Who handles turrets the best? They seem so overpowered.
Pharah imo. 2-3 direct shots usually gets the job done.
Who handles turrets the best? They seem so overpowered.
Junkrat and Pharah.
Junkrat is a bit better but doesn't work at all angles whereas Pharah can peek and shoot from really far if their placement is bad.
Who handles turrets the best? They seem so overpowered.
Nothing to add, but as a Winston player I wanted to say this is all really good, standard advice. Playing Winston, know your role and know your prime targets. Think of yourself as less of a tank and more like a Tracer. Except you're a gorilla and she is not a gorilla. You're going for Widow/Hanzo/Mercy/Zeni. You're hopping in and out. You're constantly tagging those health packs. Once you get the hang of him Winston becomes an incredible blast to play. Not even Pharahs can escape the long reach of Gorilla Warfare.
But dear grod, don't think about trying to hop on that Bastion. It never works out.
D.Va can take down turrets as well. Put up the Defense Matrix, charge in, and shoot, circle strafe, shoot more. But she can get put down easily if other enemies are around.
Junkrat is safest counter, in my experience.
Yeah I was testing Winston out tonight, Bastion definitely not the business for him lol. He's not easy to get the hang of, particularly since there are targets he simply is not good against, but he can certainly do serious damage with a good leap in on unsuspecting teams. Seems to do best when the enemy team is distracted. Not quite sure how to use his ult yet though. I kind of leap around and hit things, but I'm not sure what the ideal usage is there. It's seems like leaping constantly might be better than swinging and people.
His ult is good for clearing objectives because it sends people flying or people just don't want any of that. It's also good to save it until you're about to die because you get full health. If there's a bunch of the enemy crowded in a hallway or small room then it's good fun to pop in there too.
Winston is probably my favourite character. Managed to get my whole team to switch to him during my last match by spamming the select/deselect character during the countdown screen. We managed to win an amazing match with not much difficulty.
And Lucio can do it with some skill. He heals fast enough and moves fast enough that you can take one down and just survive.
Primal Rage doubles his health and fills it back up to 100% (so he'll be up to 1000 HP as soon as he activates it). Use it when you're close to dying, bully people with his jumps and his swings. If you're on the objective, get people out of it, if you're near edges, push people off, disrupt their positioning or sometimes you can just shove them into corners and beat on them.Yeah I was testing Winston out tonight, Bastion definitely not the business for him lol. He's not easy to get the hang of, particularly since there are targets he simply is not good against, but he can certainly do serious damage with a good leap in on unsuspecting teams. Seems to do best when the enemy team is distracted. Not quite sure how to use his ult yet though. I kind of leap around and hit things, but I'm not sure what the ideal usage is there. It's seems like leaping constantly might be better than swinging and people.
Ugh yes. Seeing more Okami Hanzos now and everytime their ult screws the team up.
I mostly like soldier and pharah for taking down torbjorn turrets. Although pharah is best because it also kills torbjorn if he actually tries to heal the turret's damage while you hit it. Sometimes torbjorn manages to heal through soldier's clip plus helix, but it doesn't seem often. When it happens it is because of damage drop off at range, while pharah has none.
ugh. This has been a really unpleasant night of matches.
Yeah, I saw it. I'm going to play one more match with this GAF squad and then peace out for a bit.Sent you a friend request
Yeah, I saw it. I'm going to play one more match with this GAF squad and then peace out for a bit.
Blizzard pls
Duplicate items don't give enough gold straight up.
Best day ever! Thanks!You can cancel the grappling hook if you jump. You can use this to boost you up higher as well.
I want salty messages so bad.I didn't see this til now
I want salty messages so bad.
People need to stop voting for themselves as player of the game, shit is so obvious sometimes.
Including myself
I actually found it odd that I could even vote for myself when I first started playing the game.People need to stop voting for themselves as player of the game, shit is so obvious sometimes.
Including myself
I'll be sad when people finally realize D.Va's pistol is insane and stop trying to 1v1 me outside my mech in stupid situations.
For what it's worth I've had similar experiences with large group games, I feel like they just try to match groups against each other in which case the one with better communication and strategy can win easily.I don't know what Blizzard's MMR is doing to me tonight but I think I've gone something like 2-8 tonight. I don't think I've actually been frustrated with the game until now.
Yeah I was testing Winston out tonight, Bastion definitely not the business for him lol. He's not easy to get the hang of, particularly since there are targets he simply is not good against, but he can certainly do serious damage with a good leap in on unsuspecting teams. Seems to do best when the enemy team is distracted. Not quite sure how to use his ult yet though. I kind of leap around and hit things, but I'm not sure what the ideal usage is there. It's seems like leaping constantly might be better than swinging and people.
My experience with group until tonight was fairly even. We'd win two, lose one, win one, lose two, etc. It was a nice back and forth. I just felt like I was on a bad roll tonight, and it left me feeling like most of the losses were my fault anyways ;____;For what it's worth I've had similar experiences with large group games, I feel like they just try to match groups against each other in which case the one with better communication and strategy can win easily.
Does everyone play this game with a group of friends? Sadly no one on my friends list plays this game, and I only just started myself. Anyway I've played in a ton of games now against really solid teams, while no one in my team even tries to defend/move the payload or whatever the objective is. They are just playing TDM basically, which is really frustrating.
Does everyone play this game with a group of friends? Sadly no one on my friends list plays this game, and I only just started myself. Anyway I've played in a ton of games now against really solid teams, while no one in my team even tries to defend/move the payload or whatever the objective is. They are just playing TDM basically, which is really frustrating.
My experience with group until tonight was fairly even. We'd win two, lose one, win one, lose two, etc. It was a nice back and forth. I just felt like I was on a bad roll tonight, and it left me feeling like most of the losses were my fault anyways ;____;
I vote for myself because I never let me downPeople need to stop voting for themselves as player of the game, shit is so obvious sometimes.
Including myself
I vote for myself because I never let me down
My experience with group until tonight was fairly even. We'd win two, lose one, win one, lose two, etc. It was a nice back and forth. I just felt like I was on a bad roll tonight, and it left me feeling like most of the losses were my fault anyways ;____;
Is anyone else getting their asses handed to them tonight? I've been on a several hour long losing streak, both with a full communicating party and with randoms.
I don't know what Blizzard's MMR is doing to me tonight but I think I've gone something like 2-8 tonight. I don't think I've actually been frustrated with the game until now.