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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Zenyatta is really fun to play as. Just dishing out those orbs and getting the heal on a tank in front of you, while standing in the background doing a surprising amount of damage. Had some great games on Nepal with him! He seems way too situational to fit every map (also hard countered by any sniper) but when he works, damn.

Edit: My goal now is to put in more time with my less used characters. Problem is that when the game is even I feel like I have to switch to someone I'm better with to contribute, which cuts into this time :/ Have started to try out Zen, McCree and Zarya now at least.
So there are roughly only 2 tanks that are actually tanks then with that view.

If your definition of tank is "absorbs damage," then yes. But that's not the only reason the opposing team would have to deal with you before getting to squishies. Winston and D.va are both good at scattering enemies and painting a giant LOOK AT ME sign on themselves to attract attention. Both are decently survivable so long as you're not going up against a ton of damage dealers at once, but that same team would also wreck Reinhardt's shield so let's say almost as survivable. D.va has defense matrix to nullify incoming fire and Winston has that shield.

Zarya is a bit more questionable in some ways, but her ability to shield others and herself helps absorb damage. Moreover, as her enemy you don't want to deal damage to any shield she has up, so you have to either avoid attacking whoever she's shielding (thus protecting a squishy) or power her up (thus making her a more dangerous target). Played well, she can demand just as much attention as the other tanks.

I kind of think Roadhog is actually the least useful as a tank because it's too easy to ignore him in a lot of situations. But even then, he can hook people to break up a solid defense or rip apart payload attackers.

Wait THAT'S what those things do!? I thought they just stopped damage!

Welcome to the cult of Zarya. When you have a good round with her you feel like a fucking boss.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Top 5
1. Pharah
2. Roadhog
3. Reinhardt
4. Symmetra
5. D.VA

My bottom 3 (for me to play) are:
1. Bastion
2. Torbjorn
3. Zarya


the holder of the trombone
Yeah which is why I said the game needs a second main tank because there's not even "roughly only 2.".

Winston's shield is way too fragile for anything than a clutch ult block IMO, and his body isn't great either. A+ tank for picking out squishies though.

Yeah I was initially thinking Winston but then had second thoughts on further consideration.


Aight, minus the ultimate, I finally understand how to play D.Va now. Fly in, kill their Widowmaker/Torbjörn/support, fly out, fly back in to cause more mayhem, fly out again. :D


be a thing the opponent has to deal with to get through to the squishies. so a protection tank.

I think it's pretty deliberate that Blizzard didn't make more of those. In fact, even Reinhardt is not at his best trying to do that, that's why they gave him all those attacking abilities. Reinhardt's shield isn't his "tankiness", Reinhardt's shield is his group utility.

Generally when I see a Reinhardt trying to play a prot warrior it's a good thing for me, because they don't contribute that much.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Love seeing Pharah on so many lists. She's my go-to character unless my team needs support. Then it's Lucio (shocking).


I hope they add a little more grace time for partial games. Seems a little silly going into skirmish mode with 10/12 people then having the server close 15 seconds later for not having enough players. I'd rather wait 10-20 more seconds than go back into the queue, especially when I'm actually with a nice pickup group. :x


Hey Blizzard thanks for giving me that awesome legendary skin for a character I never use.. Fuck

It is a dope ass skin tho (junebug for d.va)


Was trying to get Smooth as Silk trophy but ended up getting a lot of kills as Widow and completely dominating the attacking team lol

i accidentally got that trophy by falling off a ledge on kings row and headshot a zenyatta. good times. probably the most difficult zenyatta kill i'll ever get as widow.


I can't say for sure, but I know people have had it running on things like Surface Pros without too much problem. You have to turn the settings down, of course, but you don't need a beast of a machine to run it.

Well, that's good to know, thanks. I don't expect any higher than 30 FPS, which would be a shame, but I'll have a good gaming rig to play it on eventually.


haha just had some guy bitching and complaining to the team on route 66 how we suck how it's our fault we were losing how we dont deserve him being our zarya.

I told him to shut up and he starts trying to go off on me, saying what am i doing. I told him i'm first in everything, hes like "oh elims mean nothing" and he just wants to shit talk me all game. I end up getting POTG without an alt and he goes "oh yeah look you have no awareness no one is there but a 76, oh you got a a few kills oh wow, we didn't win because of it". Just told him he sounds salty as fuck and yeah, no one around cause he died like a bitch.


Played a game earlier as Reinhardt, towards the end of the match I charged the other teams Reinhardt and below was what happened. At first I thought their Reinhardt charged at the same time but the video doesn't show his booster flame, I'm wondering if it was lag. Weird moment either way.

So the best lootbox'd voice line is winkyface, right?
So there are roughly only 2 tanks that are actually tanks then with that view.
Blizzard really knocked all of the different "types" of hero out of the park; they're all very distinct, achieving their goals in unique ways. The tanks are probably the greatest example of this.

Useful in all kinds of scenarios, all of the tanks have their own purpose They have a hpst of abilities they use to keep their team alive; from eliminating key threats, weakening the enemy forces, or the traditional role of tanking damage, on top of some handy utility skills.
  • Reinhardt is the most straightforward and eminently useful tank, blocking projectile attacks and pretty much shutting down anyone but Bastion in straight pushes. But of course he has next to no range attacks.
  • D.va is a pursuit tank, able to out-tank mobile threats and chase them until elminated; (or just quickly responding to multiple threats at once) including the feared Bastion. Though she is highly susceptible to concentrated fire.
  • Winston is an ambush tank, capable of leaping into and away from areas before the enemy knows what happened--perfect for disrupting an enemy's squishy back lines. Strong though he is, Winston has poor chances against high-damage characters, especially at range.
  • Roadhog is a control tank, useful for outlasting enemies and in general disrupting their front lines. Though he has, I think, the highest base HP in the game, he is also the game's biggest target, highly vulnerable to group fire.
  • Zarya is an assault tank, great at leading a push and building momentum into a devastating force, all while keeping her bravest allies alive. Though classified as a tank, she's most valuable as a skirmisher, bobbing in and out of enemy fire.

The one thing all tanks have in common is an ult used to disrupt the enemy team, setting them up for a kill or just in general messing up their plans.


I think it's pretty deliberate that Blizzard didn't make more of those. In fact, even Reinhardt is not at his best trying to do that, that's why they gave him all those attacking abilities. Reinhardt's shield isn't his "tankiness", Reinhardt's shield is his group utility.

Generally when I see a Reinhardt trying to play a prot warrior it's a good thing for me, because they don't contribute that much.

Reinhardt's shield is his group utility and also what makes him "tanky" given that it's 2000 damage absorption.

Also Reinhardt is pretty much only as good as his team makes use of him. Slow barrier walking forward alone can be easily ignored or killed but having people shooting through it makes it a lot rougher.

Only reason I'd like a second one is to have something else to play besides Reinhardt in the MT role since we got like 1 MT to 4 OTs.


So the best lootbox'd voice line is winkyface, right?

Blizzard really knocked all of the different "types" of hero out of the park; they're all very distinct, achieving their goals in unique ways. The tanks are probably the greatest example of this.

Useful in all kinds of scenarios, all of the tanks have their own purpose They have a hpst of abilities they use to keep their team alive; from eliminating key threats, weakening the enemy forces, or the traditional role of tanking damage, on top of some handy utility skills.
  • Reinhardt is the most straightforward and eminently useful tank, blocking projectile attacks and pretty much shutting down anyone but Bastion in straight pushes. But of course he has next to no range attacks.
  • D.va is a pursuit tank, able to out-tank mobile threats and chase them until elminated; (or just quickly responding to multiple threats at once) including the feared Bastion. Though she is highly susceptible to concentrated fire.
  • Winston is an ambush tank, capable of leaping into and away from areas before the enemy knows what happened--perfect for disrupting an enemy's squishy back lines. Strong though he is, Winston has poor chances against high-damage characters, especially at range.
  • Roadhog is a control tank, useful for outlasting enemies and in general disrupting their front lines. Though he has, I think, the highest base HP in the game, he is also the game's biggest target, highly vulnerable to group fire.
  • Zarya is an assault tank, great at leading a push and building momentum into a devastating force, all while keeping her bravest allies alive. Though classified as a tank, she's most valuable as a skirmisher, bobbing in and out of enemy fire.

The one thing all tanks have in common is an ult used to disrupt the enemy team, setting them up for a kill or just in general messing up their plans.

I think Winston might be a bigger target than Roadhog.

The thing about Roadhog is that he just eats damage. He can enter every fight, even if they are separated within by seconds, with full health. His health recharge is so powerful because of how fast it is and how quickly it cools down.


the holder of the trombone
Reinhardt's shield is his group utility and also what makes him "tanky"given that it's 2000 damage absorption.

Also Reinhardt is pretty much only as good as his team makes use of him. Slow barrier walking forward alone can be easily ignored or killed but having people shooting through it makes it a lot rougher.

Which is why while I like rein I also really hate playing as rein sometime.

Like, when we were trying to make a push and all I have are 4 defense heroes and no healer. How am I supposed to do my job like that?


So the best lootbox'd voice line is winkyface, right?

Blizzard really knocked all of the different "types" of hero out of the park; they're all very distinct, achieving their goals in unique ways. The tanks are probably the greatest example of this.

Useful in all kinds of scenarios, all of the tanks have their own purpose They have a hpst of abilities they use to keep their team alive; from eliminating key threats, weakening the enemy forces, or the traditional role of tanking damage, on top of some handy utility skills.
  • Reinhardt is the most straightforward and eminently useful tank, blocking projectile attacks and pretty much shutting down anyone but Bastion in straight pushes. But of course he has next to no range attacks.
  • D.va is a pursuit tank, able to out-tank mobile threats and chase them until elminated; (or just quickly responding to multiple threats at once) including the feared Bastion. Though she is highly susceptible to concentrated fire.
  • Winston is an ambush tank, capable of leaping into and away from areas before the enemy knows what happened--perfect for disrupting an enemy's squishy back lines. Strong though he is, Winston has poor chances against high-damage characters, especially at range.
  • Roadhog is a control tank, useful for outlasting enemies and in general disrupting their front lines. Though he has, I think, the highest base HP in the game, he is also the game's biggest target, highly vulnerable to group fire.
  • Zarya is an assault tank, great at leading a push and building momentum into a devastating force, all while keeping her bravest allies alive. Though classified as a tank, she's most valuable as a skirmisher, bobbing in and out of enemy fire.

The one thing all tanks have in common is an ult used to disrupt the enemy team, setting them up for a kill or just in general messing up their plans.

One thing I think is missing from this analysis is that all tanks have self-shield or self-sustain abilities (most of them are also team utility abilities, but not all) to allow them to soak up enemy fire and stay effective.

All tanks except for Zarya also have gapclosing capability so that they can quickly initiate a fight, and all tanks except for Zarya have very short effective range but good power within that range. (Zarya has a grenade launcher instead of a gapcloser.)

Basically, tanks in Overwatch are a lot more like League tanks than WoW tanks -- they're meant to engage the enemy, soak up damage, and kite back out while their team starts killing.


1. Dva
2. Mercy
3. Tracer
4. Roadhog
5. Mei

I feel like this list is going to change constantly, though. This time last week I had no interest in Mercy and now she's really clicking for me. I also liked Lucio a lot more before I realized that his gameplay is actually a lot more passive than other supports, despite what it seems at first glance.


I think this is mine. But damn it if Junkrat isn't the best when things are going his way, it's crazy fun to fly about the map with his mine jump and grenade people from the sky.
  1. Pharah
  2. Mercy
  3. S76
  4. Junkrat
  5. Roadhog - That hook on the Ilios pit :O


I've been kinda disappointed with matchmaking on PC today.

Haven't gotten into a match where either side hasn't steamrolled in a while.

I just tried to play two matches and the other team just 100% dominated.
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