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Opinion: The Order 1886 deserves* a sequel


I just named some of the ONLY third person shooters available. The only major ones I'm missing are Uncharted which I haven't played yet and Binary Domain which is also better than The Order but I forgot about it until this post. And yes I'd argue that ME3 is a better overall gameplay experience than The Order.

I just don't see the point in having a sequel where it's clear they don't understand what good gameplay entails. Like okay great shooting feels nice too bad there isn't a single other remarkable thing about the gameplay. They tied rolling to a QTE for only one enemy for crying out loud. I thought that long fight against the Rebels with the marquis might have had infinitely respawning enemies because it dragged on for so long and you could clearly see the enemies coming out of their spawn points again and again. There's a gif floating around that shows this. When the frequency of encounters is as low as it was it's just hilarious that the few encounters that exist are mostly poor.

I just feel it excels in it's fundamentals. The cover based shooting just works, it works as well as anything I've ever played. There isn't much else to it, there's no real emphasis on verticality or mobility (like you'd see in a Vanquish, or even in an Uncharted). There's one combat encounter in-particular, that was spectacular, it's in either penultimate or final chapter, a medium sized room underground with pillars from the floor to the ceiling all over. It was just great fun, managing your Black-sight, constantly on the move from either flanks or new spawns, as well as just utilizing the aiming and shooting that feel masterclass. The feedback you get on enemies makes it just as much as weapon feel, the way the bodies take hits and blow apart really helps elevate those core fundamentals.

It's not the best third person shooter ever. But I had a really great time, and I'd love to see that series continue and evolve. It's got so much potential, some great fundamental gameplay and an incredible graphics engine. I'd welcome another game with open arms.


I've been saying it, the jump from GoW: CoO to GoW: GoS (top three GoW, IMO, on a freaking handheld!) alone is enough reason to let R@D try again.

The good things about the game a already great, Gallahad running for example is a work of art, I haven't felt like a powerful bipedal creature sprinting and actually weighting something this much since Space Marine. Guns are fun. Human enemy encounters so far were fun. I'm not very far yet, so I can't comment on the story, but the atmosphere is great.

Plus, I really want a The Order: 886 were Vikings attack what will become London. I don't know if that makes sense with the story of the Order, but whatever.
I guess if Ryse hadn't bombed as well we'd get more Romans in action games :/
I also want to ride a horse in plate armour and skewer werewolves on a lance with silver filigree.


I definitely see potential,the world and lore is pretty interesting imo.
They just need to make a good game,maybe when ps5 comes out they call pull off those graphics without compromising on other aspects of the game,like the framerate,more time to focus on more content etc.
Or downgrade the graphics and put more meat to those bones if the want to develop a sequel for ps4.
I'm interested to hear about those contradictions, didn't noticed while I was playing.

"I made everything to kill you just so I could allow my son to destroy the world, and now I have the chance to actually take you down and everyone leaves here as heroes, but no, fuck it, here's is my gun, murder my son and disappear, I'm outta here"
The ending completely, absolutely sucks and makes no sense at all. So anti climatic. They even completely ignore the fact that the real threat is still alive.
And there is plenty more inconsistent nicest throughout; I've posted some in an LTTP thread.

There's one combat encounter in-particular, that was spectacular, it's in either penultimate or final chapter, a medium sized room underground with pillars from the floor to the ceiling all over.

It is the last encounter before the end. That was really amazing; really showed how fundamental gameplay was great. If only there were more intense encounters like this one.


I'm halfway through it and the only thing I'd save from this game is the main character, the enviroment artists and the engine. The rest is complete trash.
Playing The Order reminds me of playing te first Assassins Creed. I can see something great emerging, now next time hopefully they can put the time spent developing the engine into the gameplay mechanics.

Also, The Order reeks of " shit, we need to put something exclusive on this platform... you guys cool to put this out 8 months early?"

John Wick

The setting had me intrigued from day one. Unfortunately the gameplay doesn't match the audio visuals and the story. It needed to be more open world and with multiple paths. Hopefully they make a sequel but with better gameplay. The lore and setting in this game are fantastic


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Mandatory reload gif:

All about that shotgun.


Pffft~ Revolver says get on my level, folks


I prefer the arc rifle:

Seriously all weapons felt so good and were fun to use. Too bad you only use some once in the game and never again...




Endo Punk

I think Kyle Bosman said it best on Mandatory Update in regards to liking the game, "It makes me feel like a fanboy". I think there's a lot of truth to that, not about him but about the game. It absolutely is an awful game and probably will go down as one of the worst this gen considering the attention and hype it got. But people are holding on to it as some misunderstood masterpiece or justifying PS4 purchase as if countless other games haven't already done so.

This is not this gens Demons Souls guys, please let it go, as one PS gamer to another, it is not worth it. It was a failed experiment, RAD got their shot and failed, move on. Don't embarrass everyone like the blind love for Heavenly Sword which this whole ordeal feels very similar to. Sony make awesome games but they can also make down right bad ones like Knack. It's ok to call a bad game bad. No one will think any less, look forward to and hype the exclusive line up of 2016 but give up on turning The Order into something more than it is, it doesn't even deserve half the attention it has been getting this year.
This game had a lot of problems, but it does have a solid foundation. If they can get a better writer on board, increase the ratio of gameplay to cutscenes, expand the size and paths in the levels, then I think they could make a game of quality.

This is one of the few, if only game that I don't mind if they just keep the visuals at the same level. It looked that good.

Endo Punk - The game has fucking amazing visuals and solid enough gunplay when you actually get to use it. It is bound to have some people pining for it. To be clear, I think the original overal was a disappointment. But presentation wise, it absolutely wasn't. It was the most cinematic game bar none. The cinematography was beautiful. It probably went too far in that direction though. U4 looks like it has a better balance.


I enjoyed the game, but I rented it from Redbox on a free game rental so I had no monetary investment in it. I would love a sequel because i want to
kill the head vampire douche
. I think if the game expanded on the 3rd person shooting and lessened the cinematic scenes and quick time events it could be a hit. The problem is the series is likely forever tainted because of how poorly received it was and will likely never see a sequel.
I'd love to see a sequel but the game completely failed in Sony's eyes both commercially and critically. If were lucky, the best we can hope for from Sony is to allow the Order to possible continue as a comic book series.


The engine was great. Everything else, from the writing to the encounter design, was terrible enough to make me think a sequel by the same team is hopeless.
I think Kyle Bosman said it best on Mandatory Update in regards to liking the game, "It makes me feel like a fanboy". I think there's a lot of truth to that, not about him but about the game. It absolutely is an awful game and probably will go down as one of the worst this gen considering the attention and hype it got. But people are holding on to it as some misunderstood masterpiece or justifying PS4 purchase as if countless other games haven't already done so.

This is not this gens Demons Souls guys, please let it go, as one PS gamer to another, it is not worth it. It was a failed experiment, RAD got their shot and failed, move on. Don't embarrass everyone like the blind love for Heavenly Sword which this whole ordeal feels very similar to. Sony make awesome games but they can also make down right bad ones like Knack. It's ok to call a bad game bad. No one will think any less, look forward to and hype the exclusive line up of 2016 but give up on turning The Order into something more than it is, it doesn't even deserve half the attention it has been getting this year.

I don't think you can see the forest for the trees mate.

This thread is full of constructive criticism (and one of the more civil Order threads actually), and I don't see anyone placing The Order on exalted holy ground.

People are just spitballing on ways to make a potential sequel better, because God forbid some of us wouldn't mind seeing a much better crafted sequel from an alright game we enjoyed.


That's why you give it to someone more capable and BOOM!
problem solved!!!!!!
Let those capable deva make something their own please.

How much would it suck to be put on a team for a sequal to a game that didn't deserve one in the first place.. ugh.


I've beaten and liked the game. I would like to see an improved sequel. However, I want it to be the same lengths. The 7-hour length is suitable for a game like this.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I've seen the play though on you tube (hell this game is not worth £1) it plays like packing garbage. I remember the early footage thinking this looks bad and the game design should have been canned and rebooted there and then as there was allot of negativity.

Visually stunning but this studio should continue what they are good at and that's porting rather than creating games, which they have no clue of.

Sony need not waste any more money here.


I played it recently and I definitely see the potential. The gunplay was surprisingly really good and I enjoyed the story although I felt it finishes abruptly. A sequel would need; a longer campaign, cutdown on the QTEs, less interrupting cutscenes, more open spaces, better lycan battles, better boss battles, vampire battles, remove the mandatory stealth section and throw in a horde mode or PVP mode in for good measure.


Please, no more Order games. Even with all the poor design choices the game was just not fun to play. I don't think there's a market for it anymore.


The Order is the kind of game a 13 year old would show to his parents and go "See, it looks like a film. You love films, right? My hobby is legitimate!"

It exists solely for that purpose.


I'd say yes, this game had a lot of potential, and I was actually really looking forward to play it before it released and bomba'd. Now, if they fix the problems this game suffers from in a sequel, and add to that a deeper, more intriguing plot, it might make this a good IP.


The Order is what you get by mixing Uncharted with Heavy Rain, except removing the fun gameplay of Uncharted and the branching story of HR. I don't understand how anyone thought it was a good idea


The Order is the kind of game a 13 year old would show to his parents and go "See, it looks like a film. You love films, right? My hobby is legitimate!"

It exists solely for that purpose.

As a 21 year old that is exactly what I did with my parents :p

I've seen the play though on you tube (hell this game is not worth £1) it plays like packing garbage. I remember the early footage thinking this looks bad and the game design should have been canned and rebooted there and then as there was allot of negativity.

Visually stunning but this studio should continue what they are good at and that's porting rather than creating games, which they have no clue of.

Sony need not waste any more money here.

Ready at Dawn created two fantastic God of War games and by all accounts a very good Daxter game. They were never known as a port studio. While the Order was a massive misstep, they do deserve another chance at making a fully fledged game. (Not the Order but a new and interesting franchise)
I actually agree. You couldn't really fault the characters, the lore, or the world - the problem is that they went no where with it. The Order: 1886 felt like a prologue at best, and that's being generous.
Of course, it's one of those games that builds a solid foundation, but has a lot of weak aspects that a sequel could improve dramatically.

Imagine if Assassin's Creed, Killzone, Street Fighter, Uncharted or Red Dead Revolver never had a sequel.
Well spoken.

I totally agree and I'd be all in for a sequel.


I still feel the ip holds much potential. That and these type of games, third person action adventures with a focused and linear approach, feel a bit like a rarity nowadays. I like open world, but I have to say that playing MGSV, Witcher 3, and Arkham Knight in a row is pretty tireing in some ways.

Also, RaD's previous games were all great. The managed to capture the essence Jak and Daxter and God of War prefectly on the psp. With those they matched ps2-era ND and SSM on a handheld. If not The Order, I would love to see them get the chance to work on an (older) major Sony series, as I feel they are very good at that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think Kyle Bosman said it best on Mandatory Update in regards to liking the game, "It makes me feel like a fanboy". I think there's a lot of truth to that, not about him but about the game. It absolutely is an awful game and probably will go down as one of the worst this gen considering the attention and hype it got. But people are holding on to it as some misunderstood masterpiece or justifying PS4 purchase as if countless other games haven't already done so.

This is not this gens Demons Souls guys, please let it go, as one PS gamer to another, it is not worth it. It was a failed experiment, RAD got their shot and failed, move on. Don't embarrass everyone like the blind love for Heavenly Sword which this whole ordeal feels very similar to. Sony make awesome games but they can also make down right bad ones like Knack. It's ok to call a bad game bad. No one will think any less, look forward to and hype the exclusive line up of 2016 but give up on turning The Order into something more than it is, it doesn't even deserve half the attention it has been getting this year.

I was trying to figure out how someone could think it's "one of the worst games" of the gen but I realized it was you again. Aren't you tired of trailing this game around and posting repeated hyperbole? What's with the need to psychoanalyze people who like the game?

Who thinks its Demons' Souls?
I think Kyle Bosman said it best on Mandatory Update in regards to liking the game, "It makes me feel like a fanboy". I think there's a lot of truth to that, not about him but about the game. It absolutely is an awful game and probably will go down as one of the worst this gen considering the attention and hype it got. But people are holding on to it as some misunderstood masterpiece or justifying PS4 purchase as if countless other games haven't already done so.

This is not this gens Demons Souls guys, please let it go, as one PS gamer to another, it is not worth it. It was a failed experiment, RAD got their shot and failed, move on. Don't embarrass everyone like the blind love for Heavenly Sword which this whole ordeal feels very similar to. Sony make awesome games but they can also make down right bad ones like Knack. It's ok to call a bad game bad. No one will think any less, look forward to and hype the exclusive line up of 2016 but give up on turning The Order into something more than it is, it doesn't even deserve half the attention it has been getting this year.

You are telling people they are not allowed to like the game.

You are seemingly stating your opinion as fact.

When you tell us to let it go, you should look in the mirror and do just that.
It absolutely is an awful[/B] game and probably will go down as one of the worst this gen considering the attention and hype it got. But people are holding on to it as some misunderstood masterpiece or justifying PS4 purchase as if countless other games haven't already done so.

Wow, thank you for enlighten me, no really! Never knew i had an awful taste, who could have known! A lot of people enjoyed the game and admit that there is a lot to improve and a lot to work on!
I like how you disregard that and come up with nonsense like the second bolded part!?!?

On topic:
I've enjoyed the Order, was following Shinobi's "leaks" before the game came out and was ready for what was coming! With that said I really hope for a sequel as the game/universe/story has a lot of potential and if they throw a MP horde mode+ longer campaign I think RaD can turn things around for the IP!

I was trying to figure out how someone could think it's "one of the worst games" of the gen but I realized it was you again. Aren't you tired of trailing this game around and posting repeated hyperbole? What's with the need to psychoanalyze people who like the game?

Who thinks its Demons' Souls?

Oh snap! So he has a "record" of stalking the Order? :D


This absolutely deserves a sequel from a different developer. Just keep the art and tech department.

This could be good as well. The tech and art is stellar and the base mechanics work really well already.

But I do hope RaD get's another shot at something big(ger) without having to start from scratch, so they can focus on delivering a more fullfilling gaming experience.


I still wanna play this game despite how mediocre I'm lead to believe it is. I just want to treat it as a tech demo.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I still wanna play this game despite how mediocre I'm lead to believe it is. I just want to treat it as a tech demo.

It is mediocre. It's ok to play a mediocre game and even like a mediocre game! Definitely worth trying it just to see what it looks like.
No thanks. Do something new.

The world and characters didn't save a bad game. No point in challenging their sales with using a tainted name.
It really does feel like it needs another chance. You can tell that most of the time and money went into designing the engine. It has a lot of handheld mentalities when it came to its game design, but considering RAD's past work you can understand why.


This is not this gens Demons Souls guys, please let it go, as one PS gamer to another, it is not worth it. It was a failed experiment, RAD got their shot and failed, move on. Don't embarrass everyone like the blind love for Heavenly Sword which this whole ordeal feels very similar to. Sony make awesome games but they can also make down right bad ones like Knack. It's ok to call a bad game bad. No one will think any less, look forward to and hype the exclusive line up of 2016 but give up on turning The Order into something more than it is, it doesn't even deserve half the attention it has been getting this year.

I liked Heavenly Sword (pretty good) and Knack (solid) as well. Also Beyond: Two Souls (great). I will never deny the problems of these games, but I can genuinely say I enjoyed my time with them, especially Beyond Two Souls was a great ride for me (so much I will buy the PS4 version as well).

A lot of it boils down to preferences and also expectations. A good example would be the latest Batman; I went into Arkham Knight prepared to hate the low count of bossfights and batmobile stuff, but I really, really love the game. But I can totally understand others are giving it a 5 in terms of personal enjoyment. And the other way around would be MGS; I am dissapointed with MGSV, but fully agree with people that the gameplay is god-tier. I have experienced about 50 hours of top notch unparralleled gameplay, yet some caveats were so big to me I was still left dissapointed. For others these caveats aren't nearly as big and they got 50+ hours of amazing gameplay and call it GOTY. And I can understand that very well.


Junior Member
It was an immensely beautiful, interesting game that I personally loved.

It had its flaws, but was built on a strong foundation and I would buy the sequel in a heartbeat.

It has so much potential.


It's sad to think this was Ready at Dawn's shot at a new IP and that they failed given how successful they were with other companies' IPs.

They're a talented studio that went about this game the wrong way. :(
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