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Opinion: The Order 1886 deserves* a sequel


Even though I really hated The Order: 1886 because of its horrible plot, bad writing, lack of character development etc. I still think it deserves a 2nd chance.

It's still on my most disappointing list for some of those reasons listed. I expected so much more from Ready at Dawn, the studio which delivered fantastic entries in the Jak&Daxter and God of War franchises. I do ask myself though if a sequel would end up being substantially better than its predecessor. I don't believe that we'd end up with an Uncharted 1 --> 2 transition... I just can't see it happening.


It needs a game director. Everything else is top notch but t needs someone that knows how to make an engaging experience. The artistry was unreal. It looks incredible, I just wish the game design was more open...

Pretty much.

It needed a Bruce Straley.

It's really their own fault the game failed; gameplay wasn't a priority and it showed. They fucked it up for themselves.

I do think Ready at Dawn deserved the opportunity to make some DLC for The Order 1886 that could hopefully address some of the complaints. Green-lighting that, as opposed to the green-lighting of a sequel, would be considerably less costly and might've saved the franchise.
I disagree.

I enjoyed it in a "this is the beginning to something really cool" kind of way.

Like a guided tour of a universe that was gonna be expanded upon.

You paid $60 to think "I can't wait to pay another $60 for something that's actually good"?


the story, the atmosphere, the characters were awesome. it truly felt like a next-gen game.

the only downside of the game is how empty this game was.

nothing to explore, gameplay was miserable, shooting sucked, checkpoints were scarce, short game, but i was ok with that.


Very short, badly paced game.
There were like 4 shooting sequences that showed how awesome this game could have been, that's why people feel it deserved more dev time or a sequel. And I agree. RAD has shown that it has the technical proficiency, it just needs a better game.
I was really hoping that the order would be like uncharted 1, where its was an ok game, but the sequels would shine and fix things.


My biggest dissapointment was the pace of the game! To much walking around, talking, running (without any action)
No order 1886 isn't a game that deserves a sequel. It is a mess and doesn't even use the tools it gave itself very well. I do want a game dealing with an order who chases after the monsters in the night but until dawn can stay far away from it. That way we can actually fight some monsters in the night instead of spending most of the game dealing with the rebels who
turn out to be the good guys

Oni Jazar

People saying that the engine is the only good thing should know that's usually the hardest part in making a game.

Personally I really enjoyed the atmosphere, dialogue, weapons, locations and background story. I didn't like the boss battles, plot, and length. The emphasis on story over gameplay was a huge failure considering the crap story, but I say the series deserves another shot.


Unconfirmed Member
I agree The Order deserves a sequel. It wasn't a great game but it had promise. There is a lot there to work on. This feels to me like one of those times when the sequel would be much, much better.
I think pacing was definitely the games biggest issue. Get rid of the chapters as I think that was part of the problem; I mean having back to back cutscenes being considered "chapters" made no sense. I honestly believe the game would have been so much better even in it's current state if it didn't have it's pacing issues.

Campaign length definitely should be increased. If you're going to have a buttload of cutscences, fine, but gimme more than a few hours of gameplay if that's the case.

I actually enjoyed the shooting mechanics and basic gameplay. Tweak them a bit for sure, polish some areas with the shooting, but overall I don't think it needs a complete overhaul. It's not going for best the 3rd person shooter game category. Also, let us actually use the weapons more frequently; felt useless that we never got to use some of the cooler and more interesting weapons unless it was situational. Maybe have a loadout screen or something where we get to choose what to bring with us as we unlock more weapons? I think this game in particular could really benefit from something like that. And
for the love of God make those Lycan fights more interesting

Sub-quests and sub-plots! Let us have more insight on Tesla's background (felt his character development was incredibly stunted). It'd be interesting to see if they implement this as our
our boy Galahad is now a vigilante, and he could pick up odd jobs in order to progress his mission.

These are a few of the glaring changes I'd make to an overall beautiful game, world, and characters. Fix some things, add somethings, and change some gameplay and I think The Order 1887 could be a killer IP for PS4.


The Order had a theme and setting that I want to see more of. Just not in the same cinema heavy style of the original.


-good art direction
-best graphics available
-solid gunplay and great weapons ( which wasn't supported by a decent gameplay/encounter design)
-a lot of beautiful assets
-a lot of feedback on what has gone wrong

I think a second entry has the potential to become a great game.

Would play a sequel to The Order: 1886 day one. Actually very interested to see what goes down after the screen goes black and he
renounces his name of Galahad.

It would truly be a shame if they were not able to make a sequel to that game. It was gorgeous and rough around the edges but good enough to get another crack at it with more experience under their belts.

I really enjoyed that game, in spite of its shortcomings. The foundation is much more solid than a lot of games that have gotten sequels. There's no reason a sequel to something like this couldn't knock it out of the park.


I was definitely disappointed by this game but mostly because it didnt live up to its potential. If RAD can take the feedback they received and expand the gameplay a sequel could be really special.


I agree with you, OP.

Mainly because I think they could hit it out the park with a sequel, to make up for the tiny gem the first game was.

TO1886 is a gem buried deep under the rubble of a skyscraper. A skyscraper of towering ambition and technology which crumbled in on itself under its own weight, compromising how good the experience could have been.

What did you like about the gameplay besides the actual shooting? It pales in comparison to its direct competition ala Vanquish, Gears of War and Max Payne 3 from an AI, encounter design, movement, level design and overall mechanic standpoint.

Hell even Mass Effect 3 which has clunkier movement at least allows you to roll in a non contextual standing and has a ton more weapon variety along with the draw of all the powers and more enemy variety and open levels.

Fully disagree. The Order 1886 has shooting as good as Gears of War and Max Payne 3. The cover system is, in mechanical and design terms, the best out of both of those games. The AI is fantastic. The movement is god-tier, and also best in class. The close combat is perfectly handled - one button, well integrated, satisfying.

Indeed, it's the encounter/level design which fails the game. And completely fails it. Some of the encounters are actually still pretty good, but the game barely gives any of them space to breathe before shunting you forward into the next plot point. The AI - which is also very good - also isn't given any space to breathe because they have a super-low shelf life, so tend to be dead before they can do any of their interesting behaviours. They are also almost all in narrow corridors so can't really do much.

There were moments when it felt like I was playing a third-person F.E.A.R. The guns looked amazing, felt amazing, and the AI reacted to them believably and well. The vibe was just badass and fantastic.

All of the above would be fine if the game was longer. It's the truncated length which is The Order's real problem. Just as it's getting going and the combat is getting proper intense, it's over. Even the writing drops to shit-tier in the last scene. They must have mismanaged their resources. Such a tragedy.


Very short, badly paced game.
There were like 4 shooting sequences that showed how awesome this game could have been, that's why people feel it deserved more dev time or a sequel. And I agree. RAD has shown that it has the technical proficiency, it just needs a better game.
I was really hoping that the order would be like uncharted 1, where its was an ok game, but the sequels would shine and fix things.


I'd be up for it. I enjoyed the game. But the most important part for me was the actual gunplay, it's the most precise third person shooter I've played, period. It's a shame they didn't give it more time to shine.


I completely agree that there should be a sequel. Even though the story wasn't amazing I thought it was serviceable. I think RAD put a ton of time and resources into their engine and, perhaps, not as much into the story. Now that they have the tech built then I think they can put most of their focus on the story and gameplay.

There is too much awesome lore and potential here to pass up. Hopefully they're working on the second installment.


I haven't even played it but the brand seems tainted at this point. it'd be an uphill battle for a sequel to gain positive mind share and be given a fair shake. it would probably be better to take whatever ideas they have and apply them to a new IP.


A sequel would mean that I'd need to go through the 1st game to get what's happening in the next. And I don't want to play the 1st game.

I'd rather a whole different game, properly done from start.


A sequel would mean that I'd need to go through the 1st game to get what's happening in the next. And I don't want to play the 1st game.

I'd rather a whole different game, properly done from start.
Not really, you can read the story, or watch yt videos.


It deserves to be finished game. Seriously, the ending felt like something straight out of Halo 2 and Soul Reaver, except with half-baked gameplay elements.
I'd want a sequel as long as it had a longer campaign and a little more varied gameplay. I didn't hate The Order, I thought it was quite good. Just rushed with little depth.


It deserves to be finished game. Seriously, the ending felt like something straight out of Halo 2 and Soul Reaver, except with half-baked gameplay elements.

The gameplay elements are full-baked imo, but the ending is absolutely laughable.

I literally laughed.

You don't reveal the antagonists then end the game. You don't set up a big situation and end the story before the situation has even been explored.

Just so many things. And the last scene is truly flawed, like badly written and tangential to the actual plot. In comparison to the rest of the game which is pretty solid.

I know my wife got it for me for Christmas, can't wait to play it this weekend.

It's really good - play it on hard and enjoy the phenomenal gunfights.


Pretty much.

It needed a Bruce Straley.

It's really their own fault the game failed; gameplay wasn't a priority and it showed. They fucked it up for themselves.

I do think Ready at Dawn deserved the opportunity to make some DLC for The Order 1886 that could hopefully address some of the complaints. Green-lighting that, as opposed the green-lighting a sequel, would be considerably less costly and might've saved the franchise.

That is such an obvious and good idea - although it's dependent on enough people owning the game, which I don't think there were.
I'd actually really like a sequel that contains an actual meaty game in lieu of an incredibly corny Straight-to-DVD flick with gameplay interludes.

The great art design, engine and so forth shouldn't be left to rot and instead should be handed to a capable team designing an engaging game around it.


1886 can easily go from a 63% meta rating to a 90+ tps, just like Killzone to Killzone 2. The game has the story arch, the graphics, the production values (sound, animation, voice acting). Framerate and shooting all felt good, it just messed up on the gameplay pacing. If they overhaul that aspect, flesh out the story a bit more, they will have a gold tps just like UC/TLOU.

They may need to get a new director from RE4/TLOU vein...maybe get somebody like Amy Hennig to help them expand on the world and atmosphere they have created.
Game is an hilarious bomb. Played it, and laughed my ass off at how the developer went on and on and on about story, world building, character development etc and the game turns out be a shit show in those exact areas.

An amateur.


I agree,liked it enough to want a sequel,plus imagine if they improve the graphics even more as well,make the game longer etc etc...could be GOTY material.
I agree,liked it enough to want a sequel,plus imagine if they improve the graphics as well,make the game longer etc etc...could be GOTY material.
They don't even need to improve the graphics, it will end up being one of the best looking games even two years from now. Focus on giving us more content, adding some harder difficulty, add co-op/ MP. I would be totally fine with the same graphics, just improve a ton of other aspects and add to others. As someone else said, the game director should have done a better job. I hear he was also the CEO and the company got a new guy in so he can focus on making games from now on.


I still don't get how some people could praise the writing of this game. I played through it and it was ok as a whole, but the writing was abysmal.

Every character was a walking two dimensional cliche. (Tough soldier guy main character, French Ladys man, Girl that does not need the help of a man to get around etc.) These traits would be ok if they weren't the only defining traits these paper thin characters had. There was not ONE interesting character in this.

This could be redeemed if the plot was anything to write home about but it was the most by the numbers thing ever. Guess what the opposing faction was right all along "mind blown" - said noone ever. And on top of a super predictable and played to death plot, everything is revealed in the first 2 minutes of the game (who survives and that the opposition is right all along etc.) since some weak writer saw fight club once and that started in the future, so that must be cool right? Wrong! It takes away all opportunity for possible tension since you take away the chance that any of your team mates will be hurt in the process.

But the thing that took me most out of it was the part where you tell the rebel leader, we won't kill any innocent people right 2 seconds before you kill 10x as many innocent people than were killed by the bad guys in the entire game. Talking about ludonarrative dissonance.....

So to answer the original question: Does this deserve a sequel? Yes, if they replace any writers and the director. The setting was kinda cool and the graphics were nice, everything else not so much unfortunately....
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