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Opinion: The Order 1886 deserves* a sequel


That is such an obvious and good idea - although it's dependent on enough people owning the game, which I don't think there were.

Even then the chance to make something like Left Behind as a standalone would have been interesting to see.

The amount of effort being put into the technology, while simultaneously creating the game, resulting in a fairly dry experience isn't surprising. But it would have been nice to see what they could produce as a downloadable experience knowing they their technology was already sorted.

Even a Resident Evil Mercenaries-like DLC, where they could focus more exclusively on showcasing the gameplay mechanics and retooling single-player areas for that mode might have helped.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
If they follow a few things:
1 - Be more like Last of Us and less like Beyond Two Souls. We need gameplay, for God's sake

2 - It has lycans and vampires, but only a few battles with lycans and we see for a few seconds a vampire. Put some effort, guys

3 - Sex it's ok, but the game won't be better showing a dick and/or a vagina

4 - If has NPCs, they need to interact for real, not as a gif

5 - No obligatory looking at stuff


How much did it cost to make? Because it looks very expensive and I'd rather Sony invest in other things before this.

As far as "deserving" a sequel, I think a game has to earn something first to deserve it and this game didn't. There are a lot of interesting aspects to the game but it really is a let down in both gameplay and the story not feeling complete at all. I don't know if the game or the developers deserve a chance after screwing it up the first time, especially at a AAA budget.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Well I really enjoyed the game so I'd love a sequel, they could easily fix most of the issues people had with it.


RAD might be better off salvaging the engine and woefully under-utilized mechanics and putting them in a new IP instead of dealing with the baggage of The Order.


Gold Member
Maybe if they changed everything about the gameplay. I did like the weapons and setting. Didn't really enjoy the characters too much. Glad I only paid $9 for the game.


But with some gameplay instead. I liked the game, but for the actual presentation and mildly interesting plot.


I'll never understand the small group of Sony fans who can't simply admit that the order is a steaming pile of crap with no redeemable qualities outside of the graphics.

They didn't even do anything interesting with the setting. All of the cool and unique guns you want to use are ripped out of your hand constantly and you spend most of the game using generic machine gun and generic pistol. The story is crap, and the actual gunplay is a poor mans gears of war with very little weapon and enemy variety.

And don't even get me started on the pacing, the story, or the "boss fights"

It's a bad game. Most bad ip's don't get sequels. Sorry guys
I'll never understand the small group of Sony fans who can't simply admit that the order is a steaming pile of crap with no redeemable qualities outside of the graphics.

They didn't even do anything interesting with the setting. All of the cool and unique guns you want to use are ripped out of your hand constantly and you spend most of the game using generic machine gun and generic pistol. The story is crap, and the actual gunplay is a poor mans gears of war with very little weapon and enemy variety.

And don't even get me started on the pacing, the story, or the "boss fights"

It's a bad game. Most bad ip's don't get sequels. Sorry guys

And i will never understand the small group of people who just cant accept other's people opionions! And please do get started on the pacing, story and boss fights!

One thing is to not like a game, you do not have to go on a crusade convincing others who liked the game that is a bad one!!
I enjoyed it - but that's because I rented it rather than putting £40 down for it.
If I had have paid £40 for it I might not have been so happy

It has its flaws certainly.

But there's a good solid base there for a future game
I'm playing through it right now, and, well, it's awfully pretty and impressive (I also just went through my first major gunfight and it was GTA3 levels of bad shooting).


Absolutely agree that the game deserves a sequel. It would honestly be a waste not to.

I'm going to leave this comment as innocuous as possible as this is my first post...


It was half decent, but it's forgettable. Love the characters but they're pretty underdeveloped along with a weak story. Love the concept but they failed to go deeper and saving the main meat for a sequel which we will never see. That's a shame because the graphic engine is incredible.

I'm ok for it not getting a sequel. Maybe a reboot but I doubt Sony would want to take up with that risk again.


I would really like a sequel since the game left me wanting so much more. I enjoyed my play through and I hope it's not abandoned.


There are more games deserving of a sequel. However that graphics engine absolutely deserves a second shot with other franchises.


I don't think I played a more shallow and forgettable game this year, but overall I liked it. The foundations were there and it was functional enough. What impressed me more were the animations, the boss fight was really impressive with how the creature was animated even tough it was all scripted. RAD is very very talented studio


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Absolutely agree that the game deserves a sequel. It would honestly be a waste not to.

I'm going to leave this comment as innocuous as possible as this is my first post...

Welcome! :)
-good art direction
-best graphics available
-solid gunplay and great weapons ( which wasn't supported by a decent gameplay/encounter design)
-a lot of beautiful assets
-a lot of feedback on what has gone wrong

I think a second entry has the potential to become a great game.
The button assignment is whack and is inconsistent, the cover system lacked the ability to go around corners, sometimes you can stealth and most times you can't since it's contextual but it's also timing prompt based which is clunky at best instead of letting the player judge based on distance, they don't have an idea how to pull off basic mechanics consistently.

Their gameplay designers don't have a clue on how to design a good control scheme and that's a huge problem.


Yes! We need a sequel desperately. This is the franchise that has the most untapped potential of this generation IMO. Imagine a second game featuring:
- 2-3 hour longer campaign
- a co-op mode for a few hours
- online MP
- interesting world more fleshed out
- better use of boss fights
- enemy encounter to be a bit more interesting, it felt like a last gen game in this regard

The guns feel good, atmosphere is one of the best out there, VA is top notch, characters are all interesting and the world is ripe with intrigue (Tesla needs more screen time), music is great, graphics are still the best, and theme/concept is very unique.

What this guy said
Love the look and feel of the game. Just a gorgeous looking game. However, the story telling needs substance. It was just plain boring and such a waste of a great looking game.

I've said it before, what's the point of a great looking game when the substance is rubbish. A good looking game doesnt make it a great game.



I got this this game at $10 for the BF PSN deal, and damn, I was blown away. I heard negative things about it, but fuck that shit, this game is great IMO. A little short, but it looks AMAZING, and it the gameplay clicked with me.

If they don't make a sequel, it would be an insult to gamers.


I would be down for a sequel. While the game had a lot of issues, there's also so much potential there, in particular the world and the lore. Hopefully Sony gives RAD another crack at this franchise.
Imagine if Assassin's Creed, Killzone, Street Fighter, Uncharted or Red Dead Revolver never had a sequel.
Red Dead Redemption is not a sequel to Revolver.. It's a spiritual successor at best.

Were such physics ever promised though? I think that was some GAF over-hype due to second hand knowledge and not from the horse's mouth.
there's a scene where Galahad blows open a metal fence with the arc gun. More of that type of thing was hinted at.


Of course, it's one of those games that builds a solid foundation, but has a lot of weak aspects that a sequel could improve dramatically.

Imagine if Assassin's Creed, Killzone, Street Fighter, Uncharted or Red Dead Revolver never had a sequel.

I agree with this sentiment. the order set a good foundation with it's premise and delivery. I think a sequel would be a great look... especially if they added a longer and more engaging campaign, co-op play, and even multiplayer modes to keep players engaged afterwards.

I'd buy it day one (or two)


I feel the same way about Ryse, 2 games with incredible graphics and a dope concept, just needed some fine tuning

KC Denton

Generally speaking, if you want a sequel to this game so much, but waited until it was $10 almost a year after release to buy it, maybe you should have bought the game around release instead of talking about how much you want a sequel months after those kinds of business decisions have been made.


Yeah, but you would need to gut the original staff and get some gameplay and encounter design leads with a proven track record. And the pacing, it was just terrible. But the basics are there for a great game. The guns felt good.


I enjoyed it... it was like a slightly worse and more linear version of The Last of Us

Not a very good "game" but neither are visual novels and they still entertain


Junior Member
I see weekly new appreciation threads for this game. I have a feeling the hardcore community wants that game be looked like a hidden masterpiece and not the failure it is being looked at it if we go by the Metacritic score.


How can anyone say this? It's one of those what the hell am I even reading right now moments.

Well, like I said, I'm just generally not into third-person action shooter gameplay (or any shooter gameplay, really). I didn't say that they were the same or that they were of the same quality, necessarily, I merely said that I found them to be equally unenjoyable from a gameplay perspective and that's due to my personal preferences.

So is the story great, or is it awful?

Depends on who you asked. Some thought it was great, some thought it was awful, some thought it was somewhere in between, there doesn't seem to be much of a consensus.


I would very much like the sequel. Orignal crafted an excellent universe that simply begs to be explored more. But I would like it to be either longer, or have new gameplay systems [side missions, light RPG elements, crafting, etc].


Looked good but lacked substance. Any sequel needs to address the issues most people had with the first one.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So is the story great, or is it awful?

Anyone saying either probably has no perspective. It's absolutely bog standard. It's comprised entirely of cliches-- safe, tested cliches. It's not a complicated or complex story. The game is short enough such that pacing and narrative structure are not issues. There is nothing original or inventive in the plot, but there is also nothing outrageously campy, nonsensical (given the setting), or illogical. Characters have relatively well defined motivations but they change too quickly given the length of the game. The game ends on a silly cliffhanger.


Sky Saw

Anyone saying either probably has no perspective. It's absolutely bog standard. It's comprised entirely of cliches-- safe, tested cliches. It's not a complicated or complex story. The game is short enough such that pacing and narrative structure are not issues. There is nothing original or inventive in the plot, but there is also nothing outrageously campy, nonsensical (given the setting), or illogical. Characters have relatively well defined motivations but they change too quickly given the length of the game. The game ends on a silly cliffhanger.



Anyone saying either probably has no perspective. It's absolutely bog standard. It's comprised entirely of cliches-- safe, tested cliches. It's not a complicated or complex story. The game is short enough such that pacing and narrative structure are not issues. There is nothing original or inventive in the plot, but there is also nothing outrageously campy, nonsensical (given the setting), or illogical. Characters have relatively well defined motivations but they change too quickly given the length of the game. The game ends on a silly cliffhanger.

They must have felt damn confident there'd be a sequel.

And they left the stuff with
completely unresolved. The hell.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Hey, I was not salty - I was savory! :)

You know what? In spite of the people spewing hate every time a post is made about The Order, I'm glad some of you guys are around to read the positives.

Glad you all kept your chins up. :)

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member

A reminder that this exist.
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