the OP and would love to see them give a fleshed out sequel a shot, there's so much potential.

That reminds me, in some sections of the game with NPCs and the like having conversations, I noticed that the NPCs had carefully done mouth animations to match their words perfectly. You wouldn't notice unless you really stopped and stared, and most games don't go beyond the mouth moving in a semi-convincing pattern. While part of me respects the attention to detail, I'm guessing it's extra focus on stuff like that that led to the expensive and somewhat barebones final product that we ended up getting.

Yeah I could really see this.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I enjoyed it despite the flaws.

Would love to see how it would look with a Pro patch.


The only way the game deserves a sequel is if its whole writing, gameplay and level design team is not involved with it. Every level is pretty much a narrow, linear corridor with the most basic cover-shooter gameplay. As a game it has zero depth to it and seems more like everything is made just to show off it's visuals.

It's rare for me to want a game to end but with this one I just wished it was over and came very close to just not completing it at all.

I do agree the setting is fine, the artwork is excellent but as a game it was just executed in a lowest common denominator fashion.


I think it should but it should be 80% action this time. I thought the action was great. Just needed more of it.
I'd rather someone else just make a high budget Victorian era game. I don't want the order to continue but I would love to revisit a similar setting that actually gets used.


I tried to give it fair shake a while back and played it for about 45 minutes. By my count during the Intro, the game jerked control from me about every 8 seconds to do something cinematic. Terrible "game".


Agreed, love the game, warts and all.

They just need to either fully embrace the Action Adventure style, or FPS though, instead of being a weird mash up tentatively held together by non interactive cut scenes, barely playable cutscenes, or "Press X to show respect" QTE cut scenes.

The cover based shooting aspect was actually decent, and the guns had both variety and a weight to them, so imo they should go that way and introduce some co-op element as well.

The score was also fantastic btw.


So basically what we're saying here is that the only thing they have to do for the sequel is to make a good game. I agree with that strategy.

With the jest out of the way, I'm actually trying to make a point. I agree though that not all games need to be loved by everyone to have a purpose.
If Sony's already funding Bloodborne 2 pls, they mightn't want another Victorian third-person game. Also Bloodborne sold well, presumably better than The Order. Mind you, I wouldn't mind a sequel if they could really hit it out of the park.
I'd like to have a sequel. I enjoyed the first game. I went in expecting a horrible game from all the negative feedback that was out there about it, but was pleasantly surprised. It had some flaws, but it was a good overall experience.

Mar Nosso

Although I thought the game was a decent experience, I was kind of irritated by Galahad's extremely loud breathing. Like whenever he's trying to remain undetected and a guard or someone comes by, he starts picking up his breathing like he's got super werewolf asthma or something.

People keep finding the most idiotic things to be annoyed at with this game. It's an interesting game with many faults, not the Hitler of videogaming, enough already! It's tiresome at this point and I agree with the need for a sequel.


I think the Order's problems were obvious from early footage. It looked great but it was a very conventional, linear corridor shooter. Add in the low running length and it's not surprising it got panned.

I'm kind of surprised that PSN+ hasn't tossed it out as a freebie though.
Outside of being a terrificly bad game, I didn't find its straight faced take on "Hugh Jackman's Van Helsing" a compelling narrative direction at all.


Best thing about the order was the encounter designs in the early game, in games like uncharted you are pitted against scores of enemies right of the bat but in Order you might have a showdown in a hallway with only 2 enemies facing you, later in the game it goes into your typical tps mold where you mow people down by the hundreds but the beginning was really good.


Hyperbole: the thread.

The Order is nowhere near "the worst game ever" or "terrifically bad" etc.
It's decent. It has grade A audio and extremely impressive visuals. Controls are good, shooting mechanics are good too (though the AI is quite dumb) and its world is very well constructed.

A sequel made by a team that excels in gameplay could be very good. It should focus on combat à la Gears of War IMO.

Endo Punk

The worst game I played this gen. It doesn't deserve to have another 50-60 million pumped in to it. Sony would be fucking stupid to do so. Rather multiple indie projects or a modest AAA new IP from the budget.


I honestly enjoyed my time with the game, it was entertaining throughout and i was never bored playing it. I admit, more gameplay and less scripted gameplay against the wearwolves would have been nice, but it was still a very solid game for me.

I don't understand why RAD didn't get another shot at the series.

Knack is lowest rated new IP to ever get a sequel. It's being made by a first party studio that could have worked on anything else. I mean, even if Knack 2 is a 10/10 game, no one will buy it because of the name. The only reason the first one sold well was because it was one of the few family games out at the time.

We should've gotten another Order game instead.


Who owns Order's engine?RAD or Sony?Even if Order don't get a sequel that engine is one of the best we've seen in this gen you can't just throw out that investment.
Tinúviel;228866916 said:
Who owns Order's engine?RAD or Sony?Even if Order don't get a sequel that engine is one of the best we've seen in this gen you can't just throw out that investment.

RAD owns it and if I'm not mistaken they are developing a AAA title with it.


I honestly enjoyed my time with the game, it was entertaining throughout and i was never bored playing it. I admit, more gameplay and less scripted gameplay against the wearwolves would have been nice, but it was still a very solid game for me.

I don't understand why RAD didn't get another shot at the series.

Knack is lowest rated new IP to ever get a sequel. It's being made by a first party studio that could have worked on anything else. I mean, even if Knack 2 is a 10/10 game, no one will buy it because of the name. The only reason the first one sold well was because it was one of the few family games out at the time.

We should've gotten another Order game instead.

Knack 2 also probably cost a tenth of what the order 1887 would cost and is probably being made by a very small staff.


The game was bad value for 60 dollars, but having bought it for 20 bucks I really had a good time with it. Flawed but also a lot of potential and a great atmosphere and art directions. And I liked the cast.

So yes, I'd like to see a sequel but we won't get it unfortunately.
Not a great story, but a great premise

This. The biggest mistake they made with the story in this game, is they told a middle act story which is why you don't care about any of the characters or what happens. And that's not even getting into the details of the story that was bad.
I enjoyed my time with it and felt overall it was a solid game outside of the story which barely held my interest. The game/gun play was a lot of fun and the graphics/design were fantastic, I think if that game either had a co-op campaign or some sort of MP component (probably not PvP, but it felt like a horde mode could have fit well), it may have done better.

Even if it didn't get a sequel, they should definitely use that engine on another game.


I would love to see a sequel that delivers on the intriguing setting, but man, did they sure miss the mark with this one. The universe is great, but the obsessive focus with their story and cinematic moments, which weren't even that good to begin with, left a sour taste in my mouth. Even as a "movie-like" experience, they failed on that end, let alone the supremely linear and barely interactive "gameplay."
Sure, but it needs a major gameplay overhaul. Like, it can't even play the same.

They should take that franchise and turn it into Freedom Fighters 2.0.
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