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Opinion: The Order 1886 deserves* a sequel


I feel like "deserve" is a little too strong. Game was a waste of $20. The world was boring, story unfinished. I groaned outwardly at least 3 times from the writing (I only remember because my boyfriend apparently kept track).


I'd play a sequel for sure but they know that they aren't going to be able to sell the game for $60. I'd wait for sub $20 again and so would most of everyone else.

Not going to happen without a complete double down on their part to make it massive.


While the game is not perfect by any means they have laid the ground work for a phenomenal IP.

I don't know, guys. It's lines like this where I start feeling like y'all have some weird attachment to the idea of it becoming a successful IP more so than what you thought of the game itself.
Story was decent and graphically the game was utterly gorgeous but it should NOT have been marketed as a full priced game. It was the sort of game where I simply watched a full play through of it and felt I had fully experienced everything it had to offer without needing to actually buy it.

But yes I would fully welcome a sequel with all the complaints they received Ready at Dawn should have a full grasp on what people enjoyed and did not.

TBH if FFVII does well as a AAA episodic game I think that could work out well for The Order if Ready at Dawn went the same route.
... Case in point, Killzone 1 -> Killzone 2.


That's not a good argument in my book. There is barely if any evidence that a sequel to a bad game is better because the developer is now aware of the criticism. That's partly because most bad games don't get a sequel of course but even with Killzone they dropped the ball with the next 2 installments hard after Killzone 2.


As a technical showcase? The order was great. Fantastic garphics and sound design.

As a game: i took it as a slap in the face. Probably the lazyest game I've played in years. The gameplay is so dull and lacks so much imagination... inbelievable.

And don't get me started oin the screenplay...

A real shame imo.

So no: the game does not deserve a sequel... the graphics engine does.


Until Dawn was somewhat similar to it and David Cage's garbage output yet was a fantastic game. Just play that instead.


There should be space in the video game business to make products which are targeted to excel in the visual presentation so they can be judged on those merits alone. Why should such visual masterpieces be tied down by expectation of people who do not understand the true goals of the product. I read many fans wanting to pick this game up based on how it looks so is there no rating system that protects the desires of said fans to be able to take pride in their purchases and know they're receiving a top-rated visual experience without it being dirtied by the expectation of people who don't appreciate the goes of presentation the product has set for itself? I don't know man... I just feel for people who are getting bummed out by these reviews and treated like what they want from the product is a mediocre gaming experience when what they want is in fact an excellent visual experience. If a game says its a platformer then we shouldn't attack it for not being a RTS and in the same right, if a game says its visually stunning then we shouldn't attack it for gameplay. People are even recommending not to purchase this game hence victimizing people who pre-ordered it. Its rather insensitive to come out and tell people not to buy something they've put money towards... AFTER THE FACT. No one likes to be judged for their purchasing decisions so this judgmental atmosphere at the very least seems rather anti-consumer. Aren't media supposed to be on the consumer's side? Finally on the idea that the product is too short... a good product should leave you wanting more. Like when people say you've overeaten when you feel bloated and you should stop eating when you feel you are about to get full.. in essence, you should be wanting more before you stop eating; this is the proper way. Overeating will make you obese and there's nothing good about that so why are we trying to promote over-gaming like its something healthy. The Order should be commended for not piling on the fat with unnecessary content, variety, game length and extra modes and collectable. It cares about the consumer's gaming health. Judged based on its visual fidelity and respect for consumer health, I'd give the order a 9.7 out of 10 but Metacritic won't carry my review on the "reviewer" section so I'll leave it here and I ask journalist to be kinder with their review. We need more products like the order. Dare I say it... I'd like to The Order another one of these!

Maybe if you don't want something judge as a game, don't call it a game. I know that words meaning things and that choosing the word to fit your meaning rather then just declaring that words mean whatever you want is annoying, but it's the world we live in.


I don't know, guys. It's lines like this where I start feeling like y'all have some weird attachment to the idea of it becoming a successful IP more so than what you thought of the game itself.
Then you haven't seen my other comments its one of my favorite games this gen.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I think RAD needs to take a long hard look at to what made Until Dawn such a fan favorite, and apply that understanding to their next game. They seem like a studio born to make that kind of game, which they somehow failed to do with TO. Make it so that you make some choices that change things up in the game, but with shooting mechanics from TO, or something like that. I'm not sure tbh. Shooting mechanics in TO were really good, but the encounters unimaginative. I also think that some kind of choice making would have gone a long way towards the game having a better reception. It almost seems like they were going for that at one point, hinted by that weirdly edited voting scene. At the very least, I think they should have gone full crazy at some point in the game. The bridge level should have had rebels and you fighting werevolves in the storm for example. Something simple, but a bit wilder like that would have gone a long way towards making the game more imaginative.

Endo Punk

I think RAD needs to take a long hard look at to what made Until Dawn such a fan favorite, and apply that understanding to their next game. They seem like a studio born to make that kind of game, which they somehow failed to do with TO. Make it so that you make some choices that change things up in the game, but with shooting mechanics from TO, or something like that. I'm not sure tbh. Shooting mechanics in TO were really good, but the encounters unimaginative. I also think that some kind of choice making would have gone a long way towards the game having a better reception. It almost seems like they were going for that at one point, hinted by that weirdly edited voting scene. At the very least, I think they should have gone full crazy at some point in the game. The bridge level should have had rebels and you fighting werevolves in the storm for example. Something simple, but a bit wilder like that would have gone a long way towards making the game more imaginative.

DontNod found their calling with Life is Strange after the disaster that was Remember Me and I too feel RAD should go down that same path. Working on an established video game series is very different to making your own IP. RAD found out the hard way, you can just tell from their PR they really don't want to make a traditional game but rather tell stories, I am perplexed they tacked on a bog standard cover shooter into the mix. Didn't the success of the walking dead tell them anything? Now success of Until Dawn and LOS shows their is a market for these games.


Just finished this, enjoyed it overall, but definitely have some gripes.

Mirrors don't cast a reflection. The environments are far too static, I should be able to climb or jump over anything, not just what you want me to. Can't shoot windows, doors or anything. I can only pull my gun out when you let me. Stop making me walk, I want to run.

Would buy a sequel, but there's a lot of gameplay tweaks I'd like to see first. I loved the story though.
I think I enjoyed it because I'm just getting tired of long open world games they devs designed for the player to sink 80 hours into. I just don't have time for that. So the order being over in 3-4 playthrouhghs was great for me. I really enjoyed it.

Having said that, it's a mediocre game, but I like narrative driven games, and this one didn't put me to sleep like tomb raider did. TR was much much more fun to play, but I enjoyed the Order much more because it didn't require hardly any investment.


I'd agree with that, I got the game yesterday and beat it in three sittings. Perfect length, IMO.

Just felt like it needed to be more interactive and it would have elevated to awesome.


Finished it last night myself. I thought it was a decent $20 game, which I had always planned it to be.

I would like the walking non-sense to be changed, more attention put on monster enemies, and a longer campaign. In addition, I would have liked the first a lot more had they not went with a total sequel bait ending that literally closed almost zero plot points.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I'd agree with that, I got the game yesterday and beat it in three sittings. Perfect length, IMO.

Just felt like it needed to be more interactive and it would have elevated to awesome.

Cut down the QTEs, work on the combat a little, let us use the cool weapons a bit more often and boom, I'm as happy as a pig in shit. I hope it gets a sequel one day.


After having beaten it over the course of three days, I thought it a neat little package. I haven't yet played Until Dawn so I don't fully know the gameplay mechanics there, but I'd love to see the story and lore expanded on The Order, either via a prequel (a century or two ahead), or immediately after the end credits scene.

I honestly did expect to be fighting more monsters like it was Supernatural, so I was disappointed it only remained limited to lycans and

I'll join the ayes thinking this deserves a sequel. Everything in presentation was top notch, now just expand and improve on what is actually available when it comes to gameplay.


Great looking game, but doesn't deserve a sequel. It was poorly received by critics and wasn't a hit. Better to take the tech and make something else instead of wasting 2-4 years on another Order game.


I am Korean.
There should be space in the video game business to make products which are targeted to excel in the visual presentation so they can be judged on those merits alone. Why should such visual masterpieces be tied down by expectation of people who do not understand the true goals of the product.

Then they should be making movies.


Fingers crossed for the sequel. I enjoyed the game, really. I gave the game another run after Photomode update. Such a beauty.

Everybody deserves another shot. Go RAD!


I'd disagree (because I honestly don't think that that's enough of a difference to make it "un-generic") but even going by that premise, stuff like an emphasis on verticality was only really introduced into the series in Uncharted 2. So Uncharted was given a sequel despite its first entry being pretty uninspired/unoriginal on the gameplay front and everyone ended up loving it. The same thing could very well happen with an Order sequel.
That would be sad though. There are plenty enough games you could describe as interactive experiences (for which Id not give a second fo attention span) compared to games focusing on gameplay without lacking anything else especially graphics.
Maybe the order could make a good CGI movie, I dont know.
Anyways, what did people expect from such a studio thatmade only average games at best, all the more in a "new" genre for them...
I havent played this yet but I agree. I have heard the ending was interesting and could have lead to something very interesting. Waiting for this to hit ps+.
I havent played this yet but I agree. I have heard the ending was interesting and could have lead to something very interesting. Waiting for this to hit ps+.

Eh, the ending isn't even really an ending. The game just sort of stops and doesn't even give you enough information to "lead" anywhere. If not for the final 30 second-ish time skip scene, you'd have zero direction of where it would go.
100% agreed.

It needs a sequel and I'd be there day 1.

Just throw in some Gears MP by outsourcing it to another studio or bring on a MP team. The weapons, graphics, and combat would've established a Gears quality cover shooter on PS4 to go head to head with Gears of War on XB1 in my opinion.

Take the story and do this:

Add 4-6 more hours of great exposition like the first had. Less QTE's, and add replayability. I would LOVE if they went the Resident Evil route with harder difficulties, new modes unlock, and a X character campaign and a Y character campaign so you see things unfold.

Top it off with optional co-op, and let's toss in a horde mode.

AAA GOTY material.

Sony needs to stand by this product and give the developers a chance at #2. However, if they want to put out another 8 hour campaign and that's it... sorry guys you don't deserve a round 2. Not at $60.00.


I havent played this yet but I agree. I have heard the ending was interesting and could have lead to something very interesting. Waiting for this to hit ps+.

Well that's different.


Very appropriate.


What the game needs is an update adding a skip option for the irrelevant boring long-ass cut-scenes. I just want to shot rebels and people in pajamas.
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