yup, looking up isnt hard
It's very hard with some of the people I've played with.
I think they are playing the original doom
It is not easy to hit a moving pharah. Your rockets have AOE damage that make them jump around and make you even harder to hit. Pharah is one of my most played characters and it is rare that I die to a sniper.
That's one thing this game has in common with TF2. Nobody looks up. Ever.
Sooo I think there's a XP penalty for leaving the game early right? Is it on a number of games basis or is it timed?
I got into a Dorado match on defense and my whole team were reapers, so I GTFO.
If your completion percentage falls below a certain amount in your last 20 games you get a penalty.
I feel like the "attack/defense" maps, need a bit of balancing updates. I feel like the right combo of doubling up on the same character, breaks them. Makes them far too in favor of the defenders. Mainly on capture point B.
Its not luck, if you scattershot the ground in front of her, all the arrows will hit her and destroy her mech
Ive played this matchup a billion times, thats how it works. U need to wait for hanzo to use his scatter elsewhere before you attack
Sooo I think there's a XP penalty for leaving the game early right? Is it on a number of games basis or is it timed?
I got into a Dorado match on defense and my whole team were reapers, so I GTFO.
Top right on Anubis entrance is OP
Oh wow...according to that Master Overwatch site, I'm currently the best D.va player in the world on PS4...
I must've gravely offended RNG gods, because they're absolutely shitting on me from day one. Currently I'm at lvl 30, I have only 1 legendary skin (for Widowmaker, whom I don't use), credits to barely buy another one and nothing else, 4 other basic recolored skins, 3 victory poses and a shitload of useless sprays, speech lines and user icons. I watch screens and clips of people opening loot boxes with several gold or purple items, getting skins and highlights for their favourite heroes and I'm just sitting here opening box after box with 3 white items and a fucking blue player icon.
You're playing against horrible players. Either that or console players; I can't really comment on console balance.
Does "being on fire" do anything?
I just have to say
I fucking love this game, I wish I had more time to play it.
im a pharah player and if the enemy team has a widowmaker, im fucked. any half decent widowmaker should be able to keep the skies clear.
I mean... Ok.If a Hanzo isn't already half-dead by the time he reacts, then that's a shitty D.Va player, because a good D.Va player won't approach him from the front. And I don't care how well that scattershot arrow is placed - if he's at 100 health or less from my damage, he's going down first.
Overwatch Day 5 thoughts - nerfs and buffs edition.
The following heroes are doing just fine, and need no buffs, or minimal buffs:
The following heroes need some kind of creative buffs that would increase their viability in competitive matches without making them overpowered in casual play:
The following heroes need big buffs because wow:
D. Va
These maps need some nerfs on certain sides:
Hanamura: Move the Defender spawn 20 meters further away from capture point B.
Numbani: Give Defenders some more options.
Lijiang Tower: Remove from game pls
Wow, I must be lucky. I just hit lvl 30 this morning and already dropped a legendary skin each for Dva, Reinhart, Winston, Zarya, & Zenyatta. Only with level up loot boxes too, haven't bought any at all using money and never will. Haven't been getting much gold in the boxes though, so I can't unlock a skin I really want yet.
Well i just had to go afk a bunch of times today because i was playing inbetween doing some work and i just got a message on my login:
So yeah... would not advise to leave early alot XD.
I think I'm finally starting to really get how to make the most of Zarya, had some really good rounds with her today, one where I didn't even die. Still haven't gotten POTG with her, but that doesn't seem to happen too often with her anyway. I'm not sure I'm big fan of her ult, though. It doesn't seem to do much.
Overwatch Day 5 thoughts - nerfs and buffs edition.
The following heroes are doing just fine, and need no buffs, or minimal buffs:
The following heroes need some kind of creative buffs that would increase their viability in competitive matches without making them overpowered in casual play:
The following heroes need big buffs because wow:
D. Va
These maps need some nerfs on certain sides:
Hanamura: Move the Defender spawn 20 meters further away from capture point B.
Numbani: Give Defenders some more options.
Lijiang Tower: Remove from game pls
Oh wow...according to that Master Overwatch site, I'm currently the best D.va player in the world on PS4...
I'm not sure I'm big fan of her ult, though. It doesn't seem to do much.
There's a site like that? Is it PS4 only or does it have PC rankings too?
What is this?
Someone made a thing to get the Atmos mix for your stereo headphones? Is there a link or can this be done within the game?
Well i just had to go afk a bunch of times today because i was playing inbetween doing some work and i just got a message on my login:
So yeah... would not advise to leave early alot XD.
Yeah you need to leave a lot for this to kick in, I had it in beta when I was having some tech issues. It's based on your last 20 games, if you hit the threshold you get -75% XP until you go above it again, it doesn't take long. Honestly the penalty is far too lenient, one change I'd make is that the person who left shouldn't be able to queue for a match until the one he left is over, why should they be able to join a fresh game while the people they left have to struggle a man down.
Bolded for lol no
Mei doesn't do anything that Winston or Symmetra or McCree can't do better.
Oh wow...according to that Master Overwatch site, I'm currently the best D.va player in the world on PS4...