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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Saw this just now, no idea if you guys have posted yet.

Tracer in this one:

And reaper and Winston here:

Id figure some of you people would like to make avatars out of these.




I wish Card War Saga was finished ;-;

EDIT: New page......awkward?


Seems old? When he deflects the arrow he gets the dragon on his side. Plus bastion with his shield is really old.

Old but those are old still valid. There was another more recent video post launch but can't seem to find it. He can deflect all of those things. The day I reflect a Mei Ult is a day I shall rejoice!


You know when you were at school and you did initial tests to determine what level you'd be in within a certain subject? Like 2nd set in Science etc.

I wish somehow, just somehow they could incorporate that into this game.

Let the idiots who are braindead, stupid or just go for kills struggle it out in the cesspit in the lowest set.


Old but those are old still valid. There was another more recent video post launch but can't seem to find it. He can deflect all of those things. The day I reflect a Mei Ult is a day I shall rejoice!

i saw him reflect a zarya ult once but it was right as his team was losing

still neat to see though


It's fucking idiotic that picking zenyatta or symettra removes the "your team has no healer" message. Move them to defence and make another healing character for fuck sake. May as well be playing with 5 people when someone picks zenyatta.
Fan the hammer, roll away, fan the hammer again while continuing to back up. The shield is now broken and you are out of range of Winston's gun while his jump and shield are on cooldown. He has done about 100 damage to you. Another fan the hammer should do the trick. Reload, right click.

McCree is Winston's hardest counter. I switch to McCree the second I see any monkey business.

I can make up situations also to prove a point.

Sure, he's not outrunning a stun at that range though.

I'm not arguing that Mcree is probably the best overall character in the game. However, some of you guys are a little over the top with the analysis. There's a reason why Winston is the most picked tank in competitive even with Mcree(s) running around in every game. If he was that much of a hard counter like some of you are saying then I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be picked as much.


It's fucking idiotic that picking zenyatta or symettra removes the "your team has no healer" message. Move them to defence and make another healing character for fuck sake.

Rather, there isn't a no healer message, just a no support message.


How do you make changes that alter this combo is a way that only affects the Tanks survavility While keeping his effectiness against pestilences such as Mei, Tracer and Genji?

Good luck Blizzard

they could nerf damage on consecutive fan the hammer uses. or give it a 3 sec cooldown.

first fan the hammer does regular damage, 2nd fan the hammer does 75% damage.

i think a 3 sec cooldown would suffice. allows a tank to take care of a McCree while at the same time not affecting his damage towards other heroes

his flashbang and fan the hammer is a quick way of dispensing a single hero, while his primary fire is good for some decent range, especially behind a reinhardt shield. i also think his high noon should get re-timed. either charge the red dots faster and have a range fall off or make it so he sacrifices more of his ultimate if he cancels it. like if he's stunned or killed it would only spend 50% but if he runs out the timer or cancels it it should spend 75%. it's a way to clear out an area for quite some time.
I'm SO bad with Symmetra. My turrets get blown up before they do anything, and I don't have the map knowledge to know where to put my teleporter. And I pretty much always die in a 1v1 scenario.


the holder of the trombone
It's fucking idiotic that picking zenyatta or symettra removes the "your team has no healer" message. Move them to defence and make another healing character for fuck sake. May as well be playing with 5 people when someone picks zenyatta.

Zenyatta is a healer. Not the best one, but still one.


I agree. One step over the edge and he'll be unplayed.

My suggestion for any changes would be to add a horizontal spread to the Fan, so you have to really be up close to 100% land all hits.

Adjusting his damage is going to be too much.

Love this suggestion.

I feel like people who complain about him who aren't playing tanks have no right to whine. Use your damn heads, had a match where I was going to disrupt the enemy reinforcements as Tracer, saw McCree, and knew that he saw me, said **** this and left.

In another situation I saw McCree asleep at the wheel, knew I had the jump on him and was able to confuse and kill him. I think people want nerfs before they think about playing smart.
don't you play on console? I'm honestly surprised at Overwatch's console popularity - I have a hard time even imagining how I'd control this game with a pad. For example one of my favorite movement techniques is blasting myself around as Pharah with her knockback by doing an instant turn in the opposite direction I want to go. That would be physically impossible on consoles. I do similar nonsense with Junkrat, to say nothing of Genji's spastic movement.

Destiny on the other hand was designed from the ground up for pad controls and it feels great that way. I've weirdly always enjoyed Bungie FPSes on pad over M&K even though my brain tries to reject that notion.

Rebound Jump to R1, cranked sensitivity and I'm double jumping headshots or wallriding like I'm back on the keyboard. And none of that awful chat! Win/win.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
How do you make changes that alter this combo is a way that only affects the Tanks survavility While keeping his effectiness against pestilences such as Mei, Tracer and Genji?

Good luck Blizzard

Those guys have over 10 years or so experience with World of Warcraft.


Only reflect I have seen in a game is him reflecting McCree

Genji's seem to reflect everything I do

I can't even get that mad, it's cool as shit when he reflect my trap and I get stuck for an easy kill.

Very satisfying to bait and punish him after he wastes one though


It's fucking idiotic that picking zenyatta or symettra removes the "your team has no healer" message. Move them to defence and make another healing character for fuck sake. May as well be playing with 5 people when someone picks zenyatta.

Choosing Soldier should get rid of healer message. Kappa


You make it sound like Soldier: 76 needs some buffs or something.

Not at all, it's just that Soldier and McCree fill very similar roles - both are strong mid-range hitscan damage dealers, perfect for situating behind a Reinhardt shield, with the only major difference being that Soldier supports his team with AoE healing while McCree does so by killing flankers with his flashbang. McCree is the stronger short-range guy and Soldier has more long-range potential and better mobility, but the biggest difference lies in their utility to their team.

McCree is very good right now but these two were interchangeable for a long time depending on what your team needed. If McCree gets hit with the nerf hammer too hard we'll just see Soldier replacing him all the time.

I'm not against a McCree nerf though I feel like the issue is his kit, not so much toggling damage value or cooldowns. He just has a strong kit and people are always going to complain about flashbang in particular, because nobody likes to be incapacitated in this sort of game (also see Mei complaints).

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I really don't enjoy attacking at all, if you're playing solo or in a small group it's the absolute worst. To win on attack you have to be a lot better than the enemy, but on defense you just need to be equal or even slightly worse and you'll still win. I really feel like something has to be done, so many of my attacking games end right at the end but you just can't win as you basically need a full team wipe while they're constantly getting reinforcements from 2ft away.

Not at all, it's just that Soldier and McCree fill very similar roles - both are strong mid-range hitscan damage dealers, perfect for situating behind a Reinhardt shield, with the only major difference being that Soldier supports his team with AoE healing while McCree does so by killing flankers with his flashbang. McCree is the stronger short-range guy and Soldier has more long-range potential and better mobility, but the biggest difference lies in their utility to their team.

McCree is strong right now but these two were interchangeable for a long time depending on what your team needed. If McCree gets hit with the nerf hammer too hard we'll just see Soldier replacing him all the time.

I'm not against a McCree nerf though I feel like the issue is his kit, not so much toggling damage value or cooldowns. He just has a very strong kit and people are always going to complain about flashbang in particular, because nobody likes to be incapacitated in this sort of game (also see Mei complaints).

At least you can fight back vs Soldier though, with McCree you're just dead 99% of the time and I say that as someone who plays a lot of McCree, he's very OP right now and needs a nerf but I hope they actually balance him instead of just gutting him.


I keep seeing this thread title pop up and momentarily think it's that thread about Overwatch microtransactions 😂


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Jesus just had a match where Attackers had 4 McCree!

Spammed High Noon and Stuns everywhere
Luckily I just went Reaper and backfuckingstabbed them cheap assholes

That stun needs +2-3 sec cooldown
It's fucking idiotic that picking zenyatta or symettra removes the "your team has no healer" message. Move them to defence and make another healing character for fuck sake. May as well be playing with 5 people when someone picks zenyatta.

It's not a "your team has no healer" message. It's "no support" and if your team can't function well without a Mercy or Lucio then that's on you


I should be able to one-shot Mei as Roadhog. Why can't I one-shot her? Why must she freeze me after I hook her? Why must she torment me?

You can, hook does 30 damage, gun does 225 if all pellets hit.
You should be aiming for the head in which case even half the pellets are enough.


Flash is way more ridiculous than fan IMO

Is it? It's extremely short range, has a long cooldown and stuns for 0.7 second. The hammer is what makes flash powerful, against squishies he should absolutely be able to dominate because he is their counter but not against tanks...which is what they will change.
What would you rather have them do? Remove it completely? Be able to move while stunned but not fire? What purpose would that serve?


It's fucking idiotic that picking zenyatta or symettra removes the "your team has no healer" message. Move them to defence and make another healing character for fuck sake. May as well be playing with 5 people when someone picks zenyatta.

you're calling zenyatta useless? lol...
Jesus just had a match where Attackers had 4 McCree!

Spammed High Noon and Stuns everywhere
Luckily I just went Reaper and backfuckingstabbed them cheap assholes

That stun needs +2-3 sec cooldown

I played a match the other day where everyone on the attacking team was Hanzo. I can tell you that I am officially sick and tired of hearing "Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!" over and over XD


the holder of the trombone
S76 is a healer. Not the best one, but still one.

I mean in terms of his healing utility yes, you better hope your s76 knows to place heals for the team also because it can be pretty crucial.

They need to do something for Zen though. I can regularly heal people at the same rate as Lucio or mercy but his lack of mobility and squishiness makes it hard to play him when pushing for the objective. Plus his ult isn't as good as the other healers.


When I'm playing Reinhardt when I see another Reinhardt on the other team I always get the urge to charge him. I don't care if my entire team is behind my shield I will charge that other Reinhardt.

The End

Never would have thought they'd nerf the fan instead of flash, guess we'll see how this plays out but I hope they don't overdo it.

I could see them making the spread somewhat larger, so you'd need to be absolutely point blank to hit with all the shots. As it is there's some climb but it's... manageable, at least with a mouse.


They have be careful with McCree nerfs because if they go too far there simply won't be a reason to use him over Soldier: 76 unless you're getting flanked hard.

Exactly. You will go Reaper for close or 76 for distance. Both are better if any tweaks go into effect.


Is it? It's extremely short range, has a long cooldown and stuns for 0.7 second. The hammer is what makes flash powerful, against squishies he should absolutely be able to dominate because he is their counter but not against tanks...which is what they will change.
What would you rather have them do? Remove it completely? Be able to move while stunned but not fire? What purpose would that serve?

Flash has a really ... let's say forgiving range and hitbox.

You just have to throw it in the general direction of an enemy to stun him - I find that pretty strong.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Flash has a really ... let's say forgiving range and hitbox.

You just have to throw it in the general direction of an enemy to stun him - I find that pretty strong.

So do a lot of abilities though, I just love getting hit by Hanzo's when they missed by a mile, same with Roadhog's hook. I tested both of these with a friend and you really do hit when you miss, it's stupid.

The End

When I'm playing Reinhardt when I see another Reinhardt on the other team I always get the urge to charge him. I don't care if my entire team is behind my shield I will charge that other Reinhardt.

Half the time Ilios turns into Reinhardt jousting.


Flash has a really ... let's say forgiving range and hitbox.

You just have to throw it in the general direction of an enemy to stun him - I find that pretty strong.

It needs to be generous if you consider his role to be an anti harasser, otherwise you'd never hit tracer/Genji with it.


So do a lot of abilities though, I just love getting hit by Hanzo's when they missed by a mile, same with Roadhog's hook. I tested both of these with a friend and you really do hit when you miss, it's stupid.

Yeah I know, tey all are bullshit.
It's really a general problem with many of the weapons and projectiles in the game.
Feels like people shoot logs and throw ancors at you...


McCree drops Pharah out of the sky. In confined spaces, he beats Junkrat with right click. In open spaces, he beats Junkrat with left click.

Hanzo is sort of a fair fight. Widow is the only one who is dominant over him, and again, only at long range.

McCree kills Winston in two, maybe three seconds.

Not a good Winston. If you see McCree you shouldn't be running towards him in the first place to allow the flashbang to hit. The mobility of Winston hurts McCree due to his poor mobility.


not characteristic of ants at all
It's fucking idiotic that picking zenyatta or symettra removes the "your team has no healer" message. Move them to defence and make another healing character for fuck sake. May as well be playing with 5 people when someone picks zenyatta.

Zenyetta is a healer. What's your argument that he's not? Also Zenyetta is deadly in the right hands.

I mean in terms of his healing utility yes, you better hope your s76 knows to place heals for the team also because it can be pretty crucial.

They need to do something for Zen though. I can regularly heal people at the same rate as Lucio or mercy but his lack of mobility and squishiness makes it hard to play him when pushing for the objective. Plus his ult isn't as good as the other healers.

Zen's ult isn't as good, but it's much more spammable. It recharges super quick. Took me a while to realize this.


Jesus just had a match where Attackers had 4 McCree!

Spammed High Noon and Stuns everywhere
Luckily I just went Reaper and backfuckingstabbed them cheap assholes

That stun needs +2-3 sec cooldown

Funny that you say that since if McCree should be the one to chase you down to the end of the earth and shoot you down.
So do a lot of abilities though, I just love getting hit by Hanzo's when they missed by a mile, same with Roadhog's hook. I tested both of these with a friend and you really do hit when you miss, it's stupid.
It's pretty obvious when it comes to aiming in this game your not aiming to be precise, your aiming at the invisible box in which the chiaracter is in.


Zenyetta is a healer. What's your argument that he's not?

His argument is that hes not a very good healer, which is pretty true. A single harmony orb on one person in line of sight is not really all that much, and he has the worst survivability too so it's harder to stay in LoS in the first place. If you're hiding to stay out of the enemies sight too, then you're missing out on all his damage potential too.
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